04/25/195134- 4
A letter wqs received and read -from the Deerfield Woman's Club offering
their services to the Deerfield Civil Def n ein�any way .that they may be
of assistance• `�.. Q �� ,� �4 rvrrr+'"'v
It.wgs moved by Trustee Nilson and seconded by Trustee•Hinchsliff -that we
accept the offer of the Deerfield Temple Association for the rental of the.
premises now,leaged toithetDeerfield- Bannockburn Fire - Protection District
to house the village equiprent and that a lease be prepared by them for
the approval of the Board of-Trusteeso .
Motion unanimously carried. Those voting "Aye" being Trustee Hinchsliff,
King, Meintzer! Peterson and Wilsono Those voting "Nay " -being Noneo
Trustee Paterson made a motion which was seconded by Trustee Meintzer that
the Clerk be instructed to have the - Zoning Ordinances.as amended# -
mimeographgd: 1
Roll call resulted as followso- Yeas- Allo Hays- Noneo Motion carried*
A motion-was made by Trustee•Petersou and seconded by Trustee Hinohsliff
that from and after two (2 :00) o *clock A• M• on Sunday, April 299 1951s,
"Daylight Savings Time" shall-.-be.:the official--time within the Village of
Deerfield for the transaction --of- all - rillage--business. -
Upon roll call the following--vote-- was•-taken• _'Yeas- Trustee Hinchsliff,
Kings Meintzer9 Peterson and--Wilsons-. Nays = None. Motion carried.
It was moved by Trustee Hinchal -iff and seconded by Trustee Peterson that
we advertise for.seal.ed bide- anti- l-8 :00 otclock Po'Mo (D•S•To)-for the
installation of a system oY-ornamental - street lights in portions of
Deerfield Road and Waukegan- Road;- -to-be-constructed under the provisions
of the Motor Ziel Tax Law. -- - - - - -- --- -- -
Roll call resulted ,as followsr-- Yeas -- Trustee- Hinchaldff9 . Maintvers
Paterson and Wilson• . Nays -- Noneo ---Mmotee-King- --NotTOtingo Motion
--- ----- - - - - -,
No further business appearingi- -it-was moved,-seconded carried to
adjourn• - - - -- - -- -- - - -.
_-- __-----. - -',,� - -- .
f Pillage Clerk/ -- -- - - - - -- President- -of-the- Board•
• April- 25;-I�51: --
A special meeting ofltho-Preeldent- and -Bosid of Trustees- 'of the Village
of Deerfield was called to order ` by•the - President Andrew Go Bradt at
8 Po Me for the purpose of canvassing -the election returns -of -the.
Village Election held•April- 17;- 19510- -- ~-- - - - - -- -
_._ . __------------- _ --
' Roll call- Present- Trustee- Bififfeld; Bings'Paterson_and Wilson; ..
Absent - TeusteeMncheliff and Meintzer•
i .
The tabulated statement of returns as'made by the Canvassing Board
shows the following member of votes ceIst for the - various candidates•
Village Trustee Precinct ` Precinct Total
Four year term Noe 1 No 2
Harold Peterson 296 e _ "0 - - -_ __. 536 •
Wesley Alabeck 387 2g4 __ ___ _ _ 681 .
Henry Tuttle 353 269 -------- 622
Eugene Fe Engelhard 580 277
Toseph Wo King 589 290 8?9
Harold We Wynkoop 482 - 7 - --- - - ---- - - 709
22 .. .
Donald Kempf 264 127 391,
Police Magistrate
t Earl year
aul• term 455: 295 750
Dan Hunt t 534 274 808
A motion was made by Trustee Peterson and seconded by Trustee Banfield
that the - following having received the highest number of votes, be
! declared- elected for a term of four years. For- Village Trustees-
Eugene Fo Engelhard, Joseph We King and. Harold We Wynkoopo For Police
} Uagietrate- Dan ant:
` Motion unanimously carried• Those voting "Aye" being Trustee Banfield,
King, Paterson and 'Wilson. Those voting "Nay ".being None/