07/09/1951July 9, 1951. ,The :regular meeting of the President and Board of Trustees of the - G Village of Deerfield was called to order by the President Audrew . Bradt at 8 P. M. Roll cell- Present- Trustee Engelhard; Hinchslifft King, MaIntzer, Wilson and Wynkoop. Absent - None. The reading of the riinutes of the regularbirsetina held June no 1951 and the special meeting held June 298 1951 were poxtponed until tho next regular meeting. _ �• A motion was made by Trustee King and seconded by*Trustee HinehsAff that the resolution to decontrol rents within thv Village of Deerfield be passed and that a certified copy of this resolution be sent to the Housing Expediter. Roll call resulted as follows. Yeas- Trustee Engelhard, Hinahsliffp King,, Meintzer, Wilson and ►i nkoop. Nays- None. Motion carried. It was moved by Trustee King and seconded by Trustee Engelhard that we send a check in the amount of $10*00 to the Tri County Home Role Association for one year's membershipo , Upon ro" call the following vote vzas taken. Yeas- Trustee Engelhard, Hinchsliff, King, , Meintzer, Nilson and �: nkoopo, Nays- Ilona. Motion carried* Trustee Engelhard made a motion which was seconded by Trustee 7, 'sop that the property owners along Cherry Street coma .to an agreement as to boundaries and also if sane is to be improved with.gravel or paved by the Village of Deerfield under Special Assessment.proceedingso Motion wmnimously carried. Those voting "Ay_4�" being Trustee Engelhard, Hinchsliff, King, Meintzerp-,Wilson and Tlynkoop. Those,voting,"Nay" being None. . A motion was maAe byyTrusteo Engelhard and seconded by Trustee Wynkoo that subject to the confirmation of the- aceeptanee -of Hemlock Street�by the Village of Deerfield, same be given the necessary repairs .�` to put it into ,its .original condition Roll call resulted as follows• Yeas - Trustee Engelhard, Hinchsliff, King, Meintzer, 1Ii130n and Wynkoop..Nays- None., Motion earriedo It was moved.by Trustee Wynkoop and soeondod.by Trustee Meintzer that the report as sub:;itted by Police Magistrate Hunt showing $759000 in fines eollected,during the,mouth of June, 1951,togethe -r with his eieek for this ruwt nt, be accepted. . • t ,.- Upon roll call the following vote�v(as taken. ,Yeas - .Trustee Engelhard, Hinchaliff, King, Meintzer,,Wilson and Wynkoop. Nays — None. Motion carried. - < The following bills were read and it was moved by Trustee Wilson and seconded by Trustee King that these bills be paid, if, as, and when funds are available, Motion unanimously cor3ziecle Those voting "Aye" barn; Trustee Engelhard, Hinch. lift, King, Meintzer, Wilson and Vynkoop. Those.voting "Nay" being None* . , . , . Tames Be Clow k Sons---------------------- - - --r$ 391,40K Highland Park News---------------------- - - ---- 4920 Illinois -Bell Telephone Co*------------- - - - - -- 34.57t, Red Horse Service Station--------------- - - ---- 15%74, ti;prican City Magazine- -------- -'4'0'00 City of Highland Park------------------- - - - - -- 4237.951, iriostts Radio and Electric Appliances --- - -- 15 *39 r Highland Park iael Co.------------------- -- - -- 15.38 Reed Randle Motors---------------------- - - - - -- 11+5°791 -. Eagle Signal Corporation---------------- - --- -- 175.66t,, Hanson* s-------------------------------- - - - - -« 45 *00 t Joseph.r.o King - - - - - =- 3,001V D. To L. 48 -85%x, 119 A. Frantz---------------------------- --- --- 162 *75c-,. Deerfield Lumber and Fuel Co.------ ----- -- ---- 32039 Charles Gillespie---------------- ------- - - - --- 10*00 Tod lindahl----------------------------- - - - - -- 153*20r, Jos..- Stockton Transfer Co*-------------- - - - - -- 6.84 Deerfield Garage and Service Station- »-- - - - - -- 142006 t- National Brick Cc -------------- 52*50 Deerfield Hardware and Paint Co.--- »---- - - - --- 13.39 u . Coo ------ 41176090 t--i � 3 Rockwell ..SC. . William Allen--- r- :.-- -------------------- --= 160.00 ` AlCouris---------------------------------- 5000 trilli -va ':e Yarrett -- ----- ------------- 107.90 Deerfield Temple �1sssociaticn-Tuly rent-- - - - - -- 180000 Highlcnd park Lincoln Mercury __ ______ 24,83 Herman Hart ©l-- ----------- �- -_ .....- . . 55,00 William Behnke---------------------- - - - - -- 8000t" George r3ock--- ---- --- --- - - - - -- ! - 5 0Q0 t' , Bruno Meyer -- =------------------------ = - - -.. 0.00 vlillian Rank in------------------------ - - - --- 5.00 Hsnry Y9 - 7ohanasen- ..»,-------------- - - -- -- 6000 David To Paterson ---------___ __ ________r` __ 34450 A. Ho : Anderson------ -- --------------- - - - - -- 106000 ►\ Percy. MclauChlln••- 118o50n Salaries I'ercr RcLaughlin-- -- --------- $ 310000 William De Sohnston---- - - ---- 325e00 As He tjiderson----- --- - -- -- 285,00 David Paterson --------------- -_ 275.00 Co To Turner---------- - - - - - -- 100000. Hatti© 175.00 Chester r esslinPr - -- _- ... ' 60000 - M Julius Lencioni ------------ .... 240,00 2$.00 R . raomas,A. Matthew,------- __..., 100.00 George Sticken ------ - -r_-- 250000 2145.00 _el It was moved by hard Trustee Nynkoop $nd seconded by Trustee Ens that the resolution creating a Building Committees be passed* Roll call resulted as follo3vse Yeas- .Allo , t rays- None. Notion ,carried, - 1 j A motion was made by Trustee Wilson and soconded by Trustee i:inchsli �ount of the president, ,Clem and .Treasurer ba authorized to .issue ,a check in 3400o00�in favor of William Rsetenrralt' as final payment for property described as � follows:- i Lot 7. in Wi111 =.Fo P1agee'a Subdivisions being -a subdivision of. part of the Northeast,Quarter of.Section 32, and the North - west Quarter of Section 33, Township 43 North, Range 120 East of the .3rd P. 25., in bake County: Illinoiso Also the.sguth 61009 feet' of that part of` the' Southwest Quarter oP the Nortirrrest Quarter ;of Section 33, Township 43 North, Flange 12i East of the 3rd Po Me lying . westerly, of; the right of way of the Chicago, Milwaukee„ and . Ste Paul. Railway Coo,in Lake,Vounty, Illinoiae Upon receipt of a clerr.title and proper'deede poll call resulted as.folloase Yeas- Trustee,Engslhard,* Hinehyliff: King, elntzer, villson and T.Trkoopo 1Taye- Nonee Motion cariAedA Mr. Seth Me Goeded submitted his resignation as Chairman and a member of the - Building Advisory'CO=ittee, which resignation was kccepted with, The President Andrew G0 Bradt appointed Mrs Oben Holt as a member of the Board of Appeals and on motion by Trustee King, duly seconded by Trustee Engelhard, this appointment was ratified by the Board of Trustees* Trustee Maintzer made_ a motion which was seconded by Trustee Engelhard that the Clerk -be. authorized to purchase the necessary yehicle and Dom Licenses for 1952• Upon roll call the following vote.was taken. Yeas•.Trustee Engelhard, Hinchaliff, King, Meintzer, Wilson and TTynkoop. Nays- gone. Motion carried, A motion was made by ' Trustee_ Nyrkoop and seconded ' by Txvstee 'Engelhard theft Robert So Ramsey be appointed as Deputy Treasurerand that his only duties shall be to sign checks authorized by the Board of Trustees and as evidence of such authority shall first be signed by the Village President and the Village Clerk. He shill not bs required to keep or maintain any of the Treasurers records. Roll call resulted as follows. Yeas - Trustee Engelhardp Hinehsliffs King, Maintzer, Nilson and Nynkoop. Nays- None* Motion carried. It was moved by Trustee Wynkoop and seconded by Trustee Engelhard that the resolution requesting permission to tunnel under So A. Route 11 Extension for a 3/4" water service, at a point approximately 86JI East of Kenton Road, be adopted* Trustee Engelhard, Upon roll call the following vote was taken. Yeas- i