Tune 9, 1952
The regular meeting of the President and Board of Trustees of the Village
of Deerfield was called to order by the.President Andrew G. Bradt at 8
P. M, with the following trustees -responding to the roll call: Engelhard,
Hinchsliff, King, Melntzer, Wilson and Wynkoop. Absent - None..
The minutes of the - regular meeting held May 12, 1952 and the special meeting
• held Tune 2, 1952 were approved as submitted..
The following bills were read and it was moved by Trustee Wilson and seconded
Trustee Hinchsliff that these -bills be paid, if, as, and when funds are
available. 0 -
Motion unanimously carried* Those voting "Aye" being Trustee Engelhard,
Hinchsliff, Ring, Meintzer, Wilson and Wynkoop. Those voting "Nay" being
Deerfield Temple Association - June 1952 rent --- 4180.00 r"7
Earl M. 7ohnston,7r.------ - - - - -- - - - --- 120.00
Earl W. Johnston ,7r.--------------------- - - - --- 95.00'
Ben'Hess ---------- ------------------- --- -- ---- 40000
Ben Hess ------------- -- ----------- --- -N - ----- 65.00
Kincaid and Butchinson- --------- - - - --- - - - - -- 300.00^
American Evatype Corporation ---- --- N- N -N_N- 5,30'
Mueller Co.-- ---- ---------- ------- -- --------- 84.201,
National Brick Co------------------------ - - ---- 64.50 K:
Rochester`Ropea, Ines --- ------ --------------- 54.03
'Rosman Tractor and Equipment 65-79t'
Burgess, Anderson 30.19 (..
Horder's, ------- •---- * -- - - -- .22.03 �.
Mead and Wheeler Co.- 83.94%
Edward T0'� /Meyers Co.N..--- w..N_ - - - -- N - - -r -0 2.751'
Stevens:, Maloney & CO1--- •-r-_-- NN_- www_ -www- 42.13 t-,
Lewis Be Walton, 7r.- N-- .r 99000,
Thos. A. Matthews -- ww___- __..NwNN-- --- - - -- 275900,-, /�
,Dr. F- Be n- r- N-w.w-- --wN-N�.�.w- www�...- - -ww 60001 1.
Highland Auto Supply News---------------------- - - - - -- 7.05 �
Haak'S to Supply Co•- •--- w- wN- _ww-www -Mw -w- 1.00
Illinois -Bell - Telephone Coo ------- ---------- 180004
Deerfield Garage and Service Station----- - - ---- 18.457- -
Deerfield lumber and Fuel Cos- 5.88
Reiland and Breo--- M-------- w-- N- wM-- ww-�N_ 26.34 ",
Highland Park Lincoln - Mercury,' Inc.----- .---N- 1650N
Peter Baker & Soong Co.----- N--- _____N--- - - - --- M, F. T. F: $75.48 n
Public Servico W.NN-- Nww_M- _-- M-- w -MM -- 158.19 r
Brand BroB.- w--- -w- ------- - ------------- --w-N 5 *471'
'Highland Park lkel Coo --- N- N--- _wrw---- -_._ 179.61 -1\$165.00 from Gravel)
M. A. FSantZ-•- N-_ w- wNr- wrwrw- -w-- --- w-- -ww--131,57 t-- Y\ Account )
Red Horne Service Station---------------- -- - - -- 4962 r-- -
Deerfield Hardware and Paint Co•-------- ---• - -- 23.06 n
Ton and Earl's Service Station----------- - ----- 177.09
Ward Bros. - - -- --- --w-- ----- ----- N- --w- -N--- 750.00
Albert L. Roderick------------ wNN_-- -- - --- 270.00','Spoc. AsseSSMOnt Fund
Chester - Wessling- Village Collector - -lac. ------ 91015 IN
Katherine L. Paul -------------------------- 26.25
T. �Th�. �D( e�l��eese-- M- _N- _- _N- N ------ N-- -- - --- 186.00 Spec. Asaossnent Fund
Hey.. an .� ertel - N ---- _--- -- w-------- ---- -N 40900 k
William H. Barrett-------------- •------- -• ---- 26.00 J\
Salaries for Tune, 1952
Percy Mchughlin--- -w---- r- ----$ 310.00
Alfred Anderson --------------- 285.00
David Petersen— NM --- 300.0
William D• Tohnston-- -------- -- 325600
Urs. Chester Wessling---- - - - - -- 175.00
Tullus Lencioni---------- - ----- 260.00
George Sticken,Sr.------- - - - - -- 270900
Earl F j _Paul-- ..--- w- N-- -- -- -- 100 000
Chester Wessling--------- - - -•-- 60.00
$ether Gies- N- Nww_N- -N --N- 25.00
Thomas Matthews--------.--- 100.00
Francis Janes---------- •- ---- -- 250.00 2460.00
It was moved by.Trustee Engelhard and seconded by Trustee Wynkoop
that we approve and accept the Development Plan Map as prepared by
Kincaid and Hutchinson, dated April 1,,.1952.and recommended by the
Deerfield Planning and Zoning Commission as the official plan for
public improvements within the jurisdictional are,% of-the Village of
Deerfieldt lake County, Illinois, together with the "Environs" map
attached thereto.as an exhibit
Upon roll call the following vote was taken* Yeas- Trustee Engelhard,,
Hinahsliff, Kingt Maintzers,,.Wilson and-Wynkoopi Nays-'None* Motion
carriede t t
Trustee Maintzer made a motion which was seconded by Trustee Wynkoop,
thattwe accept and approve-the plat for the re-subdivision of lats 13
and 14 of Edwin P. Osterman's subdivision of the Northeast 4 of Section
32,, Township 43 North& Rangel2l, East of the 3rd Mo' as submitted by
Carl.and Leura'Trantero',
Roll call-resulted an follows, Yeas- Trustee Engelhard, Hinchsliff�
`jing, MeintzerqWilson and Wynkoop*' Nays- None* Motion carried4
it was moved by Trustee Wynkoop and•seconded by Trustee Wilson, that
t#G report as-submitted by Police Magistrate Hunt showing W7,00 In
fines collected during the vonth of May, 1952 together with'his
check for this amount . be received*.
Roll call resultet as follows• Yeas- All* Rays- Nonee Motion carried*
Trustee Wynkoop-made-a motion which was'-seconded-by-Trustee Maintzer
that the request-from-the-Deerfield Lions Club to close Deerfield Road
from Waukegan Road-(S*-Bo-l*- Route 'No.-,VA)-to-Chestnut" Street for a
Soup pox.Derby-on Sunday,,--lune 22,-1952 between the hours of 1:30 P* M.
and 5.-OO.P, M*,-be..grantedo and-that-a-copy ,of-this notion be forwarded
to ]Lrp Louis- - Seider, Chairman. -
Upon roll call-the following -vote-was-taken:---Yeas- Trustee Engelhard,
Hinchaliff, King,,-Ueintzerg,Wilson,and--Wynkoop* Nays- None*'_Notion
A motion•was made-by Tiustee"Tlynkoop-and seconded by Trustee Engelhard
that the.sections.-in-thelkniciPal. Code of-1946 relating to-traffic,, be
numbered•to with-the-section-numbers-in*the Illinois Motor
Motion uzanimouely- carried. - •Those, voting -"Aye" being Trustee Fbigel#irdp
nebaligfq King,,M6intzert- Wilson and-Wynkgop*- - Those.voting !Way" being
It was moved by Trustee-Engelhard and--seconded-by.Trustee Meintzer that
the ordinance for-the p=hase of f-part-of-Towett Park Association,.-.
property; as read, be passed*_
Roll calf resulted-as fo3.1ows*.__Yeas--Trustee Engelhard, Hinchsliff,
King, Maintzers.'Wilson and`Wynkoop*__Xays-.None•- Motion carried•,
Trustee Idilson'made a motion which-was•seconded by Trustee Hincholiff
that we authorize- the purchase of.a rebuilt Underwood-Typewriter at
a cost o:e
Upon roll call -the fol-lowing-vote was.takenw—Yeas- Tzvstee Engelhard,
IWIchaliff a King,, Meintzer.. Wilson and Nyzkoope - Kays—. None•. Motion
movedp seconded- And carried..to. adjotirne-
Village Clerk, aent.of.the Board._.-.
93 1 1! J$V