02/12/195125 February 12, 19519 The regular meeting of the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield was called to order by the President Andrew G• Bradt at 8 P. M• Roll call- Preaent- Trustee Banfield, Hinchsliffp King, leintzer, Peterson and Wilson. Absent - Mono• The minutes of the regular meeting hold January S, 1951 were read and approved. The following bills were read and it was moved by Trustee Wilson and seconded by Trustee Hinchsliff that these bills be.paid, if, as, and wheh funds are available. Roll call resulted as follows. Yeas- Trustee Banfiold, Hinchsliff, King, Usintzer,,Peterson and Wilson* Nays- None. Motion carriede city of Highland Parkm -•- ---- .-------- ---- -- 43634.65 Walter F. Krol-- --------------------------- -- 99033 Reiland.and Brea----------------------- - - - - -- 22924 Deerfield Hardware and Paint Coo--- ------ •-• 55.25 Reed- Randle:'firactors ,Inc•-------------- ---- -- 10.00 Highland Park Lincoln.,Uercury--- N-- N - - - - -M 64.20 • � ] f. Broth ®r�M-- NN_-- N__NM -_M Mw - -_ - -- M. F. i w��• • F. 34840 aA� Everett Garage------------ •-------- _--- -•-- -- 1000 The Chicago Loader--------------------- - - - - -- 30.50 D. J. %. Walther - -- ---- ---------------- -- 27 -73 Kuch and Watson«- ....••--.,..------------------- 45.00 Highland Park Fuel Coo----------------- - --- -- 51.85 M• F. T. F. 35.19 Deerfield lumber and Fuel Co.------- •-- - - ---- 3•l0 Illinois Office Supply Co•----------- •- - -•--- 30.95 •Ir• R. Mitchell Rsalty Coo --- 23.54 Chandlers, Ina.----- 2.24 Ue A. 331.69 Deerfield Garage and Service Station ---- -- Illinois -Hell Telephone Co•- ----•------ -----w 172058 49923 Public Service Co•--------------------- ---- -- _ 195.29 Ann Bonfield--------------------- •----- -- ---- 31.00 William Behnke•------ •----- __--- _NMM - - ---w 40.00 R• & Co Service Station---------------- - --- -- 62e64 The Fair--N 60013 Deerfield Temple Association•------ •- - - - --- 125900 Salaries William Johnston---- ---- -- 4300.00 iaercy McLaughlin----- - ----- 285.00 Alfred Anderson------ ---- -- 260.00 George Sticken,Sr•--- - ---•- 240.00 Alex Couris---- •----- - - ---- 240.00 lrs• ' Co Yessling-- ..._—__.. 175.00 We* Esther Gies----- ---« -- 25.00 Chester Wessling--- -------- 60.00 Thomas Hatthews---- -.-- -- 100.00 `. C• To Turnor --•-- — _NM'-- 100.00 Thomas Kearns•----- --- -- 21:,0.00 2025000 It was moved.by Trustee King and seconded by Trustee Peterson that we grant permission to the Salvation Army to hold a Doughnut Tag Day in Deerfield on June 12, 1951 j Upon roll call the following vote was taken. Yeas - Trustee Bonfield, Hinchsliff, King, Meintzer, Peterson and Nilson, Nays• None. Motion � carried. fI Trustee King made a motion which was seconded by Trustee Wilson that the following resolution to institute foreclosure proceeding8 of the lien of unpaid special assessments on Lotsl, 2F,ead 3 in J. L. Vetter': Subdivision, being a resub of lots l to 9 in Deerfiold.Park hand and Improvement Association Subdivision in the Village of Deerfield, IAke County, Illinois, be passed. Roll call resulted as follows* Yeas- Trustee Ban#*"&& Hinchsliffs King, Meintzer, Peterson and Wilcono Nays- None* Nat Voting - Trustee Banfield• Motion carried* .• „H,,.�,,,.�� i ,-- --�r. ,.ri ,-.ter -P .. � � F”' ±.t ' `� � * ��' �. �, ,'� * �}�r r � __... _-_ -- RESOLUTION certain inotalln»nts of certain agacial eaaeoomants ; which have been levied ugainot the follo�ring 'described propertY .are • w unpaid in the following amount 13 and tho following gauranteed mini==! bids of principal have been made: Guaranteed Parcel r. Lefinl Aidx.,. o..:,,_.. h 760.00 one Lots 1, 2 cad 3 in T. L. Vetter's Subdivision, being a rasub of Lots l to" 9, in' Deerfisld " Park Land and Improvement Association 'subdivision. Tota1.I'rinoipal Delinquoat------- ---- -- 01895042 h the ... _ , _ A1D TY�t, President and the Trustees of the Village of !! Deerfield are willing that proceedings be instituted for the foreolosure Of the llea of resaid special asuosaneats the unpaid instaU=nts of the efo 2f and it appearing that all levied against tho,above.described.,proporty, other nexus of collecting said unpaid special aosesom*ats have bass" unavailing; _ { ffig D Is i 'cFIM RLSOLVhD by the Trustees of the Village of Deerfield that Tii+C3 A• iTSAATi=:8, as the Attorney for the Village be Ky _ X and he in herby authorized and directed to institute'proceedinga oa`behalt', of the Village of Deerfield for the foreclosure of the lien:of special aaaeaamnts against the above described property] - . . • F , AND IT I� f '. Lfix' lUF ►'a',"MR TzE LTIM that ^Tli0�= A. MATIUf. So as Attorney for the Village of Deerfield be and he is herby authorized to institute said proceedings by the' filing of a complaint or counterclaim on' R behalf of the Village for tho,forealosure of the lion of special asaoaoneato p' 1 levied against the above doeribed property, all in accordance with the statutes of the State of Illinois in such cust�"rade and provided. BZ� -Aim IT IS lMBY FIRTIER IMSOLM that be appointed an special attorney to assist in said foreelosure and is to be e ; aonponsated for hie'servloon with regard to such foreclosure in the'eum of. Thirty -five (035•g0) Dollars, for each parcele t r• _i' r , 27, B2 'MM IT 13 MXBr YURTIMR ICE; UI. ND that the fore9ain9 Is on tho•condition that the village of Dearfieid shall be bald harnloso r� fro= and shall not be required to pay any coato' Sasso or chsrgea in i connection with such foreclooure proceedings. PASM it meeting assembled this 12th day`of Mru!a A. D.o 1951• .k Ann Five 1.. tt1i7CS: bone r ZlOT VOTIb'(3 One l APP110' .D. thia 12th day , of ftbru!a - D. 1951. ti R • o - } • .. Pmaidont of the Villige f . Deerfield, Lake County, Illinois. --�'. ` AT�uT s � i • rlh#3 t i 21e iallnB rraiwrr� r ` t k p Village Clark* • � A motion -iras made -.by Trustee;Heintzer and seconded by Triistee terson• that the ordinance vacating the -alley immOdiately'south of Hazel.Avenue and between Alden,Court and C18�y Court;, be passed. y 1:otion .unanimously' chrried. • ,.. Thosa- voting . "Aye" being T uatae Bantieldp Hinehsliff# King,:Kointzer, Paterson'snd Nilson. Those 4oting."NayM being None. t -- MDMA= No. 7_ i BE IT.CRDAIM by the President,and Board of Trustess,of,the Village of Deerfield, that: r Section le It is to the best interests of the village and the '. residents thereof that the alley running east and west immediately " • �I _ . �.... - • Clay_ Courts be.. vacated@ E south of Hazel Avenue: between Al den -Corr t and Section 2• '.The said alloy running east and crest immediately south of hazel Avenue botwic Alden Court and Clay Courts be sand the` same is hereby vacated; subject, ho�ever, to .the.right of the Village of DeerfI -9Ido or any grantee of such rights from.the Villageo,to maintain, repair, and replace any sewer or water piped or- main. and any wires, poles, conduites.or other.utility,equipment now:lyiug within such alleys..and the right of _tha�villaga,or its grantee to install new mains$ "pipes# poles,` wires,`conduits, -or. similar equigsant_in: such stead �Passed t;mis° 12� the a ay^of _February • 19510 AFPROVrD: ;Andrew G. Bradt Village President ATTEST: Trustee Peterson made a motion which was seconded by Trustee 12eintzer that the report as submitted by Police Magistrate hunt together with a check in the amount of ;252.OQ�or fines collected during the month OS January, 1951, be accepted. Roll call resulted as follows. Yeas - All• Nays — None. Motion carried. It was moved by Trustee King and seconded by Trustee Paterson that we authorize the following committee consisting of Trustees Banfield, Hinchaliff and Wilson as appointed by the President Andrew G. Bradt to purchase a truck at a cost not to ezceed $3#10040 and that.this c T' committee also be empowered to sell the old Diamond truck._ Motion unanimously carried. Those voting "Aye" being Trustee Banfield, Hinchaliff, King, raintzer, Paterson and Wilson. Those voting "Nay" being None, _ A motion was made by Trustee Banfield and seconded by Llivatee Paterson that the revised plans as submitted by Roy He Davis for an 8" sanitary sewer on the north side of Greenwood Airenue to.eonneet'with the 18" existing sanitary newer in Oakley Areaue, be apgoved. Roll call resulted as follows* Yeas- Trustee Banfield, Hinchsliff, King, Neintzera Peterson and Wilsone Nays- None. Motion carried. Trustee Paterson made a .notion which was seconded by Trustee Wilson that the following 1951 Exaction Ordinanceas read and.correetedg be passed* Upon roll call the following vote was taken. Yeas- Trustee Banfield, Hinchaliff, King, kointzer, Peterson and Wilson. Kays- None. Motion carried* ORDINANCE Noe 71 1951 RIECTION ORDnu z Iii*. IT ORDAIM by the President and , Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield,.that: Section 1. There shall be a regular election of officers in the village on „the seventeenth day of April, 1951* Section 2. At such election there shall be elected three village trustees and a police magistrate for a four year term* The ballot to be used in such,'election_shall be in the form prescribed by atatute, and it-shill be the duty of the village clerk`to_see to'the preparation of sufficient ballots for the election, and'to cause a . aample °of such ballot to be,published'prior to the day of.election in a newspaper of general birculation publishedtin the village,tand to .:. cause to be provided t#e necessary election supplies for each voting" -' diatriet or precinct. _t Section At least fifteen but not more than thirty days before the election the clerk shall cause to be published in such news- paper a notice of elections which shall be substantially as, follows "NOTICE OF EIECTION j "On the ueventeenth day • 0.Y "of pporil,..1951,, _.. .. _. • there will bo'a regular election in the Village of Deerfield to elect three village_trustess and one Police magistrate for a four year terms "The precincts and polting plices for such election shall be: _ t Precinct Noe 1 West- Deerfield Township Hall t t 602 Deerfield Road, Deerfield' - ,precinct No.-2 Village_8all 711 Waukegan Road, Deerfield,;Illinoia. i€= Central Standard Times ” Published by order of the President and Board of Trustees. , village - President Clark ui C� 29 Section 49 ras_precAncts or voting pineesdistricts for such election.and.the.polling places shall be those designated previously.by:ordinance . as to .precincts and polling places for ,general elections in the village* Section The judger. and joler�s -of election -shall: be such as shall herearter be designated by the President-and Board of Trustees to nerve as election officials. Section 6. The said elaction and all matters pertaining thereto shall be conducted in the manner prescribed by statute for. the conduct .of- a regular election for7.villaeo offiberse ._._ Passed this 12th day of hebruary ; 1951: APFROVED: PC i--------------- ---- ------- A:� iio= Bradt _ Village President ---------------------- Chester 'Hassling Village Clark..... .. ._ R - _ A notion was made by Trustee- Meintzer- and - -seconded by Trustee King that the question as. to the - -proper- zoniW-fur--the. property whibh was formerly a part of -the 'City - of- Highland —Park -- and - which -wan - aaneaced to the Village of Deerfield -by- ordinance - -passed- -and' approved Xarchk lla 19479 bo referred to* the 'Zoning- Board -of. Appeals and that any new property annexed tolthe Village- of - Deerfield shall be zoned Ins rA" residence until changeds --- -------- --= - -- i . Roll call resulted. as foll-awao-- 7'4ass -- Trustee. Banfield, Hincheliffs King, Keintzer, Peterson and- reilsono-- Hayam-lioneo.., Motion carried. It wqs moved by Trustee Banfisld_and-seconded ,,by Trustee-Wilson that the President and Clerk be -autho w ized -to- sign- tha- agreemsht�on•a 10% basis for engineering,servicea- for - the-'Village in eonaect�on with it1"N.i'NN* proposed Motor Fuol,Tsx,.. construction -ax- submitted - ,by.the . Engineer Do To Lo 17althers Upon roll call the following vote- was.taken•. Yeas Trustee Banfield, Hinchsliff, King, 1:eintzerr- &"otereou- and- Wilsoni Nays- Nona• Motion carried. Moved, seconded and carried -to- adjourn.---- - - - - -- '~ - ---------- - - - - -° - �- Village Clerk dent-of the Boards=