05/10/1949May 10, 1949- 191 Trustee Stanger made a motion which was seconded by Trustee Bradt that,the report to submitted by the Zoning Board of Appeals reeo=euding•that the petition of Otto F. Thum for the rezoning of Lot 1+ in J. L.•Vetter's The regular meeting of the President and Board of Trustees of-- the Village of Deerfield was called to- order'by.the President Robert S. Alexander at 8 P. M.-with the following trustees responding to the roll,call -: Bar-field, Bradt, King, - Mercurio, Peterson and Stanger.-= Absent- None. • The minutes of our regular meeting held April,12, 1949 and'of the special meeting held April 22, 1949 were read and approved. The following bills were read and it'was moved by Trustee Stanger and • seconded'by Trustee Mercurio that these bills be approved for payment on the receipt of the proper funds. • Roll call resulted as follows. Yeas - Trustee Banfield, Bradt, King,- VA VIA- Mercurio, Peterson and Stanger. Nays- Public Service Co.------------ - - - - -$ Noxe.- Motion carried. . . 148.53 Illinois -Bell Telephone Co.-- - - - --- 22.73 Reed - Randle Motors --------- •-- ------ -27.50 Deerfield Garage and Service Statioa- 68.11^ George Stieken,Sr.----------- - - - - -- 1'. F. T. F. 10000 n ^ George. Herrmann, Jr.--------- - - - - -- n n „ » 10.00 t� Village of Deerfield--------- - - - - -- 9.68 n h •Marchi Bros.----------------- - - - - -- 17.43 :. Eric's DX Service Station---- - - - - -- 3.25\ City of Highland ParkT------- - - - - -- 3933.15r Burgess, Anderson,& Tate----- - - - - -- 20.30 r, Arrow Contractors Equipment Co. - - -- 22.21 Singer Printing and Publishing Co.- 91.10 n.,. Illinois Office Supply,Co.--- - - - - -- 6-59r-- James Be Clow & Sons--------- - - - - -- 51.68 (', = Vant and Solis--------- - - - - -- - 50.001\ William H. Barrett----------- - - - - -- . 3.25 r� .. Seago, Pipin, Bradley and Vetter - - -- 25.73,x, Montgomery, 'Kard & Co.------- - - - - -- 346.29 r, .- National Brick Co ---- 68.00 ry G. 'A. Willer --- •-- •-- •------- - - - - -- :10.00 ti y Bernice Uau------------------ - - - - -- 10.00 �. Hazel Clifford-------------------------- 10,00 ` 'Floruce Uchtmann------------- - - - - -- Gertrude Wolf---------------- - - - - -- 10.00 r., 10.00 ►� _ Clara M. Horner-------------- - - - - -- 10.001 William A. Hag,ie--------- •-- - - - -;- 10.00 Irene Roekenbkch------------- - - - - -- 10.00 Laura B. Dietz--------------- - - - --- 10.00 Hattie. P. Vessling----------- - - - - -- 10.00 P, Loretta Willman-------------- - - ---- 10.0ON Kathryn M. Frost------------- - - - - -- 10.00 ^, _ Harm Hertel -------------- - - - - -- - 34.00v-,, Walter Krrol -------- ---------- - - - - -- 145.73 Frost's Radio and Electric Appliances 26.55r� -The Chicago Leader----------- - - - - -- 25.75 r,, Deerfield Temple Association- Rent -- 125.00 Salaries Percy McLaughlin--- - - - - -$ 275.00 A. H. Anderson---- - - - - -- 200.00 William Johnston-- - - - - -- 275.00 Hattie Wessling- --- - - - -- 150.00 Mrs. Esther Giss-- - - - - -- 25.00 . Chester Wessling-- - - - - -- 50.00 George Sticken,Sr. - - - - -- 225.00 <: George Herrmann,Jr. - - - -- 225.00 Co J. Turner----=- - - - - -- 100.00 1525.00 . _ A motion was made by Trustee Bradt and seconded by.Trustee Mercurio that the resolution requesting a permit'to make repairs to a buffalo box on Deerfield Road approximately 155 feet west of Kenton Road,'be passed.: Upon roll call the following vote was taken. Yeas - Trustee.Baatield, Bradt, King, Xercurio, Peterson and Stanger. Nays - Noree"Motion carried. It was moved by Trustee Mercurio and seconded by Trustee King that the reports as submitted by Justice of the Peace Reagan showing $45.OVn-fines collected during the month of March, 1949 anfi the report of Police 1%gistrate -Hunt_ showing 77.00 in fines collected during the month of April; 1949, be accepted. _ Roll call resulted as follows. Yeas- All. Nays - Nome. Motion carried. Trustee Stanger made a motion which was seconded by Trustee Bradt that,the report to submitted by the Zoning Board of Appeals reeo=euding•that the petition of Otto F. Thum for the rezoning of Lot 1+ in J. L.•Vetter's 192 resubdivision of Lots l to 9.inelusive in Block 8 in Deerfield Park Land and hmprgveaent Association Subdivision in the Southeast quarter ,of Section 29, Township 43 North, Range 12, East of the 3rd P. 99.1n. Lakp County, Illinois be denied is approved.by.thi+ Board. . t Motion unanimously carried. Those votinb "Aye" being Trustee Banfield, Bradt, King, Mercurio, Peterson and-Stanger.. Those voting "Nay" being None. A motion was made by Trustee Mercurio and seconded by Trustee Stanger that the,plat as submitted by George A. Drucker for a subdivialon in the Nest of the IMI of .the; S,74 of Sac. 29, Txp, 43N, Range 12, East of the 3rd P.' Y. In IA&ke County, Illinois, be approved, subject to the payment of all Roll call resulted as follows. Yeas- Trustee Banfield, Bradt, ding,. Mercurio, Peterson and Stanger. 27ays- None. Motion carried. Village Attorney Seago submitted the-final- .order in the National Brickyard vs Village of Deerfield decree.No.- 51797•disconnecting the.. Brieyard and Sheridan Rifle "d Pistol Club property from the Village$ - rind this.waa accepted.and placed on-file.. Trustee Mercurio made a motion which was- seconded -by Trustee Stanger.that we adjourn sine die. The following newly elected trustees,- Hinehaliff,.Neintzer and Wilaon were introduced by the retiring board members- Bradt, Mercurio and Stangerr and President Robert.S.- Aleaazder intrdueed the- 'narly.eleeted Pre3ident Andrew G. Bradt. - Roll call- Present - Trustee Banfield,- Hinchsliff, King, Us intzer, Peterson and Wilson. -- . Absent - None. ..___•_____- _ -..._ ._._ The matter of dogs roaming a6arge -was referred to the Pgliee c9mmittee. It was stated that the outfall sewer- at.the.t,ost- side.tank needed repairs and this was referred to the Village Engineer, D. T.- L.- Walthere . The' foil -o iag- trustees were Appointed to _the variojs- co=ittees and'it was moved by Trustee$Peter:ou.and seconded by Trustee - Barfield that the committees as appointed by tho Preaident.Andrew -G. Bradt -be confirmed by the Boa de - -- Upon roll call the following vote was taken. Yeas -- Trustee Banfield, Hinchaliff, King, Meintzer, Paterson and Wiloon. -- -Nays- Nano. Motion carried. FINA X AIM AUDITING CO =IT2EE Clarence Wilson, Chairman - .- .- - - - - -- ___- - William E. Einchsliff - - .. ... ... Joseph We King TUDIC IARY AND LICEI =7 CO=ITTEE Vernon Me xeintzer, Chairman Eric C. Banfield Harold L. Paterson POLICE AND FIRE COL=TIEE Harold L. Peterson, Chairman Eric C. Banfield Vernon M. Meintzer' PUBLIC UORY,S AND ROAD AND ERID= CO'^ TTEE Eric C. Banfield, Chairman Vernon li. Ya int zer - .Harold•L. Petorvon: - WATER COOZITiEE William E. Hinchaliff, Chairman Toseph Ile King,. Clarence Yiilacn HEALTH JaID PUBLIC MLATI01Z CO1=ITTE? Tosogh L?. King, Chairman ;7illiam E. Hinchaliff Clarence .Rilson r ft F11 3 �r 193 Yx. Edward 11. Kirar requested -that'somethiug be done about Moving the trailer now located on the lot adjacent to hia property and after some << -'discussion this matter vas referred to the Judiciary Committee to report back at the neat regular meeting of the Board. A letter from Mr. We R. Uitchell requesting that the Board consider revoking he ` g permit. granted to Sohn Nelson lie�res� to operate awood- j • r`irorking mill at 641 Deerfield Road which permit was granted March 19,'' 1943_for the duration, was referred to the Judiciary Committee.. It-was moved by Trustee Peterson and seconded by Trustee rilson that the resolution designating the Deerfield State Bank as the depository for the funds of the Village Collector; be passed: ' Roll call resulted as follows. Yeas - Trustee Banfield, Hinehsliff, King, x Meintzer, Peterson and Wilson,. Nays- None. Motion carried. Trustee Peterson made a notion that all plans and applications for. building permits for industrial buildings be presented to the Board of Trusteoa for their approval before the permit is issued by the Building Co=issioner: This motion was seconded by Trustee Banfield. Upon roll call the following vote was taken. Yeas- Trustee Banfield, Hinchsliff, King, lyeint'zer, Peterson and Wilson. Nays- None. Motion ri carried. It•was moved by Trustee Banfield and seconded by Trustee Peterson that the resolution appropriatindirowot °O�of Motor Fuel Tax Funds for the purpose of maintaining Arterial StrAa s and State Highways in the Village of Deerfield for the pefiod'from January 1, 1949 to December 31, 1949, be passed. Roll call resulted as follows.' . Yeas - Trustee Banfield, Hinchsliff, King, Melntzer, Peterson aiid rilson. Nays- None. Uotion carried. Moved, seconded'and caT'ried to adjourn. Village Clerk. President of the Board* Lei ` • jf