11/07/1949 + 11/14/194921! 7
November 7. 1949• r
A special meeting of the Prasidari aricT Board- of trustees of 'the
Village of Deerfield was cal -fed to order by the President-Andrew G•
Bradt at 9 P. U, fot the purpose'of adopting the following resolution.
Zhose present rare Trustee �iiriahsriPf, King, :feintzer, Peterson and
Wilson. Absent- Trustee Bariffeld. _ - - - -'-
It viaw moved by Trustee- Hi- n-c-Es-liff -and, seconded -by Trustee -Peterson
tUat the following resolution be passed ,_..as- read.;
RESOLVED that in view of the fact *that evir-appml has been taken to
1 the Board of Appeals contesting the -detarmination of the Building
Commissioner in issuing a building pei=1 -tcY1 tert E. Bodmer, 7736
W. Hortense St., Chicago, Illinois, the`Board of Trustees hereby orders
• that no further work be undertak T in c=strirction of.-the house under
said permit until the Board of decision op said
appeal and that notice of this resolutionr -bQ- c-ommu'nicated,by' the Village
Clerk as soon as possible. •. _" __ --
' .. a .. ♦ •^. - �. _..._ ._.... a
Motion unanimously carried. Those voting "Aye" being Trustee Hinchasligf,
King, Meintzer,- Peterson and Wilson. Those - voting. "Tay" being None.
-Moved, seconded and carried to adjourn.,-
Village Clerk, - President-of the Board.
November As 1949•
The regular meeting of the - President and Board of Trustees of the
Village-of Deerfield -.was called-to order by the President Andrew G.
Bradt at 8 7P. Zd'. _-
` Roll.call- Present- Trustee Barfield, Hinchsliff,• Kings Meintzer?
Peterson, and Wilson: t
Absent « None.
The minutes of the regular meeting held October 10� 1 §49 and of the
. special meeting held November 7, 1949 were read and approved*
The Yollorrring bills were "read and a- motion was made by Trustee Tfilson
and seconded by Trustee Barfield that these bills be paid, if, ass and
when funds are available,
Roll call resulted as- follows. Yeas- - Trustee Barfield, Hinchsliff1
King,'Ueintzer, Peterson 'and Wilson. Nays- None. Motion carried.
Public Service Co. - =-» -- - - - -- 153.70
Deerfield State Bank 3,60
Illinois -Bell Telephone Co - •� --- -- -
-Be. . - :28.60 , -
Tames - -Clavr & Sons - - 27.95
The Tropical Paint and Oil Coe - - - -- 11.00
Deerfield Garage and Service Station -- ►•.'35.45
Norland Wickersham- -�--�- -------------- y, 116.90 M. F. T. F. $72.00 ^ f
Highland l'a`rk Niel Co. - - - - -.- - - - --:= 32
City of Highland Park --------------
-- _ __ -
42 9,10
National.:Brick Co.------------- - - - - -- 105,00 •�
Mueller'Co. -------- 7- - -- - -- -- T35o77
.Everett Garage -,,. ------------------------ -6.00
c < George . Mayer.-Co. 24.77
Deerfield Hardware and Paint Co.- - ----- 53.88 M. F. T. F. 500 n
a . i - -- - - - - -- CitySanitary Servce --- - y - _ 522000 II
Reliable Garage--------- -- - - -- - - - - -- 11.25.
Dahlts P'Uto Reconstruction Coe - - - - -- ti 13.00
Peter Baker & Son--- - - - - -- -- 3
t The hunt Co.-------- - - - - -- -- - - - -- 38.10
George Sticken ,Sr. -- - -- .- - - -- n 90.00
Villagewof ` Deerfield------------ - - - - -- '_' 87.12 �I
Seago, Pipins Bradley & Vetter - ---- 85.87
..Frauconda Construction Co,------- - - - - -- 200-38
" .American Decalcomania Co ------ - - - - -- 87,75
Eric's DX_Service Station-------- - - - - -- 199.10
We H.' Behnke--------------------- - - - - -- 36.00
' Marchi. Brose--------------------- - - - - -- 18,72
Fred Grabo--- ------------------- - ------ 10,50 it