Trudtee Hincheliff made a motion rhich was seconded by Trustee'Ideintzer
that Charles`,,, Turner shall act as Village Clark pro tem.'
UFon roll call the following vote was taken : Yeas - Trustees Engelhard,
F.inchsliff, King, Meintzer and Wynkoope Nays- None. Notion carried.
t t t
A motion was made by Tvatee Engelhard and seconded by Trustee Wynkoop
that the resolution ap�priating 3752.80 of Motoriei Tax Funds for the
maintenance of Arterial Streets 1 to 13 inclusive, State -aid Route 11,
extension-and SBI Route ,/+2-A from January I. 1951` -to December 31, 1951,
be pt b3ed.
Roll call resulted as follows'; Yeas- Trustoss Engelhard, Hinchslidf,=
King, Leintzer and Wyrl.00pe Nays- None. Motion carried.
Moved, seconded and carried to'adjourn.
• Pillage -Clerk Presidents o ar .c
Tune-29ths 19510 1
A special meeting- of- the President' -and Board of Trustees - of- the Village
""of Deerfield was called to order by the President Andrew G. Bradt,at 8 pm
for the purpose of conducting a public - hearing oil Vhe matter of purchasing
a piece rof property located along the west side-'of the Chicago,` - Milwaukee
s "St. Paul and-Pacific Ralbyiiy known'- as the Rectenwald. property. -
Roll call; -Present- Trustees Hinehsliff,= Ki.�, Y6intzer,' Wilson and Yyn-
keep. Absent - Trustee Engelhard. •
The purpose of the muetiug was announced and no object6ra appearing, it
ne;3 moved -by °Trustee' Hinoh3lifY -that -we proceEd with .the, purchaae of,
Lot 7 in William F.- Plagge•s Subdivision, bein a�
subdivision - of part 'of the North -East Quartet -
of'Section'320 •and -the North test. Quarter of-
Section 33, Township 43 North, Range 12, Eabt �
of the 3rd. P.M. *'in Lake County, Illinois.
• Also the South 610.9 feet -of that part of thel
- Southwest - Quarter of the-Northwest quarter -''
of Section 33, Tovmship 43 North; Range 12,
c - East-of the •3rd. %P.M.9 lying westerly of the
• right of-way of: the Uhicago, Milwaukee <and -
St. Paul Railway Company, in Lake County, -
subject to the delivery of -a mlear title: = =
Roll call resulted as followa: Yeas - Trustees Hinchsliff, King, Uiintzer,
t Wilson and YJynkoop.'-Nays- None.- Motiom carried.
?loved, seconded and carried to adjourn.