11/06/195019 November 6, 19509 A special meeting of th3 President and- Boar4 -of- Trustees of the Village of Deerfield was callad to- order-- by -tha- President Andrew G. Bradt at 8:30 P. M. for the purpose .of discussing -the- sal- aries -0f= -the village. employees. Roll call- Present- Tzustes __Ea:iYiel&g,- Kingt-- ?ieintzers kleterson and Wilson. . Abrientr - Trustee _Hinchslltf. -,c _: - i _ ---------- - - Trustee Peterson made�a notion -which was seconded by Trustee Banfield that the following salary kncreasea be- mada; :7illiam D. Tohnsto4- from.t275.00_tq $285 -_00 per month Percy McLaughlin from,_4Z75.II0 to._U85.D0 --par month c� 3- A. H. Anderson from $240.00.to.- $260.00 per month `tom Patrick Kearns from $200000 to 1240.00 �er month .tIN. - Alexander Couris from $225.00 to X0.00 -per-month r . George Stieken,Sro from $ 225.00 to $40,00 -per month• I'-- _ _._ 'Upon roll call the following vote was taken. Yeas --- Trustee Banfield, Kings rt Meintzers Peterson and Wilson. Nays- None.. Xotiorn- carried. Moved, seconded and carried to adjourno: ft 21 a Village Clerk, esident of the Boardo November 13,1 1950,. _. The regular meeting of the President and Board of Trustees of the Village ,or,Deerfield was called to order by the President Andrew G. Bradt at 8 1'. Me with the .following Trustees .responding to: the .roll call*- •Hinchsliffs King,.Mointzers Peterson and.Wiloon- Absent- .Trusteee Banfieldo. The minutes of the special meeting held October 2s 1950 were read and approved• The minutes of the regular meeting hold October 9, 1950 were read and _ approved. _ The minutes of the special meeting held November 6,,,1950 were read and apITovede . � ►tit t" _` The following bills were reed and it was moved by Trustee Wilson and seconded by Trustee Hinchsliff that these bills be paid$ if= as,'and when funds are- aynilable. _ Roll call resulted as follows. Yeas- Trustee HinchslifFa Kings Meintzer, Paterson and ?Yilson, .Nays- None. ?lotion carried - L.. P8t Kehl ri:8-..r- -- r-- - - --NN - rr- -w - - -� 19000 A..H- Anderson -- -- --------------- r 6.00: McLaughlin _ .. 14.00 . Fred Grabo-- • ---N,. - .......- ..--- - - ---- 11.00 .. Henry_. TuttlesTro— r-- r- -- wrr•.rr- --- - -r -w, 5600 Bruno Meyer-------------------- - - - - -- 6000 William 5000 George _E=ett ---.- - ---- --- r----- -- -- -- 4,00 Alexander Couris- --- �---- -------- •- - - ---• 26025 M- F. T.. F- 047.50t\ __william'Tohnston -- _ 16.25 Walter F- Krol ...►r- .. --- +---- r-- ---- - --- - -- 249.15 ` Dearb ?rn, -.M *eo- Shop ..y._.. »- ....__r_..- .. - - - --- 1.50 Uo S. Blue Print Paper 2.65.. Deerfield State Bank""* ------- - - -• 3 -60 Brand Bra; -«..-. .....-- ......------------ - - =- -- 5.05 Waukegan News Sun ----------------------- 54.00 r Addresso rsph- Multitraph Co.------ -- - - -- 11.82 M, As Frantz.* — -------- 222.79 Mercer.Lumber Co.----------------- - - ---- 75.03 1;ooreJ`. Case, Lyrsan I & Hubbard ------------ 25000 _. . George We Stickon,Sre------------------- 18.75 M, F. T. F. 61.25 National Brick Co.- --------------- - - - --- 157 -50 Mueller Co .----------------------- - - - --- 109603 Midgets Super Service -... -------- - - ---- 2.85 Highland Park Fuel Cot --- ------------- - 55.34 M. F. T. F. 6.96,t-\ Acme Coal and Building Material Co - - ---- M. F. T. F. 55.50+ Villas© of Deerfield . ---- 11. F. T. F. 60.74 i:illiau 30.00 2 Tin, He Barrett--------=---------- - - - - -- $ 46938 Burgess,, .Anderson & 43.86 Everett Garage- .... »......- --------- - - - - -- -- '6900 , Highland Park - Lincoln- Mercury----•- - - ---M 42.59 Rockwell Mfg. Co.------- s------ c---= = - - --» 562.38 - Mid- Continsnt Petroleum Co.- ---- -- - - -- -Me F. T. F. $19.52 Illinois- BollTelephone Co,--------- - - - - -- 38,63 Deerfield Garage -& Service Station - -» 139992 Ann Banf field----------------------- - --- -- 8;00. Red Horse Service Station---------- - - - - -- 237#16 Deerfield hardware & Paint Coo ----- ..... - -» 47 *65 i Highland Park News 20,85 ` Deerfield Temple Association- Daeember- Rent125.00 Salaries for November, 1950 Percy Mciaughlin------- 0285.00 -- William D. Johnston ---- «285.00 - « • `_ t .. � - t t A4 He Anderson- .260900 � ti Patrick Kearns -- - -- - -- 240.00 Alexander Couris---- -- 240.00 George We StickensSr. -- 240.40 Mrs. Co Wessling- -r-- -- 150.00 Chester Wessling- - ----- 50900 Co. J. Turner------ ---- - 1 1850.00 Trustee Peterson made a motion which was seconded by Trustee Meintzer that Police Magistrate Huntts report showing 0792,04 in fines collected during the month of Octoberx.1950s be accepted. N Roll call resulted as follows* Yeas - All* Nays- None, Motion carried, It was moved by Trustee King and seconded by Trustee Hinchsliff that the resolution requesting immediate action on the part -of the,Civil Aeronautics Board, Docket -Nos. 4633 and-4644 as submitted to -theme by-the Midway Airlines for permission to operate commercial air service between Sky Harbor Airport apd'Midway Airports'•be adopted* Upon roll call the following vote was taken* Yeas- Trustee Hinchsliff, King, Maintzer, Peterson and ;;ilson. Nays- None* Notion carried• Trustee Hinchsliff made a motion which was seconded by Trustee Peterson that the plat of Greenwood Park Unit No. 1 and the eubdivision bond as submitted by Roy H,(Daviss be approved: Roll call resulted as follows. Yeas- Trustee Hinchsliff, King, Meintzer, Peterson and ?!ilson, Nays- Tauee Motion carriedo A motion was.made by Trustee Hinchsliff and seconded by Trustee King that we authorize the purchase of an International Pick-up Truck from ;t% Reiland{& Breps Northbrook, Illinois, the purchase price to be One thousand five hundred thirty one'and Q8 /100 -Dollars- provided that they. make delivery within two weeks and if delivery cannot be made, then wo authorize the purchases of a Ford Truck o "r 'otion unanimously carried. -- Those - voting- "Aye- *-beixW Trustee Hincholiff, King, Maintzers Peterson and --Wilson: - -Those -votlug-'"Nay" being None• ' A vote of appreciation, was extended- to-ltr:'Rasae 1-1:-Batt (for his - public service as a member of.the Board-of-Appealsa---- - - - - -� = Trustee King made a motion which- wes- zeeonded-by- Trustee Hinchsliff that. wo,'accept.the resignation of-Allyn- Franke- as- Vil-lage Attorney with. regrets and .that we have .appareciated-the- fine- ssrvi-ces- rendered- to-Lthis Board by him as Village Attorneys----- - - - --- - .Roll call resulted as follows. -- Yeas»- Trustee- Hiuchsliff,'Kings 'Yeiutzers Paterson and Wilson9,•.Na73 - None, -- Motion carried•- No further business appearing!-it- was -moved,- seconded - and - carried to adjourn. Village Clerk. - - -__ -- President of the Board. MAIN W1 21 Roll call resulted as follows. Yeas --, Trustee Hinchsliff, King., Yeiztzer, Peterson and Wilson. Yw. s- ?done. Motion carried. Trustee TJilspn made a motion which was seconded by 'r:ustee Hinchsliff that the resolution appropriating $250.00 from motor fuel tax funds for engineering costs in connection with the Lag -pange Road P1,ogram, House Bill Ito: 820, he adopted.: z Upon rtee #ea -4ha roll call the following vote was taken• Teas- Trustee # Hinchsliff, Bing; Meintzer, Peterson And ".ilson. Nays- ?done.,. Motion carried. The following resolution was read- FE SOLVED: ` e i ` That -the Board deems it in the best interests of thelVill.ag- of Deerfield to'v'acate the alley running north and south in the block bounded on the eanwood- Avenueg_on the weft by Psrk Avenue: •north.by—G.- on the south by ,Fair -Ozks Avenue,.'and_on- tha_eaat, b�r.Ytaukggan Road, when the gollowjing conditions-have baen- nat-.nd- subject to the_ retention of easements ..as.the..a*.atute,re.quires -fgr utilities: _3 1. .Payment of compensation- ta- tha._Yillage,by each land owner of $5.00 per 10(1_,feat _.nr gortlon thereof abutting-on the _04ey, Trustee Meintzer made_.a motion which was. - e_conded by, Trustee Paterson _- that the above'resolutioxi_b_e-.adgpted. Roll call resulted aa-tollctua,- vc .s -bus- tea - Hinchsliff, Ki4Z. l:eintzor, I'ate;sor. and. I711soa•._ Mays -- _clone. ,_ Motion ,carried. ., It was moved by Trustee. Maintzer. and Peterson that is pay compensation gor T labor in co: ne�tion with _the- location of a_zgwer stub at 1000 Rosemary Terrace. _.. _ _ - __ -_._ ___....___- _ - -____ , • - via-__ tee, 11inghsliff, Upon roll call *the fallowing vote_ was. —t 0m. - Kinr, Maintzer, Peten) d-JI Lame - Nays- None. Notion carried• _? A motion was made by .Tru tea, .Pe_terson.. and. -zennnde-d.. -by -- Trustee Heintzer that Police !ra &iztrate. 2nt_1__a repart _- Jmw1ng _tlOO8.00 in _,fines _collected during the month of Xov_gmber,_ _1950_ toeethez_with_he chock which accompanies it,•,be Rolf. call. Yeas- lU.l._ __I�ay�� T :our. _�'.o_tion_ carried. A vote of this was extended. to Mrs.. Eric..Banfield -and_ -all bothers who had a part in ea Safet 4g�iL�4i11test. �. ----------- _ The following rosolubion ,roas_ read. and _a_ motion made by__ Tru3tes Peterson and socondcd by: Trustoe- Iiinchsliftxha- t -�this. rag In .ion•be adopted as read. Upon roll call the fo louring vote was _takene .Yeas- Trustee Hinchsliff, King, Meintzer, 316terson, snd_y`TU -, n, _ Nu s.. TlQn%._ Lotion carried. • ' BE IT RESOLVED by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield that: �� -`-- U16=1 As 1WIT S is hereby retaine�at a torney. for the Village$ to serve as legal advisor to the 1resident_.and_.BQaxd.-_0f Trustees,, and to Village Cfficers and employees on mat.tesa �nirg to their duties, to represent the Village in litigation ex t_mhere,the;Village.Board directs othexvuisos to 'draft all contracts* _grdjnances or other documents needed by. the Village, and to render such, other - legal- services as, may be requirod by the Prosident and Board of Trustee—s,,--- i He shall receive for his service�5`retainer of One hundred Callers - „ F - - Services Per month, which shall be full compensation for all advisory s the drafting ofvordiranc©s,'Qontracts and other documents, and all services other than thoee rendered in connection with bond issues*- or with litigation tp'which the Village or its officers or employees.in -their official capicitf tray b © `parties, . For any.services not covered by the retainer he shall receive.ruch,componsation as may be authorized byi the President-and Board 6f -,Trustees.,' - by Trustee Zilson and seconded by Trustee Hinchsliff that v.e agree to contributa one half of the ;0_ st of Preparing a Village Plan, provided that our cLare shall not e=cecd 01600.00,and al.sa ixovided that the other `one half shall be raised from other sources and that °this agreement shall be offactive only during the fiscal year. endiz April y - 300 1951: