11/09/1948r 1('17 Trustee ,Banfield made.a motion which was duly seconded by Trustee Stanger that hereafter all plans fcr nee; buildings in the business tdistr�ct shall be rerarredtto the.Judieiary; and Licenso.Committes for final alproval. io�ion- unanimously carried..Those'voting "rye" being Trustee Banfield, King, ilarcurio,:Peterson and Stanger.. Those voting "Nay" being None, hovad, seconded and carried to adjourn. Village Mark. Presi ent of the -Hoar t November 9, 1948. The regular,meetiug _ of.the President and Board of Trustees of the _,Village -of Deerfield was called to order.by the Clerz at 8 P. IS. and in the absence of President Robert S. Alexander, Trustee ire ;curio was appointed tg act as President pro -tea.. Roll cull- Present- Trustee*Banrield, Bradt, Pant;, Hercuriot Pe-terson and Stanger. absent- None._ The► minutes of the meeting which was held October 12, 1948 were recd and arproved. , A petition from the Hone Owners Protective association was read and on motion by Trustee Stanger, duly seconded and carried was referred to the Judiciary Co=ittee. + It was moved by Trustee Kin; and seconded by Trustee Stanger that the request of Robert Be Short for a refund in the amount'of 052.OQ4or a building permit and 010.00 -for a water deposit which was paid to the Village Collector on August 12, 191 +8, be granted. Poll call resulted as follows. Yeas- Trustee Banfield, Bradt, King, Mercurio, Peterson and Stanger. bays- None. Lotion carried. The following bills were read and it was moved by Trustee' Stanger and seconded by Trustee Peterson that these bills be paid, if, as, and when funds are available. Motion unanimously carried. Those voting "Aye" being Trustee Banfield, Bradt, King, Yercurio, Paterson and Stanger. Those voting "Nay" being None. Eric's DX Service Station----------- - - - - - **, 104.93t." Suburban Building Officials conference--- 12.50t\ George S. layer Co.---------------- - - - - -- 16.82r Pittsburgh Equitable Later Co.----- - - - - -- 16.02tg Kostial8s Garage w Blacksrdth Shop- - - - - -- 10.00 .. James Be Clow, & Sons--------------- - - - --- 24.11: Patten Tractor & Equipment Co. ----- - - - - -- 560.80 A`\ Fred Grabo------------------------- - - - - -- MOON Be K. Cotton----------------------- - - - - -- 29.10t,\ Illinois -Bell Telephone Co.-------- - - - - -- 19.90t,, Ulter F. Krol--------------- - - - - -- - - -- 288.37 i� Poter Baker & Son -- -- - - - - - -- - - -- -- - 8.16,�.F.T.F. $60.00 Public Service Coo ---------- -------------- 145.47 Edward,11ines Lumber Co.------------ - - - - -- 13.19t,, Highland Park Fuel Co--------------- - - - - -- 43.96v%- Deerfield Teriple Association------- - - - - -- 125.00 Albert Roderick-- ------------------- - - - - -- Spec. Assecs,F.t120.00 Chester wasslins ------------------------- " " F. 48.001N C. J. Turner------- - - - - -- --------- - - - - -- " " F. 48.00 X"\ Salaries for r,orember, 194C,,- I . Percy =Laugl lln------- - - ---y 275.00 William D. Johnston-- - - - - -- 275.00 George Sticken #Sr.--- - - - - -- 225.00 George Horr:aun,Jr.-- - - - - -- 225.00 Alfred Anderson------ - - - - -- 200.00 L_rs. Chester Wessling--- - -- 150.00 } I Chester Nessling----------- 50.00 Erwin Seago---------- - - - - -- 50.00 C. J. Turner--------- - - - - -- 100.00 1550.00 168 M A motion.was -made by,Trustee Bradt and seconded by Trustee Stanger that the Water Superintendent be authorized'to purchase 100'1ater Deters with delivery as follows; 25 on January 1, 1949,'25 on April 1,-19491, 25 on July 1, 1949 and 25 on September 1, 1949• Roll call. resulted -as follows.. Yeas- Trustee'- Banfields Bradt, King, .Mercurio, Peterson and Stanger. -Nays- None. Motion carried. The village Engineer submitted Estimate,2do.� in favor -of Kuch and ti .Ttatson for materials furnished and labor performed in the execution of their contract to install an auxiliary water supply gain and it was moved by Trustee Bradt and seconded by Trustee King that we authorize the payment of this estimate, if, as, and when funds are available and that re retain 15% as provided for in the contract. . Upon roll call the following vote was taken. Yeas - Trustee Banfield, Bradt, King, Mercurio, Peterson and Stier. flays- lions. Hotion carried. Trustee Bradt made a motion which was Seconded by Trustee Peterson that the following water ordinance providing for certain rules and rag - lations•in billing for the purchase of hater in the Village of Deerfield, Lake. County, Illinois, be passed as read. Roll call resulted as follows. Yeas - 'Trustee Banfield, Bradt, Kings Mercurio, Peterson,and Stanger*. Naya- None: Motion carried. ORDIt:A:3CE`tt0. F, , All OKD-IIIA JCL PROVIDING "FOR CERTAIIi i,RDLE 'AND UEGULATIONS IN BILLING FOR THE PURCHASE AND USE• 'Oki WP TER 13 " THE `VILLAGE OP D,t� LA= C OU11TY, ILLINOIS' I. t•.:. Z HLRUS, the p rohasc and usa, of water in the VillaLc of ,D0erfield,# ..Lake County •Illinois ias'providod for L.enorally by the provisions of CRAPTM, 18 YWLiT%. of tho' Municipal Coda of Deerfield,.pupaed, approved and- adopted under hate of January 21, • 1046; and,- ' •OHM AS,•the President and Board of Trusteod' from 'tire to time„ .•May, adopt rules, and regulations relative to E the purchase, and use of water.-pursuant to,the aforementioned Code authority;•,and 11dHUIFASj it is In tno - public interest for the President and Hoard of Trustees to adopt certain 1ru1es And - regulations T aat � this - tune an hereinafter set forth; ;t ; is NOi, 5'iIIILx'Olzk, . BL I7'.. t�iIDIPi1 by, the F'resicicnt `and • Board of Trustoo s of the Village' of Deerfield# Lake County • �. Illinois:. ; NdVE/7/3r'R _ SECTION 11. That from and after Jz�"t 194,, and until. the further order,_of, ,the Procident ' and Board ' "of Trustees, the roadin of water voters shaall .bep nand the si rnc� r ;,is hereby placed on a tri- annual buais, that is to say,, that, .►ater rooters nhall ba read but three (3) ,times per yeaxr# namelys ,,4p--tha ,months of 11px�il', ' August and I3ooernber 2n oaacla ye par by •.'` •- 'Sit.. the. Superintendent of 1'ubll'e l orkaa, or by -some other. person past charges • 169 kC firer or corporation 5 s '`Iu �I That any portion, by him, t lii�rfar such service. Readings shall be made violating any provision` hereof, shall be fined not less than. aatx:riod in time for billing by the ,twelfth oP, each such' r►ontho nor morn than , 42G0.QC for each and overy . off ense + ., C . 'That` inte�rixi bills as averag ed .by. r S;CTZC3d ! -That this ordinance shall be In full f the auperintQndent -Of Public, Works or any o.f his assi stants , publication as required by lam'. j PASSER this' 9..... ..... day of November ,lean. shall presented to,,thc users znd` purchasers of ^water g: _be r - 4 T ,1 iqs r,i fY J.•, ' , ". ,. •. ,. r. . - �+ _. i i of said Vi11a e of Deerfield si (6) tixi.ea per ycarj that is., to ssy, the same shall be presented every other utonth, y[ ,.�. , .TTDa 7s D and' '., of ` De: arf i erld . OILED porn the cox"rne�ncer�ent of the periodic reading of, ti.0ters as '` y T e�'YbI 1- a4�z }e • 1 ^. 'provided, y � Yn hereinz bove3 'seat forth, ; oweve3r, that any person} I. abe GJ—.0 F R _ firr•1 or ezo 'poratI,= vY jch,is_ found by. the Superintendent e • ,.,,��' "ST '�.... ~^ `� T •+.i•^{'t.. 'Y - c,e?�J�'� r`S "'iY9` i c'i 'P �.3::. "- ~ -T �. of Public viorks to use and purchaae3 water* ata» avera6ez cost' F .. of *,10,00 or gore per month shall be . char&ed 'and presented -: -with a , water bill on ix =onthly basi s o wi i�V s Ci:i '3 S 1%. 4t the m1nimum charGo� for; tlxt� tie fi and: pur alias a of Water- `fr6m . and' of tear January' L ID' and until Hw txao :further order. of. the Pres de:�t' and Bmrd of Trustees, shall be at the rate of $1:04' per nonth net*, 4 3 C TI 011 4 s. That i hal e'3ver the vater supply has been , U= off', Pros .any user for non, of the3 cost 'for' the end uss of the. samo, -the return of water service £: purchase e paid .a roturi -to- shal.�'. not, be rude°_ °until the said us.,r hss ' service charge of $2.00 in addition to the pa)ment,of. all past charges • kC firer or corporation 5 s '`Iu �I That any portion, violating any provision` hereof, shall be fined not less than. `; { e nor morn than , 42G0.QC for each and overy . off ense + ., S;CTZC3d ! -That this ordinance shall be In full force and effe;ct from, and after ite ,passtzo, approvt 1. and , publication as required by lam'. PASSER this' 9..... ..... day of November ,lean. six None g: A'Pi�GViD �thia day -of Noveirler ,F Antone 7. ' L cr urio Act lug ccidont of , .TTDa 7s D and' '., of ` De: arf i erld . OILED a this,' 9th: day ` November: ,of Chester, wessling, , ;.. I. abe GJ—.0 F R _ • ,.,,��' "ST '�.... ~^ `� T •+.i•^{'t.. 'Y - c,e?�J�'� r`S "'iY9` i c'i 'P �.3::. "- ~ -T �. jjt F .. r, 170 h ' � t It was moved by Trustee Banfield and seconded by Trustee Bradt that the Road and Bridge Committee be authorized to purchase ?5 ft. of Corrugated Pipe 0 01.50 per lineal foot. Motion unanimously carried. Those voting "Aye" being Trustee Bunfield, Bradt, King, Yarcurio, Peterson and Stanger. Those voting "Nlay" being None. A motion was made by Trustee Banfield and seconded by Trustee Stanger that we purchase lumber for the signs which were damaged on Halloween night. Upon roll call the following vote was taken. Yeas- Trustee Banfield, Bradt, King, Mercurio, Peterson and Stanger. Nays- Nona. Notion carried. It was moved by Trustee Banfield and seconded by Trustee Bradt that the sewer repair project in the Northeast corner of the Village of Deerfield be referred to a joint committee of the Road and Bridge and the Sudiciary Committees and on the approval of the plans for this project by our Village Engineer, this joint committee be empowered to take whatever action is necessary to do this r3;air work. Roll call resulted as follows. Yeas - Trusted Banfield, Bradt, King, Xercurio, Peterson and StanZ:er. Nays- None* Motion carried. Trustee Banfield made a motion which was seconded by Trustee King / that the Diamond T truck be equipped with two windshield wipers and ewe Y vFot light be installed on the top of the cab. Lotion unanimously carried. Those' voting "Aye,, being Trustee Banfield, Bradt, Xing, Mercurio, Peterson and Stanger., inose voting "2:ay" being Non©. It was moved by Trustee King and seconded by Trustee Banfield that the - report as submitted by our Police Magistrate showing X85.00 in fines collected during the month of October, 1948, be received. Roll call. Yeas - All. 17ays- none. Lotion carried. A motion was made by Trustee Stanger and seconded by Trustee King that the following resolution giving Seago, Pipin, Bradley and Vetter, as Attorneys.for the Village of Deerfield, authority to have 17arrants 76 and 77 dismissed or vacated from the records in the County Court of Luke County, Illinois, be passed. Upon roll call the following vote was taken. Yeas - Trustee Banfield, Bradt, King, Mercurio, Peterson and Stanger. Nays- None. Notion carried. 'EEL" iii A-Cs on tho .ila t day of Uc toi Epp 1023 t1lo foliori:� aootor platoc� ;�: •1'xs lei special astoss -enta worn corf•:,rmod In tho County Court of iuka County, I111noiV3 Spacim�I >�s a t2�ntr.Cl�t,. ►6 r I• ;'lt fie. 70, .for system , of ° ntroct .1i.- hto rya'., North Avonuo and other atrect :, cvnf1rj5cd :ttatobor .31, IV,2 3 'pcyablo in rivo instA11=0ats Special Anse an. ant:, i.,arr aat Ito. 77, for .avin> ., Crow ',.venuo and' other 3t;rootap eQnfJ1 -zt�d Oc :obc:rliy.., pad °i�i1.c In ti s:i Lill' inzprovca+enty for the paym ant of v,h1ch tiro ,abova special asoonal. anrs'vere to bo Imposed arcs oollectoA wore never co.. - aa:ccc', and roth1 - r is nowp or hartaf ter caan be co. :ep , dui t1pDz' t:ht COO ovC .. ;two; Contemplated Epecial U500sa- i montn conistituto a aloud upo.q the t± tle ,to all or t? sa prop4rtl.ov ' s;entio od in :tha aecooament roV0 4 d the Qrdox•.' of eon.f1r::+a'- tion antore'd thoroln; turd It in ZW lon6ar a}.ntor.:pltatcd that thave x' . -i provemeats bo made and no reason axiuto for do abovo mont:ioned wwo cpn o.- ,pltatc4 spacial... az&cas:3oatu., to: ro-ain , e:zdia la- who CJ y ,, unt Co .rt of L��"I 'County, Illi N F . 'Y +aoia� t. Spacim�I >�s a t2�ntr.Cl�t,. ►6 r I• ;'lt fie. 70, .for system , of ° ntroct .1i.- hto rya'., North Avonuo and other atrect :, cvnf1rj5cd :ttatobor .31, IV,2 3 'pcyablo in rivo instA11=0ats Special Anse an. ant:, i.,arr aat Ito. 77, for .avin> ., Crow ',.venuo and' other 3t;rootap eQnfJ1 -zt�d Oc :obc:rliy.., pad °i�i1.c In ti s:i Lill' inzprovca+enty for the paym ant of v,h1ch tiro ,abova special asoonal. anrs'vere to bo Imposed arcs oollectoA wore never co.. - aa:ccc', and roth1 - r is nowp or hartaf ter caan be co. :ep , dui t1pDz' t:ht COO ovC .. ;two; Contemplated Epecial U500sa- i montn conistituto a aloud upo.q the t± tle ,to all or t? sa prop4rtl.ov ' s;entio od in :tha aecooament roV0 4 d the Qrdox•.' of eon.f1r::+a'- tion antore'd thoroln; turd It in ZW lon6ar a}.ntor.:pltatcd that thave x' . -i provemeats bo made and no reason axiuto for do abovo mont:ioned wwo cpn o.- ,pltatc4 spacial... az&cas:3oatu., to: ro-ain , e:zdia la- who CJ y ,, unt Co .rt of L��"I 'County, Illi N F . 'Y +aoia� | ~" salvod by the El'. bo an4 It-in hereby re" nft 4-, Vetter# nz.attorne;c for theVlllaaa of L, Novoeborp A00' 1048* six None ALthonx To Mercurio Acting ATT 7udiciary Committee, An agreemqnt betwe;n the village of Bannockburn and the Village of Deerfield , for the purchase of water from the Village of Dzerfield was referred to the Vater Committee, A motion was made by It!ustes Stanger and seconded by,T�custee Peterson that the following ordinance fixinZ the official timewithin the Villuge.'of J Roll call resulted as follows. Yeas- Ttrustee,Banfield, Bradtq Kingv Morcurio, Peterson and Stanger. Nays-11,one. Uction Carried* a 0RDI:NAUCE 210. i . FIXUAG THE OFFICIAL TIME WI THI111 TIM VILLAGE OF DLERFILLD, LAKE 1. CCUIT Y, ILLINOIS *,r Iii: IT ORDAINED by tho Prosident and 90"ard of Trustees of . the Village of 'Northbrook, Cook County, Illinoins SECTION' 1: That 'from and " after two (2 s00) o'clock, A024. on Sunday Uoptember 2G, 1048, "Contral Standard Time" shall be the official time within the Village of Deerfield {j7( --for for the transaetioa of all Villago ,business; All legal, or' official prooeedinj,s of the Presidont and Board of Trustees and all official business of the Village shall bee" regulated as to ti,=o in accordance with tho. provisions of thim section; ' and when an act is to be performed by ordinance# resolution 6 or action of a municipal officer or.body, such act must be performed according to the official time as herein proscribed'* E STIO*N 2: Trat ' all ordinances or parts of ordinances 3 . In conflict with thin ordinance, be,- and the same are hereby. ropcaled.. _ SECTION 3t 'This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passa6o and approval according to PASSF..D thin 9th day of. November ! , 1948, AYES S Six HAYS: None A?iROVRD• this 21h ' day of r'ovomber ,1948. t: Authony T. Mercurio y Acting eresident oV tho V lla�;o ATTIUS D and FILED of Deerfieli!" thin 91h .duy of, Nover+b -gr ! 104 0 • - I a . Chester Msslin age Glork .n • einimn4iAu' nAinq�nkhiArPUI� hIlNannnA ::