01/21/2003January 21, 2003 The regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield was called to order by Mayor Harris. in the Council Chamber of the Village Hall on Tuesday, January 21, 2003, at 7:32 P.M. The Clerk called the roll and announced that the following were: Present: Steve Harris, Mayor Jerry Kayne Derek Ragona Harriet Rosenthal William Seiden Vernon Swanson Absent: Matthew Wylie (arrived at 7:45 p.m.) and that a quorum was present and in attendance. Also present were Village Attorney Peter Coblentz and Village Manager Robert Franz. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Alan Garfield of the VCDC led those in attendance in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Trustee Ragona cbmmented that in the minutes of the January 6th Board meeting, in the section regarding the Citgo station, it is incorrect to say that the northernmost curb cut was eliminated on the revised site plan. A second curb cut was eliminated, but it was not the northernmost one. Trustee Rosenthal made a motion to approve the minutes as amended. Trustee Ragona seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Trustee Ragona made a motion to approve the minutes of the January 6th Committee of the Whole meeting. Trustee Seiden seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. BILLS AND PAYROLL Trustee Ragona made a motion to approve the Bills and Payroll. Trustee Rosenthal seconded the motion. The motion passed by the following vote: AYES: Kayne, Ragona, Rosenthal, Seiden, Swanson (5) NAYS: None (0) TREASURER'S REPORT Bob Fialkowski presented highlights from the December Treasurer's Report. Sales Tax received in December (for September sales) is 4.8% over the same period last year. Hotel /motel tax revenues, income from invested funds, and the state income tax distribution all continue to lag. As of December 31, 2002, 100% of available cash was invested at an average interest rate of 3.37% compared to an average rate of 1.19% for the 90 -day Treasury bill. Mr. Fialkowski reported that, because interest rates are currently so favorable, he is going ahead with an advance refunding of the 1997 bond issue, callable in 2004. The net savings to the Village will be o' Board of Trustees January 21, 2003, Page 2 of 5 about $100,000 meeting. Meeting He hopes to have this ready for Board approval at the next DEPARTMENTAL OBJECTIVES, PUBLIC WORKS AND ENGINEERING Barbara Little presented highlights from the Report on Departmental Objectives for Public Works and Engineering. These included: • The Sidewalk and Curb Replacement Program has been completed in the southwest quadrant. The next area to be worked on is the northwest quadrant. • The Street Rehabilitation Program was completed on budget. This included the rehabilitation of North Avenue west of Chestnut, done in conjunction with the Village of Bannockburn. • Streetscape II was substantially completed on time and available for pedestrian use by July 4th. Streetscape III construction has been deferred. • The design of the Deerfield Road pedestrian bridge is complete and under review by Village staff. • Large street name signs with the Deerfield logo are being installed in the northwest quadrant, replacing smaller old -style signs. • The Mitchell Park reservoir and pumping station has been operational since May 2002. The North Side booster pumping station is also operational. • All samples from the August lead testing were below the minimum action levels. The next round of sampling will be in 2005. • Wastewater Reclamation Facility personnel continue to operate the plant in an environmentally approved manner to meet or exceed all federal and state requirements. This year the facility provided complete treatment for 1,133,000,000 gallons of raw sewage. • So far this year the Sewer Department has corrected 47 points of storm water infiltration into the sanitary sewer. • The Garage Department purchased two new Chevrolet Blazers, two one -ton Chevrolet pick -up trucks, one D -250 Bobcat skid steer loader with planer and snow blower attachments, one Bombardier sidewalk plow, one new John Deere 544H front end loader, and a new Freightliner walk -in van. PUBLIC COMMENT There was no public comment on non agenda items. REPORTS JOINT REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION OF The Appearance Review Commission and the THE APPEARANCE REVIEW COMMISSION Village Center Development Commission held a AND THE VILLAGE CENTER DEVELOPMENT joint workshop meeting on December 9th. It is COMMISSION RE AMENDMENTS TO THE their recommendation that the.Village adopt a FAQADE REBATE PROGRAM new rebate program as outlined in the proposed Revitalization Rebate document as an incentive to Village Center property owners to improve and revitalize their properties. The proposal provides for a 50% reimbursement for building improvements, with a cap of $50,000 per building, and a 50% reimbursement for site improvements, with a cap of $50,000 per property. The rebate could be as high as $100,000 if improvements are made to both the building and the site. Both commissions voted unanimously to approve the new rebate program. 1 Board of Trustees Meeting January 21, 2003, Page 3 of 5 Alan Garfield, Chairman of the VCDC, Richard Coen, Chairman of the ARC, and Board members discussed the proposed program for several minutes, with Board members expressing support for it. It was discussed that, once the rebate program is approved, there should be a meeting for downtown merchants, with the goal of explaining the program and inviting property owners to participate in it. Mr. Garfield indicated that there are potentially nine qualified property owners on the north side of Deerfield Road and several others on the south side of Deerfield Road. Mayor Harris suggested a reexamination of the requirement that a building be twenty years of age or older to qualify for the program and ascertain how many additional properties would qualify if the building had to be only fifteen years of age or older. This may give some additional property owners the opportunity to participate in the program. Mayor Harris also suggested that the document state that the Village Board has final discretion on whether or not to grant a rebate. The document should also clarify the amount of the Village's maximum possible financial exposure. Lastly, Mayor Harris asked the two chairmen to consider whether the program could ever be available to a building tenant rather than the landlord. There was discussion that this location should not be studied on its own, but rather that the scope of the project should be expanded to include other areas of the Village that may have a similar problem. The .Safety Council's effort should be coordinated with the Comprehensive Plan. Commission and the Walkability Task Force, with the three groups coming to an agreement on a recommendation for a consultant (or consultants) and the scope of the project. After further discussion, Trustee Rosenthal made a motion to accept the Report and Recommendation of the Safety Commission, with the details of budgeting and scope of work to be ascertained during the 2003/04 budgeting process. Trustee Wylie'seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. OLD BUSINESS ORDINANCE APPROVING A SPECIAL USE This agenda item is being held over until the FOR AN AUTOMOBILE CONVENIENCE FOOD next meeting at the request of the petitioner. SHOP IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE After further discussion Trustee Rosenthal made a motion'to accept the joint recommendation of the ARC and the VCDC regarding amendments to the Fagade Rebate Program. Trustee Seiden seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION OF Safety Council chairperson Herb Nicholson SAFETY COUNCIL RE WEST DEERFIELD reported that over the years his commission ROAD CORRIDOR has received numerous calls regarding the difficulty pedestrians have in crossing Deerfield Road between Chestnut Street and Wilmot Road in order to go to Maplewood Park or Shepard Middle School. The Safety Council has not been able to come up with a solution to the problem that they consider acceptable and recommends that a consultant be hired to develop a solution and identify potential sources of funding. There was discussion that this location should not be studied on its own, but rather that the scope of the project should be expanded to include other areas of the Village that may have a similar problem. The .Safety Council's effort should be coordinated with the Comprehensive Plan. Commission and the Walkability Task Force, with the three groups coming to an agreement on a recommendation for a consultant (or consultants) and the scope of the project. After further discussion, Trustee Rosenthal made a motion to accept the Report and Recommendation of the Safety Commission, with the details of budgeting and scope of work to be ascertained during the 2003/04 budgeting process. Trustee Wylie'seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. OLD BUSINESS ORDINANCE APPROVING A SPECIAL USE This agenda item is being held over until the FOR AN AUTOMOBILE CONVENIENCE FOOD next meeting at the request of the petitioner. SHOP IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE Board of Trustees Meeting January 21, 2003, Page 4 of 5 OPERATION OF A CITGO GAS STATION AT 1460 WAUKEGAN ROAD (VITI), SECOND READING NEW BUSINESS RESOLUTION R -03 -02 AUTHORIZING Last year the Village had a large increase MEMBERSHIP IN THE INTERGOVERNMENTAL in its costs for the Blue Cross /Blue Shield PERSONNEL BENEFIT COOPERATIVE AND PPO and is.facing another large increase this THE EXECUTION OF INTERGOVERNMENTAL year. In response to this, the Finance AGREEMENTS WITH THE DEERFIELD PARK Director requested and received a proposal to DISTRICT AND THE DEERFIELD PUBLIC join the Intergovernmental Personnel Benefit LIBRARY Program (IPBC). The IPBC is a 22 year old organization made up of 36 municipalities and over 5000 covered employees. It is a self - governed pool. The IPBC has offered rates for identical PPO coverage that are nearly the same as the Village currently pays, but extended through 6/30/04. They also offer a BC /BS HMO at lesser rates than the PPO, guaranteed through 6/30/03. After those dates, the HMO would be the IPBC rate for the 2003/04 year, and the PPO rate would be based on the Village's experience until that time. The effect of this would be that there would be no increase in health insurance costs for the 2003/04 budget year. Another important benefit of joining the pool is the future flexibility provided in designing a health benefits program within the budget set forth by the Village each year. Membership in the IPBC is renewed every three years for a three year period. If the Village joins the pool now, it would be committed to stay in the pool until June 30, 2005. Mr. Fialkowski recommends adoption of a resolution which authorizes membership in the IPBC with a start date of May 1, 2003. The resolution also adopts the IPBC by -laws and enters into intergovernmental agreements with the park district and library. After discussion, Trustee Seiden made a motion to adopt a resolution to authorize membership in the IPBC and to execute intergovernmental agreements with the park district and library. Trustee Ragona seconded the motion. The motion passed by the following vote: AYES: Kayne, Ragona, Rosenthal, Seiden, Swanson, Wylie (6) NAYS: None (0) APPROVAL OF TEMPORARY PARKING BAN The Police Department is planning to establish ON KENTON ROAD BETWEEN DEERFIELD a parking ban on the east and west sides of ROAD AND KINGSTON TERRACE Kenton Road from Deerfield Road to Kingston Terrace. Due to numerous residential construction projects in the area, the street is regularly reduced in width due to parked vehicles. Vehicular and pedestrian school traffic, school bus traffic, and the regular flow of traffic are often disrupted. The ban will be implemented for a period not to exceed 90 days; however, it is anticipated that some sort of permanent restriction will be requested in the future. No Board action is required at this time, but an ordinance will be required if the Police Department decides that the parking ban should be made permanent. ti :i l Board of Trustees Meeting January 21, 2003, Page 5 of 5 ORDINANCE AMENDING AND REVISING The Finance Director is requesting to amend ANNUAL BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR the 2002/03 annual budget by revising the 2002/03 Vehicle and Replacement Fund budget. He is suggesting that funds be added for the purpose of purchasing a network file server system and a network e -mail system. When the budget process took place last year, the Village had not yet hired its computer systems coordinator, and the purchase of this equipment was not anticipated. There are reserves available in the Vehicle and Replacement Fund to pay for these items. Trustee Ragona commented that, in his opinion, the Village should not be paying almost $18,000 for Lotus Notes when there is other e -mail software available at no cost. Computer Systems Coordinator Richard Kramer responded that the free product Trustee Ragona is interested in is not a direct replacement for the Lotus Notes system, which, in addition to providing e -mail, also does common calendaring and collaboration. Also, unlike the free software, there is support personnel that can be called if there is a problem with Lotus Notes. This will stand as a First Reading. DISCUSSION TEAR DOWN TASK FORCE Trustee Seiden reported that that the recommendation of the Residential Redevelopment Review Task Force, scheduled to be presented to the Board on February 3rd, will instead be presented on March 3rd. The task force is meeting tomorrow evening at 7:30 p.m. to discuss the final report. Anyone interested may attend. TRUSTEE IN THE TOWN noon at the library. Trustees Kayne The next Trustee in the Town will take place Saturday, February 1, from 9:00 a.m. until and Rosenthal will be in attendance. ADJOURNMENT There being Trustee Rago a meeting. Trustee Wylie seconded the motio meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m. FIN ATTEST: J645e� a Jr Village Clerk er business to discuss, a motion to adjourn the passed unanimously. The 1 1