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M April 12, 1949• - ' Th,s rdgular, watingiovItha- Prszidt;* and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield was called to order by the President Robert S. Alexander at 8 P. Me with the following trustess.,responding to the roll call; Bradt, King, Mercurio, Peterson and Stanger. Absent - Trustee Banfield. The minutes of the postponed meeting held March 151 1949 were read and approved. The following bills were read and a motion was made by Trustee Stanger and seconded by Trustee Bradt that these bills be paid, if, as, and when funds are available. Roll call resulted as follows. Yeas - Trustee Bradt and Stanger. Nays - Trustee King and Mercurio. Trustee Peterson- Not voting. There being a tie, President Alexander voted "Aye". Motion carried. Highland Park News------------------ - - - - -$ 9.48t-, William Johnston------------------- - - - - -- 15.00 D. T. L. Walther------------------- - - - - -- 44.50 N Highland Park Fuel Co.------------- - - - - -- 70.31 r, Peter Bader & Son------------------ - - - - -- 3.54 Addressograph Sales Agency--------- - - - - -- 1Q.02 v, A. He Gastfield-- ---- -------------------- 10.00t-.,. Kuch and Watson-------------------- - - ---- 26.00 n. Suburban Officials Conference------ - - - - -- 12.50 n Harmon Hendrix--------------------- - - - - -- 161.66 N Peter Baker & Son------------------ - - - - -- M. F. T. F. -31.50 C. C. Kapschull, Tr. ---------------- --- -- 35.00 t�, Walter Krol ------ --- -- ------- - ----------- 110.20 h Public Service Coo ----------- ----- - - ---- 183.77 0 Illinois -Bell Telephone Co,-------- - - - - -- 22e63t.,. Deerfield. Garage and Service Station -— 29.29.1, Reliable Garage-------------------- - - - - -- 93.39 �-- Rockwell Mfg. Cc------------------- - - - - -- 22.84 Tames Be Clow & Sons--------------- - - - - -- 60.89 Brand B, roa- ----------------------- - --- - -- 3.49t`) Proat's.Radio and Electric Appliances - - -- 25.82 r- Mercer Lumber. Co.---= --- ----- ------------ 14.77 r-- National Brick Co.----------------- - - - --- 15.60r- A. G. McPherson-------------------- - - - - -- 219-36t,- H -H Electric Coe------------------- - --- -- 230.00 Deerfield Temple Association -May Rent - - -- 125.00 C. Tessling- Village Collector- Misc. - - - -- 63.,46-.- Percy McLaughlin------------------- - - - - -- 15,006 Deerfield Hardware and Paint Co---- - - - - -- 17.46,E .Seago, Pipint Bradley & Vetter----- - - - - -- 277.50. Chas. To-Turner -------- - ------- --------- Special land 90.63 Salaries .. Percy McUiughlin= -=-------- $'275.00. A. He Anderson------- - - - - -- 200.00 William Tohnston------ - - - - -- 275.00 Mfrs. Wessling- ------- - - - - -= 150.00 Chester Wessling----- - - -- -- 50.00 George W Sticken,Sr. -L - - -- - 225.00 George Herrmann------ - - - - -- 225.00 Erwin Scago--------- - 50.00 C. 7. Turner--------- - - - - -- 100.00 1550.00 It w&3 moved by_Trustee King and seconded by Trustee Bradt-that-Trustee Banfield, Chairmen- 'ofvthe Road and Bridge Committee be authorized to purchase a road grader at thevprics of 0360.00' Upon roll call the following vote was takene Yeas- Trustee Bradt, King, M©rcurio, Peterson and Stanger. Nays- Nona. Motion carried. A motion was made by Trustee Stanger and seconded by Trustee.Bradt'that proceedings be instituted for the foreclosure of the lien of the unpaid installments of the aferesaii special assessments levied against the property as described in the following resolution. Roll call resulted as follows. Yeas- Trustee Bradt, King and Stanger- Kays- Trustee Mercurio and Peterson. Motion carried- �Q r Lit y } f €ip MR FA S „ carttin Installments of curtain. apeclul 455035 =ants nth ash have been lovi od a,-,,ca,inet the followinf, d.cscribed proporty � ura unpaid s . 111114 Z1T " *.a0Y2ANK W:', CkA.AC.1114 901 an Truatee under Truot No 5471 Fury. iota` 7 to �Q,bnth i.nclu3lvos 14° 4VO.0 and iota to Mouth incluaiv,�* 1 In Edit. 1 In, HoUXor nallss Co.'s Rdditioa to Pr1arwoods p boln&1 a subdivision' or Blocs: 14', r "- b and Lots .1 to 21 inclu#a:va„ in T,, Y nl.1t*24 in 11.0• tona & Cools-' r, t' Addition to Dccrfiold, In Zoatioaz 23 and 2V*Tovmsh1p c 4 'To th,,.UA , o .2. East of {ho I r. 3rd kouoin L&* Countym, 1114. Lot I in Bll�t.�:�� X73 x1.C..`:taa�ta� and GoxnanyRC'Aadi�t!.on tr, � ARC a a rf'iaala'r in, a3Ct3C f ::"yu and 2 .t To ntship `4 crtk , stars cs lw, t Ba<st wr tba. Zrd''1". .rvicsaordi.na to tho ,klat , thoroof rocordod'. Aus uat 37 1132C as poc=ant ; also Lot,'12 in Elk.w3 in Ii.ii. Corne -1 .: Co puny'a Briut\wooda,• "a recub- �.._` division or Blk s'.4,G0 7;, 0 0 0 ,13 ?ant y: 12; 110tv 1 to 24 ,inclusive. in Bl.ocks 1s 220 i:3, �"S 20#,27# 213 • and 0420b 4 n H.U.Stcna . \r and Cozpanyla tddition to Leer- -f a1dq In .2actlans 20 And, 29' xawu%z3t..p ,43 rlort%x,, hvarj{,,aa' 1.:Z,�tas - "of this . it rd ; �`ri nci pal reria� ic�t� � i c ull, In Latta,: CaatintY SAI_1 1 1:ivi.:3 : r Total Principal...k*ili nquont w �rr r .w w► ..� r` n► in.x. w¢ hol iii+. omident azd he,\ rtia to *a of the r4111ayv a i' A:'crri.0*1 d 'rc willint; that, prose wdi,n�a . bay Inatituted for tho f .forcaliolluro.. wr • lllo 111' or,' tnc►. unpaid inatal.l wato of` thaa aroreaaid sspeoi.axl the above described prvportyc, am d it a p;*war1. iA �thLxtjall.l Otho v »ans of: a 01 00tin� lj iiplai`d ;. _f . } � #s� to •i �' k '� r' cspcuial a�acac::canta , iaaava 'barn: �asiav>ilit�% A11.1;r 1 H-TfiiJS°� i4V Z0ir7E D by the Trustcaea of tho V111a 6c of, Cavrfiold: the Mtl • SVAGOp, aa the 'Attorney for ,t:�o thorizod: and directaAid ho: s rab trt d to ins'Gi tote prarcOO&T1 a on -;ehalf of ;Lht Vi.lja&*' of Deerf Old ' ` l�a'T era- -CIO iro , of t�t3 11 on csi a�pcs�iel acaeaa�:a3 tt�'a,��airs.t Etiao' <xaisr�vas 'ddo20: l.laadt Pr 9 poi- tyf � C•l" oi�#_ A'441; IT 1►1 IFURVEJi H"5kiWjz1j ZnaL "iO145 ZPL'WVjj an At(tor'noy for tbo Villa i;o-'of 1)ociflcld be, and ho. lv,heroby ovathorized to'Institute said proceedin-a by, tho fili% of a, complaint on bohalr or the Villa 6o for the foreolosuro or tiie lion of special assessmonto lovied a4minat the abovo deceribed proportyp all ln,uccordanca with the statutos of tho Mato of 11.11nols In zuch cate rude and provided* n•t mup IT 1z 114.1-:11rzly j?nwT111:'i1 n-s-Orw-rip viat tliu f oret;oine 13 On they condition that the V111a4a of roerflold shall bo hold harmless from and shall not be rcqairod to -u7 any costs# feo.ap_ or char&oo4a connoo.tion with ouch roroolocuro proceedin6a* 11A3.1 la m.ectin- aurombled 'th.16 12th dAy or April, A I P'D* 19490 APE"ton-D tills day of 4 erooldont o17 vai 'illa'F'O or .Y: i3raerfie21c:, Laka County, Illinois lad Qlorx It was moved by Trustee King and seconded by Trustee Stanger that we grant a permit to the Deerfield Days Association to hold a Carnival in• the Village of Deerfield from July 6th to 10th, 1949 inclusive and that we waive the fees, provided that a Proper bond Is furnished to the Village Clark. Roll call resulted as follows. Yeas- Trustee Bradt, Ring, Mercurio, Paterson and Stanger. Nays- Nonoe Motion carriede Trustee Mercurio made a motion which was seconded by Trustee Stanger that the plat an submitted by George A. Drucker be received and referred to the Plan commission. Motion unanimously carried. Those voting "Aye" being Trustee Bradt, King, Mercurio, Peterson and Stanger. Those voting "llay" being None* zaoZ'O,r1. carried* Moved by Trustee Stanger and seconded by st a t adjour Village Clark..' es dent of the Bo& Lrdo 11