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K 79,
A special meeting of the President and Board of Trustees of the
Village of Deerfield was called to order by the President Andrew G.
Bradt at 8 P. If-, for. the purpose of holding, a public', h3aring for a
- variance ill__our zoning ordinanco.at the NE corner of Wilmot Road
and Deerfield Road of approximately five acres In-the-west half of
the aput1w3st, q7jarter of the sogtlrxst quarter-of Seqtion �9,:. -
TotmshiP 43 Norths Range 129 East of the 3rd Principal Meridian,,
In the Village of Deerfield, Lake.County, Illinois and other matters
which needed. t he J=diate-attention
of the Boards-
Roll call-11resent- Trusteo Engelhardp King, Meintzer*and Wilsonb.
Absent « Trustee ,Hinchsliff.and-.ITynkoope
It -,vas moved by Trustee Engelhard.. and seconded by ,Trustee 'Meintzer_,-.
,that the request, from the St. Greeoryts Episcopal Chqrch fqr-a
variance in the Zoning Ordinance and a legal notice having been
published in theDeerfield-Revierr -in their 'issue of February-141 1952
that a public hearing-for-tl*-a ,varinnee-i-n--the-zoning ordinance to
permit the erection of-a-church$--re-atory-ancic-parish-house-on-
tely five -a Itof the Southl7est
approximately -,acres#, --being --part -of -the -West .
of ths Southwest .j ot-Seotion-291--lIbmship -4-3 -North-- Range 12, -East
of tha Third Principal.--Meridian- situated -in the -Village o:rDeerf ielC,.,
Take County, Illinois; -Would-be -held- at-the Village Hall on-.March 31,
1952 at 8 Pe M* and nor-objector&-appearings--that the. request,,be granted*
Roll call resulted as follows. -- Yeas - -trustee -Eirgelhardi King, Meintzer
.end Iffilsone Nays-w Nonar --Motion carried-,,,-----,--
jk motion was.made. by Trustee- -Bngelhtax-� -and-ssecondad by. Trustee King
that vie authorize. the.-purchase--of--f lexibl,& sewer rod equipment-at a
cost of a0rOximately -$?LfOOO woo-
Roll call unanimously - curried.-- Thoze 'voting - "Aye" being Trurstde
Engelhards King,_ L.lointzei-.and,-Vo"ilsona---Thoze--,vot-irg--"Nay". being None*
Trustee Wilson made a -motion- which- was -- seconded- -by Trustee- King 'that
we accept the resignation- of- Donald- -P*- -Eastons Nilla& Tresurer,,- as I'\
of February *29.,.1-952 - ----------------
Roll call- carriede.
— ------------------- — ------
President As Go Bradt -appointed- -Barl-T�Faul s Village Treasurer
and it was moved. by Trustee - Wilson anti -- seconded --by _ T=stee Medntzer
that this a1ppointment -be- confirmed) -by- this- -Board w- f',
Roll call resulted as -f-ol-lo7,gso--Y-eafj---Txuatee--Engel-hardI King,
-Lll- -
veintzer and llilsDne' 4;ays--_None* ogion carried
------ - — -----------------
. it was moved by.TXustee-K-ine-iLnd--seoonded-- by--Trustee Engelhard that
a letter be draftod and- -zent - to,- -the - Illinois- Commerce- Commission
registering a complaint-in,connection-with the-operation of the
Highland Coach Lines and-requesting-that•an• early-inspection be made.
Upon roll ' call the following vote was taken, Yeas- Trustee Engelbn--,dj
Kings Meintzer and Wilson. Nays- None. - Motion - carried.
jjo further . business appearing, it was.regularly, eve .-seconded and
carried toadjourne
... Village Clerk. a,