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46 July 9, 1946. The regular meeting of the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield vma called to order by the President pro-tam Homer G. cazel at 8 F. 'Y* Roll call- rresent- Trustee Bradtq Cazal, Varcurio, Scotto Stateer and Tennis. Abcont - I%Toneo The r_inutes - of the regular msetinS held June 11, 1946 were read and approved, Trustee Mercurio made a motion that the following resolution be pacsed, Motion seconded by Trustee Stanger. 11011 call. Yoas- Trustee rradts Mercurio, Scott, Stanger and Tennis. Nays- Ilona 11otion carried, E. 2.2 L U T 1 0 N- vaTAT REASS certain Installments of certain opecial ansessmanto which have been lovied aCainnt the following. eescribed property: are unpaid:., 91 Lots 1 2' 3T"L'1.r7 V, YA VUL'L v 140 15, 230 240 64* 65., C)G; 6 ' .60# 69, 70 and 71 in Parcel 1 F157574-pl. t;on,t', Deerfield Manor, %i Total Principal Delinquent 5,331.52 V T 7 T C E. V T ZACZK(rGK1 Lots 75j, 77 and 78 In Osterr.anto Parcel 2 Subdivision, Lots M. and, 23 in • 4W-P1 Owner's Subdivisont and Lot I in Block 12 and Loti313 in Block 3,3 in LraniCar nrothers "Uoodland 41 wf Park* Total Principal Delinquent *-*4*****#4G#86L33 ' r.tj"-vat CLAYEY The "not of the East of the F"reol 4 3 North East quarter of the North je o treat quarter of Section 32, r Townahip 43 North, Hango 10, 1.ast 44001 of the 3rd P.U.j, Lake County Total Principal Delinquent t 7 ND rki 1. R 13 A3, the Prosldont-and the Trustees of the villaCe of Deerfield are willing that proceedint, - a be Instituted for the foreclosure Of the lion of the uDpaid°instal3monts of the aforesaid special assessments levied ar_alnst the above described property, and it cppo'ArInZ that all other means ,of colloctinC said unpaid spacial assoflaronto have been unavailines L1 hy- the' Truntocts of the villa go BE$ AND IT is r,.,e3FZY P.1;.:0 NE of Deerfield that Ell "T 3 L!$ 0 0.9 as the Attorney for the Village of " Doerfleld1le and he is hereby., authorl-zod and dirocto I d.to institute oodinZs on behalf of the V 11 la %C0 of Deerfield for the.f6re- proc closure of the lion ©f special assesomento aLninat the above doscrit-od property: '11 RMOLVED that ERWIN' ZEACO FURTHF. A!' TS _A; MIMPTIUMMEM 7 =_77=11- M =9 Attorney for the Villaeo of Deorfield Let and ho 'la horoby authorized to institute said proccedin -s by the filing of a com- plaint on behalf of the Villsro �, for the foreclosure of ,the liar of ..special assessments levied aCainst tbo abovo descril�cd proporty, all in accordance with the statutes of. the Mate of Illinois" in mich 'case rrade and provided. ��I'pi IT .l "a 1 "tii '.Y "Ui22 '»It n30LVBD# thtit the are o3n; is on tho condition that the VtllaC:e of Deerfield shall be .hold harnless . frora and shall not its required, to pay any coats, f000s or charrosin connection with such foreclosure procoodin -q. PA33M 1111 , A;.ELTINQ AS1:iti.".+M+,311D r111IS 9tla •. OF °Tuly A. D. ,1946o r. AYE NAYS.: , None _. A P `I1 t}Wli. 1ai a�?' 9th DA O JLl� Y A. , D. 1046. ,. - t ^`"er azel e3i,dent pro-tam' krosi dont of the V.111a go . Of Deerfield, Daako County, Illinois �--, ATTEST . Chester wassling' V1llaF,0 01ork . ,. j E mfIt was roved by Trustee Tennis and secaaded by Trustee Mercurio that I� .:the following resolution be adopted. . -'"=SOLVED that the temporary 90-day permit granted to Sheridan -Rifle -and Pistol Clubs Inc, on April 9;•i946,.for the operation of a shooting range at the Crist Memorial Range, Deerfield, Illinois which-ter ich te�!porary permit expires July 9, 1946, be and the same is hereby amended and extended to Noverher'l, 1946, • that the said= tenporary,parmit shall terrAnate`on and shall not be extended beyond said date of November 1, 1946." Roll-call resulted as= follows• Yeas - Trustee Bradt, Mercurio, Scott, Stanger and Tennis. -- :jays- None. Motion carried. _ j A notion- wat made-by Trustee-Mercurio and seconded by Trustee . 'Stanger that the report as submitted by Police =gistrate Hunt showing 475.00'in fines collected during, the month of -June, 1946, be accepted. Roll. call.- Yeas - -All. Zjaye- None., Motion carried. The following bills were -read and it was moved by Trustee.Stanger and seconded; by' Tra3tese Mercurio that, these bills be' paid, it, -` as, and; when funds- are available-. Upon- roll` call- the following -vote was taken. Yeas Trustee Bradt, Mercurio, Scott, Stanger and Tennis. Nays- None. Mogion carried. 48 Neptune Mater Coo -------------------------------- $ 92.11 - Eric's D -X Service Station----------------- - - - - -- 43.91c-' X* A. Frantz------------------------------- - - - - -- 13. /A r National Brick Co.------ -------- --- ----- 23,25x-,, H -H Electric Co.--------------------------- - - - - -- 224,00%- Vant & Selig------------------------------- - - - - -- 22.97 n Highland Park Fuel Co. -- ---- --- - - - - -- 2-55c— 'To R. Mitchell Realty Co------------------- - - - - -- 101.00 v- ?.Heller Co.-------------------------------- - - - - -- 31.77t-- Deerfield FArdware & Paint Co.------------- - - - - -- 10.86 UarcerLumber Co--------------------------- - - - - -- 139421- Red Horse Service Station------------------ - - - - -- 240 v Farnell & wilson ------------------------------- -- 79.08x`- P. D. Shipley------------------------------ - - - - -- 18.00 Burgess, Anderson & Tate------------------- - - - - -- 22 OOt- Sherony Hardware Co .------ -- --------------- - - - - -- 6-70t- Illinois-Bell Telephone Co-------- --------- - - - - -- 11.45 � Fublic Service Co.-- -------------------- --------- 179.04 Orell F. Jenkins--------- --- --------------- - - - --- 53.68x- Deerfield Temple Association - August rent--- - - - - -- 75.00 Salaries for August, 19469 Percy McLaughlin---- -- ---- -- --fir 200.00 Alfred Anderson--------- - - - - -- 145.00 william D. Johnston---- - - -- --- 235.00 George Sticken,Sr------- -- ---- 195 000 Mrs- Chester Wessling - - - - -- 110.00 Chester Wessling-------- - - ---- 30.00 Erwin Seago----- - - - - -- -- 40000 Co J. Turner-----=---- - - - - -- 60.00 William Behnke---- - - - - -- 14` .1159.00 # It was moved by Trustee Stanger and seconded by Trustee Scott that the Diamond T Truck be repaired and the cost be charged to the Road & Bridge Fund. .• Roll call- Yeas - Trustee Bradt, I:ercurio, Scott, Stanger and Tennis. 21,ays- None. Motion carried. 1 It was moved by Trustee Mercurio that the Building Co,=ioner notify Milton Callner by registered rail that the building at the corner of Waukegan Road and Deerfield Road must be put in s safe condition within ten days of the receipt of such letter. Upon roll call the following vote was taken: Yeas - Trustee Bradt, lercurio, Scott, Stanger and Tennis. Nays- None. Motion carried. A motion was made by Trustee Mercurio and seconded by Trustee Bradt that the Chairman of the Finance Co=ittee Floyd Stanger be authorized to sign the,; Village checks-until such time as.the President Robert Alexander shall return from his vacation. Roll call- Yeas - Trustee Brat, 11ercurio, Scott, Stanger and Tennis. jlETs- None, lotion carried. Trustee Bradt made a motion that a 24 hour permit be granted to Elmest A. Holmberg to move,a one, story frame residence over Central - .Avenue from Wilmot Road to Grove Street, subject to approval by the Building Co iasioner, and in compliance with Article Vlll of the new building.code. This notion was seconder! by 74.austee Tennis. Motion unanimously carriedp those voting "Aye "being - Trustee .Bradt, Mercurio, Scott, Stanger and Tennis. Those voting "clay "-being none. It was moved by Trustee lerourlo and seconded by Trustee Stanger that the Clark write to Gustave Fredbeck requesting information as to when we =y ex;eet to receive the monies from the recent special Assessment foreclosure sales. Roll call resulted as follows- Yeas - All-, Nays- NOW. Motion carried. Trustee Mercurio =a0a a motion which was seconded by Trustee Scott•that the Tesolutions of.December 11, 1945 and of May 14, 1946. relative to foreclosure of property described as .the West�J of the North East 4 of the North •hest 4 and the East of the North Cleat ' of the North West i _ of. Section 32, TwBp 43 North, Range 129 East of the'3rd P. li-, Lake County, Illinois, be radcinded. Upon roll call the following vote was taken. Yeast Trustee Bradt, Mercurio# Scott, Stanger and Tennis. Nays- Non*- lotion Carried. w•