September 17, 2002
The regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield was called to order by Mayor
Harris in the Council Chamber of the Village Hall on Tuesday, September 17, 2002 at 7:33 P.M. The Clerk
called the roll and announced that the following were:
Present: Steve Harris, Mayor
Jerry Kayne
Derek Ragona
Harriet Rosenthal
William Seiden
Vernon Swanson
Matthew Wylie
and that a quorum was present and in attendance. Also present were Village Attorney Peter Coblentz and Village
Manager Robert Franz.
PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mayor Harris led those in attendance in reciting the Pledge of
APPROVAL OF MINUTES Trustee Ragona made a motion to approve the minutes of the
September 3rd Board of Trustees meeting. Trustee Rosenthal
seconded the motion. Trustee Ragona noted one change and one addition to the minutes. He wanted language
included in the Demitri Restaurant request for outdoor seating that it was agreed that the outdoor provision was
for Demitri's only and for evening use only. He also noted a correction in the voting for the front yard variation
at 801 Kenton Road. The minutes should reflect that the reconsideration motion was made at the August 19, 2002
meeting and then tabled. A motion to approve the minutes as amended passed unanimously.
KIWANIS PROCLAMATION The village manager read a proclamation designating September
27, 2002 as Peanut Day in Deerfield. Robert Speckmann was
present and accepted the proclamation on behalf of the local Kiwanis Club.
BILLS AND PAYROLL Trustee Ragona made a motion to approve the Bills and Payroll.
Trustee Kayne seconded the motion. The motion passed by the
following vote:
AYES: Kayne, Ragona, Rosenthal, Seiden, Swanson, Wylie (6)
NAYS: None (0)
TREASURER'S REPORT Robert Fialkowski presented highlights from the August
Treasurer's Report. Increased water sales revenue is the result
of the dry summer and increased usage. Sales tax has resumed its upward trend that should continue; the running
12 -month sales tax is 3.4% over the prior year. General Fund revenues are at 33.4% of the total budgeted.
General Fund expenditures are at 25.4% of budget. Hotel/motel tax continues to recover month to month. As of
August 31, 2002, 100% of available cash was invested at an average interest rate of 3.84% compared to an
average rate of 1.63% for the 90-day Treasury bill.
POLICE PROMOTION Chief Sliozis announced the promotion of Jack Yagecic to the
rank of Sergeant. Officer Yagecic was a police officer in
Philadelphia for nineteen years and has been with the Deerfield department since 1990. He has worked
extensively with the Lake County Major Crimes Task Force and has served as an evidence technician at
numerous crime scenes. Mr. Franz, in his capacity as village clerk, administered the oath of office.
Board of Trustees Meeting
September 17, 2002
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REPORT ON Director of Community Development Barbara Houpt presented
DEPARTMENTAL OBJECTIVES highlights from her six -month report on departmental objectives. .
The department is extremely busy but has tried to shorten the
waiting period for issuing building permits. Tear down activity continues to increase and shows no sign of
slowing down. The village remains very active in the Community Grading System program administered by the
Federal Emergency Management Agency. Ms. Houpt presented to the board a plaque showing Deerfield's class
rating of 8 demonstrating its efforts to protect its citizens from losses caused by flooding. Each rating reduction
generally amounts to a 5% decrease in insurance premiums for those required to have flood insurance.
PUBLIC COMMENT Gil Antolkal, 940 Wayne Avenue, announced that the next blood
drive will be on Sunday, September 22 °a at the park district
community center. He also reported on a project jointly sponsored by the youth council, park district and DBR
Chamber of Commerce involving a scarecrow contest in conjunction with Halloween Hoopla scheduled for
October 26th for all middle school children.
ORDINANCE APPROVING An ordinance approving an amendment to Special Use to permit
AMENDMENT TO SPECIAL USE - a seasonal outdoor seating area for Demitri's Restaurant at 660
OUTDOOR SEATING — DEMITRI'S Lake Cook Road. Trustee Ragona asked that language be
included in the ordinance stating that the outdoor seating is for
evening use only. This ordinance, as amended, will stand as first reading.
AT &T BROADBAND Jesse Rotman, Chairman of the Cable & Telecommunications
SETTLEMENT Commission, summarized the settlement proposal with AT &T
Broadband. The commission recommends acceptance of a
$10,000 settlement for all outstanding franchise violations. They further recommend that it be binding on AT &T
Broadband returning to the negotiating table to resolve all remaining issues relating to "most favored nation"
language in the franchise agreement. Mr. Rotman is also optimistic that AT &T will agree to help fund the
upgrading of equipment in the control room at the village hall, and in pre- wiring the new senior center for cable
Trustee Rosenthal made a motion, seconded by Trustee Seiden, to approve a settlement agreement with AT &T
Broadband. The motion passed by the following vote:
AYES: Kayne, Ragona, Rosenthal, Seiden, Swanson, Wylie (6)
NAYS: None (0)
ORDINANCE APPROVING Mayor Harris announced that these two items would be
VILLAGE LOGO & RESOLUTION considered together. The village attorney summarized the work
RE: NON - COMMERCIAL USE to date on approving an official village logo and establishing a
policy for non - commercial use of it.
The resolution states that anyone using the logo should also provide a disclaimer that the Village of Deerfield does
not endorse the speaker and that the views or opinions expressed are not those of the village.
Trustee Swanson commented that he does not believe that the ordinance belongs in the municipal code since it is
not enforceable. Trustee Ragona stated that he opposes both the ordinance and the resolution since, in his
opinion, they would be in violation of the First Amendment to the Bill of Rights.
Board of Trustees Meeting
September 17, 2002
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After a brief discussion, it was agreed that both items should be considered together at the next board meeting.
This will stand as first reading on the ordinance. Trustee Rosenthal moved, seconded by Trustee Ragona, to table
the items. The motion passed by the following vote:
AYES: Ragona, Rosenthal, Seiden, Swanson, Wylie (5)
NAYS: Kayne (1)
THIRD PARTY The Director of Finance summarized his written report
UTILITY BILLING describing the benefits of outsourcing the preparation of utility
bills. They include: less staff time committed to this function; a
more modem professional looking bill; enhanced bill payment options; and less chance of bills getting lost in the
Board members had several questions regarding this concept. It was agreed that no action should be taken until
staff reports back to the board with additional information on the subject.
RESOLUTION — COM ED The manager described an agreement negotiated by the
TREE TRIMMING Northwest Municipal Conference, of which Deerfield is a
member, approving standards and procedures for tree - trimming
by ComEd within the public right -of -way and utility easements. It has been signed by 162 municipalities and
provides for: consistent trimming practices; a four -year trimming cycle; ComEd vouchers for replacement trees;
and collective bargaining to enhance future versions of the agreement.
After some discussion, it was agreed to hold this item over until November thereby giving residents an opportunity
to comment on the agreement before further action by the board.
Trustee Ragona reported that the household electronics collection in Lincolnshire was very successful with 86 of
the 630 participants from Deerfield. On behalf of SWALCO, he thanked public works for sending employees to
help with the collection. He also announced that, as part of the library's 75 anniversary, a Story Bus co-
sponsored by the village and library will be at the library on Sunday, September 29h.
Mayor Harris reminded everyone of the meeting with Wintrust Financial on Thursday, September 19'' to discuss
the Lindemann property.
MANAGER REPORT The manager invited the public to an open house in the newly
renovated police department on Saturday, September 21" from
10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Also, he noted that the next meeting of the board will be on Monday, October 7`h.
Board of Trustees Meeting
September 17, 2002
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meeting. The motion passed unanimously
Village Clerk
There being no further business to discuss, Trustee Rosenthal
made a motion, seconded by Trustee Ragona, to adjourn the
The meeting was adjourned at 8:38 P.M.
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