October 19, 2009
The regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield was called to
order by Mayor Harriet Rosenthal in the Council Chambers of the Village Hall on Monday,
October 19, 2009 at 7:30 p.m. The Clerk called the roll and announced that the following were:
Present: Harriet Rosenthal, Mayor
Robert Benton
Alan Farkas
Thomas Jester
Mary Oppenheim
William Seiden
Barbara Struthers
and that a quorum was present and in attendance. Also present were Village Attorney Peter
Coblentz and Kent Street, Village Manager.
Larry Aaronson and Scott Schwartz from the
Deerfield Family Theater led those in attendance in
reciting the Pledge of Allegiance. Mr. Aaronson spoke about their upcoming production of Willy
Wonka, which will take place the weekends of November 13 and 20 at Caruso Middle School.
DEERFIELD CITGO PRESENTATION Dave Welch, owner of the Deerfield Citgo was
presented with a Certified Green Business award.
Izzy Karish.with the Green Business League, noted that the Deerfield Citgo was the first gas
station in the United States to receive the award. He noted the business had reduced its energy
use by one third. Mr. Karish explained the store is chemical -free and collects with rain barrels
all of the water used to clean the facility. Mr. Welch only sells green products in his store.
Village resident Jack Frigo asked about the length of the certification process. Mr. Karish
responded that the process took approximately five months to complete.
Mayor Rosenthal and the Board of Trustees, joined by the audience, conveyed appreciation and
congratulations to Mr. Welch and the Deerfield Citgo for demonstrating green practices and
earning the certification.
DOCUMENT APPROVAL Trustee Oppenheim made a motion to approve the
minutes from the October 5, 2009 Board of Trustees
meeting, with minor corrections. Trustee Benton seconded the motion. The motion passed
unanimously with Trustees Benton, Farkas and Struthers abstaining.
Trustee Farkas made a motion to approve the Bills
and Payroll dated October 19, 2009. Trustee
Struthers seconded the motion. The motion passed by the following vote:
AYES: Benton, Farkas, Jester, Oppenheim, Seiden, Struthers (6)
NAYS: None (0)
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October 19, 2009
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TREASURER'S REPORT Bob Fialkowski presented highlights from the
Treasurer's Report thru the end of September,
representing five months of the fiscal year. He reported that revenues are coming along, and
sales tax was not down as much on a percentage basis. Mr. Fialkowski explained that hotel tax is
struggling somewhat, so he is lowering the estimate for the year. He noted the water and sewer
revenues are up for the summer months, and expenditures overall are under budget.
Mayor Rosenthal confirmed the need to monitor financial developments on a regular basis.
PUBLIC COMMENT There was no Public Comment.
REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION Village Manager Kent Street presented a report
OF STAFF RE: 1010 WARRINGTON concerning the Village sanitary sewer that bisects
SEWER EASEMENT the property at 1010 Warrington Road. Pursuant to
Board direction, staff and the Village Attorney have
worked on two options for resolution of the issue.
Under Option A, the sewer -is kept in its present location, relined and tested by the Village to
verify its integrity, and the owners will proceed to have the new home constructed using
construction techniques approved by the Village that will protect the sewer. An easement
formalizing the Village's authority to clean and maintain the sewer, as well as a new easement to
relocate the sewer, if necessary, in the future would be granted to the Village. The cost to reline
and test the sewer is estimated to be $10,000, and time to implement the sewer work is
approximately four weeks.
Under Option B, a new line would be constructed along the edge of the property according to a
50/50 cost sharing arrangement with the owner, and the existing line would be abandoned. An
easement formalizing the Village's authority for the sanitary sewer would be granted. The total
cost to construct the new sewer and abandon the existing one is estimated to be $50,000, and the
time to implement it is approximately six weeks.
In view of the impacts, costs and trade -offs of each option, staff recommended that Option A be
approved and the Mayor and Village Attorney be authorized to execute the necessary easement
documents consistent with the provisions of Option A.
Trustee Seiden questioned whether the Eisenbergs are happy with Option A. Mr. Street said they
are in support of Option A. Trustee Farkas commended the Eisenbergs for their research on this
situation. He believes this is an excellent example of the Village working to come up with a
solution and hopes the Eisenbergs realize the Village is making a commitment to support its
residents. Aside from Village's commitment, there has been a significant expense by the
Eisenbergs as well. Trustee Struthers questioned how long relined sewers typically last. Mr.
Street responded they come with a 100 year warranty. Trustee Jester noted he is pleased with the
outcome. Mayor Rosenthal believes option "A" is the best solution to get the issues resolved.
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October 19, 2009
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Trustee Jester made a motion to accept the staff report regarding the sewer easement for 1010
Warrington. Trustee Oppenheim seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Mr. Eisenberg thanked the Village Board and staff for its efforts to resolve the matter.
ORDINANCE 0 -09 -21 PROHIBITING An Ordinance prohibiting video gaming within the
VIDEO GAMING WITHIN THE Village of Deerfield. Mr. Street noted that
VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD trustees received information from the Illinois Coin
Operators Association on the matter.
Trustee Farkas made a motion to adopt the Ordinance prohibiting video gaming within the
Village of Deerfield. Trustee Benton seconded the motion. Trustee Benton noted he received an
email stating that gaming supporters were recommending 150 clarifications and additions to
make it worthwhile to have video gaming in municipalities and asking the Board to postpone its
vote. Trustee Benton does not believe Deerfield will benefit from allowing video gaming now or
in the future. Trustee Struthers agreed. Trustee Seiden added he does not believe Deerfield
would make enough money if gaming was allowed. The motion passed by the following vote:
AYES: Benton, Farkas, Jester; Oppenheim, Seiden, Struthers (6)
NAYS: None (0)
ORDINANCE 0- 09-22 GRANTING A An Ordinance granting a side yard variation for the
SIDE YARD VARIATION FOR property located at 654 Caroline Court.. First
654 CAROLINE COURT — 1R Reading. Trustee Benton made a motion to waive
the first reading of the Ordinance. Trustee Farkas
seconded the motion. The motion passed by the following vote:
AYES: Benton, Farkas, Jester, Oppenheim, Seiden, Struthers (6)
NAYS: None (0)
Trustee Struthers made a motion to adopt the Ordinance granting a side yard variation for the
property located at 654 Caroline Court. Trustee Oppenheim seconded the motion. The motion
passed by the following vote:
AYES: Benton, Farkas, Jester, Oppenheim, Seiden, Struthers (6)
NAYS: None (0)
There was no Old Business.
RESOLUTION R -09 -07 APPROVING Mr. Fialkowski recommended the Village authorize
AND AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF participation in the IMET investment pool. IMET
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October 19, 2009
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A FIRST AMENDED AND RESTATED is a non - profit local government pool created and
DECLARATION OF TRUST sponsored by five Chicago metropolitan councils of
government. It is a treasurer's pool for
municipalities, school districts and parks.
The Village considered participation in IMET several years ago but declined because they only
offered the 1 to 3 year investment fund, and the Village was doing the same type of investments
in- house. The Village would use IMET as an alternative to holding cash in the Illinois funds
administered by the State Treasurer. The Village's intent would be to use this to allow for an
enhanced return over the cash kept in the Illinois Funds for use in Village operations. Mr.
Fialkowski noted there is no minimum required for participation, but authorization would allow
the Village to participate in the convenience fund and/or the 1 to 3 year investment fund. Mayor
Rosenthal asked how the fees compared. Mr. Fialkowski explained the fees are a little higher
with IMET, but the return is still higher.
Trustee Farkas made motion to adopt the Resolution authorizing execution of a first amended
and restarted declaration of trust. Trustee Oppenheim seconded the motion. The motion passed
by the following vote:
AYES: Benton, Farkas, Jester, Oppenheim, Seiden, Struthers (6)
NAYS: None (0)
ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE 'An Ordinance authorizing the sale of surplus real
SALE OF SURPLUS REAL ESTATE estate located at 646 — 660 Deerfield Road. First
LOCATED AT 646 -660 DEERFIELD Reading. Mr. Street reported the Village received
ROAD — 1R an offer from the owners of Shopper's Court to
purchase 4,073 square feet of Village property. The
independent appraisal for the property was $61,000. Shopper's Court made an offer that
includes the recently installed improvements on the parcel, which have a value of just more than
$16,000. Mr. Street explained that the property, which was a Village recycling center in the
1970s, is no longer needed for Village operations.
Jack Frigo, representing the ownership of Shopper's Court, explained that the value of the
property was based on the property at the current conditions, including recent improvements
valued at $16,000.
Mayor Rosenthal noted the Ordinance would stand as a First Reading.
UNDERPASS CLEARING Trustee Farkas noted that traffic was backed up
Sunday morning because a truck could not clear the
underpass on Deerfield Road. He would like to see what can be done to alert trucks about the
height limitations and reduce the frequency of the disruption.
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October 19, 2009
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Mayor Rosenthal responded there were several previous discussions about the issue, and several
suggestions were made. The costs are substantial, and the Village needs new ideas that are
effective but reasonably priced. Trustee Struthers noted the size of the signs increase as trucks
get closer to the underpass. Mayor Rosenthal noted the matter will receive attention from the
Board and staff.
CDC TEEN SAFE DRIVING WEEK Trustee Struthers reported this is Teen Safe Driving
Week, which stresses parent involvement in teen
INTERFAITH HOUSING CENTER Trustee Oppenheim attended the annual meeting of
the Interfaith Housing Center of the Northern
Suburbs. She noted staff has used the IFHC as a resource for affordable housing and that she
brought back information to share.
HOMECOMING Mayor Rosenthal reported that Homecoming
weekend was very nice. Deerfield High School
won their game, and students had fun and were safe. She thanked all the students and parents
that participated in the Homecoming festivities.
HALLOWEEN HOOPLA Mr. Street reported that Halloween Hoopla will
take place this weekend on Friday night and
Saturday, and that the pumpkin contest has been cancelled. Trick or treating will take place
village wide on October 31 st from 3:30 to 7:00.
PARKWAY LEAF PICK UP Mr. Street reported that parkway leaf pick up starts
ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to discuss, the
meeting was adjourned at 8:15 PM.
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Vi lage Clerk