07/06/2009July 6, 2009
The regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield was called to
order by Mayor Harriet Rosenthal in the Council Chambers of the Village Hall on Monday, July
6, 2009 at 7:30 p.m. The Clerk called the roll and announced that the following were:
Present: Harriet Rosenthal, Mayor
Robert Benton
Thomas Jester
Mary Oppenheim
William Seiden
Barbara Struthers
Absent: Alan Farkas
and that a quorum was present and in attendance. Also present were Village Attorney Peter
Coblentz and Kent Street, Village Manager.
PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Judy Nelson, Chairman of the Deerfield Family
Days Committee, led those in attendance in reciting
the Pledge of Allegiance.
Ms. Nelson thanked the Village, Public Works and Police Departments, the Park District and all
the volunteers for their assistance in making this year's Family Days such a wonderful event.
She mentioned there was a tremendous police presence during the bicycle parade. and the dog
show was a great success. Ms. Nelson thanked the residents for their donations and noted the
children's prizes were wonderful.
Mayor Rosenthal and the Board thanked Ms. Nelson for the Committee's great work. Trustee
Oppenheim added that the fireworks were fabulous. Mayor Rosenthal encouraged residents to
make donations through the website or by sending a check to Village Hall.
MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING Trustee Benton made a motion to approve the
minutes from the June 16, 2009 Board of Trustees
meeting. Trustee Oppenheim seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
BILLS AND PAYROLL Trustee Seiden made a motion to approve the Bills
and Payroll dated July 6, 2009. Trustee Struthers
seconded the motion. The motion passed by the following vote:
AYES: Benton, Jester, Oppenheim, Seiden, Struthers (5)
NAYS: None (0)
ABSENT: Farkas (1)
Board of Trustees Meeting
July 6, 2009
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PUBLIC COMMENT Oscar Adler, 59 Eastwood, reported that the Adler's
Alley program topic for July is Yoga for All Ages.
It will air on Tuesdays on cable channel 10 at 6:30 p.m. and on Thursdays on cable channel 19 at
6:30 p.m.
REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION The Board of Zoning Appeals held a Public Hearing
OF BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS RE on July 2, 2009 to consider a variation to allow a
REQUEST FOR FRONT YARD garage addition with a 35 -foot front yard setback
SETBACK VARIATION FOR 464 instead of a 37.9 -foot front yard setback. The
GROVE PLACE (THUENTE) Board of Zoning Appeals concluded this was the
minimum necessary adjustment and voted 5 -0 to
send a favorable recommendation to the Board to allow construction as presented. Board of
Zoning Appeals Ch. Bob Speckmann was available for questions.
Trustee Seiden made a motion to accept the report and recommendation of the Board of Zoning
Appeals and to prepare the Ordinance. Trustee Benton seconded the motion. Trustee Benton
commented that the addition would fit in nicely. The motion passed by the following vote:
AYES: Benton, Jester, Oppenheim, Seiden, Struthers (5)
NAYS: None (0)
ABSENT: Farkas (1)
There was no Consent Agenda.
There was no Old Business.
APPROVAL OF IDOT AWARD OF Assistant Village Engineer Bob Phillips reported
CONTRACT FOR WILMOT ROAD that the Village was successful in receiving nearly
INFRASTRUCTURE REHABILITATION $1.5 million in economic stimulus funding. As a
PROJECT result of the funding, the Wilmot Road South
project was required to be part of the IDOT letting.
Six bids were received and opened on June 12, 2009. IDOT plans to award the contract for the
Wilmot Road Infrastructure Rehabilitation project to A -Lamp Concrete Contractors, Inc., the
lowest bidder at a cost of $2,292,644.95. Mr. Phillips advised that the strained economy and the
early letting date contributed to the large number of bidders and favorable prices.
Board of Trustees Meeting
July 6, 2009
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Mr. Phillips noted that the project limits are Wilmot Road from Gordon Terrace to Deerfield
Road. The project scope includes traffic signal replacement, water main replacement and
roadway rehabilitation. He noted there would be a detour in place for the majority of the project,
limiting traffic on Wilmot to northbound only. The detour is publicized on the Village website,
and signage will go up 14 days before the work begins.
Trustee Seiden mentioned that A -Lamp Concrete Contractors has previously worked in the
Village and questioned whether there have been any problems with them. Mr. Phillips reported
that A -Lamp has been dependable, completed their work, and was the lowest bidder.
Trustee Benton noted that the Village has had difficulty with subcontractors in the past. He
requested that staff work closely with the schools to monitor the subcontractors.
Mayor Rosenthal suggested working with the schools to notify the bus company of any changes
that need to be made. She also asked for residents' patience over the four month long project.
Trustee Benton made a motion to approve IDOT's award of the contract for construction of the
Wilmot Road Infrastructure Rehabilitation Project to A -Lamp Concrete Contractors, Inc. in an
amount not to exceed $2,292,644.95. Trustee Oppenheim seconded the motion. Trustee
Struthers questioned whether there would be signage stating the project was paid for by
Economic Stimulus funds. Mr. Philips stated there would be signage. The motion passed by the
following vote:
AYES: Benton, Jester, Oppenheim, Seiden, Struthers (5)
NAYS: None (0)
ABSENT: Farkas (1)
APPROVAL OF AWARD OF Mr. Phillips reported that seven sealed bids were
CONTRACT FOR 2009 STREET publicly opened on June 29, 2009. The project was
REHABILITATION PROJECT out to bid with three different options (A, B and C,
with B being a subset of A). Mr. Phillips reported
that the Director of Public Works and Engineering recommends that the contract for the 2009
Street Rehabilitation project, Alternative A, be awarded to Chicagoland Paving Contractors, Inc.,
the lowest bidder, in an amount not to exceed $439,974.50. Staff also requests a tentative award
of Alternate C to Meridian Construction Co., the second lowest bidder, in an amount not to
exceed $298,554.60. Mr. Philips explained that Alternate C should only be constructed if
additional State funding of $300,000 becomes available.
Mr. Phillips noted that staff checked the references of Chicagoland Paving Contractors, and they
were good. He added that members of the Public Works staff have also worked successfully
with Chicagoland Paving Contractors in the past.
Trustee Oppenheim questioned the large variation in the amount of the bids. Mr. Philips
explained that staff reviewed the bid tabulations, and the key difference is the asphalt price.
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July 6, 2009
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Trustee Jester made a motion to award the contract for Alternate A to Chicagoland Paving
Contractors, Inc. in an amount not to exceed $439,974.50. Trustee Benton seconded the motion.
The motion passed by the following vote:
AYES: Benton, Jester, Oppenheim, Seiden, Struthers (5)
NAYS: None (0)
ABSENT: Farkas (1)
Trustee Seiden made a motion to waive the competitive bidding process for Alternative C.
Trustee Benton seconded the motion. The motion passed by the following vote:
AYES: Benton, Jester, Oppenheim, Seiden, Struthers (5)
NAYS: None (0)
ABSENT: Farkas (1)
Mr. Phillips explained that staff has worked with the Cook County Highway Department and
IDOT, and with key support from State Senator Garrett and Representative May, to do patching
and resurfacing at the intersection of Deerfield and Waukegan Roads. He noted that staff has not
received confirmation from highway officials but hope to receive funding. The engineer's
estimate was $291,000. The lowest bidder was Greg Greenhill Construction Co., Inc. at
$266,282.30. This company is currently the Village's contractor for the ongoing Waukegan
Road widening project, and staff believes it would not be in the Village's best interest to award
them additional work at this time. The Director of Public Works and Engineering recommends
that.the tentative contract for Alternative C be awarded to Meridian Construction Co. Inc., the
second lowest bidder, in an amount not to exceed $298,544.60, subject to State funding being
Mayor Rosenthal noted that someone from Senator Garrett's office has looked at the intersection,
and IDOT will be out to fill pot holes. Trustee Jester asked if additional pot hole patching could
be done at Pine and Pfingsten before the resurfacing begins. Mayor Rosenthal confirmed that the
Village will call and request it.
Trustee Oppenheim noted that the Village's intention is not to complete Alternative C unless the
additional funding is received from the State. Mayor Rosenthal noted that the roads are not
under Village jurisdiction, and approval is needed from the State.
Trustee Oppenheim made a motion to award a contract for Alternate C to Meridian Construction
Co. Inc., in an amount not to exceed $298,544.60, subject to funding approval from the State of
Illinois. Trustee Seiden seconded the motion. The motion passed by the following vote:
AYES: Benton, Jester, Oppenheim, Seiden, Struthers (5)
NAYS: None (0)
ABSENT: Farkas (1)
Board of Trustees Meeting
July 6, 2009
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AUTHORIZATION TO ENTER INTO A Chief Sliozis reported that the Police Department is
FIVE YEAR LEASE FUNDING seeking authorization to enter into a five -year lease
AGREEMENT WITH THE NORTHEAST funding agreement with the Northeast Illinois
ILLINOIS REGIONAL CRIME Regional Crime Laboratory. He noted this would
LABORATORY be a renewal of the agreement approved five years
ago. Chief Sliozis noted that the crime lab was
located in Highland Park until they built their new police station. At that time, the crime lab
needed to find and lease new space. They are looking to renew the agreement for five years, or
until the lease expires. The crime lab proposes to re -lease its current space in Vernon Hills.
There will be an open house in July. Chief Sliozis recommends the Board authorize a lease
agreement with the Northeast Illinois Regional Crime Laboratory for a five -year period at an
annual cost not to exceed $3,000.
Trustee Benton made a motion to authorize a lease agreement with the Northeast Illinois
Regional Crime Laboratory for a five -year period at an annual cost not to exceed $3,000.
Trustee Seiden seconded the motion. The motion passed by the following vote:
AYES: Benton, Jester, Oppenheim, Seiden, Struthers (5)
NAYS: None (0)
ABSENT: Farkas (1)
APPROVAL OF A SUPPLEMENT FOR Mr. Phillips reported that the Cook County
ENGINEERING DESIGN SERVICES Highway Department plans to reconstruct Lake
FOR LAKE COOK ROAD Cook Road between Pfingsten and Ellendale within
RECONSTRUCTION the next two years. In 2006, the Village entered
into a contract with McDonough Associates, Inc.
for the preparation of engineering design documents for necessary water main replacement and
relocation. The Cook County Highway Department changed the scope of the project and wants
the Village to revise the water main design and location. The scope also includes the new traffic
signal at Lake Cook Plaza. These changes have caused the consultant to substantially exceed the
number of hours allocated in the original contract. In addition, the Village performed bridge
inspections in 2008, and found that both bridges on Lake Cook Road in Deerfield's jurisdiction
were in need of repair. This also requires additional design and structural engineering fees. The
Director of Public Works and Engineering is recommending that the Board approve the
supplement for design engineering services to McDonough Associates, Inc. in an amount not to
exceed $39,000.
Trustee Oppenheim asked if this would be the final redesign of the project. Mr. Phillips advised
that the project design services are nearing completion, and the consultant believes that they
would not need to perform more services than those being proposed. Trustee Benton is in favor
of moving the water main but also believes the change orders need to stop. Trustee Struthers
asked what reason the Highway Department has given for making the changes. Mr. Philips
advised they were originally going to ask North Shore Gas to move two gas mains, but due to
gas service disruptions and safety concerns, they changed their minds.
Board of Trustees Meeting
July 6, 2009
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Trustee Benton made a motion to approve the supplement for design engineering services for
McDonough Associates, Inc. in an amount not to exceed $39,000. Trustee Seiden seconded the
motion. The motion passed by the following vote:
AYES: Benton, Jester, Oppenheim, Seiden, Struthers (5)
NAYS: None (0)
ABSENT: Farkas (1)
AUTHORIZATION TO PURCHASE Brad Fink, Assistant Director of Public Works,
TWO REPLACEMENT SLICER PUMPS reported that the Pfingsten Road lift station was
FOR THE PFINGSTEN ROAD LIFT installed in 1991 and serves a number of office
STATION buildings on the southeast corner of Pfingsten
and Lake Cook Roads. In 2007, the pumps were
replaced with the original type of pump at a cost of $4,100. Some plugging issues, resulting in a
number of emergency calls, started in the summer of 2008. The Village contacted the property
owners and asked them to provide a plan of action. Although the problem has gotten better, a
long -term solution is still needed because there are still ongoing blockage issues. The Village
believes it would be beneficial to replace the existing pumps with grinder pumps. After
reviewing the two quotes, staff felt the pump proposed by Illinois Pump, Inc. would best serve
the Village's needs. Mr. Fink requested a waiver of the competitive bidding process and
authorization to purchase two Weil Slicer Pumps from Illinois Pump, Inc. in an amount not to
exceed $13,986.
Trustee Struthers made a motion to waive the formal bidding process and authorize the purchase
of two Weil Slicer Pumps from Illinois Pump, Inc. in an amount not to exceed $13,986. Trustee
Benton seconded the motion.
Trustee Oppenheim asked whether the proposed, slicer pumps are similar to the pumps in the
other lift stations. Mr. Fink explained the pumps are similar, but on a smaller scale. Trustee
Oppenheim questioned whether the Village could assess the businesses. Mr. Fink commented
that some of the items they are finding include c -fold towels and sanitary wipes. Mayor
Rosenthal suggested trying to educate people not to flush these things. She believes there needs
to be reasonable expectations from users of the Village sewer systems. Mr. Coblentz suggested
this could be viewed as providing a different level of service. He added that areas that require
higher service levels can be charged a higher rate. Mayor Rosenthal asked staff to look into the
rate design issue.
Trustee Oppenheim mentioned the proposal lists a 4" pump as an alternative to the 3" pump.
She asked if the Village should spend $500 more for the larger pump. Mr. Fink responded that
staff is comfortable that the 3" pump would be adequate.
The motion passed by the following vote:
AYES: Benton, Jester, Oppenheim, Seiden, Struthers (5)
NAYS: None (0)
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July 6, 2009
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ABSENT: Farkas (1)
AUTHORIZATION TO AWARD Mr. Fink explained that it is time to perform
SLUDGE REMOVAL CONTRACT annual sludge removal at the Wastewater
Reclamation Facility. He noted that 2,200 cubic
yards of dry sludge has accumulated and must be removed, and that $40,000 has been budgeted.
Staff requested proposals from a number of companies that provide this service, and three
proposals were received. Dahm Enterprises submitted the lowest bid, with a cost of $18.10 per
cubic yard. They have previously worked for the Village with satisfactory results. The Director
of Public Works and Engineering is requesting that the Board waive the formal bidding process
and award the contract for sludge removal to Dahm Enterprises at a cost of $18.10 per cubic
yard, not to exceed the budgeted amount of $40,000.
Mayor Rosenthal requested that staff monitor the trucks and notify residents prior to beginning
the project. Trustee Oppenheim asked how long the procedure would take and who would be
responsible for the clean up. Mr. Fink explained that the project would take about a week, and
Dahm Enterprises would be responsible for clean up, if necessary.
Mayor Rosenthal noted that when the new plant is completed, it will be more efficient, and the
Village will not need to haul dry sludge in this manner.
Trustee Oppenheim made a motion to waive the formal bidding process and award the contract
for sludge removal to Dahm Enterprises at a cost of $18.10 per cubic yard, not to exceed the
budgeted amount of $40,000. Trustee Seiden seconded the motion. The motion passed by the
following vote:
AYES: Benton, Jester, Oppenheim, Seiden, Struthers (5)
NAYS: None (0)
ABSENT: Farkas (1)
LAKE COUNTY BOARD OPEN HOUSE Trustee Oppenheim mentioned the Lake County
Board Open House at the last Board meeting. She
received some information from the Job Center of Lake County for both businesses and job
seekers. Trustee Oppenheim mentioned that Oscar Adler is on the Board and brought brochures
for the Village. Mr. Adler mentioned the Job Center of Lake County has locations in both
Grayslake and Waukegan, with services available to both job seekers and businesses looking for
new employees. The brochures will be in the Village Hall lobby.
Mayor Rosenthal mentioned that she and Mr. Street met with a career counseling and networking
group from Northbrook that is trying to make a joint effort between Deerfield, Northbrook and
Glenview. She will ask them to make a presentation at the next Board meeting so the Trustees
can determine whether it would be a good program for Deerfield residents.
Board of Trustees Meeting
July 6, 2009
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7:00 a.m. —12:30 pm.
Mayor Rosenthal reminded residents that the
Farmers Market takes place every Saturday from
GREEN OF DEERFIELD DISCUSSION Mayor Rosenthal mentioned that the Board of
Trustees will have a Committee of the Whole
discussion about the proposed Green of Deerfield on Monday, July 27.
Mayor Rosenthal reminded residents that Deerfield
Center and Deerfield Square both have summer
concerts on Thursday nights. It is a very good time for all.
ADJOURNMENT Trustee Benton made a motion to adjourn the
meeting. Trustee Struthers seconded the motion.
The motion passed unanimously. There being no further business to discuss, the meeting was
adjourned at 8:21 p.m.
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