03/08/1949 + 03/15/194916 181 Roll call resulted as follows.-- Yeas - 'Trustee Banfield, Bradt, King, Mercurio, Paterson and Stangere.N W8--None; Motion carried, MoTed..sicoided and carried to adj Village Clerk. Pro ident of the Boarde March 8, 1949• meet ig wai`�ost' ned to Marchl5, 1949• No quorem, being present, the ;o A�st w' Village Clark 4 President of the Boaroo. March 159 1949• The postponed meeting of the regular meeting of Marc# 8,,1949 at which we had no quorea present,, was called'to order by the'President Robert So Alexander at 8 Po Me .Roll call- Present- Trustee Bonfield, Bradt, King, Mercurio, Peterson and Stanger. Absent- None, The minutes of the regular meeting hold February 8, 1949 were read and approved* A notion was made by Trustee Stanger and seconded by Trustee Bradt that the following bills be paid, If, as, and when funds are atrailable. Roll call resulted as follows. Yeas- Trustee Bonfield, Bradt, King,.Mercurioo Paterson and Stanger*-MtYs*zNond-*,%Motion carried, ErIcEs DX Service Station ----------------------- $ 167,94 h • -William H. Barrett ------------------------------ 3.50 N Deerfield Hardware and Paint Co.---------- - - - - -- 44,21r'\ Robert Co Alabeck ------------------------------- 5,00,-\ MercerLumber Coo --------------------------------- -53*00 National Brick Coo ------------------------------ 52.50 f-, Highland Park Fuel Co.-------------------- - - - - -- 152:27 N James B. Clow & Sons--------------- - - - - -- - - - - -- 74-93r\' Victor Adding Machine Co.----------------- - - - - -- 5.50 1 ------------------ — Deerfield Grocery and Market 1 25t\ McMaster-Carr Supply Co..; --------- --------------- 15053r% American Steel and Wire Co ---------------------- 12:24t,\ .Public Service Co.------------------------- - - - - -- 270 50�� - Burgess Anderson & Tate ------------------------- 4.13^\ Franklin Grimes Co .----------------------- - - - - -- 11,11 r. Illinois-Bell Telephone Co.----- - - - - -- - - - - -- 22.92t,\ D'n TIM104arw -------- ------------------------- 21 nn &_ • Q1 Walter Krol -- — -- — --------- — ------- ; ------------- 27.05 V-1 • Erwin, Seago(Seago, Pipin, Bradley & Vetter) ---- 75:OON Hertel Cartage ---------------------------------- 21000 ,.,-.------.- Deerfield Temple Association-April Rent--- - - ---- 125,00 Salaries •Percy Mclaughlin ---------------- 275,00 William Johnston ---------------- 275*00 George StickentSr ------------ 225,,00 George Herrmann,.Trom -------- --- 225.00 Alfred Anderson----------- - - - - -- 200*00 L-Mrs, Chester L Wessling----- - - - - -- 150,00 Chester Wessling----- - - - - -- - -- -- - 50-00 ,Erwin Seago ------------------- 50.00 Go To Turnor-m-m --------------- IL%OJOV*OUO V 1550.00 It was moved by Trustee Bradt and seconddd by Trustee Stanger that we grant permission to Henry Gilbertson, Lake Bluff Illinois to make a Connection to our watermain in North Avenue west of Stratford Road, subject to the approval of our Village Engineer. Upon roll call'the following vote was taken* Yeas - ,Trustee Bonfield, Bradt, King, Morcuriog Paterson and Stanger.. Hays- None,•Motion carried* Mercurio made a motion which Was seconded by Trustee King that we .authorize the purchase of a second hand Hauck Kerosene Heater at a price of $35.00. 182. Roll eall.resulted as follows._ Yeas - Trustee Banfield,_Bradt, King, (Mereuiio, Peterson and Stanger. Nays= None. Motion carried. ` ♦ motion was :Wade by Trustee Mercurio and seconded by Trustee King that the report of.lustice Riagan showing $96.00 in fines collected during the month of February, 1949 be accepted. Upon roll call the following vote was taken. Yeas - All. Nays- None. Motion carried..- Trustee Banfield made a motion which was seconded by Trustee Paterson that Section 22/., CLASSES, of Article III, Alcoholic Dealers, Chapter 120 of the Municipal Code passed and -approved under date of January 21, 1946, be amended as foll WO.-2 Class A licenses instead of 1 and only 1 Class B -instead of 2V ,Qwl i motion ,wa made by Trustee Bradt and seconded by Trustee Stanger to table the motion. Roll cali'resulted :as.follows. Yeas - .Trustee Bradt, King, Mercurio and Stanger.-. Nays - Trustee.Banfield and Peterson. Motion carried. It was moved by Trustee Peterson and seconded by Trustee Stanger that the ordinance providing for an election to be held April 199 19499 be passed. Motion unanimously carried. Those voting "Aye" being Trustee Banfield, Bradt, King,,Mercurio, Peterson'and Stanger. Those voting "Nay" be1K,None. t ►i;Cw 0 0 j ,. ,.r � .,,�,,•t �..Vyy.R. Y,};^tTJp�,:.�K{/r �11��c�yFt�i��sj :i�,ii ".:�+e: {�•��.y;.�'i�1 � .. t elks �j.:•(�Li iJ 4rn(q1ii i y f 11101' ri F'�.y7li Aram L: T3 fi}.R a k0 nW i1 10" w aM ; � i; 41 Lai iL�..i ►i` sl 'i`.a.4 a'�.a.� V ,alit, w:,(1iL �jAt�/i �f is �i%� t` �if ;'iii 11' ..LX p AND xi *Wt f��t',�o:.�,slT�:t'�Sti�.L INC r� � tr V +� Ld1s.tLR i.�i.ilfi. 1 tli.: i.:ivJ+v�.l441 ;. (iaw w ' -rn i l 2sL ♦ li�iC �...4�libc•.lvi7 Alf I LA Vi wA. iI•G l L111tV ' 1i,X'II1CI'A14 LLT!1 1;1; 11.. i,.11 Ll+ " , r•0 :4 & A ►.iAID VZJJUGi 004 f1.2"" IS)th 1)4`Y ;+'A rr' J%?"416 1040- .�.. T •'rD ° t.yrI �... y . ��. ". —,. ., 0 }' T'S P T r, ♦H•."i °C* a - .y^.r• .. . i C ► DA i :wll :lY 1ai + i i :.a: T w737 :. c 3+a�a r 0�t . ii�J.s j. __%A i4, } V; "1i'i,»e';LDy l'(Ai: CtirY,`l <%.ITi .i 3 < w.x .CT1C': 10 . "bat. a. j,eneri.l cl.oction, ba bald In the V1114 i6 c - .peer.f`iald ''Laku'Ccuntyt .111injiap cnd id hereby i, call,od to be. hold pn, the 1K4 day or Aprilf 1340 between "ho houre or six 00 clock In, tho mornln : aad fivo 'of clock. in 1-ho afternoon. u. Ewald. day T.or tt..:c I'ol.low1n, purpoace: (a) ?car .t.ha election of a..i "resident of tno_V1i ai;c Board .:,f Truatees, throw (a): trues tech, and Clerk. of said- V ;lluiLo of Lucrfie.ld# .'Lako Count7p 111inaia., r (b) t!,ic cubmllvzior," to trio vrotor s of_ the- ` it Ia4;o of Daerfiel4, Lakp'. Count p Illim)1al, the (juk;zti .l "�.hal" �:ho ed�Ilno o Zncladad ul ir..L so rx vicSo�a Villsc,e f Doer. of 'an Act Crcat :�` 1ut Ill.inoiz. m:un .cipal Letire,�-.oat- �=.4 11 J 4' &j CTV1!4 w: Shat .for Liao purposes or eni : +cl.eotlon ulthi m tho cwri)oruto I1- : :aIto or Bald Villa ,o of _Daerfieldt thm follovin,., isliull' bo tine pr ccineta and 'poll.in places: g ; _ i':; Cif.CT 1106 ''1. gill of'o, t part 'w ` t'o craz°i:r,rutcf II ci 111a o'ciIV, Lcerfield- 1.7in,� nortli of PCT.LIN PLACLI We: t Lecrflel.d lowne.hip Hall y$ Gt7w DeerfZe:ld Road . �� - Leerticicl, i1,1i:�uia ' J P.* L-:C 11,4T No w* All oS 'th t pwz•L of .trio eor pz r to - 1im- to oT aal.a V., r a,L,n of Leorrioid lyin4, south of Doer.t`l eld Road yl'v:j;s1:Ila,P LAC i',I Doorfa.G�l�d Villa60 Hall . o lid as � ., 'N +—Rr7lrq"v'Ilqm P, RN lid 71 TrM I0l . 183 M1, .L .LsC 1 vi, 0: t for. thit aa.A.i:: fil iai":T444iJit'wi ,t +Ifi�, t ,. tsX`b tt{Ls'.itirE� w...o-C.'ijCJ� ZiE$�.d .SLid4os and Clerks of tail lec.ti -,no R i .. l M& IT, a. A. `Willen Flornco Uahtr�a Bernice Mau Gertrude Wolf Hazel Clifford Clara Uarner. Vj Precinct Zia. 2 PrecinctF No. ar t� illiezt A. IIagaie Kathryn U. Frost Irene A. Rockenbaah Battle P..vessling r Laura B. Dietz Lorrotta,Willrnn !`y LC T 11 41 < t tuna V,i.li.a.t,e Clcrk, In tlasrasb rooted to cauto 0tw ce vx . &P-14 vioction to bo- � 1vun by p4iblis�ninZ or i pouting; n6tiea t 'lneroof not.-gore than thirty (+ O) nor lout than "`iftco:z (15) dwta in advance of whc aloctlono &=ft by p=ti«n4 the asa ai nt t su )t9i 2�` plueea herein dcs1.i�n mL0d« 1. =,10:iato1y upon. its''pasrat a and approval 15Lh Uarah _ 11 {. ♦ is 1I y 4 15th March t t� i': t it this day of ' ,�,.:�. 1D49. Six' _......... Mona► - 4 fit•f�^'y -/'' /� v0_7' /A � f 1- *rublaent, of tho oc�x�►. a °Tructc�st� of t7lo Vi laze of - Deerfie2�, s Count, i11;a1s� _ AT4_1 Vii: ✓ ` gip, �,. a',t.x r1 3 Jan it ♦� n •I The President Robert S. Alexander appointed the following',ks, members of the Deerfleld.Plan Commission: Dan Dunn, John Carson and Theodore Nelson and iV was moved by Trustee Stanger and seconded by Trustee King that these appointments be ratified by the Board. Roll call resulted as follows. Yeaa Trustee Banfield, Bradt, King, Mercurio, Peterson and Stanger. Nays- None. }lotion carried. A motion was made by Trustee Banfield and seconded by Trustee Paterson that the tabled motion relative to amending the Alcoholic Liquor Dealers Ordinance, be reconsidered. _ Upon roll call the following vote was taken. Yeas- Trustee Banfield, King,.Mercurio,and Peterson. Nays- `Mnastea Bradt, Trustee Stanger- Not voting. Motion carried* It was moved by Trustee Banfield and seconded by.Trustee Peterson that Section 224, CLASSES, of Article III, Alcoholic Dealers, Chapter 12 of the Municipal Code passed aad approved under date of January 21, 1946, be amended as follows: 2 Class A Licenses instead of 1 and only 1 Class B License instead of 2, be passed. Upon roll call the following vote was taken. Yeas- Trustee Banfield, King, Mercurio and Peterson. Nays - Trustee Bradt. Trustee Stanger- Not voting. On further consideration, a motion was made by Trustee Hercurio-and seconded by Trustee Stanger that the license fee for a Class B license shall be $500.00rinstead of $350.00. Motion unanimously carried. Those voting "Aye" being Trustee Barfield, Bradt, King, Mercurio, Peterson and Stanger. Those voting Nay being None. 1 rFNj i l{i'e Yi ba`iLsX iii ►Yi d r.. }M � IWahs%+ iLj iM �.0 01 i . CL, , I C ',"r114 Z,111' IC,I L C L OF D: D* L4 L C 1U:I k t ILA "+I xi Ia i ,.N ":,`,R'lx:,4 D By ti�c� ?.,,a Bunt and t r> Zoaj,�i aS' °uat+aut� �� x o Vlllax o of toerfiol.d* Lelw • Count7s lll. iz€i f,, ♦ :.V r ��eY Y gLh; t tt.jo E' U .j, cjPal Yodo of Uthe vllla;'o of Dear fioldl Lokc Count7j 1111nta•:.z. pascal ;C id appr ovcd under date . ^.sM of Junuary 141 i 1V 3� be and ho 3a =o Is hereby � zondod cis .�olloun1. Alf (a) : That cctl.e; :4, C" AOSIZ,, of t^: TI CL -; III z�01 is �.igt10r Lc tilorso Chaptor 127s bo P- monded b- atrit:irY;; sQUt wn 2 to entt rotty, Mald ection 2240 and coneurrently i �,,r �al: t+r� In lieu thorcDr C" i(I If" tji.t',: S `StutSc;i twcw cfar, a rs •a Zeet on, _ 4.- to tic a -nd r'outs an f'oll owa s f "Clazzos e) Linea -l*b for the r. eatall. Male of . 4: -. alcoholic liquor no abovo &ot shall ba and hereby are, dIv4 doe '_:to t!'10 clazzov t + LE S-1 A - Llcon. -aa f or .tho nal.o at retail- or alcoholic .liquor of not riore than four por cent.by � al ht„ ovor t-ho counter, and to bo con u1r:ad ' c-a t.,.iaz ;;'C' t7� •. ,aal d licenccM rohall be In the :ra>A t of '�v�"'250 0 oacho . and, chall be not roc: "a t3a: 1 %rao n -� i.ictn o Cleza C I`;,llogi�f�r > sa�rcYert �.. tshal! be In ud.dition thurotoe CiI"�" I -� Ip:letai fear t�xacIt.c t r�c.ally o Y ''- 7.lc7az G .�. I.quor s ,' h ho o itli al lgickaZe # �•. and �!! ►��Rczaot to+} b`e c1enycuracd. �,n,.n/(ytyh�t :�q��ragraLr r��jr�� o //Said ,,•.# .. ;ki f F `. ,11 coA zaa nhall �rfir ..W �w 4NW i►+ i+'N M4�� i/ {�%�/Li`V�1.i occh* and vh!L11 be, not motro than ono in Liconzo Claac C f oil.ovlr.4# howovearl, shall bra 1n uddltlan th ratom CLt',!:S C Li con tz Eianted to +a golf cYowsso � w 10 t3t'i o at rotail o" alclDbol • t •s_ liVUOr cvatalii a n,:t more than foaf* por cant . cat al Co;' 01 by u c i ht, over the c ► inter, and' , for oul o pct rotall of AIC:�ilul.ie. ° liquor .in the a 185. a ` V � A.ii>�.�... " l44.Fi ,:�•„{ . .+L:iw K lico zo.- c}.+.•. l"I l4YM V�r,iV } C1&3 chi 11 eo;'*aa r. hc,11 be IZx9•�.iod only for at% conaccutivo 14ont'lln • of t 4; lion =00 ± ,. 7� 's pr. t A w1 ...+1•%1 AJ a.* ir• .i.w; itiv it.1„ 0A G.i.r=COR Oil D'°Ur...0 or 04- al.nancorr oow.f lie ' ritli this orL .w>anco, 'ho, 'Lind thr; vamo 1 " s 3: That t,a1 3 ordint anco i hall be It full - forcc < 4ad ctfoct -frcz wzd arter I tr: pans ;o, apProval-, anti publ icaticn� � occordl to 1UU0 F� 15th - Earth i'f•Sw?" . t :1 tt cap Zy Of . Four, - On* NOT VOTnU: one t n 15th day _ps March le i Robert •exander - Y Iro:laanL :: tnu -.Bo rd of. .t'10 Villai&C of Do orf;t o Id it II.. trid. riled_. :in.._.._.__.._.._..__._ .__.........__ A motion was made b - Trustee.panfield.and.segonded b Trustee Peterson that the resolution adopted at our regular meeting of.February 80'1949 be amended to.read "that we have _one - carnival in the Village of Deerfield and we recommend that 25% of_the._net- :proceeds go to the Jewett Park Association" instead of: "that_we_.have_ one carnival in the Village of `Deerfield and that 25%Lof the nst proceeds_go_to Jewett.Park Association" Roll-call-resulted as follows. Yeas -- Trustee Banfield, Bradt, King, Mercurio, Peterson and Stanger. -Nays - None. Motion carried... Moved, seconded and carriedo,to ad�ou. OLL Village Clerk President of the Board. a