March 102 1952
The regular meeting of the President and Board of Trustees of the Village
Of Deerfield was called to order by the_President'Andrew G. Bradt at 8
P. Me with the following trustees•responding to the roll call: Engelhard,
Hinchslitf, King, Meintzer and Wilson* Absent- Trustee Wynkoop:
The minutes of the regular meeting held February 12, 1952 and of the
special meeting held March 3, 1952 were read.and approved.
The following .bills .were r @ad' anti it was moved by Trustee Wilson and
seconded by Trustee.Hinchsliff that the following bills be.,paid, if, as,
and when funds are. available.
Motion unanimously carried. =Those voting "Aye" being Trustee Engelhard,
Hinchsliff,-.King, Uointzer.and Wilson. Those voting "Nay" being None.
Deerfield Temple Association -2 mos. rent - --- -- 4360.00,x.
Bari tTohnstong 7r •---- ---------- -------- - --- - -- ,230.00
Ann Banfield----• c
------------- ------------- - - - - -- 2.00 r
Lewis Be Walton, Tr•--- --- ---- ----------- - -I --- ?3•66,k
Vent sand Selig ------- N----- ..------------- - - --•. 1,2.88 r
Ward Bross— ------------------------------------ M. F. 7 F•$133.00
llinois Bell_Teleephone Co.-------------- - - - - -- .97.06,x, ,
ames Be, Clow & Sons — - ----- r------ N - -- - -- 7.6V,,, •
Nation4l Brick: Co . -------------- r-------- - - - --- 52.50v
Badger Later )ifg. Co•- Nrr-- N- N----- -r -r - -�N 32.56 '�- ,
Deerfield Oil. Co •-------------- --- ------------- 142.37
Red Horse Service Station - - ----- N--- M - -N - -N 15.12,,z-
Deerfield Lumber &.Fuel Co.------- .------ - - - -- 16.15 v-
Highland Park 32.85 <.
Frost's Radio and Electric Appliances--------
JReiland and Bree--- -r---- -- - -------------------- -4.53 •+
Everett Garage--------------------------- - - - - -- 1.50
-- -- r.
Rater Baker & Son Co.- =--- ------- - - -- -- 8 #30 ;
Highland Park 28.01 C--
Highland Park Fuel Co•- _--------- N- N-- ..Nrr - -- . 7• �-
Deerfield_Hardwaze and Paint Co•- v---- --- - 40M, -
Rablic Service Co •----------------- ----------- - 171.117
Burgess, Anderson &Tate --- -- r--- -- - - -- - ----- 23.86;.•
Lewis B• Talton, Tr•------- ------------------- 210.00 c
George.Sticken, Sr.- ------------------------- -_ 41.25
Tulius , ncioni- - -- ..... — 56e25. )
George Burnett- --- -- r- N- r-------------- -- ---- 15e001%
William D. Johnston---------------------- ---- -- 17050
Earl 7ohnston9 rrr
Tr. 25.45
NNrN-- NNir-- -MNNrr Q
Brand, Brose ---- - -- --- -- ------- -- ------ -- --- ---- 6.31 r
Alfred Anderson------------------ --------- - - ---- 18000:
_p11111am Behnke--------------------------- - - - - --
.Percy McLaughlin--- - - - - -- - -- $.310.00 t
�Alfred_Anderson-------- ----- -, 285.00
David Paterson-------- - - - - -- 300.00.
William D• Johnston---- -- - --- 325.00
Mrs. Chester Wessling-- -- - --- 175.00
Tulius Lencioni ------- - - --- 260.00
George Sticken, Sre----- - - ---. 270.00
Earl F. Paul----------- - - - - -- 100.00
Chester Wessling --------- - - - -. 60.00
Esther Gies--------- - - - - -- 25900
Thomas A. Matthews- ---------- 100 #00 $2210000
T�ustee Wilson made a motion which•was seconded by Trustee Engelhard that
we accept the bid as submitted by Ward Bros@ and that the contract be
awarded to them for an entrance road sixteen feet wide to the proposed
municipal garage and also a road on the west side of this builing twelve
feet wide ending at the south wall of said building together with an
entire parking area in front of said building located on Elm Ste for the
sum of One thousand five hundred andtlkllj three and 65/100 ($10523.65)
Upon roll call the following vote was taken. Yeas- Trustee Engelhard,
Hinchsliff, Kings Meintzer and Wilson Nays - None.,,Motion carried.
It was moved by Trustee Wilson and seconded by Trustee King that the follow-
ing resolution to relieve the Hartford Accident.and Indemnity Co. from
further liability as of March 3, 1952 in its Bond No. 2609489 in the amount
of 0509000.001 be passed.
E 1! -
Roll call resulted as follows. -Yeas-.,Trustee Engelhard,,.Hinchsliff, J.
King, Mointzer and Wilsons' Hays- Nozii)* Motion carfied*_
TMERW,,the Hartford Accident pLnd,lndemnity,,Company,executed its.Bo-nd
No• 2609489 in the penalty of TM THPUSAND AND.NO/100;(010*0000'00)-DOLLARS
`on ok Donald Ps.Eastgn asJillage.Treasur@r of_the,:,Vil;age_of Door-
0 be _ I . _. -
field, Lake CO�Xntyt Xllinoist for.,a term of one year beginning July 17,,1951;
WHu0M9_at a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the -Village of-Doerfields
Lske'countyt inoist a resolution was passed.iner-onsing the penalty of
the i Illinois,
AND N01100(45 DOLLARS9 sffec�ivoa8.,of,tbe 3J+t4 day
of Zanuary .19529
it is the desire o; the Village of.Deerfields..Zake qouutyt
Illinois to terminate liability tinder and cancel the said bond executed
by -1 the Hartford Accident and Indemnity Companys which cancellation to be
effective as of the 3rd day of Marchq 19520 executed by the Hartford
Accident and Indemnity q=PanY-,.
jCV3, TEMIOR be it resolved that the Hartford Accident and Indemnity
Company_is,relioved.from all ,further .liability as to the future acts as of
the 3rd day of Marchs 19529 in its Bond No* 2609489 in the amount of FIFTY
MICUSAND AND NO1100 ,($50,000000),.DOILARS, executed•. effective ZUIY• 170 19510
motion was.-, made by Trustee Wilson and.,seponded-, by Trustee King that the
f 011Owi ng resolution,naming. . the depositories for the.funds'of.,the-Village
Tr6as�urorlarl Fe .,Paul$ be- adoptede_
` roll call the,following vote was taken *-, Yeas- Trustee Engelhard,
Hinchsliffq.Xjng* Meintzer and Trilsone, Nays- None. Motion carried*
PAUL, Village TreeLsurery - S,tate of._ Illinois
to the torms'of an. Act of the General Assembly Of the State of Illinois
recently I adopted and now in full force.,.and effectp- vsqqested this
13r,eident.and Board Of Trustees of tho.Vi1lage, of,Deerfield to designate
a bank'o'r*' banks or.other depository i.n..which-the-funds-and-MOneYs received
by him s�o Xi
1 . lags Treasurer* May be.. deposited; -,and
the following, designate ,
WHM7,4B1, d banks have. furnished copies of the last
"p.."prn, state I ments.of resources _and -and liabilitiesp as-.furnishecl,to _the
Comptroller of the currency. or Auditor: of 13'ablic. Accounts,*,,:.,�
Not THMFOR0 Be -, It Resolved by the President,and -Board---of Trustees Of
the Village, of Doerfieldt, afovesaids that the following named banks are
hereby designat ed as depositorkes in which funds.and•,moneys.receiTed by
EARL F, PAUL, Village Treasurer# may be deposited# to-wit:
Chicago,, Illinois. r
.Bankv - I - Illinois.
,Outi]i6ntal..Illinois,Natio-ml,Bank.and Trust COP Ch g. 11 noi s*
First -National Bank" Chicago$4::,. Illinois*
(,Be--It Further -Resolved that each bank. herein ,designated ,as.,a.depository for,
resident-and.,Board.�Of Trustees
such funds or monies furnish.the..said,,P
u -.which . it - is, -required to
of. Deerfield with a copy of.'all.bank statements
furnish to th I a - said Auditor of RibkiO, Apepunts,%or,. to the, so*. Comptroller-
as- such, depository, _and,i
of the CUireilcjq while acting.
Be- It Further Resolved that if such.funds or moneysare _deposited ,.in a
bank- herein . . 'designated as a'depositorys, tie amounts of suph-deposits shall
not exceed s9venty-fiTe per cent of the Capital Stock and Suxjjus of such
bank -and such Village Treasurer shall not be discharged.from responsibility
for anY.such funds or moneys deposited in any -bank in excess. -of -such
Trustee Weintzer'made'a motion which ,was seconded by_.Truste9_,-Engelhard
that anyapplicant`,r6quesiing a public " hearing before., the:,.Vi3_1age,. Board
of Trustees I 'or the Board 'of Appeals . shall include with his,_application
a fee of C25•00 to cover publication-notices .and -any,other_usual,costs
inoidenial_ toF L said'hearingo
Motion unanimously cairiedo Those voting "Aye" being �uitse Enge
Hinchsliff 9 King, Mointzer and Tfilsong, _Those voting "Nayff being None,