90 1951!
Tke regular meeting of the President and Board of Trustees of.the
Village of Deerfield was called to order by the President Andrew Go
Bradt at,8 P•.X•
._:Roll call-Present- Trustee Hincholiff.-King',Meintzers Peterson and
Absent • Trustee BanfiQldo,,
T�qiiiutes'of t.he_regular meeting ,held March 12, 1951 here ..read and',
The following bilks were read and it was moved by, Trustee Wilson and
seconded by Trustee Hincholiff that these bills be.paidq ifs as,, and'.
whennfunds-are available.
Upon roll call the following vote was taken•. Yeas- Trustee Hincholiffv
-King.,Maintzers Peterson and Wilson• :Nays-- Nonet Motion carried•.,
Re - i iana
and Bree ---- — -------------------- .26952
Public Service Coo 194*29
--snyder, Clarke and-,DalzieLl •250,00
Deerfield Hardware and Paint Coe".—a--m 20*95
Walter Fe Krol------ . 89* 86
,Deerfield Garagp,=4 Service Station•m 163972
Sherony JD%rd►are, aqd Appliance 31.19
Frostts Radio & Electric Appliances--•.. 127*71,
Highland Park lAncoln, 25*13
Ward Brothers M. F. T. F. $144*00
Maier-lavaty 3093
William Ephae— t----------------- - - ---. 180010"'..
William He Barrett------------------ - - - - -- 29050
Deerfield lumber abd Fuel COOM ----------- 1.35
Herold_ .T* --- --------- 50• 09 :i
Perfection Legal Blank Coo - ----- •84
Meade Electric Cot -------- ft--.m -------- 29*22
Highland Park News --------- m ---------- 15000
Patten Tractor and Equipment C09— ---- 12025
-- ----------
* 5
Horders!'Inc'--� _-,7,l2_ •-a
Burgess, Anderson and Tate- --- - - - - -- ------ 29967
Red Horse Service Station----------- - - - --- 101*68
Rockwell Mfg• 72*17
Illinois -Bell Telephone Coo ------- - 32013
Midgelo.Service Station ---------------- 101*61
Patrick Kearns -------- ------------------ --
Ann Banfiel& -------- 26*50
Alex Couris --------- ------ ------ 10000
M. At 196.5o
Deerfield,W=Ple Association ------ ------ 125e00_Apre rent.
Evans*Feed'Storo--- 30.00 -
Salaries for Marcht.*l
William Johnston ---------- $ 300,00
Percy Mpjaugblin_7- ---- '28500
Alfred Ander . son --------- '260*00
George StIcken.Sr*---, -7—,, 21+0*00
Alex Couri's ------------ 240900
Mrs• C. Wessling--- 175900
Mrs* Esther Glss- 23*00
Chester-Wissling ---------- - 60*00
Thomas A*Iatthews ---- 100000
Pat Kearns--------- - - - - -- 240*00
CO To Turner-------- 100*00 2025000
Trustee Peterson made a motion which was seconded by Trustee Wilson
that the reports as submitted by Police Magistrat► Hunt showing $736*001 ,"'.
and ;ustice of the Peace Michael George showing $66,00 in fines collected
during the month of Marchv 1951, be received.
Roll call resulted as follows: Yeas- Trustee Hinchslifft Kings Mintzer,
Peterson and Wilson- Nays. None. Motion carried*
A motion.was made by Trustee King and seconded by,Trustee Hincholiff that
the Chairiaan of the'Police ComzAttee be authorized,to Purchase flares and
extinguishers to be carried it; the-squad car•
upon roll calf the'folf0wing vote was taken* Yeas-.,Trustee Hinchaliffe
King, Meintzert raterson and Wilson* Mays- None• Motion carried•
33 -