10/12/1948i64 October 12, 1948. The regular meeting of the President and Board of Trust;eed of the Village of Deerfield was called to order by the President Robert S. Alexander at 8 P. M. witlx the following trusteed responding to the roll call; Banfield, King, Mercurio, Peterson and Stanger. Absent Trustee Bradt. The minutes of the regular meeting held September 14,'1948 were read and approved. Sealed bids for the construction of 2 street lights at the intersection , of Taukegan Road and Deerfield Road under the Motor Fuel Tax Law Were openod,and read, as follofus; L. & S. CoLatruction Co,,Oak Park, Illinois $2733.10 White City Electric Co., Chicago, Illinois 2853.30 , H -H Electric Co. Chicago, Illinois. 1841.55 It was moved by Trustee Mercurio and seconded by Trustee Stanger that the H -H Electric Co. being the lowest bidder the contract be awarded to the 11-H Electric Co. on their bid of $1841.55 subject to the approval of the State Highway Department and that the bid checks as submitted by the unsuccessful bidders, be returned,to them. Upon roll call the following vote was taken. Yeas- Trustee Banfield, King, Mercurio, Peterson and Stanger. Nays- Ilona. Lotion carried. Trustee King, Chairman of the Judicial. Committee read his report relative to the meeting held October.4, 1948 relative to prefabricated home construction and it was roved by Trustee Peterson and seconded by Trustee Banfield that this report be accepted. Roll call resulted as follows. Yeas- Trustee Banfield, King,-Peterson and Stanger. Not voting - Trustee Mercurio.. Nays- None. Uotion carried. The following bills were read and it was moved by Trustee Stanger r and seconded by Trustee Peterson that these bills be paid, if, as, and when funds are - available. Roll call. Yeas - Trustee Banfield, Y•ing, iercurio, Peterson and Stanger. Nays - None. lotion carried. The Co He Eunzon Co ------------------------ 0 7.50 �. Peter Baker & Son1== 1---------------- - - - - -- 14. F. T. F. $40.68 Eric'3 D -X Service Station----------- - - - - -- 2.75 Public Service Co,------------------- - - - - -- 254,91 Illinois -Bell Telephone Co,---------- - - - - -- 18.00%11 1f Seago, Pipin, Bradley & Vetter------- - - - - -- 195.76 4� Me A. Frantz------------------------- - - - - -- 45.66 Pittsburgh Equitable Meter Co.------- - - - - -- 387-00— Deerfield Construction Co,----------- - - - - -- 328.15c National Brick Co.------------------- - - - - -- 163.50T s Jaces Be Clow & Sons------- - - - - -- -- 84.56 Z;illiam D. Johnston------------------ - - - - -- 15.00 r, Reed - Randle. Tractors, Inc.----------- - - - - -- 13,52 r Red Horse Service Station ------------- - - - - -° 98992 t^ Prismo Safety Corporation-- - - - - -- -- - - - - -- M. F. T. -F.- 25.23 Percy '1cI&ughlin=-- _-- -------------------- -- .20900 v, , Reliable Garage------------ - - - - -- --- - - - - -- 25.90 r Deerfieldciiardware and Paint Co. = - - - - -- - - -- 22049 r ` William He Barrett --------- ------ --------- - 664.50.. George Herrmann---------------------- - - - - -- 113.00zU— F. T. F. 70.23 Herman Hertel---- - - - - -- -- -- 12.0Or Doerfigld.Tenple Association -Nov. rent - - - - -- 125.00 Salaries for month of Oct012 - ='_ a Percy McLaughlin ----- - ------ -# 275.00' William D. Johnston---- -- - - -- 275.00 George -We Sticken,Sre-- - - - - -- 225.00 A. He Anderson- -------- - - - - -- 200.00 j Mrs. C. Wessling------- -- - -- 150.00 Chester Wessling------- - - - - -- 50.00 � Erwin Seago ------------------ 50.00 Co J. Turner--- - - - - -- - - - -- 100.00 1325.00 IN. Moved by Trustee Mercurio and seconded by Trustee Peterson that our Village Attorney be instructed to draft an ordinance toy comply with the report of the Water Co=ittee. Upon roll call the following vote was taken. Yeas- Trustee Banfield, King, Mercurio, Peterson and Stanger. Nays- None. Motion carried. t as..$oved by Trustee Banfield and seconded by Trustee "Peterson that George rUnn /on a monthly salary-basis and that his belary shall be w225.00 - Motion unanimously carried. Those voting "Aye" being Trustee Banfield, King, Mercurio, Peterson and Stanger. Those voting "Aye" being None. 165 Trustee Banfield made a motion which was seconded by Trustee King that we purchase a Warsaw Snow Plow from the Patten Tractor and Equipment Co. at a price of 0560.8"ith a 42,/Ifa'diseount for cash. Roll call resulted as follows. Yeas - Trustee Banfield, King, b"_ercurio, Peterson and Stanger. days- None.. Motion. carried. It was moved by Trustee Mercurio and seconded by Trustee King that _ the report as submitted by the Police Magistrate showing $11.00 in fines collected during the month of September, 1948, be received. Upon roll call the following vote was taken. Yeas - All. Nays- ;done. Motion carried. A motion was made by Trustee Stanger and seconded by Trustee Peterson that Auditor Albert L. Roderick's report be accepted. Roll call resulted as follows. Yeas- Trustee Banfield, Kind;, Hercurio, Peterson and Stanger. Bays- None. Motion carried. Trustee Stanger made a motion which was seconded by Trustee Mercurio that foreclosure proceedings be instituted for the foreclosure of the lien of the unpaid installirenterof the special assessments levied against the properties as desetibed in.the.following resolution. Lotion unanimously carried. Those voting "Aye" being Trustee ii Banfield, King, Mercurio, Peterson and Stanger. Those._votinv, "N&y "_being t RE•30Lb'TI0N IVH Eli EAS, .certain inotallnexztat; of certain special a" R r • it e' ,. ;,; ,: :;.:. ,,_� :- as.sesssments which have been levied against the following described property are ,unpaid: STUART L. EIMI G :, . Parcel 1 Lots 31)j,40#41 and 42 ;in 40;u 488-H. 'Block 3 in Deerfield Park- Land and Improvement Associ- ation Subdivision � Total Principal..Dolinquent ---------------- 0219,00 0219,00 PERCY i'lLSO:S CO. Parcol 2 Lots 10 to IS .inclusive in Block s o ; 185-M., .8 in Deerfield Park Land and Im- provement Association Subdivision..{ and that part 'of Lot 1 in Block, 2 in the original plat of the ,l Villa6o /, of Deerfield in ' Soetion ' , 26, Township 43,North, Range 12 described as follows: Co =encing'. it on the south. `line ,of said lot at a point 100 feet resit of .the ., south vast corner', thence north wecterly parallel with Lincoln Avenue 100 fe ©t, , 'thence Nvost, 25, feet; there© south to a point in tho, south line of ,said Lot 145 feet 6 ` ineheu , - west of the south east corner ; thoreof; thonee east, 45 feet I 6 inches to the, place of beginn3n� ; • _ F ; Total i'rincipul Delinquent - ___----- -- ...r.. 3440.x3° ' PAUL C. BEIWITNA Parcel 3 Lots 54 and 55 in Osterman's 40%j 88 -K Subdivision _ s Total Principal .Delinquent_- r ------- _--- _ - 0840.50 U.V. BENNL2'T Parcel 4. Lot 15 in Block 4 in' Branigar (40 488-P Brothers; Woodland Park Total Principal Delinquent----------- - - - - -- - 188.02; ; HAROLD 1'ANT Parcel 5 The East Half of Lot 8 , in gold- ran a . ;forth. Shore Golf Links Subdivision :a Total. -Principal Delinquent 545.0E3 -..__w __r__rr_r__- A .`t 'IdETA A. BRINGMAIT Parcel 6` Lots 25 and 26 in.Own'ers S -I ilcae; toad Subdivision M * Total Principal Delinquent ------ _:- __ - -_ - -- � 33 �:F�` 166 t t► N D W11L t EA Sf ; he krool ent Ana t iia 'Tru€itoot 'of r � the Viliaj;e of Deerfield are willing that proeeodin�a bo in- t= ti.�tutec for tie fuse :closure of Mho, lien of tw,o un-aid install- monts; of tliu aforosaaald spe:ciaalLo6ozoments lovied sag; aainct tire';.. above: dozoribed property, and it appearing that all othor .­.,.cans of ecollecting said .unpaid spacial asseez.,ments have boor un- Ml- 434 IT IS MIREBY 1' LSOLVED by the Trustees of t tho Villa �o of Doa3 fiold. that J;;jt illf SEAGO, as the Attorno7 for ! `tho VillaLe bos and he is horoby authorized and directed to `'inatituto prococdin son behalf of the Village of Deerflold for f do fvraclo ur+s of the lion of spoainl ssssossu:o:�t: a a inst: the' et;o1vo doagcribed property; DD# AND IT JS f,:ERIZIiY FURTHLE 2 ZLULVkM 'that flRWIIt : Ea 000 as At:tornasy for the Vil lak;o of Door.f"iold bay, a»iz'a.1 he is (� Thereby authorized to tnastituto said procoodinj;u by that filing r of a complaint on bo,'=1f of the Xilla�;e for tiio „foreclosuro t of tho lion of a p,cclal annesswenta 'levied aaeaxinst the above � doccribod proport:y, all in accordance with the statutes of the utato of Illinois in ouch case made and provtdod. l Bl;# AND I T I: .11 EIM 3Y l''LR',i IE.' i RLSO '1 ED# . that trio r f orcaoi �S is on' the condition that tho Villa -o — of Deerfield shall bo hold haarmlea r from and shall : not be req,i ired to pay any c oato �Xoos, or,charGes its connection with such foreclosure proaoodi,ngs. MM—M in raeotinf;, a ssombled this /� aay of } Al �a I'f' v of A?` RUVED thin- day of 1- i r'z•eM done of- tad—V1110.60 of Dan •hold# €.aatzo Countyp Illinois Y 1. awi -go, w er A motion was made by Trustee Peterson and seconded by Trustee Banfield that we give;a' tentative approval for the proposed subdivision North of Greearraood ; venue and Vost of Chestnut Street in the sj of the SU;y of. the JE1 of Sac. 29, Tap 43N, R12. E. of the 3rd P. 11. in Crake County, Illinois. Roll call resulted as follows. Yeas- Trustee Banfield, King, Hereurio, Peterson and Stanger. Nays- None. Potion carried. President Robert S. Alexander appointed Walter F Krol as Deputy Building Commissioner and it was moved by Trustee Stang sand seconded by Trustee Z:ercurio that this appointment be confirmed by the Board of Trustees. Upon roll call the following vote was taken, Yeas. Trustee Bonfield, King, - Mercurio, Peterson and Stanger. Nays- None. Notion carried. 113 11