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i R 207 September.6, 1949• X__Spec, al meeting of 'flTe*.-Prepiddiit 'and Board of.Trustees of.the Village of Deepfie�d was called Po Oder by the.13r'esident Andrew Go Bradt.at 8 Po M. Tritht-the followingtru�tees responding to the roll call; 8*29to13, King,, Hinchsliffs Meintzerj Paterson and Wilson. Absent- Banfield.&*&+X4Ug6' Trustee ltmstee Peterson made a motion which was seconded by Trustee Iiiii6h-sliff that the-ordinance levying tqxas for corporate purposes for-the current fiscal year commencing on the lat day of May., 191+9 and 'ending -on the 30th day of April 1950t f 9 County-of lake and State-of It. . .. --;Or the Village 'o. Deerfield. Illinois, be passed* Motion unanimously carried* Those voting "Aye"-bbing Trustee Hinchsliff, King$ liointzer).-.Pate--son-and--17ilaon"*--.,Those-voting.'Tdyff- being None. OBDihaiia, N0. 45 • - - -- - - - - - - - — - - - - - - - A. AN"ORDnwca UiIING U;TS MR CORFORATE 1URPOSES FOR UM CURRENT FISCAL IEAR COLZENCING ON UM lot DAY OF MJ&.Yi)F1g49', J1M.MW311G_T1z.30TH1DAY OF APRIL, 19501 FQR TO V32LUE. OF. LLD, . COUNTY OF-LARE, AND.. STATE. OF IIIalloiso BEFIT ORDAnED.by the President and'Board of Trustees of the Village .ofDeerfield,,Lake County, Illinois:'.. SECTION 1: That a tax for the. foliowi.ng :sums of money,, or as .much thereof: ap.-may-_be-authorized-by-lawy-to-defray,all expenses and --liabilities of the Village be, and the same is herby, levied for the purposes specified against all. taxabble property in the.-Village for the -.f4cal-year-co=wneing.on-the-first-day-of.Itay, 1949, and ending on the 30th day of April, 1950: aMMRAL CORPORAII� bUxd Amount of Amount to be Ap2ropriations included in ax levy A. ADU1NISTPA2= MWENSES - -1.- -- President - and - 'Trustees 500600 2. Village Clerk 600000 380000 3. Village Treasurer .10200.00 755#00 4, Village Collector 200*00 % Health Officer 300.00 190600 6. Corporate Counsel Retainer Fee 60000 -,380000 7. Extra legal Expanse 19000000 630.00 8. Auditing .- 300.00 190000 go ..Stationary, Supplies(.. .400,00 250,00 lOo Office EquiXent 300,00 190600 U* Printing and Publications 250*00.1 155.00 12o Insurance -250,00 155,00 13, Telephone and Telegraph - - -.1 = ---225*00 145-00 14, Contingent Expense 500000 315-00 15, Election Expenses 150000 95-00 16. interest on Obligations. _100600 .17,.,—Pablishing-Ordinancos.--•----.--------200.o00 125*00 18, surety Bond,Preziuns 225000 145.600 19..-Building Commissioner,-Fees 21400-00 20. Special Salaries-Spacial Assess- rents ,000900 21, Repairs to,Aevars--and Septic: Tanks2f500*00. 1j890.00 22, Rent Of Villtge_ Hall 850.00 535.00 Total Appropriations for Administration------------------ ---- -- 0149050.00 .......... ------ Total Appropriations for Administration to-be -- — ---------- • paid by Tax IAvy - ----------- — -- — ------------ — ------ — --- v4,6#65040 208 0 "IM MIWA MM.W__1 Total Appropriations for Playground - - - - - - and Recreations.to be.,paid by Tax Levy-. —None E, SMAM DISPOSAL MMfiMIOR • GOVERIUMM V= 3641 Labor 45s000-00 do 7 3 o, Materials 20#000*00 . 4 Engineering SerVices 39• Legal Expense. 59000400 Total Appropriations for Sewage Disposal.PAnd and/ or Government Work 60-40-ra*d 75*000*00 by Ta E Sewage Total Appropriations for/Disposal Fund and /or Government Work to be paid by Tax ----------- Fo- CONTINGENT MM= t 195000-00 930000-- Total Appropriationq for Contingent Expense----------------- - - - - -- 1s500*00 Total Appropriation for Contingent Expense to bis paid by Ta�x.Levy — ------- — ----- --- ---- -- --- - -- - -- 950000 TOTAL APMOIR=OXS MR GMMZAL., CORPORATE _RMD—,----- 107$875 *00.- TOTAL APMOP=TION'S MR GEN=. CORPORAM M_70 182260*00 EE J. Amount to be Bo POLICE PROTECTION tAmount of included In Appropriations tax levy llage Marsha.11 439399.00-. 72s,080*00 24• Night Marshall i29400•00 '19510:00 230 Police Officers 21,400.00 195100-00 -26* Inpuranc.0 250,00 t160000 27* Telephone and Telegraph 175*00 110000 28: Gasoline and, Oil 550000 350000''. 29* Purchase of New :Police Car I 4500000--_... 940 . 00 30*- Repairs to . 1 011ce Equipme;t 300*00 31• Contingent Expenze, _35000 .J. 220*00 Total Appropriations, for Police Protection-----r-------411s225 00 Total Appropriations for Police Protection to be paid by Tax Levy— -- — - --------- C• Street Lighting..-. 320' Current Ornamental Lights, 32000.00 19890000 33• Installation and Main - tenance of: .(a) Street and Alley Lights 200 00 125-00 (b) Oruaiental Lights--. 29500:00 t 1073:00 t7btal. Appropriations ' for - Street Lighting-----r-----— 3*700*00. Total Appropriations for Street,Llghting'. to be paid,by,Tax ----------- 3'590-00 Do PLAYGROUND AND RECREATIONS 34* Salaries and Wages 200*00 135•, Equipment, Materials and Supplies 200*00 Total Appropifations for Playground and Recreations--------- - - - --- 400*00 0 "IM MIWA MM.W__1 Total Appropriations for Playground - - - - - - and Recreations.to be.,paid by Tax Levy-. —None E, SMAM DISPOSAL MMfiMIOR • GOVERIUMM V= 3641 Labor 45s000-00 do 7 3 o, Materials 20#000*00 . 4 Engineering SerVices 39• Legal Expense. 59000400 Total Appropriations for Sewage Disposal.PAnd and/ or Government Work 60-40-ra*d 75*000*00 by Ta E Sewage Total Appropriations for/Disposal Fund and /or Government Work to be paid by Tax ----------- Fo- CONTINGENT MM= t 195000-00 930000-- Total Appropriationq for Contingent Expense----------------- - - - - -- 1s500*00 Total Appropriation for Contingent Expense to bis paid by Ta�x.Levy — ------- — ----- --- ---- -- --- - -- - -- 950000 TOTAL APMOIR=OXS MR GMMZAL., CORPORATE _RMD—,----- 107$875 *00.- TOTAL APMOP=TION'S MR GEN=. CORPORAM M_70 182260*00 EE J. 9 209, ILLINOIS 10NICIPAL Az=nt to Amount of be included Appropriations ''in tax levy • TOTAL ARMCFMTIONS VOR ILLINOIS MUNICIPAL RET 111 : =. - -. $3,9000,000 NT TOOL ATMIETATI - FOR_- _-- __ -___ RETIE- V= RM TO . PAID BY TAX. L=r_. --------- TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS FOR ROAD. AND, BRIDGE, =1D 19500900 TO EE PAID BY TAX izff _�---- ROAD AND FRIDGE FUND lo, 10 _Labor for Streets, 04500-00 $4185,00 2. 'Material for Street Repairs '19500000 3. 3, Insurance on Equipment 150*00 4• Equipment Storage 250.00 5• Repairs to..Equi;wnt 750000 6. Gasoline and Oil 300000 7* Traffic Light Expense 300000 6: So Purchase. of. Now Road and Bridge - and Repairs 'Equipment 11200*00 • go Contingent Expense 450*00 12040 Repairs and Equipment TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS FOR .9. Furchase of New Equipment ROAD. AND. BRIDGE. 9S400400 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS FOR ROAD. AND, BRIDGE, =1D 19500900 TO EE PAID BY TAX izff _�---- TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS MR EE. PAID, BY., TAX, IEVY--- None 11OTOR FUEL TAX 7W 1 Labor ----400040 -- - - -- 2:_ Materials 59000000 lo, parcinse of 17ater 21 OOOsOO 2. Salary of'riater Superintendent 3,300.00 3. Salaries of Other Employees of _ water Department, 29700900 • Labor for Repairing Of HYdrantS and yjater Pipe Leaks New construction of Slater Mainssetc* 59000*00 6: -Mater -Installations* jkintenanoes- ---._ -- - -- - and Repairs 50000,00 7. Tapping Materials and Expense 200*00 8, Repairs and Equipment 750066 .9. Furchase of New Equipment 19500000 • 10, Salary of Water Collector 13800*00 11-0 Rent of Village Hall 450000 12. Auditing,and Office Expense 400000 13i---: Gasoline- and- Oil-Equipment- 350000 14, Stationary and Supplies '500000 • 15• 1 Contingent Expenses 1,000.00 40 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS MR TIATER DEPART Ma\ ---------- 46j850*00 • TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS MR EE. PAID, BY., TAX, IEVY--- None 11OTOR FUEL TAX 7W 1 Labor ----400040 -- - - -- 2:_ Materials 59000000 210 . Amount to Amount of be included Appropriations in tax levy . . .. ...... ... BOND 10EB'I'EMI SS FUND ' < 1: Payment of Naturing Bonds 039000.00 '03,000.00 2. Interest on Bonds 1.593.7, 1 5 • . t • -- - - - - -- .._---- . - - - -- TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS FOR BONIED _ =i BTM=SS 1UND---- ------- - ---r- 04593-75' TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS FOR t _ -___ BOND- INEEBIE=SS_MJND ------------- . - - - -- _.__ - - - - -- TO BE JPAm BY TAX Itw----------------------------------- - - - - -- $49593-715 SU12LARY DF APPRamATIONS AND TAX IEVY Amount to ,- Total.--. be..includO .. Aaropriat� :, in tax levy GENERAL FUND r -- `Administrative Expenses 014,500.00 _068650.00, Polico Protection 119225.00 79070.00, -- Street Lighting ;. 5,700.00 3090.00 Playgrounds and Recreations 400.00 - .. Sewage Disposal Fund and /or Government Works_ 759000000 950•00 Contingent expense- ---- -------- l:t5OO&OO_-_ 950.00 TOTAL AMOPRIATIONKFOR GE &MAL_ COMRA'IE , IMM ---------------- - 107, g75.0o TOTAL APPROPRL4TIONS FOR (ORAL CORPORATE MM To BE PAID BY TAX IF'VY-- -------------- --------- 0182260.00 ... . . . . . . .... ILT IxOIS DICIPAL RzTnm= 1ZTA]D .. : 1 . TOTAy ArRROPRIATIONS I 0' IS - TOTAL ' APi'ROER' =` 9-NS F-M' ILI. LAOIS J - UUNICIPAL .RETIE S To 10500.00 PAID BY TAX IEVY-----------------_-------------------------- -�-� -- , ROAD ~AND BRIDGE FUND, - TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS PR •: -• ROAD_AND BRDC�,IVND- ------------ - --- -- 9x400.00 , TOTAL AP�P�RTTOPR}UTTIIONS FOR ROAD AANND}�► i�/� ." BR �� . � V W_ yO _ i73 PAM„ - ltib iii i---- w_-------- -- w---- r-- - - -_ -� .13 500.00 ~ STATER TEPARTL= FITND t TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS FOR YIAZER r - -46. 850.00 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS FOR Y:ATER DEPanm , FUND . TO BE .PAID _ BY TAX "None =TOR 1ZIEh TAX 1UND TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS FOR 'ILIOTOR 1ZIEL . TAX - -- 990010,00 TOTAL APPROMIATIONS FOR UOTOR 10 None =_70D. TOEE_FAID_BT.TAX.IVY-------- - -- +- e — -- - - - - - - -- BON= IMZBTONESS VND -- : - '- -ToTA%' -AmoU =TIoNSS.FOR BONIER 49593-75 .Y�i.i +B iL'ai/lYC1►7iT• � ---- w-- r—r-rr- ---rrrrr . TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS FOR Bm= n1EBT*• - MESS MM. TO EE PAID _ BY. TAX- I=--- --------------- -- - --- --r 04, 593.75 0 3 211 OM APPROPRIATIONS -- -- - -- -- 01809718.75 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS TO BE 1'AID_SY --- --- ------------------ -- 025,853.75 SECTION 2: That the Village Clerk is hereby directed to file with the County.:Clerk,of Lake County, Illinois, on or before the second Tuesday in September, A. D. 1949, a copy of this ordinance duly certified by said Village.Clerke SECTION 3e That this ordinanco shall be in full force and effect .from.and.•after, its passage and approval. PASSED this 6th day of September, A. D. 1949• AYES: RUS: 0 APPROVED this 6th day of'September, A. D. 19490 ATTESTED and FILED in my office.this 6th.day of 13resident.of.the.Village • of. September, A. D. 1949. Deerfield, Lake County, Illinois. ...Village.Clerk..., A motion was made by Trustee Peterson and seconded by Trustee Hinchsliff that the ordinance relative to tax levies for Street and Bridge purposes, be passed. Roll call resulted as follows. Yeas- Trustee Hinchsliff, King, Meintzer, Peterson and Wileon. Nays- None. Motion carried* ORDnwiCE u . An Ordinance relative to tax.levies for Street and Bridge purposes. V11M,REAS, pursuant to the statutes of the State of Illinois, the Board of Trustees of the Village of,Deerfield, Lake County, Illinois, are authorized to levy for the said Village a tax for street and bridge purposes at a rate not to exceed .06w of the full fair cash valuef as equalized or as- sessed.by the Department of,Revenue, and'the said Board of Trustees may,'by a three- fourths vote of th©}Trustees.. levy an additional tax for street and bridge purposes at a rate of not to exceed .04166 percent of the full fair cash value as equal Ized or Assessed by the Department of Rovenue, of taxable pro- perty within the Village of Deerfield, and it is deemed for 4 t the best interests of tho'Village that the neces3ary action be taken to levy the additional tax for Etreet and bridge purposes. NOT 1, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAIIJED BY THE - PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILL,= OF= DEERFIELD, LAKE.' COUNTY, ILLINOIS: 212 Section 1: That it is the opinion of three- fourths - of the Trustees of the Village of Deerfield that a greater levy than .06% of the full fair cash value as.oquali.od or assessed., 'by the Department of Revenue of.taxablo property in the Vil. lago of Deerfield for street and bridge purposes In needed for the fiscal year beginning May 1, 1949 and ending on April ZO# 19500 Section 2: That it is further the opinion of three fourths of the said Trustees that�an additional levy is needed to.,bo' made ,and",should be =ado so it is provided that an addi'' tional'tax be levied for street and bridge purposes of .04166 percent of the full fair cash value as equalized or assessed by the Department of Revenue of the taxable property �ithin the said Village of Deerfield in addition to the levy of .06A of the full fair cash value as equalized or assessed by the Department of Revenue of taxable property within the said Village of Dear- If iold. Section 3: The Village Clerk is hereby directed to file with the County Clerk of Lake County,, Illinois, on or be- fore the second Tuesday of September,, 1949, a copy of this Ordinance duly certified by said Village Clerk Section 4: That this Ordinance shall be in full force and-offoct from and after its approval. PASSED this 6th day of September, 1949 AYES: Five ITAYS: Nono APPROVED this 6th day of September.. 1949 President of the Villa-go of Doerfiolds Lake County,, Illinois. TESTED, -and PILED in my fco this 6th day of "ciftierp 1049.- W- -