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�0 August 13, 19460 The regular =aeting of the President and Board of Trust ©es` Village of Deerfield was called to order by the President President "17— Robert So Alexander at 8 P. M.• Roll call- Prosent-- Truytee•B-.udt, Can-el, Marcurio,•Scott-and-Teanls- Absent - Trustee Stanger. The minutes oftthe regular meeting hold July 9, 1946 and of the special..., meeting held July 23, 1946 were road and approved This being the date sot for the opening of bids for the maintenance of certain Arterial Struts in.the Village of Deerfield, thetclerk was Instructed to open and read bids as submitted. The following bids were received:--., Skokie Asphalt CO-,DesPlaines, Illinois. - - - - -- $1260.00 Peter Baker & Son Co-, -Lake Forest, Illinois -- 1189.00 Trustee Mercurio made a motion which was seconded by Trustee Cazel that the contract be awarded to Peter Baker do Son-Co -, Lake Forest, Illinois as they were the lowest bidder and that the chock included in the bid of the S okie.Valley Asphalt-Co., be returned to then. Roll call resulted as follows. Yeas- Trustee Bradt, Cazel, Mercurio, Scott and Tennis. Nays- None. Motion carried. The following bills were read.and a motion made by Trustee Tsnnis* and seconded by Trustee Bradt-that-these bills be paid,•.if, as and when funds are available.. a Roll call. Yeas - Trustee Bradt, Cazel, Mercurio, Scott and Tennis. Nays- None Motion carried. Seago, Pipin, Bradley & Ve tter----- •------------------ - - - - -$ 52.15 Cheater Wessling, Village Collestor,Misc. Expenses-- -N -_ -- 48.76" i H -H Electric Co. ----------------------- •------------- - - - --- 216.00 fr -------------- - - - - -- 1 YoY- Y-Mrr� CO�••MY----- - - - -�- - N - - -•N 6.27 t\ James B- Clow & Sons-------------- -- ------- ---- -- --- --- - - -- 1 7.92 X. R.'Mitchell Realty Coe---------------------------- - - - - -- 5000 {'Albert L. Roderick -- ------------ ------ - 480.00 ,N The G lidden- Co.--------------- -------------------------------- 9.47 Deerfield Hardware and Paint Co.---------------------- - - - --- 2.80 R Mercer Lumber Co.------------------------------------------ 12.86 %.F.T.�-4.22 ` William Behnke------------- ----�-------------------- - - -• -• N 61.20 Goo. Hem a nn, Jr.----------- N----------- NM------ - - 20.00 "- Highland Park Fuel Co------- ------------------------- - - - --- 18.541 George Sticken; Sr--•--------- ---------------- --------------- » 97;50 • Sears Roebuck & Cc* --- N ---- - NNN- N..-- N--------------- 3.04 R James B. Clow do Sons--------------------------------- - - - - -- 312 Addssograph Sales Agency----------------------------- - - - -•. re 1.6 94 N Theurban Press ------- -- ------- ---- ----- -- ----- ------------ 37.50 h w, R- Meado s,- Yc.--- N-- N- N--------- N------------ - - - - -- N 304.20 Village of . Deerfield, Truck - - - - --- w (• 87,84 784 ess Anderson & Tate------------------- - - - - -- �g ---- - - - --- 40.54 t Herachberger•Implement Co---------------------------- - - - - -- 16 •34r� Moore, Case,. Lyman & Hubbard----------- •------------- - - - - -- 83,511 Reliable Garage---------------------------- •------- - - - - -- 106.15{\, Eric's E Service Station---------------------------- - - - - -- 1.00 0 Frost *s Radio & Electric A, ppliance- •- N ----- N------------- ;Purnell &,W ilson- ------- -------=--------------------------- 2.681\ Highland Park News- ------------------------------ •- - -N• -- Illinois -Bell Telephone Co--------------------------- - - - - -- 16.75' Public Service Co:----------------------------------- - - - - -- 179.03 ' Deerfield•Temple• Association ------- ------------------------ 75.00 Salaries ✓---------- -- - - -- 200.00 Pe cr y Mciau6h11n $ Alfred Anderson----------- - - - - -- 145.00 William Johnston--=------- - - - --- 235.00 Mrs. Cheater Wessling----- - --- -- 110.00 Cheater Wessling----- ----- --- - -- 30.00 ,. Erwin Seago--- ------- ---------- - 40.00 C. J. Turner- ------------------ - 60.00 1829.00 Trustee Mercurio made a motion which was seconded by Trustee Scott that Auditor Roderick•s report be received and referred -to the Finance Committee. Upon roll call the following vote weds taken. Yeas- Trustee Bradt, Cazel, Mercurio, Scott and Tennis. Nays. None. Motion carried. It was moved by Trustee Mercurio and seconded by Trustee Bradt that the letter from Edward Benjamin stating that the Glen -Brook Countryside Homes,Incehave had requests from some of the residents of.Deerfield on County Line Road for water to be supplied from the main which is being. �! laid to their subdivision, be referred to.the Village Attorney -Seago with I� power to act. Motion•unsaimously carried. Those voting "Ayer being Trustee Bradt, Cazel,;Mercurio, Scott and Tennis.. - .Those voting "Nay" being None..... x Moved by Trustee Scott and seconded.by Trustee Cazel that Police �I Magistrate Hunts report showing $28.00 in fines collected during the month �I of July. 19461, be received. Motion unanimously carried. +' Trustee Cazel-made a motion which was seconded by Trustee Mercurio. that the difference of $174.68 between the original bid of the Roseman s!; Tractor Mower Co. and the amount which was billed on their invoise of.... July 299'1946 due to increased costs of. materials, be allowed. II Upon roll call the following vote was taken. Yeas - Trustee Bradt, Cazel,,Mercurio, Scott and Tennis. Nays--None, Motion carried.. j President Alexander appointed Romer Cazel'and Andrew Bradt to act as i, a committee to make arrangements for the storing of the village equipment and a new location for the water department,:. It was moved by Trustee Mercurio and seconded by Trustee Cazel that the Clerk be authorized to purchase 1000 Vehicle.Stickers for 1947 and the colors to,be same as on the Illinois State.Auto License Tugs. Roll call resulted as follows.. .Yeas- Trustee Bradt, Cazel, Mercurio, Scott and Tennis.-,Nays- None. Motion carried. Moved�by Trustee•.Tennis and seconded by Trustee Cazel that we approve the action Of the- Village,Treasurer in the payment of the repairs on the Diamond .T Truck. Motion unanimously carried., Those voting "Aye" being Trustee Bradt, Cazel, Mercurio, Scott and Tennis. Those voting "Nay" being None. Trustee Scott made a motion that we purchase a files for the Police Department for license records. -This motion was seconded by Trustee . Cazel. - Upon roll call the following vote was taken. Yeas- Tustee Bradt, Cazel, Mercurio, Scott and Tennis. Nays- None. Motion carried. 1 It was moved by- Trustee Tennis and seconded.by Trustee Scott that the Village Collctor's Office be closed for one week in August from August 249 - 1946 to L August 32, 1946 and-one week in September -from September 21 1946 to 1 September 28,,1946 to provide a vacation'for: the Deputy .Village.Collector- ! Roll call resulted as. follows. Yeas- Bradt, Cazel; Mercurio, Scott and Tennis, Nays- hone. Motion carried. Moved by Trustee Mercurio and seconded by Trustee Cazel that the following resolution be passed..,. Upon roll call the following vote was taken. Trustee Bradt, Cazel, 2ercucu rio, Scott. „ . and Tennis. Nays- None. Motion carried,' •.1. u 0 l i 9 E ' 11 E V L Li Tj, - an► 7 t e.� Mr w rrrw,M wr M+ rr r.► yLAI;S" ccrtain' t tal�cnts t��' cc�ria3.:�'��caoi�l ms ��s�,onto 1�hich havo bcca .loviod o.j,ainst. tho foljauin6; dczcr1bod property are Unpaidt YIJUSk ILOLL i, l:iLi:lt i'arccl, l Lot 7 i,nlaG� : in rani;rk�M . Br} oryrytlIC V' oo 3.=d �'ar: , Dcor- �}('�} _ - .. - • p Total Pr Incipal L.�����j��:i4a� R. i . R ... i..'... �N4 *4 i t } } { ..tom t3 n L it it V l I �y �, 04j` � � : g =d �t^4li /i i Kaki N� ..ci,a.,�, Yra..s�. t.Y a�.i �..f.�:�. v .w E .t'r ... �7ce�r.�iolci are rril2inr, t�u�t pr' ooi�i� dint �r, -be Ana ilituted w o Wi.l�'#.: A orcclozuro . 0 , the lien of the unpaid, i=3 tal.l-riont6' c�i` ": �i�s` af orosa d'iOP00AX-1 a SO ow:..;��ntn` cat i€ r„ levied € €tiinnt to c�bc�v c3c:sorit;t d `property, and it .a ; oari.n ;, 2 Gt a13. - - ,. z E n" t.44 of collectln said :,ipaid 0� � iCn r.x a . 1� 52 . y 11, .-,�, LD by t:io "I"at, teen af' tha Vi11wLe } of Ueorf idld that : �� +Ia1 : 1 00 y U G t.io Attorne f for tlYO ' V212u ,o b� to nci ho in heroby uu,thorized c.nd d ircctcd to lnstituto proccodin s on bohalf of w °tho Villa�c of Deorf field for t ho f orQ-closuro of the lien of npocial ansoomionts a6ainst tiio above dcwcribed Property* . ?SID IT Z Ii::�;A:ZY ,Y, UliT11"% RI- L"t?I,V:�D that, L^ ►::III :: �_tt:,U, aB Attorney for the 'lilla;c"or Doorfield.bo and ho is hcroby uu.thorizcd to r, institut© ui�id �roccedin, s by tha� f ilinU of a conpla4.nt o bohalf of tho Vi11u�;�+ for .tho f oricolo3urO of tho lion of npccial naaann ..cnLs levied walnut tt:v abov,%o dcs;cr1b0d )roj?ertyj9 all in accordanco with tho ctatutos of tixa ;;tn.t0. of `Illinois in such. case made and provided. . . ., AND i'a I;; =i t :3a: e, 's' %L :D Lt 111LOLV , that tho fore jLoinr ►."' is on tho condition that VII Villa6cy or Dearf fold ahall be hold harnless from ,and s4.all not b e ro.quire, d to pay, any .costs, f ocn, or chtsrj;oss in conn.e;ction with such foreclosuli.0- procoodin s. lu0 ,�'a.�''SL'11r)1.,FD ii:Ta �� b.�1Y 0I` _C _ 13 rrom cent os. Vile V111a6c or Dacrf1eld, Lake .County, Illinois, G er.t , - Y Trustee Tennis made a;motion which was seconded by Trustee Uarcurio that the following resolution for the institution of lorealosure proceedings oa`unpaid special assessments, be passed. Roll call resulted as follows. Yeas- Trustee Bradt; Cazel, Mercurio, Scott and Tennis.. Nays- None. Motion carried.; R£'S•0L.,UT`I'0tt aerta.in installments of certain Dpecial Asa s e.asenta which tis ve been levied Dgainnt Lhe fol? oiling des=cribed property are unpaid: Lots ono (1),-'two (2), tbree (3), four (�), five t (5), six (g), cFven (7), eight eleven °(11), twelve (12), thirteen (13), fourteen (1 ), twenty -one (21)," twenty-two (?2), twenty -five (25), end twenty-six-(e6) ?rill in b'-ock eleven (11) ones Lint` one Al) .,in Block `twelve (12) in Deerfield Park Lenel are `` m -rein arat Asocciation %dbdivinion, in section twenty- nine.(29)`, Township forty- three (43) , :North, Pqrnre twelve (12) , past . of the Third (3rd).Principal Meridian, according, 'to the plot thereof, recorded 4ay 6,_ 1698 as Document 70892 in Book *D" of Plats) ne a -6eA to,,.67, ,ln.Ln & County! ". Illinois 1 54 An ordinance providing for levying an assessment of the General Taxes for the fiscal year 1946-47 for the Village of Deerfield, County. of Lake and State of Illlnolst was read and it was moved by Trustee Mercurio and seconded by Trustee Cazel that the same be passed as read. . Motion unanimously carried. Those voting "Aye" being Trustee Bradt, Cazel, Mercurio, Scott and,Tennis. Those voting "Nay" being 1400 3 A r'' C;si.I +iFi:;CI; I'?10►rIDIINIG ' UR I,l VYII:G i r t' 4_'r'C t�4d •gym I7 ± T'S+ i �t .. ry. F+' i rt.:.,l .3,►�� ,�y CF" xk I` G. T ItAL > A,,, ,3 THIL MCA' I:AII lV46 -47 klo!.! ;I:Ia« VILLF.Gg of L`EXRPIi:LD CUM'41" 01"' . U,UE A 1T c:a 41L1';'D by the president and Board of T. -uate cs of tine Vil1a(;0 of LoorfiOld, - Lake County, 'Illinois; .,7- (;TT 011 It That they sum bf F'ourtoon thousand ..ino hundred Cavasat SJ.x Lollarn and Monty ,1-`ivo Conty . (jj4 #970.?5!) boir.9 the total cf , tt o appropriations heretofore; legally made which, aro - to be col- 1CCted from. the tax levy or LhD eurres:t fiscal ,year of tlies Villas® of i erficld, for all municipal purposes of -said Villaso. of Iaeetirfield� approprintpc3 for tho aurronw fiscal year by the Annual appropriation r ruzr.M Ica of tho Vf1IRge of Uaerfield, duly panned by 'Oroaidont . and I3os3rd of T'ructeoo of tho Villages of. Leerfield and approvod July 9,,'1046, p,o ar,c: t ::c� rwi::o is 1jer Eby levied upon all` property withila s5aid Village - - R of ,er2'ieZG, cub jeet+ to taxation for the cur: ent flacal. year. The Qt�acil'iC ei�Anunta as Irivied for .vavloua. purposes : :aratofore n ned, are in- 'd1catsid beruiri by.boin, placed In a acparate calurni' undo'r Lho heading "'Nmount; to be included in,tax levy" which appears over the as :ca, 2se total Of t,�aid tax no levied, being for, the current z'i. ;cal 4var of staid ell lsz,pe aad for tho said. 'appropriationa to be c011 0ted frc:m veld tax levy bate been ancertainod an afore :;aid and is as fu11owa t .mount of Ap priationsz ' . Amount to, be in- } chide *d in tax levy C3 "; t pj L CCj? P0fKAV VvIlls 1 .'re idont and T'rur to,6s V ; 400.00 - villac'o Mork' 4vU.u0 k00.G0 , Jil iAso Treasurer riSU.Ut? vU0100 � . Vjll ge Collector u6U G0 300.00 5,' ;orporato ,Counnel J,'666 SUJ.uU 4U0.00 - 1`M. ounts of lippropi l.at..o -.s A=ount.~, to ba In- clucod in tax 12a r ! °q (A. Admi rile tra ti oln T'hpenses Coot Id.) S Go Pixtra Legal erisQ 1 UOU.00 (300,00 i 7. Auditing tinu 2LU• t3U 200'.00 , » .�3t�ltiS iiii%2` aria aup3 11 ea 0'r), UO I.:.'0100 90 office :0.'qu? pmo nt 200,00 1%L0 0J {. ltd. Printine Bind l ublica- f tion;r 200.00 11« ' I.nsuranca 000.UO 40'4.0(3 Y�: « Telephone ar4 "clegraph 200.00 0. 00 13.- Contingent b5U.00 300.00 14*� 350*00 200.00 1S« Interciat on Oblif ations . 10O.'.): 100.00 15.' Puulishin_, Oruinaziooz 200.00 160100 170 :turdt,- Band Promiuma 211-15.00 12"i3U.00 18 building C=w szioncrr 4 :5.00 350 #100 1�3« •�x�eclarl ;alarics Special a snessraento 400.00 .. «. .. $ 209 Repairs to cowers arias septic tanks '.40000.00 10500.00 i :U» J"Out of Villa-c' Rall 45000 300,00 Total Apdropriationa } for ,Add -Inca t W"rat:ion Total Appropriations 4"or Admiriatratgion to ` Li i�j paid b-, Tax S oovyr.. w. .r �{,/� .. a. ,.r w w w w. .w w w r a. w r w+. w. +.. 4000{ V0 B Pto Lit cn noi''IvL` 103 ' 22. village m a�}rshaxll � ' � 7',02 - '>3 "xiv :ht Marshall ���yr', %.i00.0`U* 2, 1t�0.t7f3 � (0. jt�1S0 � 0MVi1J iI 4 « rer oncy r ol,'.ce 450.04 20U. U:1 ' 250 Insurances 1€10.00 30, U4 20, '1o1a3; hone and .gale- t'r°a1pl= 1CO. Utz 50 00 :7. Gozolino and 031 U0.00 l�W»C© Purchase. of ;ct olic Car., I , 09 00 300.00 ' 2fl. ; �?capr�irs "try �'aliare3 � 4 xquipm ent: dt;.t}C3 ` 100.00 . 3fl. Lontinevnt 15U.00 60.00 fO:r 'A"Otael t p,proprjationu for ' Valice3 P r'oteotiion to i!Q v Paid by . :T ax " ievy. ,., . w w E 200 00 � _ Z10 Current w tirrzarze rte►1 Li'01ta 4 00.UU r.. �' 1f000.00 ` °: , Account;: of Appropriations f ount" to, be i i- ttix le `'. St:r @fit -ht:irM U0:1t a►. r, �4. urrellt - '�r'€af`lo Liclits ; 014"U0. 00 _100.00 33» Inst±al.laxtioll and muln- f ter.ance oft :ltroet .ail Alley #i Likobtra ` Ub:t b ido.00 (h) Urnamaantal L i hts 2-000.00. 200.00 fi Total 11pprop:riations . F fr�r Str�ot Li- litin& _ w _ `.. ,... , ;�, }:t O. 00 .. .otarl 1:pproprInti ontr w k for-, Straet- -Liahvine be pairs by, Tax, Levy w, ,. w .. _ ,»' .. .. .. .» .. _........ ... p 00 J rte.. _.a„r -. ..! _ _., 7' 'ter +,�'., rp rly w' �. .} fti ^- s.!. p'g^}+d+' • !i.AI tit+.�tlt{* lr.f. Ci i..t f!d.i "JILTOIa.} - •. ._ .. ... .. lJV - 3�t. C.�iarica rz� ra�'r� :300.010 w and aup,,lies 300.00 Total Appropriations, , for Playj;round and , 3 rocreationa — M i M i w (� r i r w w w GOU.Uu Total Approprin tione _ or Playground ' and .. i,c cruationu 'to., bo - - • - , ... (( x .' ,aid- by 'A ttX Lovy ' r .l Y w r r — .. .. .a .. M .. — — { ♦/ x' � i:: tl►C�, r';l r t. t1r. qq ;,j) ands /cr .�3 ♦ Labor C)OO. UO w 37. "ator.ials 200000.00 .. ' a. Enginoering, Services .,50OU0.00 r . 3d. Legal kierviC08: �,uaO.Op Zota1' ApproprIAtions .or.;s.3vc�ra;e1nF�oaal luiid anO /or f ?avormcnt xsor1: 715 000,00 Total Appropriut ions for wcwerrxl;o Ispoeal end end /or Covorz=ont ryor�: •r r .. r w w .. ,w l.. r- w,' «. -.. .. w i. ..•....� r is w r `.,, .. r;�. k /oI2e Amount s of Appropriations t =ount to hm irw cludod in tax levy 7T ti • i'i�. t,ar. lr' JC�O «0 0 r Total Appropriation � =„ ._..._........_.. - r, for GontinGant -- « - - r - - w W' 1 i 5CO. G0 wotal: Appropriation for Contir.gelit to be pa. ld y ax, LO`i3% +w a. -,w. .r w, i t r w w �r w� •ter. j /iJ0 00 AztJ(LiJi 1�a�pty�xi' %°♦ %4i \i�{LpVI.? Tr,- .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. —201 060. CU TOTAL .A':'1'��� +T'RIATION1 � z` (r #lh.. Cf7t t ii;,.X _VW p.*,j j, 1,3v L' -,i lr r r r +► r wr w. s a. r' +� -ter w r j" p Y , J /rt FC,1..1; A ?iii 717,jjDC1F, "PMIU Labor for Strcots, �ipairn _ 0500. 00 100.00 . -, Insu.^una on iquip- C T:t 150.00 r w 4. fttint for L "pMeni n50.00 . airs to ..qui � 400.00 "5 v. vasrrline and. tail, ..•�t}-. UU 7. Ic Li ;it ' " per'A GJ purchaae QX tiew Re d az.d V♦ tutu +,�r +cnt i. LG0. 00 .. j j''t }�i ■, a v00.00 ♦ _ , }ljA.x • V : y F 3.-. M Y r #p tl/ .a• 'ia r#.. w is mr ew ski is �.::- ' b 810000 . ': o i f f L ALIF 1 - at 4 x f�yy y .qi } tTy Yi 'y« ,y-v> t-i �i � r7 aria ilk !►• it . lIF i i+ r w w - i# kir M w w { ryry} '-} 0 SY i if a a 5T I. Purchase of Wa ter - 2. .� alary of 4ter -erupt rintenc"anta ti,'alarlea for . other e;.•€ plUyeau of i,ateY• topartme n; �l.,acic�.tia• 4. ' Labor _for repairing of ! iyr rants and water pipe lratlta 1,1E.0o tlQ Amount try 1 .,propriat:iono Amount to bo in.;- elude 1.n''t5 '16Vy . s e. Water 6/Cpartatnt _Vund cont I d.,`) �- :50, g ovt. 0011 struotion Of wator. . . 20,0{?Ct.OQ ;nn, V. Uetor installation, E maintenance, and repairs ' fJi30.00 7* TaPP11181 r torials and e�zgyvna+e . "250.00 .. Vii. 'tc; ,airs to, oquipmcmt :,004-00 :. i'urczasp oi" Yrc•i equiprart 10. walary Of ,$4tter Golloct -or r �,�it?C.t�O .:• 11. rent or village mall 450. 00 .. l2. Audl,ting ' and tiltrico Rx- 13. Peaso 350.03 - Gasoline ant! 011 w rquip- .! ..i rent 1 Stationery'anct supplies 4G043 . 15. t:cntin gent 0TA1, i> Y ,tl'3I i2'Z�3 IT R kd a .':�.,: daft U} .t s • w w . w w ,j. -,. � � 1117 +► V V , �x .i O. AT 113 t�• «k. #i ? �f""{{� , I; A «; ..ac`s i �'" ' '('y y RR ;; �� TMl,�t►s« idL4Y. t'► .. w w. ,+. .. +c +fir w: - w ".r'' W.. .. ^w ' +. ''w' w ' _. �i tone - W. ... }} ,. w. Labor vx w Att�rinZsr tJC`7 ,+yry •7" r f p +.rte t' „y i � , �. Our I UND ,000« 00 ` s :},+. wt�.ipsl s °1,iND +} .7. Rant+ J.+1' Y ."1w• w .. a. Wn r► ,.r w„ . Wr. w . r . rw ..w w a '�. N " �,. ° w,,;, „ Fayt ent of t"a 4uring Bond 2, 000.00. » ' Interest on � ;,rryyy«a �} �;,,,_,�, �1llf�J" d- 7a�a;�r�'1 Af�.,ial'>•.�taL�i9ai �< „ i'F� Y[f a'.3Wpt «1 pry.F? r 1. 4se •�� # -iYLm F .� 5 -. ' 'y a};♦¢" ._. - • ' ,.� ,if .l.Li .�`is (6� ?+ wT S.. r.: cell �. `. rZ -w nw w► _ r w r« w r WM : �►'" w ti' 3_1A)76.25 - ...W« < ��u I 58- *; t�c�neral` 1 and ' otul �A' Pprc, r! 4 � t..nna t ;., unt • to b0 3a- clLded 1. : t: z levy :. rictratic:n : "xpcn:jos f dice �f: tuaLiori., 8,t1U0.C30 2 200aco • " utrcct L! ;litin t� :3UU.UU , 10400.00 1,la:jeround atic Nocroationa OWL 00 - "r- werago !Aspo,,al i'und rind /or o> cx•r::.�wrt .a�or�:. 7:a.0 CCU. GJ ';orakin�;aat Go 1 .,u0.00 . 1 +}t t!� " t{ 1 j-r •. t� . ., . r : ti' r tt .w tj77 i v w A', , J1. 1 . e i +- L A. J. I f% U i'.{..{ i. C R _ (�� .�1J t 13.V• �r w r w w r TGi'�.�. '` ire, :yi:;A.11t :y;s >, {! r-a13 BY TA.-' L—VY r r r r w r — r —. r�.. 1014100,m � oaC. and iy,!rid�,o 1 and •. ". r�r tt•�' .., 4.,�'. �: /il'f R:' (at \.i i•.i �4��I lJ w r r r _ 810 r w '.r w w� `j� t�o r; 4 ILCh.���i�il 11 \Y+ 1011, 4 > Tr , T ry1, y 11211 " c .�'a�fif`1 SiRa i \Ii,• VY. -_ r w r _ — w r w— r —— — w w w —.r 100.00 J .eater g �,3.ti..� {,w.f i- r t •i >w�:'..L. 1.. +'.. �t .. _ - ....fi a R )�, �ry t,..kM''ar! r }yy (� fe r r .aw w r:.' 48,oObo,oU - � ',I,S i.f �. P ►!iJ (� 1 � ,* r � i7 �.. i .� 1,t 1l �,.1 ..� � �J T: `' r w r _ w q .. .. • . w w w w r r r w ay r �.. � r, w, — •� _ °°utb1, uol. 4n`3" •tic.. .. ,. .a• �.a ✓ad,.,#i.i�\. . .'l 't 0 Jp U00. ' `•JgIV.IL ;Li.j111A�V1}•)•,.s.: w r 'Y� r r as - � 6 . � �.• - t ' i i i a' •� �! rk wr w wr - w r +/ wr Ar ► � .a. .,f. _ a► • w +r r aw � M llff�.i • 9,: .. r,k {% •l L. 11 .., -Ail V —A+; V v,j�}�i•s.�? .J.l \ i. �. ) at *< < 1's1 .e: S3 ly 1 t.+.:.. .L - — rr w w — ' r w r ar aa, —.2.5 { V MI..: •a !! - 11) �• TT)RI IO S— r — L..l,tt)3It?I.►i - — r r r i jai ; r D BY 1 1� y� w: ~ J 1�,176.26 s.vw -ice._. _ 1 - ._ • ' - 59 1IXT1011 R That any ae m of 'monoy, here t ofore appropriated and not heretofore oxii ©rde+d,` and now itt the, Tx►a Bury° of the horoaftor cone -irito the Treasury of the Vlllage, As horetbg ap;�a•r�pr#�tad by f thiij ordinance. That '�cll unaxpe n, cte3d` bai,r_nocn. of any item or Items of any appropriatienm, zr de b;f tizis ordinance may be e pended in making up any insurficiency in any item, or itr,ja ire this appropriation,. �:C'a'!071 4, That 'all ordinanecs or ,,. parts of car dinrtz2ceQ 1nc6re» A sistant herewith be$ atii tha va:�ao are hereby ropeaie d. ;3. GTZ(l'fi That, this ordinance, shall to in fullforco .and ` of 'Le3eyL from and after. i.ta vTs,882eo, approval a►rr3. publication accordin� to .1tzw. Paused this day or-' A.D. iv 4 0. Aye a ved this. Y oft Per o his �a ... .._.3..... , .y. ,1►;�f . .. President oi' I V rase oi': ace rrlald , I,ai a Courity,. Illinois, A11TZ3TEU4rt2' . IL:D this day - .r.......:..., A.1). .t'.!40 a f A motion was made by Trustee Cazel and seconded by Trustee Mercurio that Percy McLaughlin be paid $25 *00 -Nin addition to his regular salary for services rendered in the cutting of weeds. Roll call resulted as follows. Yeas• Trustee Bradt, Cazelt Mercurio, Scott and Tiennia. Nays- None. Motion carried. Motion made by, Trustee Mercurio and seconded by Trustee Cazel that 1 bids be advertised for,. for repairs on 12" East Side Sanitary Sewer the sane to be publicly opened at our regular meeting of September 10, 1946. ' Upon roll call the following vote was taken.. Yeas- Trustee Bradt, j Cazel, Mercurio,'Scott and Tbnnis. Nays None. Motion carried. Moved, Seconded and carried to adjourn. - Village Clerk.. President of the BO - i I 1 { i 1