11/23/1953153 MINUTES OF MEETING OF.THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD HELD IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS OF THE VILLAGE HALL ON MONDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1953 The adjourned meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield was belled to order in the Council Chambers of the Village Hall on Monday, November 23, 1953 at 8:00.P.11. The Clerk called the roll and reported that the following were Present: John D. Schneider Eugene F. Engelhard Hubert N. Kelley Joseph W. King Homer B. M.arxer Harold W. Wynkoop Absent: Raymond T. Meyer and that a quorum was present and in attendance at the meeting. Report on Mr. R. M. Baxter of Baxter and Woodman discussed the inform- Sewer Proiect ation required by Chapman and Cutler for approval of the bond issue, including status of water users, sewer rate, number of users in "each category, and the approval by the State Sanitary Water Board of .. complete 1-Ilans and specifications, including the treatment plant, pumping station and location of pressure lines. He stated final plans could not be made until the site of the treatment plant, pumping station and easement were known. Mr. Henning Hermanson, 1100 Hazel Avenue, presented a Petitions Opposing petition signed by 210 residents of the village opposing Parking Meters the installation of parking meters in the business district. Mr. Howard Schmidt, Northwood Drive, presented a petition signed by 23 residents of Northwood Drive also in opposition to parking meters. Mr. N. Silvey, 1111 Greenwood Ave., Mr. Carl Schaaf, 934 Sunset Court, Mr. Berger Larson, 910 Northwood Drive, and Mr. Philip Banks, Woodward Avenue, stated their objections to meters, citing information furnished by the Chicago Motor Club and the Traffic Institute of Northwestern University. Trustee Engelhard stated that he was in favor of trying to 90 11inute enforce the 90 minute parking limit in the business district, Parking and asked that signs be'posted to that effect. r:r. A. L. Roderick and Mr. J. T. DeWeese reported on the Srecial Assessments progress of the work in clearing up Special Assessments, and -the amount of additional work required. Trustee Engel- hard moved, seconded by T ustee Kelley, that the necessary help be eLployed to clear up Special Assessment worK at a cost not to exceed $1,000.0opted by the following vote: Ayes: Engelh(r0,, Kelley, King, Marxer, Wynkoop (5). Nays: None Trustee Engelhard moved, seconded by Trustee 11arxer, that Salsr the salary of t he Village Treasurer be increased to 0150.00 Village Treasurer per month as of November 1, 1953• Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Engelh(rrdp Kelley, King, Marxer, Wynkoop. (5) Nays: None Trustee Marxer reported that he was trying to get a•recommendation from the Illinois Fire Insection Bureau for a reduction in fire insurance - rates. Fie further reported that Litsinger t'otors cannot deliver the 1953 Ford ordered for the Police Department, but would furnish a•1954,odel at the same price, delivery to be made about January 14, 1964• A letter from the Deerfield S "fety Council was read, recom Bus Loading, Zone mending that a bus loading zone be established on Deerfield Established Road east of 1he stop light. Trustee Marxer moved, seconded