09/19/2005September 19, 2005
The regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield was called to
order by Mayor Harris in the council chamber of the village hall on Monday, September 19,
2005 at 7:30 P.M. The Clerk called the roll and announced that the following were:
Present: Steve Harris, Mayor
Robert Benton
Michelle Feldman
Harriet. Rosenthal
William Seiden
Barbara Struthers
Matthew Wylie
and that a quorum was present and in attendance. Also present were Village Attorney Peter
Coblentz and Bob Franz, Village Manager.
PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mayor Harris asked Julie Nichols and Mike Kurtz
to lead those in attendance in reciting the Pledge of
Allegiance. Julie and Mike, both recent college graduates and Deerfield High School Alumni,
are working with the village on a fund raiser for the victims of the hurricanes. Rock for Relief
will feature four bands, a raffle and food. The event is scheduled for September 25, 2005 from
5:00 p.m. —10:00 p.m. in Jewett Park. Proceeds from the event will benefit the American Red
Cross and Feed the Children.
PROCLAMATION Mayor Harris proclaimed Friday, September 23,
2005 as Kiwanis Peanut Day in Deerfield. He urges
all residents to give their support to their effort. Bob Speckmann accepted the proclamation on
behalf of the Kiwanis Club of Deerfield.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES Trustee Feldman made a correction to the village
board meeting minutes from September 6, 2005.
She explained that the mayor asked for the drafting of an ordinance which would require
developers to have a 24/7 phone number in case of complaints.
Trustee Benton made a motion to approve the
minutes of the September 6, 2005 Board of Trustees meeting as amended. Trustee Rosenthal
seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
BILLS AND PAYROLL Trustee Wylie made a motion to approve the Bills
and Payroll dated September 19, 2005. Trustee
Rosenthal seconded the motion. The motion passed by the following vote:
AYES: Benton, Feldman, Rosenthal, Seiden, Struthers, Wylie (6)
NAYS: None (0)
Board of Trustees Meeting
September 19, 2005
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TREASURER'S REPORT Bob Fialkowski presented highlights from the
August 31, 2005 Treasurer's Report. He said the
month showed a dramatic increase in sales tax from the prior year and that hotel tax had a fairly
good month, bringing that expense a little over budget.
PUBLIC COMMENT Jerry Irwin, 1211 Stratford, expressed concern
about the philosophy. of road widths in Deerfield.
He noted that Deerfield Road was kept narrow at.the viaduct to decrease traffic, but residential
streets, such as Stratford, have been widened. He believes this is inconsistent and that additional
traffic enforcement is necessary. He does not believe warning tickets should be given because
they are ignored.
Marvin Kayne expressed concern about the
increased density caused by replacing single family residences with condominiums. He also
spoke about American Water's interest in the village sanitary service operations and questioned
how the village could return to the existing management if control was given to American Water
Company. Mr: Kayne questioned using taxpayer funds for the expansion of village hall and
asked about having a reserve fund for potential disasters. He questioned the loss of tax revenue
because of homes purchased and removed by the park district. He urged trustees to conserve tax
Oscar Adler, 59 Eastwood Drive, noted that the
village has reached a point where banks are not beneficial because they do not generate sales tax.
He commented that other villages are looking to make provisions to discourage additional banks
in their communities.
REPORT OF COMMUNITY RELATIONS Jerry Witkovsky, Chairman of the Community
COMMISSION REGARDING VARIOUS Relations Commission, presented a Journal of Acts
PROJECTS of Kindness to each trustee. He explained that the
commission has enlisted the help of 25 families to
keep a log of kind acts to help generate other ideas. In addition, they are working with Lewis
University to see if a graduate student would like to take this project on for a thesis.
Ken Schmetterer discussed the commission's
efforts in assisting in the humanitarian effort for the hurricane victims. He explained that the
commission is working with State Representative Karen May to spearhead efforts to get schools
to donate supplies to the effected areas. In addition, they want to adopt a similar -sized
community to assist in a tangible way. Trustee Feldman noted that people are overwhelmed with
the "things" they are getting and suggested the committee not overburden the system.
Mr. Schmetterer noted that the commission has
completed a volunteer directory. It will be published in D- Tales and on the village website.
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September 19, 2005
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REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION The Plan Commission held a public hearing on
OF PLAN COMMISSION REGARDING August 25, 2005 to consider the request for an
AN AMENDMENT TO A SPECIAL USE amendment to a Special Use for Christ United
FOR CHRIST UNITED METHODIST Methodist Church to permit renovations to the
CHURCH, 600 DEERFIELD ROAD existing building. Dick Trevor, Building
Chairperson, explained that the project has three
objectives. They want to provide handicapped accessibility into the main building entran ce,
repair the existing bungalow, and make landscaping and lighting improvements.
Trustee Struthers noted the plan would pave over a
large portion of the root zone of the walnut tree. Mr. Trevor explained they are trying to save the
tree, but if their efforts fail, they would replant. Trustee Struthers wanted to make sure traffic
would be directed, so it would not stack on Rosemary. Mr. Trevor explained they would direct
traffic to ensure safety and see that traffic flow is not an issue.
Trustee Rosenthal made a motion to approve the
report and recommendation of the Plan Commission regarding an amendment to a Special Use
for Christ United Methodist Church and to direct preparation of an ordinance. Trustee Seiden
seconded the motion. The motion passed by the following vote:
AYES: Benton, Feldman, Rosenthal, Seiden, Struthers (5)
NAYS: Wylie (1)'
REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION OF The Plan Commission held a public hearing on
PLAN COMMISSION FOR AN August 25, 2005 to consider an amendment to a
AMENDMENT TO A SIGNAGE PLAN sign plan including necessary signage modifications
FOR DEERBROOK MALL and text amendments for the directional signs and
under canopy signage for Deerbrook Mall. Peter
Uliasz, OKW Architects, presented the sign package. Trustee Wylie questioned the location of
the directory sign near Jewel. He recommended pulling the sign further toward the curb to better
facilitate loading and unloading.
Trustee Wylie made a motion to approve the report
and recommendation of the Plan Commission regarding an amendment to a signage plan for
Deerbrook Mall and to direct preparation of an ordinance. Trustee Benton seconded the motion.
The motion passed by the following vote:
AYES: Benton, Feldman, Rosenthal, Seiden, Wylie (5)
NAYS: Struthers (1)
ORDINANCE REGARDING APPROVAL An ordinance approving a Special Use for
OF A CLASS A SPECIAL USE TO North Shore Hair Transplant Specialists in
Board of Trustees Meeting
.September 1.9; 2005
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PERMIT THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A Deerfield Square. First Reading,
ORDINANCE 0 -05 -37 APPROVING THE An ordinance approving the rezoning of the
REZONING FROM R3 SINGLE FAMILY property at 710 Orchard which will be redeveloped
RESIDENCE DISTRICT TO R4 SINGLE as a two family dwelling. Second Reading..
Trustee Rosenthal made a motion to accept the
Consent Agenda and adopt Ordinance 0- 05 -37. Trustee Struthers seconded the motion. The
motion passed by the following vote:
AYES: Benton, Feldman, Rosenthal, Seiden, Struthers, Wylie (6)
NAYS: None (0)
ORDINANCE APPROVING AN An ordinance approving an amendment to the
AMENDMENT TO A SPECIAL USE Special Use Planned Unit Development for
PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT FOR renovations to the middle portion of Deerbrook
Trustee Struthers requested an update on the cross
access agreement. Charlotte Sweetland, District Manager, RREEF Management, explained they
have completed designs and drawings and have submitted them for review with the village
engineer. Mr. Franz reported that the drawings are in substantial conformance with the
conceptual plans. The drawings have been submitted for bid. She explained that Don Parker
from Lake Cook Plaza has not proceeded. Therefore, RREEF hired a consultant to draft an
agreement. Their next step is to gain approval from tenants in order to execute the agreement.
Ms. Sweetland believes it may take some time to meet with Jewel regarding the loss of some
The trustees believe the tenants should be persuaded
since they will be in a better position when they have the cross access, especially after cars are
prohibited from making a left turn onto Lake Cook Road. The trustees requested a more
definitive answer to the cross access before they vote on the ordinance. Ms. Sweetland
explained if the project is delayed, it could be held up for a year. She believes a consensus for
Board of Trustees Meeting
September 19, 2005
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the southern cut through can be achieved in a'short time. She believes Jewel will take more time
to proceed, but believes the northern access is also achievable. She requested moving forward in
good faith. Mr. Coblentz explained the ordinance has a time schedule for completion. Because
there is some uncertainty with Jewel going forward, the trustees want to get more affirmative
feedback before proceeding.
Trustee Seiden made a motion to table the
discussion until the. October 5, 2005 Board. of Trustees meeting. Trustee Struthers seconded the
motion.. The motion passed by the following vote:
AYES: Benton, Feldman, Rosenthal, Seiden, Struthers, Wylie (6)
NAYS: None (0)
DISCUSSION REGARDING Phil Kiraly explained the village's contract with
EXTENSION OF RESIDENTIAL Onyx will expire on December 31, 2005. The Board
SCAVENGER AGREEMENT WITH has met on several occasions over the past six
ONYX WASTE SYSTEMS months to review proposals. 'Mr. Kiraly explained
that the village currently has three service options:
curbside service with an additional service fee for backdoor service, maintaining the status quo,
or beginning as curbside collection but allowing a change after one year. He mentioned village
staff is looking for direction before preparing the contract.
Trustee Struthers believes having an option for
backdoor service is preferable. Trustee Rosenthal explained that although there would be a
savings for curbside service, the savings would only be $24 per year to residents because the
service is subsidized by the village. She would prefer the reverse of option three, continuing
backdoor service with an option to convert to curbside pick up.
Trustee Seiden explained that many seniors use
backdoor service. With the real estate tax increase, he believes it is unfair to raise the rates for
those that want backdoor service. He suggested having a subsidy for elderly and disabled
residents and adding it to the basic curb rate.
Mayor Harris explained that no option eliminates
backdoor service. Residents who want the premium service would have to pay for it. Perhaps
the village could make an exception for seniors and the disabled. They would notify the village
if they wanted backdoor service and the village would subsidize those payments. That does not
mean all seniors would opt for back door service. Trustee Rosenthal explained if the village gets
involved in subsidizing, they will take on administrative costs. She recommends an all out effort
to educate the residents.
Trustee Benton made a motion to use standard
curbside service and allow residents to choose backdoor service with a village subsidy for
seniors and disabled residents. Trustee Wylie seconded the motion. The motion failed by the
following vote:
Board of Trustees Meeting
September 19, 2005
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AYES: Benton, Wylie (2)
NAYS: Feldman, Rosenthal, Seiden, Struthers (4)
After further discussion, it was agreed that Onyx
needs additional time_ to evaluate. continuing back door service, with the village holding the
option to convert to curb side service.
Trustee_ Rosenthal made a motion to table the matter
until October 5`h: The motion was seconded by Trustee Benton. The motion passed
DISCUSSION REGARDING INCREASE During the annual budget process, it was concluded
IN SANITARY SEWER RATES that sewer rates must be increased.in this fiscal
year to meet current operations and future capital
costs. Mr. Fialkowski explained the village has a $2.5 million operating budget and a $1 million
improvement budget to bring processes and equipment up to speed. He recommends changing
the user charge from $1.90 to $2.31. This represents an increase of 22 %. He said there would
also be a $0.09 increase in the village portion of property taxes, representing a 37% increase.
Mr. Fialkowski explained the 37% increase will result in an approximate increase of 1% of
overall property tax.
Trustee Seiden made a motion to prepare an
amendment to the Sewer Rate Ordinance, reflecting a change to the user charge from $1.90 to
$2.31. Mr. Benton seconded the motion. The motion passed by the following vote:
AYES: - Benton, Feldman, Rosenthal, Seiden, Struthers, Wylie (6)
NAYS: None (0)
AUTHORIZATION TO AWARD The Director of Public Works and Engineering
SLUDGE REMOVAL CONTRACT TO explained that the wastewater reclamation facility
STEWART SPREADING has accumulated 2000 cubic yards of dried sludge
which must be disposed of in accordance with the
Illinois Environmental Protection Agency requirements. Proposals from three companies were
received. Stewart Spreading provided the lowest unit price proposal for labor, equipment and
technical expertise. Staff checked references on the company. Mrs. Little requested waiving the
formal bidding procedure and awarding the contract to Stewart Spreading.
Trustee Benton made a motion to waive the formal
bidding procedure and award the 2005 sludge removal contract to Stewart Spreading at a unit
price of $14.58 per cubic yard up to a maximum of $40,000. Trustee Seiden seconded the
motion. The motion passed by the following vote:
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September 19, 2005
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AYES: Benton, Feldman, Rosenthal, Seiden, Struthers, Wylie (6)
NAYS: None (0)
AUTHORIZATION TO ACCEPT The village attorney provided background
PROPOSAL FOR REMOVAL OF information on the tennis court project which was
GYPSUM CEMENT UNDERLAYMENT part of the new water reservoir improvement at
AT HAZEL AVENUE RESERVOIR Mitchell Park. The surface of the courts has failed
and must be removed. The village consultants
solicited proposals to provide the necessary labor, equipment, materials, supervision and
incidentals required to remove and dispose of the gypsum cement underlayment material from
the tennis courts at Mitchell Park. Three quotes were received. The bid from Zera Construction
Company in Niles, Illinois was the lowest bid and includes the cost to shot blast and power wash
the gypsum material from the structural deck reservoir.
Trustee Benton made a motion to waive the formal
bidding procedure and accept the proposal of Zera Construction Company, Inc. for removal of
the gypsum cement underlayment on the top surface of the Hazel Avenue south reservoir for an
amount not to exceed $17,100. Trustee Rosenthal seconded the motion.. The motion passed by
the following vote:
AYES: Benton, Feldman, Rosenthal, Seiden, Struthers, Wylie (6)
NAYS: None (0)
FARMER'S MARKET Trustee Seiden noted that this Saturday Trustees
Struthers and Feldman will judge the apple pie
contest. Trustees Seiden and Rosenthal will be present for Trustee in the Town.
COMMUNITY SERVICE DAY Trustee Struthers commented that Community
Services Day was extremely successful. She said it
was a wonderful day and hopes the village will have another such event next year.
Mr. Franz thanked the fire department and park
district for their efforts. He complimented Phil Kiraly for coordinating the effort on behalf of the
village. He noted that Carr America contributed $5,000 toward the event and the Park
Foundation contributed $1,000.
Trustee Rosenthal asked about Dutch Elm Disease
within the Village. Mr. Franz explained that letters
were sent out and staff is following up with each property owner.
Board of Trustees Meeting
September 19, 2005
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The next Board of Trustees meeting will be on.
Wednesday, O ber 5, 2005.
There bein no furt er business to discuss, the
meeti w s a jo ed at 10:00 pm.