11/01/1999November 1, 1999
The regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield was called to order by Mayor
Forrest in the Council Chamber of the Village Hall on Monday, November 1, 1999, at 8:00 P.M. The Clerk
called the roll and announced that the following were:
Present: Bernard Forrest, Mayor
Steve Harris
Derek Ragona
John Heuberger
Harriet Rosenthal
William Seiden
Vern Swanson
and that a quorum was present and in attendance.. Also present were Attorney Shelia Quinn and Administrative
Assistant Diane Mikula.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES Trustee Rosenthal commented that the section regarding the
self storage facility should be clarified for the minimum size
because it is a PUD. Trustee Heuberger made a motion,
seconded by Trustee Rosenthal, to approve the minutes of the previous meeting as amended. The motion
passed unanimously.
PROCLAMATION, AMERICA RECYCLES Mayor Forrest read a proclamation designating November
DAY 15`h as America Recycles Day, the purpose of which is to
actively involve Village residents in raising the awareness
of the importance of recycling and buying recycled products. Trustee Swanson made a motion to accept the
proclamation. Trustee Seiden seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously:
PROCLAMATION, BUILD LITERACY Mayor Forrest read a proclamation designating November
ILLII`IIOS WEEK 8`h — 12`h as Build Literacy Illinois week in Deerfield, the
purpose of which is to promote the importance of literacy.
Trustee Swanson made a motion to accept the proclamation. Trustee Harris seconded the motion. The motion
passed unanimously. .
VISION 2000 UPDATE Mayor Forrest presented a progress report on the re-
development of the Southwest Quadrant, the South-
east Quadrant and South Commons.
PUBLIC COMMENT Arnie Silberman, 900 Beverly Place. Mr. Silberman
indicated that he was present during the AT &T Cable
presentation before the Board in October. He heard that
AT &T was going through a significant hiring process over the next year. He is the Chairman of the Board of the
Private Industry Council Workforce Investment Board of Lake County which is a not - for - profit federally
funded organization that trains disadvantaged, disabled and people who have lost their jobs. He would like the
Board to ensure that AT &T considers this organization during their hiring process. Mayor Forrest indicated he
would send a letter to AT &T to contact the manager at the workforce.
encroaching 3 feet into the required 8 foot in
The Board of Zoning Appeals held a public hearing on
October 12`' to consider the request of Mr. & Mrs. Sanner for
their property located at 959 Appletree Lane. It is the BZA's
recommendation that the requested variation be granted to
permit the construction of an attached 2 car garage
inimum interior side yard, with the stipulation that elevation of the
ridge line of the new garage not exceed the elevation of the ridge line of the existing structure by more than 1
foot. The motion passed 5 -0 with one member recusing themselves. Trustee Swanson indicated that he was
recusing himself from the discussion and voting. Trustee Harris asked BZA Chairman Robert Speckman to
distinguish the approval process with this application with respect to the discussion a few weeks ago on another
petition. Mr. Speckman indicated that this application met all of the standards for a variation. The previous
request did not meet all of the standards. In the other application there were many places where the petitioner
could locate a storage facility. In this petition there is very little, if any space, to locate a garage. The only
option is the south side yard. After deliberation the BZA determined that a 3 foot variance would be required to
allow the parking of 2 cars.
Trustee Rosenthal made a motion to accept the Report and
Recommendation of the BZA and to direct the Village Attorney to prepare an ordinance. Mr. Heuberger
seconded the motion. The motion passed.
REPORT OF DIRECTOR OF FINANCE George Valentine presented a report on a new written
RE NEW STATE REQUIREMENT ON investment policy. A newly passed Illinois Statue requires
WRITTEN INVESTMENT POLICY the Village to have an investment policy passed by the Board.
The policy as written permits the Village to invest its funds in
any of a list of investments allowed by Illinois Statute 235. This allows for investment in notes and bonds of
the Federal Government and its agencies, commercial paper, certificates of deposit, and the Illinois State
Treasurer's Pool and is written to take advantage of all investments allowed by Illinois statutes for
Mayor Forrest asked how this new requirement differs from
what the Village's current policy. Mr. Valentine indicated there is not much difference, it just formalizes the
policies. Discussion continued on collaterization, Illinois State Treasures Investment Pool, derivatives, interest
rate hedging agreements, and bank securities that aren't rated. Mayor Forrest indicated that this report will be
tabled until additional language concerning derivatives is incorporated into the policy.
REPORT OF STAFF RE Y2K Chief Anderson- briefed the Board on the Village's Y2k
PREPARATIONS activities. The Y2k Compliance Committee established
three primary missions relating to Y2k.
1) The Committee assessed and corrected internal and external Y2k risks.
2) The Committee provided and will continue to provide public information updates to Deerfield's residents
and businesses.
3) The Committee developed a contingency plan that prepares the Village to address internal and external Y2k
related failures and thus minimize Y2k disruptions.
Chief Anderson indicated that after completing the assessment
process, the committee feels that the millennium weekend may bring a bump in the road but will not bring a
meltdown to Deerfield. In addition to developing a detailed order for the Y2k event, the Police Department
updated its entire emergency operations plan that addresses all potential disasters, natural or manmade. The
department's resource manual was also updated. The manual provides contact names and phones numbers from
hundreds of emergency service suppliers.
During the evening of December 31' an emergency operations
Center will be open with increased staffing. Emergency Services Disaster Agency will have personnel in place
to assist in the call center. They have also HAM radio operators who will be available that evening.
Trustee Rosenthal inquired into shelter sites. Chief Anderson
responded that the committee looked at the shelter issue and made an assessment that residents should prepare
their homes for a long cold weekend. There are only three buildings in town that have generators that can
operate independently without power. It did not make sense to direct citizens to a shelter where the village
could not provide amenities that they can find in their own homes. It is the recommendation of the committee
that residents should prepare their own homes as if there is a three -day event.
Fire Chief Jim Quinn was also in attendance and indicated that
he believes the Fire Department is Y2k ready and that they will have extra staffing that night.
ORDINANCE 0 -99 -43 RE STOP SIGNS An ordinance re: Stop Signs on Woodland Drive at Crabtree
ON WOODLAND DRIVE AT Lane. Second Reading.
Trustee Swanson made a motion to adopt the ordinance.
Trustee Harris seconded the motion. The motion passed by the following vote:
AYES: Harris, Heuberger, Ragona, Rosenthal, Seiden, Swanson(6)
NAY: None (0)
ORDINANCE APPROVING A SPECIAL An ordinance approving a Special Use for a Bennigan's
USE FOR A RESTAURANT ON THE HOME Restaurant on the Home Depot -Metra Property. Trustee
DEPOT -METRA PROPERTY — BENNIGAN' S Heuberger recused himself from the discussion. First
RESTAURANT — 1 R Reading.
ORDINANCE 0 -99 -44 AMENDING THE An Ordinance approving the amendment to the Lake County
LAKE COUNTY WATERSHED Watershed Development Ordinance. First Reading.
DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE — 1 R Trustee Swanson indicated that there are a significant number
of changes to the ordinance but that very few affect the Village
because the Village is not in major floodplains nor does it have many wetlands.
Trustee Ragona moved for a waiver of the rules to permit the
ordinance regarding the Lake County Watershed Development ordinance to be voted on at First Reading.
Trustee Heuberger seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Trustee Swanson made a motion to adopt the ordinance.
Trustee Seiden seconded the motion. The motion passed by the following vote:
AYES: Harris,.Heuberger, Ragona, Rosenthal, Seiden, Swanson(6)
NAY: None (0)
ORDINANCE INCREASING THE NUMBER An Ordinance increasing the number of Class E liquor
OF CLASS E LIQUOR LICENSES FROM licenses from Eleven to Twelve. Second Reading. Mayor
ELEVEN TO TWELVE — 2 R Forrest indicated that this item will be held over because On
the Border is not ready to open.
AUTHORIZATION TO ACCEPT PROPOSAL The Village is responsible for relocating its facilities within
OF ALDRIDGE ELECTRIC FOR the project limits of the Deerfield Centre Project at the
RELOCATING A LIGHTING CONTROLLER southeast corner of Deerfield and Waukegan Road. The
AND TWO TRAFFIC SIGNAL SERVICES FOR relocation of a lighting controller and two traffic signal
DEERFIELD CENTER PROJECT services must be completed within a short time in order to
coordinate with the relocation of ComEd facilities. Three
traffic signal and lighting contractors were requested to submit proposals for this work. Two declined due to
their current obligations. One proposal was received from Aldridge Electric to relocate a lighting controller
and two traffic signal services for $44,400. Barbara Little recommends acceptance of the Aldridge Electric
proposal. Trustee Heuberger asked if the $44,400 was an absolute fixed fee, lump sum where a variation will
not be need. Ms. Little replied that it was.
After discussion, Trustee Heuberger made a motion to
accept the proposal of Aldridge Electric in the amount of $44,400. Trustee Harris seconded the motion. The
motion passed by the following vote:
AYES: Harris, Neuberger, Ragona, Rosenthal, Seiden, Swanson(6)
NAY: None (0)
EXECUTIVE SESSION Mayor Forrest asked for a motion to go into Executive
Session to discuss land acquisition. Trustee Rosenthal so
moved. Trustee Seidman seconded the motion. The motion passed by the following vote:
AYES: Harris, Heuberger, Ragona, Rosenthal, Seiden, Swanson(6)
NAY: None (0).
ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to discuss, Trustee
Rosenthal made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Trustee
Seiden seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 8:50 p.m.
Village Clerk
Progress Report November 1, 1999
Southwest Quadrant (Deerfield Square):
➢ Barnes & Noble has signed a lease for a two -story, 28,000 sq. ft. store in Building 3.
Their target date for opening is October, 2000.
➢ At last Thursday's Plan Commission meeting, CRM Properties received final approval
for Buildings 1, 3, 7, and 9, and approval for Special Uses for three restaurants in
Building 7.
➢ Alley Cleaners is still preparing for a move to its temporary location in a trailer behind
the Healy Building. It should happen shortly.
➢ Last Monday night, the Appearance Review Commission approved all of the buildings in
Phase II.
Southeast Quadrant (Deerfield Centre):
➢ Foundation work continues on schedule and underground utility work begins this week.
➢ Mesirow Stein/Northern Realty has asked for a public hearing date of December 9P to
request Special Uses for: Sopprafinas, Starbucks and Blockbuster.
South Commons:
➢ The James Company continues to haul in dirt for building pads for the Villas. Utility
work begins this week on Central Avenue.
➢ Since test results indicate that all soil samples are clear, the Village will be requesting a
No Further Remediation letter from the IEPA this week.