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'19 4 June 14�" 1949 �residen f" . .The regular nesting of "the President and he Board of Trustees of the Village of,Deerfield was called to order by the Andrew G. Bradt at 8 PM with the following trustees responding to the roll call -: Banfibld, Hindhgliff, King, 11eintzer, Peterson and Wilson. Absent -None. . The minutes of our regular meeting held May 10, 1949 were 'read and approved. After discussion a motion was made by Trustee Pet©rson and seconded by Trustee Wilson 'that the resignation of Erwin Seago as Village Attorney be accepted. Roll call resulted as Follows:,Yeas- Trustee Banfield,.Hinchsliff, King, Meintzer, Peterson and Wilson: Nays- None..Motion carried It'was suggested`by Trustee Banfi8ld that'a letter of appreciation be written Mr. Seago f6r his services as Village Attorney. The Clerk was instructed to write a letter thanking him for the excellent services rendered as Village Attorney. The following appointments were made by President Andrew G. Bradt and it was, moved bqi Trustee Peterson and seconded by Trustee-Meinizer that the appointments -be confirmed by the Board. Upon roll call the following vote was taken .'Yeas - Trusted :?Banfield, Hinchsliff; King, Meintzer; Peterson and Wilson. Nays -None. Motion carried. Auditor A. L. Roderick Building Commissioner_ Walter F. Kroh Collector Cheater Wessling ` Deputy, Mrs, Chester Wessling_ Treasurer Charles J. Turner Corporation Counsel Allyn J. Franke. Engineer D. J. L.Wilther Health Officer and Police Matron Esther (Mrs. Harold) Giss i Chief of Police Percy McLaughlin Police Officer Alfred Anderson Public Works Superintendent William D. Johnston Depositories Deerfield State Bank Deerfield, Illinois First National Bank Chicago, Illinois Continental Illinois National Bank and Trust Company Chicago, Illinois The following bills were read and a motion was made by Trustee Wilson and seconded by Trustee Banfield that these bills be paid, if, as, and when funds are available. Roll call resuled as follows: Yeas - Trustee Banfield, - Hinchsliff,, King, 11ointzer, Paterson and Wilson. Nays -None. Motion carried. Public Service Company ----------------- $194.32r- M. A. Frantz--------------------- --- - -- 5.28r- Marchi Brothers------------- - ----- -- 6,58 Walter F. Krol------------------- - - - - -- 75.66 H. M. Hutton --------------------------- 1.97,. Kostial's Garage----------------- - - - - -- 3.00% - Illinois Bell Telephone Company-- - - - --- 20-7l t, National Brick Company---------- - - - - -- 58.50 H Vent and Selig------------------- - - - - -- 25900e-- City of Highland Park------------- - - - - -- 39.10t% William H. Barrett--------------- - - - - -- 15.00 ", Rockwell Manufacturing Company---- - --- -- 487.13 McHaster -Carr Supply Company----- - - - - -- 24.51` - Red Horse Service Station-------- - - - - -- 103.97 Deerfield Garage and Service Station— 24-95%,, i. x rl f ml N4 - 0 - - 195 Peter Baker and Son--------------------- - - - - -- Mftf $16.$5 Highland-Park Fuel Company-------------- - - - - -- 024-38t-,. Prismo Safety Corporation------------- - - - - -- , Mftf 150.38 Eric's D -X Service Station- ------------ -- - - -- 51.53 1'- Reliable Garage------------------------- - - - - -- 13.67' - Deerfield Hardware and Paint Company---- - - - - -- 21-551*- Mercer Lumber Company -- - ------------- -- - -- 9.01 r Highland Newa----------------------- -- - --- 49.24t . Chester Wess ing, Village Collector----- - - - - -- 80.19 N - Illinois Title Company- --= --- -------------- -- 30-50N Herman Hertel --------------------- 48.00` Robert Pettis_ Jr ---------- --------------------- 20.00 Deerfield Temple Association (rent) --- - - - - -- 125.00 Salaries Percy McLaughlin-=---------------------- - ----- 275.00 � A. H. Anderson-------------------------- - - - --- 200.00 t�, ;William D. Johnston--------------------- - - - --- 275.00 �-- Mrs. Wessling--------------------------- - - - --- 150.00 Chester Wessling------------------------- - - - - -- 50.00 M George yll. Sticken Sr:------------------- - - ---- 225.00 t-- 'George Herrmann Jr.--------------------- - - - - -- 225.00'x- Mrs. Esther Giss------------------------ -- - - -- 25-001- :A.1lyn Vrenke---------------------------- - - - - -- "50.00*. C. J. Turner---------------------------- - - - - -- 100.00 �: $1.575.00 A motion was made by,Trustee Hinchsliff and seconded by Trustee King that the Board accept Seago, Pipin, Bradley and Vetter's proposed settlement of $600.00 - with Midwest.Transfer Company for damaging the Stop - and: -Go light. Boll call resulted as follows: Yeas - Banfield, Hinchsliff, King, Meintzer, Peterson and Wilson.•Nays -None. Motion.carried. •A petition was received from Russell Batt in behalf of certain property owners to close the alley south of hazel Avenue running west from Alden Court to a point west of the Wachholder, residence on Hazel Avenue. The request was turned over to the Legal Committee and Attorney Franke for.advisement at the next regular meeting. A request was made by Fred A. Schleifer to close North Avenue from Stratford Road to Crabtree Lane to traffic. The request was taken under advisement by the Road and Bridge Committee. Trustee Banfield suggested that transient-salesmen be prohibited from selling their wares -in the Village limits. The matter was turned over to Attorney Franke for legal status, and it was suggested that meantime they be allowed to solicit providing that they pay the proper fee. A resolution was made on motion by Trustee Banfield and seconded by Trustee Peterson that advertising bids.be made_at the July meeting for Construction work on the West side septic tank spillway subject to the approval of the superinten- dent of.Public Yorks and Trustee Banfield. _ It was m9ved.-.by.Trustee Peterson and- seconded._,by Trustee Wilson -that "_the reports he submitted by Police L4agistrate "hunt showing $174.00 in=Pine.s collected during the month of May 1949 be accepted. Roll call resulteds follows.- Yeas - All. Nays - .None. Motion carried..: A request was,made by,Atto�ney,2dercurio onbehalf "of Christos Cosmas• and Edward Tanielian to, foreclose at;25 cents--on-the-dollar on the property located on the North East corner of;Park_Avenue and.,Deerfield`Road. The matter was deferred to a-special 4meetinQ;.to_be held, Tune 25, 1949•" - A discussion was held on the Lustron House with Mr. and Mre. Canfield and Lustron's` representative, Lsr. - .�uC,�y► -, and -Mr. and, Mrs. Canfield were to receive an answer in two Ieeks*concerning: their request- for,permit_to erect a Lustron House subject to a report from the Suburban OffJcials-.Conference..._ It was moved by Trustee Wilson ant} seconded by- Trustee Hinchslirf that the regular meetings of the President and Board of Trustees be-'held on the second Monday of the month instead of the - second. - Tuesday- of_the -month beginning with the July 1949 meeting.. Roll call...resulted-as_ follows: -- Yeas - Trustees Banfield, Hinchsliff, King, Meintzer ,-.Peterson.and_Wilson.- -Nays- ,None:: Motion carried. Moved, seconded and carried to adjourn.- __--- - -_:_. - f. --- --------------------------- ... Vil Clerk pro-t President of the Board