06/03/1947.® 96 HEALTH AND PUBLIC RELATIONS COMITTEE Harold L. Peterson, Chairman Andrew G• Bradt 1 t ' F oyd D. S anger . ~ The Health and Public Relations Comimittee` will have in its cgarge all matters pertaining to the general health conditions in the. Village, and all matters pertaining to public relations and publicity. Trustee Mercurio made .a motion which was seconded by Trustee Stanger that we adopt the resolution instituting foreclosure proceedings of the lien of`the unpaid installments of special assessments levied against Lots 55, 560 59 and 6o in Block'6,,in Deerfield Park, Land and Improve vent Association Subdivision on a 40% basis. Motion unanimously carried. Those voting »Aye!+ being Trustee Barfield, Bradt,.King, Mercurio, Peterson and Stanger. Those voting"Nay" being None*' It was moved,by Trustee Mercurio and seconded by.Trustee Banfield that we authorize the purchase of uniform3 for Ithe police officers. ` Roll call resulted as follows. Yeas - Trustee Barfield, Bradt, King, Mercurio, Peterson and Stanger: Nays- 'one. Boticn carried* A motion was made by,Trustee Mercurio and seconded by Tiustee"Banfield that we issue a Class "B" liquor license to Liebschuti Liquor Co. and a Class "C" liquor license to the Briergate Country Club, subject to the provInions of our ordinances. Upon roll call the following vote was taken. Yeae- Trustee Barfield,.. Bradt, Mercurio, `PeterQOn; King and Stanger. Naya- Zone. °Motion carried. Trustee'Stanger made a motion which"'was aeconded by Trustee Peterson that permission be granted to the Amvets to erect four (4) safety signs at the Village limits of North and South Waukegan Road and East and West Deerfield Road subject to the approval of the State Highway Department:.. Motion unanimously carried. Those voting "Aye" being Trustee Barfield, Bradt, King, Mercurio, Peterson and St are ` Those voting "Nay" being Nona. Moved, seconded and carried to a journ. Villag'.Clerk. Presi ent of the Board. June 3► 1947• A special meeting of the President and Board of _Trustees.of the Village of Deerfield was called to order by the President Robert S. Alexander at 8 P. M. for the purpose of making the appointments of the various officers and committeas and other matters which may be presented to the Board for consideration* Roll call. Present- Trustee Banfield, Bradtp King, Mercurio, and._,_ Peterson* Absent - Trustee Stanger. The following appointments Were made and.it was roved by ,Trustee Bradt and seconded by Trustee Mercurio that these appointments as rZade by the President Robert S. Alexander togetber with the nacres of the depositories for the Village funds be ratified by this Board. Roll call resulted as follows. Yeas- Trustee Banfield,Bradt, King, Mercurio and Paterson. Nays- None. Motion carried. AUDITOR ** A. L. ROT.'ERICK BUILDING COMUISSIO+NER. ** S .' LL L. BARTLETT COLLECTOR ` ** CHESTER VMSSLING EEPUTY, MRS. CHESTER WESSLING TREASURER ** CHARLES T. TURNER CORPORATION COUNSEL, ** ERWIN SEAGO ENGINEER ** D. J. L. WALTHER HEALTH OFFICER ** RAPHAEL K. KINh'EY . CHIEF OF POLICE ** PERCY MCLAUGHLIN . POLICE OFFICER ** ALFRED ANDERSON PUBLIC WORKS SUPERINTF.NImNT ** WILLIAM D. JOHNSTON DEPOSITOtIES ** DEERFIELD STATE BANK, DEERFIEID, nZnTOI5 FIRST NATIONAL BADS, CHICAGO. ILLINOIS A CONTL amm- ILLINOIS NATIONAL. BARK, • CHICAGO, 2LLINOIi BOARD OF HEALTfi - Raphael K. Kinney, Chairman. H. G. McMullen Mrs. D.. P. Easton - PLAN COMMISSION (TO BE APPOnwXD LATER - THREE YEAR MR1'LS) t t _ STATGrZ, BOARD - - BOARD OF LOCAL IMPRO7EM&N7 S- Robert S. Alexander, Village President. -y• -. Floyd D. Stanger, Chairman -- Finance -and- Auditing - Committee Eric C. Banfield, Chairman — Public- Works- Road -and -Bridge Committee William D. Johnston, Public - Works- Superintendent - p i� It was moved by,Trustee- Mercurio and - seconded- by- Trustee.Peterson that t the President•appoint one member -of- -the- Board -of -- Appeals -whose term shall expire in 19kg, one member whose- term. shall - expire -in 1949, one member whose 'torm shall expire in 1950, one -- member whose- term - shall- expire-in 1951 and r one member whose term•shall- expire in-l952#­_­_.______. Upon roll call the following vote was- taken. Yeas - .Trustee Banfield, Bradt, King, Lercurio,and Paterson. -- -mays None. -- Motion- carried. Trustee King made a motion which ryas - seconded -by- Trustee Mercurio that'the following appointments,8er- members -of the.Board of Appeals -as made by the President Robert S. Alexander, be hereby confirmed. Motion unanimously carried. Those voting ^Aye" being Trustee Banfield, Bradt, King, Mercurio and Peterson. Those voting- „Nay„ being None. �I BOARD OF APPEALS _ _ - -_ _.. - - TERMS EXPIRES Henry C. Hawes ___ May; -19G8 .� John A. Benz, Chairman May , 1949 - Eugen© F. Engelh4rd _ _ _ ._ _ _ ,_ _ _ _ _ _. • 1 • �� 5 Walter I7. Lige May, 19951 1 Hubert N. Kelley may. 1952 It was moved Trustee King end seconded by Trustee Banfield that on the recommendation of the .Deerfield- Bannockburn Commuity Chest, ive .authorize Savation Army -to conduct a tag day in Deerfield as par there request. _ Roll call resulted as.follor:s. Yeas- All, Nays -None. Motion carried. A notion was made by Trustee Banfield and.seconded by,Trustee Bradt that we approve the plat of the northerly and of Jonquil Terrace as submitted to the Board of Trustees and including the dedication of ten (10) feet by John A. Stryker. Upon roll call the following vote was taken. Yeas- Trustee Banfield,` Bradt, King, L%rcurio.and Peterson. Nays- None. Motion carried. No further business appearing, it was moved, s conded and carried 'to adjourn. -- Village Clerk. President or the Board. - .R,�,..,_:T .- _ __ ,.,_�._ ._�' _. ._- _ __...�. ._..- _, a"'�- •�; =:;a �r- �� _ � fir. -.”, 99