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JUNE. 11, 1951. The regular meeting of the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield eras called to order by the President, Andrew G. Bradt at 8 :00 P.M. Roll call; - Present- Trustees Engelhard, Hinchsliff, King, Maintzer,and Wyrlsoop- Abeent- Trustee Wilson. The minutes of the regular meeting held May 149 1951 were read and approved* The following bills were read and it was moved by Trustee Hinchsliff and so" conded by Trusteq Kind that these bills be paid,,if, aa, and when funds are available. upon roll call the.following vote.uas taken;- Yoas- Trustees �— Engelhard, Hinchsliff, King, yeintzer and,17,jmkoop- Nays- None- Motion carried. Reiland' & Bree --=-- -- - - - - -- 2.29' Alfred Anderson ..- __-- - - ---- 9 74900 Alexander Couris ------ 10.00 Public' ' Service Co.' ------- - - - - -- 174-00 Rational Brick Co. -- ----- =-_ 105.00V_ Deerfield lldr- k Paint Co. - - - -- 38.52 Badger Meter Mfg. Co- --- - - - - -- 319.7?,.- Salaries for 7une,'19510 Highland Park Fuel Cc---- - - - - -- 36.85%- Percy McLaughlin - - = - -$ 285.00 Mueller.Co. -- - - - - -- -- - - - - -- 127.66 Alfred Anderson- - - - - -- 260.00 Burgess, Anderson do Tate -- - -- 7.65 David Peterson - - - - - -- 275.00 Deerfield Lumber & Fuel Co. -- 8.93 Wm. D. Johnston - - - - -- 300.00 Vant & Selig -----=--=--= -.. - -- 117.88 ,George George Sticken-sr. - - -, 240.00 _ Highland Park News ----- - - - - -- 8.10 Lencioni - - - - -- 240000 Illinois Bell Telephone Co. -- 35178 Woo Wessling -- - - - --- 175.00 Illinois. Off ice -Supply :Coo - =- 3.21 Mrs. Gies ------ - - - - -- 25,00 Highland Park Lincolh =- Mdreury-w 9 -45 Cheater Wessling - - - -- 60000 - Meade Eloctric Co. ------ ---_ -- 13050 Mr- Matthews --- - - - - -- 100.00 Rockwell Mfg. Co: -----------=- 198.!,2 C.7.Turner ----- - - - - -- 100.00 Walter Krol- ----=------ - - - - - -- 297033 3d.A.Frantz ==--=-----=-= - - - - -- 185.00 Percy Prior, Tr..-- ----- - - - - -= 4400 , Mrs.- Banfield =---- r---- - --= -- 61.00 - William Behnke =-=------ - - - - -- 17.00 Bruno Heyer ------------- - -=- -- 4000 Henry,lohansen =------- - - ---- 2.00'. :Christy Willman,- 7r.---- - - - - -- 13.75: Alexander Couris ------- - - - - -- 15:00; Herman Hertel 40:00 { : Percy McLaughlin =------ -- - - -- 108000`. �i The Finance committee and,the Water Department reco=ended the purchase of land located near the Kottrasch property to house Village equipment. It was moved by Trustee Hinchsliff and eeconded by Trustee King that we auth- orizo the Village Attorney to complete the purchase of the following des - cribed property: I Lot 7 in William F. Plagge's Subdivision, being a subdivision of part of-the Northeast Quarter of Section 32, and the Nortluest Quarter o ofsection 33, Township 43 North, Range 12, East of the 3tdo P,M., iq Lake County, Mllinois. Also the south 610.9 feet of that pert of the Southwest Quarter of the Nort1most quarter of Section 33, Towanhip 43 North, Range 12, East of the 3 rd. P.M. lying wasterly of the right of way of the Chicago, Llilwaukee and St.Paul Railway Co. in Lake County, Illinois. The purchase price is to.be 0 3500.00,t-with 4 100.00 Cof this to be made as a down payment and the balance to be paid when the title is shown to be clears Roll call resulted as follows: Yeas - Trustees Engelhard, Hinchsliff, King, Meintzer and WynkooP• Nays None- Motion carried. i A motion was made by Trustee King and seconded by Trustee meintzer that IT3 Esther Giss be appointed as Health Officer. Upon roll call the following vote was.taken; Yeas Trustees Engelhard, Hinch- sliff, King, Meintzer and plynkoop. Nays- None* Motion carried. Trustee King made a motion which was seconded by Trustee Hinchsliff that the resolution authorizing the foreclosure of the lain of the unpaid installments of the Special Assessment on Lot 27 in Block 12 in Branigar Brothers Woodland Park Subdivision, be paseed. Roll call resulted as follows; Yeas Trustees Engelhard, Hinchsliff, King, ll'aintzer and Wynkoop- Plays- None. Motion carried. - 2 9 39 It was moved by Trustee Engelhard and seconded by Trustee Mointzer that €' steps be taken'to correct-the alley between Oakley and Sheridan andstraighten out the sidewalk. _ Upon roll call the" following vote was taken: Yeas- Trustees - Engelhard, Hi.nch - sliff, King, Mointzer and Y;ynkoop. ' Nays- Ilona. Motion carried.! A motion was made by Trustee Engelhard and seconded by Trustee meintzer that Plillia= Johnston, Superintendent of- Public Works, be authorized to purchase a Septic Tank Pump at a price of $ 375,00. Motion unanimously carried.. Those voting rAAye" being Trustee Engelhard, Hinchsliff, King, Mointzer and Wynkoope These voting " Nay " - None, Trustee Mointzer made a motion which was•seconded-by'Trustee Engelhard that the _ Building Commissioner be instructed to approve the Type E..Vitroliner`Flue if installe& with the patent hangers and roof jacks whicYr are necessary to pro - vide tho proper support and framing so that•no combustible material-will be -placed within-two inchtes of the flue at any time. The floor or ceiling joists supporting this chimney must be reinforced and properly framed to support the additional weight of-the chimney. - when used'in.connection with any heating apparatus using fuel other than Qas, the flue must be equipped,with the tee and cleanout- as- furnished'; by the manufactuitere Nhwn. used wit 'gas fired heat- tY. Ing apparatus la proper drain must `be provided at the bottoii of- tho flue, The .flue trust extend down -lard- through floor or. Ceiling next above heating appa- ratus served,.to provide proper clearance and access ,to drain.or,cleanout. Upon roll call the following vote was taken Yee,- Trustees Engelhard, Hinchsliff, King, Mointzer and "lynkoope Nays: None. Uotion carried* .: ;. IV was, moved by'.'lr'ustse Mointzer and seconded by Mateo Engelhard that the resolution for street pavement specification in cor*111ance With Section 123 of the,LUnicipal Code, of, Deeffield of 1946 shall conform to,.the, following min - I= requirement,.. be pi�ssed. Roll call resulted as follcnie: Yeas- Trustees Engelhard, Hinehsliffl-King, Meintzer and y;)nkoope Nays *, NOne. Motion cdrri`ede Resolution. Street Paremsnt Specifications. BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Trustees of the Village • of De.erfield, that: The- specifications for streot-pavements,lin compliance with Section 123 of the =nicipal Coda of Deerfield:of'1946 shall conform to the follow - ing minimum ' requirerents : d -• - w _ .., ..... le T:o pavoment.of such.street in ,a residential area must be of a material-which equals _ or exceeds 1 in quality water -bound mscudaa..For the,pirpose oP• this Resolution, pit Lravel is to be considered in- feribr to such macadam and may not be used in street construction wighln the village. t - ` 2,. Each pavement shall have a water -bound macadam base not less than seven (7) inches in thickness surfaced with a bituminous macadam (penetration lethod) wear _ ing surface two inches in thickness after compaction and.a seal coat, The requirements relating to said base and,wearing surface shall.comply with or exceed _the`requirements of the Illinois Division of Hi.ghwayse The paveient-of such street in`a commercial or Indus - trial area shall.be of concrete not less than eight (8) inches in thicknesa.constructed in accordance with the'specifications;of the Illinois Division of Highways; and any pavement constructed to:,widen, alter -` or repair an existing coneretepavementL shall comply 44, with the provisions of this paragraph. The material on construction requirements with respect to streets hereafter constructed, whether macadam or a superior construction' is used, shall meet all specifications of the Illinois Division of Highways for the particular type of pavement used. Proper drainage aDall in all cases be provided at the time such street is constructed, 6, ",i No pavement shall be hereafter constructed in a residential area that will afford less than a driving width of twenty -four feeto 7?d No pavement shall be hereafter constructed in a oozed msrcial or industrial area that will afford less than a driving width of thirty -six feet, ;f 40 a Th© foregoing shall be considered as minimum requirements . only, and no application for a permit to install or repair any pavement, under section 121 of the Code, shall be referred to the Board of Trustees _ unless it conform& thereto; the Board reserves the right to prescribe additional requirements for _any such proposed work for which a permit is asked* i t Passed this 11th day of June, 1951 - A motion was made by Trustee Meintzer and seconded by Trustee Wynk`oop that permission be given to W.C.Tackett, Inc* to construct a ranch house on Lot 5 -69 Block 31 in Briarwood Addition to Deerfield to be used as a temporary office* This permission will extend to Docember 3191953•- - Motion unanimously carried -' Those voting "Aye" being Trustees Engelhard, Hinchsliff, King, W,aintzer and Wynkoope Those voting ^ Nay" being none. Trustee luynkoop made a notion which was seconded' by Trustee leintzer that the report and check as submitted by Police Magistrate Bunt in the amount of $ 706000aor fines collected during the month of Mayia 1951, be accepted. Roll call resulted ris follows =;Yeas - Trustees Engelhard, Hinchsliff, King, Mointzer and Wynkoop* Nays; Nonce Motion carried* It was moved by Trustee Wynkoop and seconded by Trustee Engllhard that overtime payments be granted to the various members of the Police De- partment. l 1. Upon roll call the following vote was taken; Ysas- TrusteesEngelhard, Hinchaliff, King; Meintzer and 175mkoop. flays; Noue.Motion carried. On the recommendation of the Police Committee it was moved by Trustee Wybkoop and seconded by Trustee Engelhard that the appointment,of David J. Paterson as Policeman, be'approved by 'this Board. Roll call resulted as Tollows; Yeas - Trustees Engelhard, Hinchsliff* King, Meintzer and Wynkoopo Nays- None. Motion carried - A motion was made by Trustee 17ynkoop and seconded by_TrusVes Meintzer that effective June 15,•1951 the salaries of the following shall be; Percy McLaughlin ---- - - - - -$ 310.00. Alfred Anderson ----- - - - - -- 285000 David J. Petersen --- - - - - -- 275*00 William D. Johnston - - - - - -- 325600 George Sticken, Sre -------- 250 900 ' Motion unanimously carried. Those voting „Aye„ being Trustees Engelhard, Hinchsliff, King, Mo intzer and Wynkoope "rays "- Nonce. - Trustee Hinchaliff made a- motion which was seconded by Trustee King that the Clerk be instructed to cause a notice of Public Hearing to be pobibahed and posted in connection with -the pgrchase of a tract of land for Municipal purposes, the hoaring'to be held June 29th,.1951 at 8 P.M. DST at the Villa.ee Hall. Roll call resulted as'follows; Yeas- Trustees engelhard, Hinchsliff, King, Meintzer and Wy- nkoope Nays- None, Motion carriedo- It was moved by Trustee Meintzer and seconded by Trustee Engelhard that we pledge'a sum up-to.50% of the cost, not exceeding $1600,00 for a village plan and that this be,inoluded in our budget for the coming yr, Upon roll call the following vote-was taken; Yeas - Trustees Engelhard, • Hinchcliff, King, Meintzer and Wynkoope Nays- Noneo.Motion carried., -A motion as de by Trustee King and seconded -by Trustee Engelhard that an amendment^ a made tosHouse Bill # 490 exem�ti the Orphans of the Storm and similar organizations, and that the a`lKbe instructed to write (to various members of the Houso and Senate at-Springfield requesting that they support such'an amendment. Motiom unanmusly carried* Those - voting "Ayelt"being Trudtoea Engelhard, Hinchsliff, King, Meintzer and Wynkoope Thorpe voting 'Nay",'None. t