August 5, 2002
The regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield was
called to order by Mayor Harris in the Council Chamber of the Village Hall on
Monday, August 5, 2002, at 7:31 P.M. The Clerk called the roll and announced that
the following were:
Present: Steve Harris, Mayor
Jerry Kayne
Derek Ragona
Harriet Rosenthal
William Seiden
Vernon Swanson
Matthew Wylie
and that a quorum was present and in attendance. Also present were attorney Peter
Rosenthal and Village Manager Robert Franz.
PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE State Senator Kathy Parker led those in
attendance in reciting the Pledge of
Allegiance. Senator Parker discussed a few of the many matters now being
discussed in the General Assembly.
Wylie seconded the motion.
Trustee Ragona made a motion to approve the
minutes of the previous meeting. Trustee
The motion passed unanimously.
BILLS AND PAYROLL Trustee Ragona made a motion to approve the
Bills and Payroll. Trustee Kayne seconded the
motion. The motion passed by the following vote:
AYES: Kayne, Ragona, Rosenthal, Seiden, Swanson, Wylie (6)
NAYS: None (0)
service to the Village of Deerfield.
mechanic in the Public Works garage.
Mayor Harris presented a gold watch to Michael
Haltermann in recognition of his 25 years of
Mr. Haltermann, a Deerfield resident, is a
PROMOTION OF POLICE PERSONNEL Chief Sliozis announced the promotion of
Sergeant Rand Roel to Commander. Mr. Franz
administered the oath of office. Commander Roel has been with the Deerfield
Police Department since 1982. A graduate of Western Illinois University,
Commander Roel has served in many positions within the department, and is
especially known for his work with the young people of the community.
REPORT ON DEPARTMENTAL, OBJECTIVES Chief John Sliozis presented highlights from
POLICE DEPARTMENT the Report on Departmental Objectives for the
Police Department. Chief Sliozis reported
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• Statistics for this six month period are nearly unchanged from the same time
period last year. There was a slight reduction in the number of traffic
• The renovation of the police facility is essentially complete, and all officers
are once again working under one roof. An open house will be held in the fall.
Chief Sliozis thanked the Fire Department for its cooperation in housing police
personnel during the renovation.
• The accreditation process has been slowed by an extended illness in the
supervisory staff, but the project will be moving ahead in the near future.
PUBLIC COMMENT Lou Dauria discussed his concern over the
already rising costs for the not yet started
senior center. The park district has asked the Village for an additional $400,000
contribution. Mr. Dauria suggested some possible causes and solutions for the
increased costs. Mayor Harris responded that, like Mr. Dauria, the village is
concerned about the costs. He, along with Village and park district staff, will
be meeting soon with members of the park district board to discuss this matter.
PUBLIC HEARING RE REQUEST FOR Trustee Ragona made a motion to hold over this
AMENDMENT TO ANNEXATION AGREEMENT, agenda item until the next Board meeting.
SUMMIT DRIVE, CONT'D FROM 7/15/02 Trustee Wylie seconded the motion. The motion
passed unanimously.
REQUEST FOR A DRIVEWAY WIDTH Since the previous meeting, Steve Fisher of
VARIATION, 168 ESTATE DRIVE, HELD 168 Estate Drive and his contractor have
OVER FROM 7/15/02 looked into possible ways of improving access
into Mr. Fisher's 3 -car garage. Mr. Fisher
presented three options for the Board to consider. He commented that he would be
happy to accept Option #1, which is the suggestion Trustee Wylie made at the
previous meeting, to add a 5' x 5' approach on one side of his driveway and remove
a section of the same size from the opposite side of the driveway. Mr. Fisher
noted that he would still like to fill in the 1' x 15' section of grass with
concrete, as requested previously.
Mr. Franz reported that staff has studied
Option #1 and feels that no Board action is required for that option. Mr. Fischer
may proceed by simple permit.
REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION OF BZA The Board of Zoning Appeals held a public
RE REQUEST FOR FRONT YARD hearing on July 2nd to consider the request of
VARIATION, DUX DEVELOPMENT, 1426 Dux Development Inc. for a variation to allow
NORTHWOODS DRIVE the redevelopment of the property at 1426
Northwoods Road. The variation, if granted,
would allow construction of a new single family residence with a front yard
setback of 45.6' in lieu of the established front yard setback of 84'. The BZA
considered the fact that the proposed siting of the new home would minimize the ■
loss of mature trees on the property. In addition, the two -story portion would be
placed at a distance of 75' from the front property line, leaving only the one-
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story garage projecting forward to the same setback as the existing garage. There
were, however, numerous objections from neighbors. Therefore, on a motion to
recommend approval of the variation as requested, with an added provision
requiring an arboreal expert to provide an inventory of "specimen trees ", the BZA
failed to recommend the request be granted. The vote was 4 -1, with one member
recusing herself.
David Shorvitz of Dux Development explained
that the best placement for the new house is in the same spot as the old house.
This positioning would prevent ponding and save trees.
BZA Chairperson Bob Speckmann reported that he
had voted in favor of the petitioner's request. He feels the character of the
neighborhood would be preserved, and he agreed with Mr. Shorvitz that drainage and
mature trees would not be adversely affected. In response to a request for
clarification from Trustee Rosenthal, Mr. Speckmann explained that when the old
house was built, it conformed to the requirements of the Zoning Code. However,
since that time the Zoning Code has changed. To conform to the revised code, the
new house needs an 84' setback, which is the average for homes on the block.
Speaking on behalf of the Northwoods Road
Homeowners Association, Allen Lefkovitz stated his group's opposition to the
variation, noting that many of the standards for granting a variation have not
been met. A number of other Northwoods Road homeowners spoke as well. All were
against the home being built in the location proposed by the developer, commenting
that drainage and the character of the neighborhood would be adversely affected.
They had varying opinions regarding the best setback for the house.
Board members spent several minutes discussing
the matter. Mayor Harris then reminded Board members that voting to accept the
BZA's recommendation means that the petitioner's request for a variation will be
denied. Attorney Rosenthal added that, if the Board wishes to overturn the BZA's
recommendation and grant the variation, four votes in favor of doing so will be
required. In this case, the Mayor would not be permitted to vote to break a tie.
Trustee Ragona made a motion to accept the
Report and Recommendation of the BZA, therefore denying the petitioner's request.
Trustee Swanson seconded the motion. The motion passed by the following vote:
AYES: Kayne, Ragona, Rosenthal, Seiden, Swanson, Wylie (6)
NAYS: None (0)
REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION OF BZA The BZA held a public hearing on July 2nd to
RE REQUEST FOR FRONT YARD consider the request of Mr. and Mrs. Garo
VARIATION, EMERZIAN, 801 KENTON Emerzian for a variation to allow construction
of an additional garage stall and second floor
addition for their home at 801 Kenton Road. The proposed structure would encroach
approximately 12.1' into the 50' required front yard. On a motion to recommend
approval of the variation as requested, the vote was 4 -2 to approve. Mr.
Speckmann noted that he was one of the two BZA members to vote against the
petitioner's request as he saw no uniqueness to the petitioner's situation.
Mr. Emerzian commented that, although the
front of his house faces Kenton Road and his side yard faces Deerfield Road,.
legally his front yard is the Deerfield Road side. Because of this, Code would
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permit the Emerzians to build to within 15' of Kenton Road with no variance
required, but this is not the direction in which they wish to expand. Trustee
Rosenthal agreed that building to within 15' of Kenton would not be desirable
since, for the rest of Kenton, this is the front yard area which requires a
greater setback.
After further discussion of setbacks and other
matters, Trustee Ragona made a motion to accept the Report and Recommendation of
the BZA to permit the petitioner's request for a variation. Trustee Swanson
seconded the motion. The motion was as follows:
AYES: Kayne, Ragona, Seiden (3)
NAYS: Rosenthal, Swanson, Wylie (3)
The vote being tied, Mayor Harris voted "Aye ".
The variance is therefore granted. The attorney will prepare an ordinance.
and the parking around it. By a
Commission voted in favor of the
The petitioner has withdrawn his request for
this variation.
The Plan Commission held a workshop meeting on
June 13th to consider a request from the
redevelopers of Deerbrook Mall to reposition
the previously approved northern outlot
building approximately 150' to the south and
to reconfigure the southern outlot building
vote of 6 -0, with one member recusing, the Plan
petitioners' request.
Trustee Rosenthal made a motion to remove the
matter from the table. Trustee Swanson seconded the motion. The motion passed
Mike McCall of Lend Lease and architect David
Marks were in attendance. They explained that existing large tenants of the mall
have the right of approval over the placement of the outlot buildings, and some of
those tenants did not accept the originally approved location. Mr. Marks noted
that, contrary to information given to the Board previously, there is to be no
change in the number of parking spaces.
Trustee Ragona moved to accept the Report and
Recommendation of the Plan Commission. Trustee Swanson seconded the motion. The
motion passed by the following vote:
AYES: Ragona, Rosenthal Seiden, Swanson Wylie (5)
NAYS: Kayne'(1)
REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION OF PLAN The Plan Commission held a public hearing on
COMMISSION RE REQUEST FOR A TEXT June 27th. It is their recommendation that a
AMENDMENT TO ALLOW A DANCE STUDIO text amendment be made to the Zoning Ordinance
AS A SPECIAL USE IN THE I -2B to allow a self improvement facility in the
OUTLYING LIMITED INDUSTRIAL I -2B Outlying Limited Industrial District as a
DISTRICT, AND A SPECIAL USE TO Special Use, and that Heart and Sole's request
ALLOW THE HEART & SOLE DANCE STUDIO for a Special Use to allow a dance studio to
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operate at 111 Deer Lake Road be approved.
The motion passed 5 -0.
Attorney Steven Elrod and C. J. Koenig of
Elite Force Entertainment, which operates Heart and Sole Dance and Fitness
Studios, including one that operated until recently at Deerbrook Mall, were in
attendance. Mr. Koenig explained that they outgrew the space at Deerbrook Mall,
and the purpose of the move is to provide additional space for expansion of the
business. Mr.. Elrod added that the new location is much safer for drop off and
pick up of students than was the Deerbrook Mall location.
After discussion, Trustee Rosenthal made a
motion to accept the Report and Recommendation of the Plan Commission and to
direct preparation of an ordinance. Trustee Seiden seconded the motion. The
motion passed by the following vote:
AYES: Kayne, Ragona, Rosenthal, Seiden, Swanson, Wylie (6)
NAYS: None (0)
Mr. Elrod commented that in order for the
studio to be ready to open in time for the fall school dance programs, they will
be asking the Board at the next meeting to waive the second reading of the
REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION OF PLAN The Plan Commission held a public hearing on
COMMISSION RE REQUEST FOR A TEXT July 11th. It is their recommendation that a
AMENDMENT TO ALLOW A ROAD TESTING text amendment be made to the Zoning Ordinance
FACILITY IN THE C -2 OUTLYING to allow a road testing facility in the C -2
COMMERCIAL DISTRICT, AND A SPECIAL Outlying Commercial District as a Special Use,
USE FOR A ROAD TESTING FACILITY AT and the Illinois Secretary of State's Office
LAKE COOK PLAZA FOR THE ILLINOIS request for a Special Use to allow a road
SECRETARY OF STATE testing facility in Lake Cook Plaza be
approved, with the condition that the road
testing facility be limited to automobiles only, and no motorcycles or trucks
would be allowed to be road tested at this facility. The motion passed 4 -0.
Assistant General Counsel Terrence McConville,
representing-the Secretary of State's Office and Mark Delaverne of Metro
Transportation Group were in attendance. Mr. McConville reported that they were
forced to relocate from Deerbrook Mall, and in so doing lost the grandfather
clause which allowed them to do road testing at the Deerbrook facility. He added
that, if the request is approved, they would like to begin road testing right
.After discussion, primarily regarding parking,
Trustee Rosenthal made a motion to accept the Report and Recommendation of the
Plan Commission and to direct preparation of an ordinance. Trustee Ragona
seconded the motion. The motion passed by the following vote:
AYES: Kayne, Ragona, Rosenthal, Seiden, Swanson, Wylie (6)
NAYS: None (0)
Although the ordinance will not be voted on
for two more meetings, Board members stated they have no objection to the
petitioners beginning the road testing right away.
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REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION OF PLAN The Plan Commission held a public hearing on
COMMISSION AND REPORT AND RECOM- June 13th. It is their recommendation that
MENDATION OF VCDC RE REQUEST FOR Deerfield Square's request for an amendment to
AN AMENDMENT TO AN APPROVED SIGNAGE a sign plan, and their request for approval of
PLAN TO ALLOW 3 TENANT DIRECTIONAL tenant identification signs, including the
SIGNS AND A TEXT AMENDMENT TO THE necessary text amendment to the Zoning
ZONING ORDINANCE, DEERFIELD SQUARE ordinance to allow the signs, be approved.
The motion passed 7 -0. The VCDC also met
regarding this matter. It is their opinion that the requested signs are
appropriate and in keeping with the architectural integrity of Deerfield Square.
The motion passed 7 -0 with one member abstaining.
Deerfield Square developer Chuck Malk and
Katie Conroy of Whiteway Signs were in attendance. Trustee Wylie commented that
he is not in favor of having signs which are a right -of -way away from the business
being advertised. These businesses already have signage fronting them, and the
restaurants have already received a variation for blade signs. Mr. Malk explained
that the businesses west of Robert York Road are suffering from being separated
from the main part of Deerfield Square. This is especially true since the closing
of the access road at Coromandel. Mr. Malk added that Building 9 has been
difficult to rent due to the lack of traffic on Robert York Avenue.
After further discussion, Trustee Rosenthal
made a motion to accept the Report and Recommendation of the Plan Commission and
the Report and Recommendation of the VCDC and to direct preparation of an
ordinance. Trustee Ragona seconded the motion. The motion passed by the
following vote:
AYES: Kayne, Ragona, Rosenthal, Seiden, Swanson (5)
NAYS: Wylie (1)
The petitioner asked if the Second Reading can
be waived. Mr. Franz asked that the request be put in writing, and the Board will
make that decision at the next meeting.
REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION OF Mayor Harris recommended that Tom Dahlberg be
MANPOWER COMMISSION appointed to the Appearance Review Commission
and that Daniel Ziemba be appointed to the
Energy Advisory and Resource Recovery Commission.
Trustee Rosenthal so moved. Trustee Ragona
seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
ORDINANCE 0 -02 -27 AMENDING ZONING An ordinance amending the Zoning Ordinance to
ORDINANCE TO PROVIDE FOR DEVELOP- provide for development identification signs
MENT IDENTIFICATIONS SIGNS IN C -1 'in the C -1 Village Center Commercial District.
ORDINANCE 0 -02 -28 AMENDING SIGNAGE An ordinance amending the Signage Plan to
PLAN TO ALLOW 2 GROUND DEVELOPMENT allow two ground development identification
SIGNS, DEERFIELD SQUARE signs for Deerfield Square. Second Reading.
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ORDINANCE 0 -02 -29 AMENDING THE An ordinance amending the Municipal Code to
MUNICIPAL CODE RE NAME CHANGE FROM change the name of the Energy Advisory &
ENERGY ADVISORY & RESOURCE RECOVERY Resource Recovery Commission to the Energy
COMMISSION TO ENERGY & RECYCLING and Recycling Commission. Second Reading.
ORDINANCE APPROVING RECONFIGURATION An ordinance approving an amendment to a
OF SOUTH PARKING LOT AT CADWELL commercial planned unit development, including
CORNERS SHOPPING CENTER, NORCOR the necessary variations, to permit the
CADWELL ASSOCIATES LLC AND reconfiguration of the south parking area of
NEWCASTLE PARTNERS Cadwell Corners Shopping Center. First
An ordinance amending a planned unit develop-
ment to permit permanent closure of the
northern access road to Coromandel. First
Trustee Ragona made a motion for passage of
the Consent Agenda and adoption of the ordinances. Trustee Rosenthal seconded the
motion. The motion passed by the following vote:
AYES: Kayne, Ragona,
NAYS: None (0)
a waiver of the rules
to be passed on First
Reading and declined
Rosenthal, Seiden, Swanson, Wylie (6)
Mr. Franz noted that Coromandel had asked for
to permit the ordinance regarding closure of the access road
Reading. Board members felt that there should be a Second
�oromandel's request.
ORDINANCE INCRASING NUMBER OF A request has been made by the owners of
CLASS E LIQUOR LICENSES FROM 18 Demitri's Seafood and Greek Restaurant, 660
TO 19, DEMITRI'S SEAFOOD AND GREEK Lake Cook Road, for a Class E liquor license.
RESTAURANT, 660 LAKE COOK ROAD The restaurant will be opening in September.
This will stand as a First Reading.
POWER OUTAGES Over the past six weeks, there have been a
number of power outages in certain sections of
Deerfield. Mr. Franz reported that Commonwealth Edison has been and will continue
to address the problems. He and Mayor Harris will be meeting with Commonwealth
Edison representatives to discuss the matter.
SWALCO ORDINANCE Mr. Franz reported that Board members should
have received in their packets an ordinance
proposal from SWALCO regarding space allocation for storage of recycling materials
in new construction or when a change in use occurs. Staff has looked at the
ordinance and suggests that the Plan Commission be authorized to review it. Board
members agreed that the Plan Commission should look at it.
! r
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ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to discuss,
Trustee Ragona made a motion to adjourn the
meeting. Trustee Kayne seconded the motio� motion passed unanimously. The
meeting was adjourned at 9:52 P.M.
Village Clerk