January 22, 2002
The regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield was
called to order by Mayor Harris in the Council Chamber of the Village Hall on
Tuesday, January 22, 2002, at 7:30 P.M. The Clerk called the roll and announced
that the following were:
Present: Steve Harris, Mayor
Jerry Kayne
Derek Ragona
Harriet Rosenthal
William Seiden
Vernon Swanson
Matthew Wylie
and that a quorum was present and in attendance. Also present were Village
Attorney Peter Coblentz and Village Manager Robert Franz.
PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Bruce Wiesley of the Deerfield Optimists Club
led those in attendance in reciting the
Pledge of Allegiance. He then briefly discussed the mission of the organization,
which is to serve.area youth through such activities as Mudfest, Halloween
Hoopla, an Easter Egg Hunt and others.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES Trustee Ragona made a motion to approve the
minutes of the previous meeting. Trustee
Rosenthal seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
BILLS AND PAYROLL Trustee Ragona made a motion to approve the
Bills and Payroll. Trustee Wylie seconded
the motion. The motion passed by the following vote:
AYES: Kayne, Ragona, Rosenthal, Seiden,.Swanson, Wylie (6)
NAYS: None (0)
TREASURER'S REPORT Bob Fialkowski presented highlights from the
December Treasurer's Report. Sales tax
received in December (September 2001 sales) is 1.4% above last December
(September 2000 sales). Sales tax collected so far this fiscal year is
$2,013,884. Hotel /motel tax continues to be down, but December's receipts are
only 1.2% below December 2000. As of December 31, 2001, 100% of available cash
was invested at an average interest rate of 4.39 %, compared to an average rate of
1.71% for the 90 -day Treasury Bill.
REPORT ON DEPARTMENTAL OBJECTIVES, Barbara Little presented highlights from the
PUBLIC WORKS AND ENGINEERING Report on Departmental Objectives for Public
Works and Engineering. Highlights from her
report included:
• The annual Snow Meeting was held in November. Along with public works
personnel, attendees included personnel from the park district, School
Districts 109 and 113, and the police and fire departments.
• The leaf removal program operated with all vacuum equipment this year, picking
up leaves from the parkway.
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• So far this fiscal year the Sewer Department has responded to more than 430
calls for assistance on private sewer and drainage problems.
• The Wastewater Reclamation Facility provided complete treatment for
1,343,000,000 gallons of raw sewage.
• The number of water main breaks for the year is down from 92 to 76.
• The Sidewalk and Curb Replacement program focused on the southwest quadrant.
77,600 square feet of sidewalk and 840 lineal feet of curb were replaced.
29,732 square feet of uneven sidewalk was restored using a slab jacking
• At the Waukegan Road /North Avenue intersection, the widening of Waukegan Road
and the pedestrian sidewalk and striping have been completed. Installation of
the permanent signals is expected to be completed in February 2002.
• 2600 linear feet of defective sewer was lined.
• The Mitchell Park pumping station building is completed. Automatic controls
continue to be'adjusted.
PUBLIC COMMENT There was no public comment at this time.
the Senior Center as the next item.
Mayor Harris reordered the Agenda, putting
ORDINANCE RE AMENDMENT TO A SPECIAL Architect Neil Pollack showed revised"
USE FOR BRICKYARDS PARK AND drawings of the proposed senior center,
APPROVAL OF A SPECIAL USE FOR A incorporating suggestions made by Board
SENIOR CENTER FACILITY, FIRST members at the previous meeting.
Mr. Pollack.first showed two possible plans
for connecting the pedestrian access at the north end of the site with the senior
center and the rest of the park. These plans also showed the preferred southern
site for the landbanked parking. The second of the plans (Plan B) is the
preferred plan of the architects, but it does result in a decrease of eight
parking spaces.
The next two exhibits showed revised
elevations._ In the revised plan, the height of the north section of the senior
center would be decreased by 1' 8 "; the central section would decrease in height
by 31, and the southern section would decrease in height by 41. The architects
prefer the original plan, as natural light in the building will be decreased if
the building height is lowered, and the central spaces will be more compressed.
The exhibits showing elevation also show the
mechanicals for the building. Mr. Pollack explained that the principal
mechanical equipment for the building will be within the service area of the
building and on the flat portion of the roof. The rooftop mechanicals will be
Trustee Ragona inquired if lowering the roof
would make a substantial difference in what the nearby residents would see. Mr.
Pollack commented that the height difference would not be easy to discern.
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Park Board member Rick Patinkin summarized a
letter that the Park Board sent to the Village. In the letter the Park. Board
unanimously recommends staying with the original plan for the building, with the
addition of the Plan B walkway.
Trustee Kayne asked if the Park Board will be
open to input from the neighbors even after the project is completed. Mr.
Patinkin responded that they would be.
Mayor Harris asked for public comment.
. Ken Warner inquired if the walkway will be
enclosed, to which Mr. Pollack responded that it will not be, but it will be
possible to be dropped off in an enclosed area. Mr. Warner asked about the
effect of changing the roof, to which Mr. Pollack responded that there will be a
reduction of natural light inside the facility if the roof is lowered.
Sheldon Galens inquired if the sidewalk will
be lighted. The response was that it will not be lighted. Mr. Galens expressed
concerns about cooking smells, methane gas, and noise from the mechanicals and
air conditioning. `
Bob Thomas expressed his concern that the
berm and trees which would screen his home from the senior center may be
destroyed. Mr. Thomas was assured that the berm belongs to The Fountains, not to
the park district or the Village, and it will not be altered by this project.
Trustee Wylie commented that he is satisfied
with the representation of the mechanicals and with.the path showed on Plan B.
He still has some reservations about the height of the building. Trustee Kayne
commented that he is satisfied with the lowered roof and with the overall plan
for the building. Trustee Swanson stated that he feels the original building
height should be retained. Trustee Ragona commented that the lowered roof would
have little impact on residents, but it would impact the natural light in the
building. He therefore is in favor of the height as originally proposed.
Trustee.Rosenthal commented that increasing the height of the new trees will
provide more screening than lowering the building height. She likes the proposed
pathway and feels the parking will be adequate. She asked that the Park District
be responsive to any continuing concerns of nearby residents. Trustee Seiden
commented that the plans are good, and he is eager to get the project started.
Randi Mayer and Ann Wangers expressed their
disappointment that the trustees are disregarding the desires of adjacent
residents to have the senior center smaller and lower.
Mayor Harris clarified that the proposal
before the Board at this time is to build the senior center as originally
requested by the Park District, with the addition of the walkway shown in Plan B.
He asked for a roll call to see where the trustees stand on the proposal.
Trustee Seiden moved to approve the First
Reading of the ordinance with the addition of the pathway in Plan B. Trustee
Wylie seconded the motion. After discussion the motion passed by the following
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January 22, 2002
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AYES: Kayne, Ragona, Rosenthal, Seiden, Swanson, Wylie (6)
NAYS: None (0)
the February 4th meeting.
Second Reading of the ordinance will be at
The Bicycle Path Task Force was formed in
October 2000 in response to concerns of
residents that bicycle facilities in the
Village were in need of improvement. There
are five categories of improvements on which
the Task Force recommends the Board take
action. These are:
• Infrastructure Improvements;
• Maps. and Signage;
• Education;
• Membership in the League of American Bicyclists; and
• Continuing the work begun by the Task Force.
Trustee Ragona commented that a remaining
concern of the task force is that the map is out of date. There are also legal
issues with publishing a bike path map. These issues will need to be examined by
the Village Attorney. Finally, the size and format for any bike path map-that
will be distributed needs to be studied and determined.
Trustee Ragona recognized some task force
members who were in attendance - Rick Patinkin of the Park District, former.
Village Trustee Marvin Ehlers, and residents Sheldon Galens and Alan Rohrbach.
Trustee Rayne expressed concern about passing
a final report when there are issues still to be finalized. Mr. Rohrbach and
Trustee Ragona both responded that although there are refinements to be made,
there are no substantive issues to be resolved. This report provides a model
from which to proceed. Mr. Coblentz commented that the biggest legal issue is to
be sure that any street or sidewalk designated as a bike route is in appropriate
condition for that use. Mayor Harris added that acceptance of the report does
not commit the Village to implement any specific recommendation made in that
report. Mr. Franz noted that it is a final report only in that it is the
conclusion of the task force stage of the process.
After further discussion, Trustee Ragona made
a motion to accept the Report and Recommendation of the Bike Path Task Force and
the Report and Recommendation of the Plan Commission regarding amendments to the
Zoning Ordinance and the Comprehensive Plan regarding bike paths. Trustee
Swanson seconded the motion. The motion passed by the following vote:
AYES: Kayne, Ragona, Rosenthal, Seiden, Swanson, Wylie (6)
NAYS: None (0)
The Village Attorney will prepare an
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January 22, 2002
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ORDINANCE 0 -02 -04 APPROVING PLANNED An ordinance approving a final plat of
RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT, 149 ASPEN subdivision for the properties at 149 Aspen
WAY AND 140 KENMORE AVENUE, HOWARD Way and 140 Kenmore Avenue, Howard and Laura
AND LAURA LIEBERMAN Lieberman. Second Reading.
ORDINANCE AMENDING MUNICIPAL CODE An ordinance amending the Municipal Code to
RE STOP SIGNS AT CENTRAL /ROBERT add a stop sign on westbound Central Avenue
YORK AVENUE AND HEATHER ROAD /MANOR at Robert York Avenue and a stop sign on
LANE northbound Heather Road at Manor Lane. First
Trustee Rosenthal moved for adoption of the
Consent Agenda and passage of the ordinance. Trustee Swanson seconded the
motion. The motion passed by the following vote:
AYES: Kayne, Ragona, Rosenthal, Seiden, Swanson, Wylie (6)
NAYS: None (0)
The Illinois Open Meetings Act requires that
elected boards review all minutes from closed
sessions and make available for public
inspection those which no longer require
confidentiality. It is recommended that the minutes of the following 2001
Executive Sessions be released: 1/2, 1/23, 1/30, 2/5, 5/21, 6/11, 7%30, 9/19,
11/5, and 11/19. All 2000 Executive Session minutes that were kept confidential
last year refer to litigation that is still pending and are therefore not being
recommended for release.
Trustee Ragona made a motion to release the
above listed minutes. Trustee Kayne seconded the motion. The motion passed
ORDINANCE 0 -02 -05 DECREASING An ordinance decreasing the number of Class E
NUMBER OF CLASS E LIQUOR LICENSES Liquor Licenses from 19 to 17 due to the
FROM NINETEEN TO SEVENTEEN closing of Shaw's'Restaurant and Ed Debevic's
Restaurant. First Reading.
Trustee Ragona moved for a waiver of the
rules to permit the ordinance to be passed on First Reading. Trustee Rosenthal
seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Trustee Ragona moved for adoption of the
ordinance. Trustee Swanson seconded the motion. The motion passed by the
following vote:
AYES: Kayne, Ragona, Rosenthal, Seiden, Swanson, Wylie (6)
NAYS: None (0)
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January 22, 2002
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COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETINGS Trustee Ragona inquired why, since Committee
of the Whole meetings are held on Board
meeting nights, the items for discussion can't be made part of the regular
agenda. Mr. Franz responded that the meetings are held on Board meeting nights
so as not to tie up Board members for a second meeting night. Items introduced
for discussion at Committee of the Whole meetings need more in depth discussion
and comment than is conducive for the Board Meeting format. The public is always
welcome at Committee of the Whole meetings.
Trustee Ragona asked for more notice of the
Committee of the Whole meetings, to which Mr. Franz responded that ten days
notice was given for tonight's meeting.
Mr. Franz reported that the agenda items for
discussion at tonight's Committee of the Whole meeting are: (1) the Comprehensive
Plan and (2) the Centennial. The Committee of the Whole meeting will be
followed by an Executive Session meeting to discuss litigation.
ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to discuss,
Trustee Rago made a motion to adjourn the
meeting. Trustee Wylie seconded the motio asked unanimously. The
meeting was adjourned at 9:20 P.M.
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