07/20/2009July 20, 2009
The regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield was called to
order by Mayor Harriet Rosenthal in the Council Chambers of the Village Hall on Monday, July
20, 2009 at 7:33 p.m. The Clerk called the roll and announced that the following were:
Present: Harriet Rosenthal, Mayor
Robert Benton
Alan Farkas
Thomas Jester
Mary Oppenheim
William Seiden
Barbara Struthers
and that a quorum was present and in attendance. Also present were Village Attorney Peter
Coblentz and Kent Street, Village Manager.
PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Brandon Struthers led those in attendance in
reciting the Pledge of Allegiance. Mr. Struthers is
the 11 year old grandson of Trustee Barbara Struthers and is visiting from Virginia.
PROCLAMATION Mayor Rosenthal requested endorsement that the
Village of Deerfield supports the goals and ideals of
the 2010 census and will disseminate census information to encourage those in our community to
Trustee Struthers made a motion to accept the Proclamation. Trustee Oppenheim seconded the
motion. The motion passed by the following vote:
AYES: Benton, Farkas, Jester, Oppenheim, Seiden, Struthers (6)
NAYS: None (0)
MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING Trustee Benton made a motion to approve the
minutes of the July 6, 2009 Board of Trustees
meeting. Trustee Struthers seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
BILLS AND PAYROLL Trustee Seiden made a motion to approve the Bills
and Payroll dated July 20, 2009. Trustee Farkas
seconded the motion. The motion passed by the following vote:
AYES: Benton, Farkas, Jester, Oppenheim, Seiden, Struthers (6)
NAYS: None (0)
TREASURER'S REPORT Assistant Finance Director Eric Burk presented
highlights from the Treasurer's Report dated June
30, 2009, representing 17% of the fiscal year. He noted the non -home rule sales tax declined by
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seven tenths of a percent from June 2008. Mr. Burk advised that the hotel tax is under
performing due to reduced travel this year, and the water and sewer revenues are down because
of reduced demand. The Village received significant permit revenues in June from Takeda. The
first installment of Lake County property taxes was also received. Mr. Burk noted that regular
vehicle sticker sales finished in June, and reminders were sent out in July. He mentioned there
was an error in the Treasurer's Report on page 3, listing the debt services expenditures as $0.
That will be fixed in the next report.
Trustee Struthers asked if vehicle sticker reminder notices were sent to anyone that moved into
Deerfield. Mr. Burk responded that staff has tried to notify everyone, has checked the utility
records, and sent applications to anyone that has purchased them in the past.
REPORT ON DEPARTMENTAL Director of Public Works and Engineering, Barbara
OBJECTIVES — DEPARTMENT OF Little, shared highlights of the departmental report.
PUBLIC WORKS AND ENGINEERING She explained that the Village capital improvement
program has been leveraged with outside funding.
The Village has had success with the federal stimulus program on the South Wilmot Road
project. The second year of Gypsy Moth spraying has been completed. Village personnel have
provided a quick response to the IDOT accelerated program for Waukegan Road resurfacing and
smoke testing in the Village. The Village will need to supply new frames and covers where
needed. Ms. Little mentioned that the state purchasing department modified their procedures for
bidding bulk rock salt this year. The low bid was $64 per ton compared to $138 per ton last year.
Ms. Little noted that there was a record high of more than 28 inches of precipitation during the
first half of the year. The sewer department responded appropriately to yard and street flooding
calls. There' were few sanitary sewer calls related to precipitation.
Ms. Little explained that the department is working with Metra on improvements to the platform
at the downtown station. They are working toward a solution to be implemented next year.
Trustee Jester asked about the nature of the deterioration. Ms. Little explained that the platforms
and retaining walls are deteriorating because of salt. Although there is no imminent danger, the
problem must be addressed.
Ms. Little noted that the water department repaired 84 hydrants which were part of a
manufacturer's recall. The Village has been reimbursed by the manufacturer for both time and
materials. The Wastewater Treatment Facility plan design is moving along and will be going to
the Plan Commission for review. There will be a pre- filing conference on Thursday, July 23`d
The Garage Department is keeping village equipment in good working order.
Trustee Benton asked when painting would begin at the Metra Station. Ms. Little responded that
the Village is working with Metra to make the improvements in the next year or so.
Trustee Farkas asked about the resurfacing of Lake Cook and Waukegan Roads, Ms. Little
reported that IDOT made a number of patches to the area. State legislators have pushed for
resurfacing, but that is tied in with the capital bill. The Village is waiting for a response to its
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request that the State provide the Village with extraordinary maintenance funding for the pothole
patching, in the amount of approximately $300,000.
Mayor Rosenthal thanked Ms. Little for including green initiatives in her report. She mentioned
the Village is trying to get a LEED silver certificate for the Wastewater Reclamation Facility.
Mayor Rosenthal thanked Ms. Little for all her hard work.
Mayor Rosenthal asked if IDOT is aware that the Village would like the resurfacing of
Waukegan Road (North Avenue to Central) to be completed before the start of the school year.
Ms. Little explained that Village staff has made the contractor sensitive to this timing concern.
She noted that all approaches to the high school are heavily traveled, and it would be a major
hiccup to the traffic flow if there were lane closures. Ms. Little explained she is working closely
with IDOT's resident engineer and will keep the Trustees informed regarding the timing of work.
Mayor Rosenthal requested that Ms. Little also keep the school informed so they can
communicate to the students as well.
PUBLIC COMMENT There was no Public Comment.
The Plan Commission held a Public Hearing on
June 25, 2009 to consider text amendments to the
Zoning Ordinance regarding the definition of attics
in the floor area ratio (FAR). The Plan Commission
voted 4 -0 in favor of sending a positive
recommendation to the Board.
Trustee Seiden reported that the Residential Redevelopment Review Task Force looked into this
issue, and most items in their report went into the Municipal Code. One item, the definition of
attics, went to the Plan Commission. The proposed definition allows for more than one attic in a
house and states that an attic is the highest point in a house. Trustees Benton and Struthers, who
were also on the Task Force, explained that the new definition clarifies for all involved how to
address attics.
Trustee Farkas commented that there appeared to be little discussion about the philosophy
behind the FAR requirement. He noted there are other regulations in place that define the overall
size of a house, but questioned the need to worry about used and non -used space. Mr. Case
noted that everything within the shell of a house should be counted and included in the FAR.
Until now, there was no definition of an attic in the Zoning Ordinance. The Plan Commission
discussed whether the shell or what is within the shell should be governed. Trustee Seiden
explained that because there are variations between the shell and what is within the shell, it
seemed this was fairer. Trustee Farkas responded that the starting point of Village regulations
should be to make sure houses are not overburdening the lot size or the neighborhood. Once that
is done, if someone has developed 100% of the interior or 75% of the interior, it should not affect
the neighborhood. Trustee Seiden noted that the FAR provides a starting point. There are also
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height limitations and side lot setbacks. Mayor Rosenthal noted this would change what is
allowed to be built. It would not affect existing houses.
Norton Wasserman reported that the Plan Commission thought the tweak in the definition was
Trustee Seiden made a motion to accept the report and recommendation of the Plan Commission
regarding text amendments to the Zoning Ordinance regarding the definition of attics in the Floor
Area Ratio. Trustee Struthers seconded the motion. The motion passed by the following vote:
AYES: Benton, Farkas, Jester, Oppenheim, Seiden, Struthers (6)
NAYS: None (0)
Mayor Rosenthal noted this would come back to the Trustees at the next meeting for a final vote.
REPORT OF STAFF RE: NORTH Bill Landwehr from the North Suburban Career and
SUBURBAN CAREER AND Networking Center showed a PowerPoint
NETWORKING CENTER presentation. He is a Northbrook resident and
started this program with a group of 40 — 50 people.
Mr. Landwehr explained that unemployment has soard 24% in Northbrook and 20% in
Glenview. He believes the average unemployed Deerfield resident loses about $500 per day in
income. The North Suburban Career and Networking Center,created by volunteers, empowers
north suburban residents to reduce their transition period by 50% in landing a new job /career.
Mr. Landwehr explained that the group has 21 advisors or coaches. Their mission is to
"Empower and motivate job seekers by providing the guidance and services needed to help them
transform their job search process into rewarding career opportunities." They have put together
materials for job search planning, career assessments, transition planning, interviewing skills,
resume review and networking strategies. They also network with community career centers,
business organizations, synagogues and churches. Many organizations have donated computers,
support and resources for the program. Mr. Landwehr reported they have also tried to put more
structure into helping people help themselves. They offer sequential workshops to help people
determine where they need, assistance. They currently charge an annual membership fee of $95.
Mr. Landwehr reported that they have an advisory board of experts and have not paid any
outside speakers or advisors. They are also looking to expand their corporate sponsorships. Mr.
Landwehr proposed having Deerfield collaborate with sponsorship and asked for a donation of
$2,500 which would sponsor 25 residents at $100 each.
Richard Rushkewicz from Deerfield Bank and Trust explained the bank feels strongly about this
program. He mentioned that the United Way contribution went to Lake Forest and he wanted
something closer. He believes the communities need to bond together to form a larger initiative.
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Trustee Benton believes this is a viable approach. He asked how the Village could participate
and how to coordinate things. Trustee Benton would like to see how this group can coordinate
with other groups in Lake County.
Trustee Seiden noted there are several other employment assistance groups in Deerfield that are
more seasoned. He would like to make a personal contribution, but questioned how the Trustees
can contribute tax dollars. He agrees this is a wonderful effort and is impressed with the
Trustee Oppenheim explained that tax payer money goes to pay for unemployment. She believes
it is in everyone's interest to have a strong economy and have as many people working as
Trustee Struthers mentioned that the Treasurer's Report showed that both sales tax and hotel tax
revenues are declining. If jobs go up, hopefully revenues will increase as well.
Mr. Landwehr added that the North Suburban Career and Networking Center links with 20 other
career centers. They do not want to duplicate the efforts of others, but try to coordinate the
efforts to gain a good balance.
Mayor Rosenthal explained she spent time with Mr. Rushkewicz to discuss how economic events
are affecting Deerfield. She believes the Board has a moral and ethical responsibility to help
Deerfield residents. Mr. Rushkewicz suggested a joint effort with Northbrook, Glenview and
Deerfield to benefit all three communities. Deerfield can have Board participation to make sure
the Village is well represented and gets information. Mayor Rosenthal believes it is an important
program. Trustee Benton suggested including a report that has an overview of the other
organizations and how this organization fits.
Trustee Benton made a motion to work with the North Suburban Career and Networking Center
and authorize a $2,500 donation. They will report on the usage rate and will coordinate with the
Lake Forest resource center. Trustee Oppenheim seconded the motion.
Trustee Farkas questioned whether this is a one -time contribution or if it would get triggered as
Deerfield residents utilize the services. Mr. Landwehr explained the contribution would help the
Center get started in Deerfield. Trustee Farkas asked if the participants would still be charged
the $100 fee. Mr. Landwehr explained that they are trying to get the funding so they do not have
to charge, but the $100 fee is about half of the actual cost.
Trustee Benton asked if the Village would get an overview of other organizations. Mayor
Rosenthal believes the Trustees are encouraging cross referencing between the Center and other
Trustee Seiden asked if the $2,500 donation was just for the North Suburban Career and
Networking Center or if it was for other organizations as well. Mr. Street explained the donation
would be for the Center, and the Trustees would get a follow up report that includes interaction
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with other career counseling organizations within the region. Trustee Seiden believes other
organizations will come to the Board and ask for funding. Trustee Farkas believes North
Suburban Career and Networking Center is organized and will help to address the needs of
Deerfield residents. Trustee Seiden explained the Village has the Job Center of Lake County,
Career Resources of Lake Forest, synagogues and churches that will all ask for funding. Mayor
Rosenthal requested the Center get real numbers for Deerfield. The motion passed by the
following vote:
AYES: Benton, Farkas, Jester, Oppenheim, Struthers (5)
NAYS: Seiden (1)
ORDINANCE GRANTING A FRONT An Ordinance granting a front yard setback
YARD SETBACK VARIATION FOR variation for the property located at 464 Grove
464 GROVE AVENUE —1R Avenue. First Reading.
coordination and clean up were wonderful
every year.
Authorization to enter into an agreement with D &W
Events for the 2010 Festival of Fine Arts. Ch.
Marks was present. Trustee Oppenheim mentioned
that the Arts Festival was fabulous this year. The
quality of the work was excellent, and the
Trustee Struthers believes the Festival gets better
Trustee Oppenheim made a motion to accept the Consent Agenda. Trustee Struthers seconded
the motion. The motion passed by the following vote:
AYES: Benton, Farkas, Jester, Oppenheim, Seiden, Struthers (6)
NAYS: None (0)
There was no Old Business.
ORDINANCE AMENDING THE An Ordinance amending the Municipal Code of the
MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE VILLAGE Village of Deerfield to increase the number of Class
OF DEERFIELD TO INCREASE THE C liquor licenses from 3 to 4 for TeddyFabz. First
Mr. Street explained that the police department did
a background investigation and found nothing to prevent granting the license.
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Ted and Cindy Spears, owners of TeddyFabz, were present. Mr. Spears explained they have
been in business since October 27, 2008 and business is going fairly well. Mr. Spears believes
adding beer and wine to their menu would help their business and the Village with sales tax
revenue. He noted they would take Bassett training and would not sell alcohol via their drive
thru. Mayor Rosenthal thanked Mr. Spears for participating in Family Days.
Mrs. Spears mentioned they have a family business and take it very seriously. She noted all of
their employees were over 21 and would be trained.
Mayor Rosenthal mentioned the Village takes their liquor licenses very seriously. They are a
privilege. She is happy business is going well but noted the Village performs compliance
checks. As there were no further questions, First Reading was held.
AUTHORIZATION TO AWARD BID Ms. Little explained that two bids were opened on
FOR ONE NEW 2009 OR 2010 July 8`h. The low bidder was Standard
VACUUM LEAF LOADER Equipment Company in the amount of $26,452.
Ms. Little noted the bid met Village specifications.
Trustee Jester made a motion to award the contract for one new 2009 or 2010 vacuum leaf loader
to Standard Equipment Company in an amount not to exceed $26,452. Trustee Struthers
seconded the motion.
Trustee Farkas asked about the budget figure that was twice the bid amount. Ms. Little
mentioned they apply an escalation factor to equipment and would look into it. The motion
passed by the following vote:
AYES: Benton, Farkas, Jester, Oppenheim, Seiden, Struthers (6)
NAYS: None (0)
AUTHORIZATION TO AWARD BID Ms. Little explained that bids were received and
FOR TWO NEW 2009 OR 2010 the lowest qualified bidder was Peterson GMC for
4 -WHEEL DRIVE TRUCKS WITH 8' two trucks to replace two existing vehicles in the
Trustee Jester made a motion to award the contract
for two new 2009 4 -wheel drive trucks with 9' service body, lift gate and plows to Peterson
GMC in an amount not to exceed $53,936. Trustee Oppenheim seconded the motion. The
motion passed by the following vote:
AYES: Benton, Farkas, Jester, Oppenheim, Seiden, Struthers (6)
NAYS: None (0)
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VILLAGE GREEN DISCUSSION Trustee Farkas noted there would be a Committee
of the Whole discussion on the Village Green next
Monday. Mr. Street added they anticipate the consultant group being available for questions
from the Board. The Committee of the Whole discussion will be held at 6:00 on Monday, July
27`n The public is invited.
$300,000 CAPITAL BILL Mayor Rosethal thanked Susan Garrett and Karen
May for the award of $300,000 in the new capital
TRUSTEE IN THE TOWN Trustee Seiden mentioned that Trustee Struthers and
Mayor Rosenthal would be at the Farmers Market
this Saturday from 9 — noon for Trustee in the Town.
WAUKEGAN ROAD Mr. Street reported IDOT is resurfacing Waukegan
Road. The Village is trying to coordinate
information for residents, but do not want to slow down the work.
VIDEO GAMING LEGISLATION Mr. Coblentz believes the Board should consider
the video gaming issue before State regulations are
made. Trustee Benton questioned whether the Village would get the revenue benefits if we did
not allow the machines. Staff will look into the revenue estimates. Trustee Farkas noted the
Village could have a permitting fee for the machines to generate additional revenue. Mr. Street
will work with Mr. Coblentz and Mr. Fialkowski and report back to the Trustees.
ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to discuss, the
meeting was adjourned at 9:05 p.m.
Village C erk