06/02/1952June 2, 1953.
A special meeting of the President. and- Board- of -Trustees of
the Village of Deerfield was called-to order-by-the faking President.
Andrew G. Bradt at,.8:60 P. M. for the pure
on a request • to;;ohange the location of an ornamental fight pole j
on Deerfield Road and also for the purpose of passing an •
ordinance auth orizing-the President and Olerk to enter ,into an
agreement for the purchase of_ land from .the Jewett P�Lrk Association.
Roll call— Present- - ,Trustee .Engelhard, Hineholiff,- King, Meintzer,
Y Wil$on sand Wynkoop.
Absent — None.
It` was moved by Trustee. Engelhard and : seconded by Trustee' Hinehsliff
than the ornamental light pole now located on the East side of
Rosemary Terrace on Deerfield Road be moved approximately 7th0efeet
to the West side of Rosemary Ter provided vision _of. i to s of
Department of Public Works - and .- Buildings,,. _ Di t
ate of Illinois - will • not - allow_ same.Ao be paid outof Motor
the 8t �
Fuel Tax Funds then the 4ha- cost shall be_paia_ from.village funds.
Roll call resu.ted as- •follows.. - -_ Yeas - __Trustee _Engelhard, Hinehsliff,
Meintzer, Wilson and Wynkoop. t -Nays— .Trustee King. Motion: carried. ,
{I Trustee Wilson made a- motion-which... was - seeonded.by_�rustee,
i l dinance - suthorizing_.the •President and Olerk
ginchsliff that the or
to enter into an agreement-on behalf -_of _the, Village of Deerfield
for the purchase of land - - from -the„ Jewett :Park Association, -be
passed, subject.to final- oheck• -on.- the -legal description.
Motion unanimously . carried,, Those..- voting- J'Ayen_ -beingg Trustee
Engelhardt lhard Hinchsliff,-- Kil.g,_ Meintzerj__WilaQn and Wynkoop.,
Those voting "Nay. ", being_ None.
Moved seconded' and carried-- to _adjourn.._.- - -. t .::..
Tillage 0 er _ _____--- - -__ -_ ,res dbnt,.o ,tha Board.