08/03/2009August 3, 2009
The regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield was called to
order by Mayor Harriet Rosenthal in the Council Chambers of the Village Hall on Monday,
August 3, 2009 at 7:32 p.m. The Clerk called the roll and announced that the following were:
Present: Harriet Rosenthal, Mayor
Robert Benton
Thomas Jester
Mary Oppenheim
William Seiden
Barbara Struthers
Absent was: Alan Farkas
and that a quorum was present and in attendance. Also present were Village Attorney Peter
Coblentz and Kent Street, Village Manager.
PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mayor Rosenthal led those in attendance in reciting
the Pledge of Allegiance.
DOCUMENT APPROVAL Trustee Oppenheim made a motion to approve the
minutes from the July 20, 2009 Board of Trustees
meeting. Trustee Struthers seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
BILLS AND PAYROLL Trustee Benton made a motion to approve the Bills
and Payroll dated August 3, 2009. Trustee
Oppenheim seconded the motion. The motion passed b the following vote:
AYES: Benton, Jester, Oppenheim, Seiden, Struthers (5)
NAYS: None (0)
ABSENT: Farkas (1)
REPORT ON DEPARTMENTAL Chief Sliozis reviewed Department statistics for the
OBJECTIVES — POLICE DEPARTMENT first six months of the year and noted that most
categories were consistent with previous years. He
mentioned the number of calls for service was slightly lower and index crimes, which are more
serious, dropped from 112 to 98. Chief Sliozis noted the number of burglaries increased from
nine last year during the same period to 17. He also noted that traffic citations were down
slightly, as were accidents. Injury accidents were substantially decreased from last year as well.
Chief Sliozis discussed significant events that occurred during the first six months of 2009. In
March, the Department made an arrest for the October 2007 murder of Rhoni Reuter. Last
month, the Department was notified by the International Association of Chiefs of Police that they
would receive the Michael Shanahan Award for Excellence for the public - private emergency
planning efforts with corporations such as Takeda. Chief Sliozis recognized Commander Rick
Board of Trustees meeting
August 3, 2009
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Weil for his work in this regard. Chief Sliozis reported that the Department would look into
replacing a substantial amount of radio equipment before the end of the year to comply with new
FCC requirements. Trustee Struthers asked if the new equipment would help the Department
better communicate with neighboring communities. Chief Sliozis explained -the new equipment
would use lesser band width but would have little impact on the communication.
Trustee Jester asked if there was any report on gang activity. Chief Sliozis noted that as gangs
transition, there has been less graffiti, which has made it less of an indicator. He mentioned the
Village had one case of graffiti that may have been gang related. He believes that case was due
to people passing through the community rather than gang activity in Deerfield. Chief Sliozis
noted there was an upswing of gang activity within Lake County and they are trying to work
with it regionally. Trustee Jester asked if the Department is familiar with gang signs. Chief
Sliozis explained the officers are trained in gang signs, but the gangs have been more discrete in
their attire. He noted the Department would continue to train and keep up on gang trends.
Trustee Struthers asked if there has been any difference in drug use. Chief Sliozis explained
Deerfield's drug problems are consistent with neighboring communities and other communities
throughout the country. Deerfield's drug issues are no better or worse than other communities.
Trustee Oppenheim asked Chief Sliozis if he noticed any new trends or disturbing things over
the past six months. Chief Sliozis responded that underage drinking is still an issue, even though
efforts continue to address it. Trustee Oppenheim expressed disappointment because there has
been so much education, as well as local tragedies, and there is still a problem. Chief Sliozis
noted the problem is not unique to Deerfield. Mayor Rosenthal noted that a District 113 group is
working on educational materials that will go out to both parents and students. The group
consists of parents from Highland Park and Deerfield High Schools, municipal representatives
and area clergy, as well as staff from the Lake County Health Department. The group is
preparing information for parents on how to discuss substance topics with their children.
Trustees discussed the Wilmot Road construction project. Chief Sliozis noted the Village will
assist the school as it communicates information to parents about the construction.
Mayor Rosenthal reported that she received several compliments about the Dateline NBC
program that aired Friday night about the arrest of Marni Yang. She thanked the Police
Department for their hard work. .
PUBLIC COMMENT . There was no Public Comment.
There were no Reports.
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August 3, 2009
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An Ordinance granting a front yard setback
variation for the property located at 464 Grove
Avenue. Second Reading.
An Ordinance amending the Municipal Code of
the Village of Deerfield to increase the number of
Class C liquor licenses from three to four for Teddy
Fabz. Second Reading.
ORDINANCE REGARDING A TEXT An Ordinance regarding a text amendment to the
AMENDMENT TO THE ZONING Zoning Ordinance regarding the definition of attics
ORDINANCE REGARDING THE in the Floor Area Ratio (FAR). First Reading.
FLOOR AREA RATIO — 1R Trustee Jester made a motion to accept the Consent
Agenda and adopt the Ordinances. Trustee
Struthers seconded the motion. The motion passed by the following vote:
AYES: Benton, Jester, Oppenheim, Seiden, Struthers (5)
NAYS: None (0)
ABSENT: Farkas (1)
There was no Old Business.
AUTHORIZATION TO PURCHASE Village Engineer Bob Phillips reported that IDOT
NEW FRAMES AND COVERS FOR has awarded the contract for the resurfacing of
THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD Waukegan Road between Central and North
UTILITY STRUCTURES Avenues to Peter Baker Construction Co. Inc. The
scope of work for the project includes roadway
grinding and resurfacing, pavement patching, detector loop replacement for traffic signals and
pavement striping. IDOT has allowed the Village to have and maintain Village sanitary sewers
and water mains in the right -of -way. Staff reviewed roadway man hole frames and covers and
received quotes for the 112 that need to be replaced. As IDOT's contract includes adjustment of
the Village's frames and covers, the cost to the Village would be for materials only. The
Director of Public Works and Engineering would like to waive the formal bidding process and
authorize the purchase of frames and covers for the Village's utility structures from East Jordan
Iron Works, Inc. in an amount not to exceed $20,980.
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August 3, 2009
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Trustee Struthers made a motion to waive the formal bidding process and authorize the purchase
of new frames and covers for Village utility structures from East Jordan Iron Works, Inc. in an
amount not to exceed $20,980. Trustee Benton seconded the motion.
In response to a question from Trustee Oppenheim, Mr. Phillips confirmed that the frames and
covers need to be replaced because of normal wear.
The motion passed by the following vote:
AYES: Benton, Jester, Oppenheim, Seiden, Struthers (5)
NAYS: None (0)
ABSENT: Farkas (1)
AUTHORIZATION TO PURCHASE Director of Public Works and Engineering, Barbara
GRINDER PACKS FOR DEEP SEWAGE Little, reported there are three influent sewage
LINE AT THE WASTEWATER lines with sewage grinders that enter the
RECLAMATION FACILITY Wastewater Reclamation Facility. The deep sewer
line from the east side is the largest line. Ms. Little
advised that the Village replaces the grinder pack every three years. JWC Environmental is the
proprietary manufacturer for this region. Staff budgeted $25,000 for the purchase but anticipates
receiving a credit of approximately $3,000 if the existing grinder pack can be remanufactured.
JWC Environmental quoted $17,308 for the grinder pack with shipping. She requested that the
Board waive the competitive bidding process due to the proprietary supplier and authorize the
purchase of grinder packs for the deep sewage line at the Wastewater Reclamation Facility from
JWC Environmental in an amount not to exceed $17,308.
Trustee Benton asked if the credit was included in the total. Ms. Little explained the credit was
not included in the total as it would be determined when the grinder's condition is known.
Trustee Jester asked if the grinder packs were incorporated into the new WRF design. Ms. Little
explained the new design will have screens instead of grinder packs.
Trustee Oppenheim made a motion to waive the competitive bidding process and award the
contract for the grinder packs to JWC Environmental in an amount not to exceed $17,308.
Trustee Benton seconded the motion. The motion passed by the following vote:
AYES: Benton, Jester, Oppenheim, Seiden, Struthers (5)
NAYS: None (0)
ABSENT: Farkas (1)
COMMISSION APPOINTMENTS Mayor Rosenthal noted that the Manpower
Commission met recently, and she recommended
the following residents for commission appointments: Family Days Committee — Chad Coe,
Manpower Commission — Nick Alex, Plan Commission — Dan Shapiro, and Safety Council —
John Holland.
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August 3, 2009
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Trustee Struthers made a motion to accept the recommendations of the Manpower Commission
and approve the commission appointments. Trustee Oppenheim seconded the motion. The
motion passed by the following vote:
AYES: Benton, Jester, Oppenheim, Seiden, Struthers (5)
NAYS: None (0)
ABSENT: Farkas (1)
VIDEO GAMING MACHINES Trustee Struthers asked if staff had received any
additional information about video gaming
machines. Mr. Coblentz is not aware of any progress from the gaming authority, but he is
putting together an ordinance for Board consideration. Mr. Coblentz added that once the State
regulations are in place, absent a Village prohibition, operators could submit applications to be
licensed by the State. Trustee Seiden thought the Village had a law that prohibited gaming. Mr.
Coblentz explained that the Village has several prohibitions on coin operated machines and
gambling devices but the definitions do not directly apply. He recommends that the Village
Board adopt an ordinance if it desires to prohibit the machines, to remove any doubt.
RIB COOK OFF Mayor Rosenthal noted that the Saturday before
last, the Police and Fire Departments had a rib cook
off at the Farmer's Market, and the Police Department won. Mayor Rosenthal thanked Stoney
River for sponsoring the event and congratulated the Police Department on their victory. She
noted that Stoney River would feature the Police Department recipe on their August menu.
Mr. Street noted that the next meeting will be
held on Monday, August 17`h and trustees will
further consider design features related to the Village Green proposal along Deerfield Road.
ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to discuss, the
meeting was adjourned at 8:08 PM.
Village Cl rk