10/09/1950A4 0 October 99- 1950. The regular meeting of the President and .Board_.of Trustees of the Village'of Deerfield was called to order by the,President'Andrew G.L Bradt t at ° 8 P. art. Roll ca71- Present - Trustee Hinchsliff, King, Meintzer, Peterson ._,_. and Nilson. Absent • Trustee Banfield• _. The minutes�of,the special meeting held September 59.1950, the' - regular meeting.held Sept"or 71,. 1950 and the special meeting held September 259 1950 were read and approvede The following bills were read and it was moved by Trustee Wilson and seconded by Trustee King that these.bills be approved:for payments•` when funds are available a, Upon roll call the following vote was taken. Yeas- ,Trustee �Hinchsliff, Kingg Meintzer, Peterson and Wilson. Nays- None* Motion carried. Walter F. I4o1---------- -------------- -- 167033 Maier Lavaty Co.------------------- ---- -- 51.87 Yleger Business Systems,Ince------- -- 25003 Peter Baker & Son, - -- - -�: 10.81 ?deyer_ Plumbing Coo 13.50 Mueller, Co ---- - - -r-- .._.. 6087 _ e Badger Mater Mfg* k Co... * :11.39. Rockwell Mfg.. Co.-------- •••------ .••..• -N. 168.00 City of Highland Park_ -- 4591.50 Willt3rd, A. Allen----------------- t - - - -- 162.00 M. F. T. F. - 016.00 James B. ;Clow & Sons- ---- -- 64126- Reiland and Bree _ 17..91 - vdmmormAn & Norman---------------- -- - - -- 206.15 Meade-Electric C9i- .......M- ..-- M_N - -..�- 12.90 ` _Frost Radio Store N-- N - - - -� 7.8951= Highland Park NewsR 16.80 Highland Park Mercury,Inc.-------- ---- -- 3.95 z Illinois - , Be]-I_ Telephone Coo.-..--.. 31.98 William Behnke ------------------- -.. ---- 17.00 M. F. T. Fe 16100 Patrick Kearns----------------- - - - - -- 15.00. Fhblio Service- Co ___ .,.._— ....���- - - - - -- 7.85.56 Deerfield Teeple Aasoclation -Nov. rent -- 12540 Salaries for October, 1 0. Rorcy McLaughlin ---- -- 275.00 William Tohnston� ---- -- ----,275.00 Ae H. Anderson------- ---- -- 240000 Patrick Kearns--Z---- -- 200e00 George�Sticken,Sr.- ---NN- 225000 Alexander Couris----------- 225.00 Mrse Chester Wessling -- ---- 150.00 C. T. Turner-- NN- .....N 100600 Allyn Franke 50000 Cheater Wessling -•--- 50400 Mrse Esther Gis 2 900 1815000 It was moved by Trustee Peterson and seconded by Trustee Meintzer that the report as submitted by Police Magistrate Hunt,shoryringV67000 in fines collected during the month of September, 1950, be accepted9P Roll call resulted as follows* Yeas- All. Nays- None: Motion carried. Trustee Meintzer made a motion which was seconded by Trustee Peterson that we approve the proposed plat of subdivision of that part_of the Southeast of the Northwest of the Northeast and that part of the Southwest of the Northeast of the Northeast lying east of Waukegan Road in Section 290 Township 43N, Range•129 East of the 3rd P9 M. and the area of Northwoods Drive,,subject to final plat, legal survey and agreement_ and all other papers required by our Subdivision ordinance. - Motion unanimously carried, Those voting "Aye" being Trustee Hinchsliff, King, Meintzer, Paterson and Wilson. Those voting "Nay" being-None, Mr0 Duane Cope requested a variation in the zoning of relative to the number of square feet of floor area as at present prescribed for a dwelling of more than one story in the Class AA residence district on Lot 24, Block' 20 in the He M. Cornell CampW's Briarwoods Subdivision,, Trustee Peterson made,a Motion which was duly seconded by- `Trustee Hinchsliff that this matter be referred to the Board of Appeals for their consideration as to whether the Building CO=i,ssioner shall or not issue a permit• 17 i8 A notion was made by Trustee Paterson and seconded by Trustee Maintzer that we accept the report Of the roater.Committee relative to Tons Petersen outside.water"usera permit to tha-effect that we'-take io action t9 revoke his Permitj,.hnd.that-this-action',be approved by the Board* Roll call resulted as follows, Yeas- Trustee Hiuchsliffs King., Maintzers Paterson and Wilsone. Keys- House Motion carried• t L It Was moved by Trustee Peterson' and seconded by Trustee Melutzer that we authorize the purchase pf a met of four tires for the squad car at a price of $78*509 Upon-roll qallt#s� following vote wao -taken-o'- Teas- Trustee,Hinahsliff, King, . Metatzer# Peterson - and'Wilsone Nayst Nons• Motion -carrieda President Andrew G* Bradt named the following appointments: Lewis Be Waltong 1415 Northwood, Drive',as a member of the Board of", Appeals to fill out the unexpired term or Rasiell--' Batt. whose resignation ace-epted.by the Board*-- t Eageno Fe Engelhard as Chifrman or the Board of Appeals. Captain Paul Huber IM Direotor-of Civil--Defense:--#_ ------------- Trustee Peterson made, a'. =tion-,whi-clrwas--seconde-d--by. Trustee 'Wilson that these appointments be. confirmed--by-thw-I)oard of TrMisteee'&- • Roll call resulted *as, t011owsa--Yeas—•l?rustee-lUuohul=,,- Kings Meintzers, Paterson and Wilson *"+NaYI3--None.w--Motiomrzarried*-'.'- - ---------------- — ------ motion was made by Trustee­Wilson­end--seconded by Trustee Hinchsliff that we it tkpproys the payment-of ' 05900-to-the-Deerfi-eld WomantWoman's Club koi the printing of.- Village- Board- meeting -dates -in their•engagement calendar and further that the-furnishing-of-the-se-datee be'referred to Trustee Kinge ----- ------------- Upon roll call the following-vote -was- taken-i —Yeas- Triistee'Hiishaliff Kings Usintzers Peterson and-Wilaono--Naye—Nonoi--Motion-carri'd:a e Moved, seconded and cqLrried-to-adjourns ­, ------------ Village 01�qrk *the -Board a Cl