09/21/1999September 21, 1999
The regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield was
called to order by Mayor Forrest in the Council Chamber of the Village Hail on
Tuesday, September 21, 1999, at 8:00 P.M. The Clerk called the roll and
announced that the following were:
Present: Bernard Forrest, Mayor
Steve Harris
John Heuberger
Derek Ragona
Harriet Rosenthal
William Seiden
Vernon Swanson
and that a quorum was present and in attendance. Also present were Attorney
Sheila Quinn and Village Manager Robert Franz.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES Trustee Ragona made a motion to approve the
minutes of the previous meeting. Trustee
Heuberger seconded the motion. Trustee Heuberger requested that the section
regarding the proposed expansion of the post office be amended to state that
Trustee Heuberger is opposed to the expansion because he feels that the sorting
and distribution operations of the post office are not appropriate uses for a
residential area. A motion to approve the minutes as amended passed unanimously.
BILLS AND PAYROLL Trustee Rosenthal made a motion to approve
the Bills and Payroll. Trustee Heuberger
seconded the motion. The motion passed by the following vote:
AYES: Harris, Heuberger, Ragona, Rosenthal, Seiden, Swanson (6)
NAYS: None (0)
KIWANIS PEANUT DAY Mayor Forrest read a proclamation designating
September 24th as Kiwanis Peanut Day in
Deerfield. He urged all citizens to give their support to this fund raising
event. Trustee Rosenthal made a motion to accept the proclamation. Trustee
Heuberger seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
TREASURER'S REPORT George Valentine presented highlights from
the August Treasurer's Report. Sales Tax for
August (May 1999 sales) is 19% above last year (May 1998 sales). The twelve
month total is 3% above.last year. As of August 31, 1999, 101.5% of cash was
invested at an average interest rate of 5.24 %, which compares with an average
rate of 4.83% for the 90 -day Treasury Bill. r
REPORT ON DEPARTMENTAL OBJECTIVES, Mrs. Houpt reported that once again this
COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT year the Community Development office is
doing a record breaking volume of permits,
inspections, etc. She also noted that Plaza Pleasures and the Farmers Market are
doing well again this year.
In response to a question from Trustee
Swanson, it was decided that Mrs. Houpt will discuss with the Plan Commission
when they will have time to begin consideration of updating the Comprehensive
Plan. It was noted that the Plan Commission will be busy with Village Center
concerns until at least the end of this year.
VISION 2000 UPDATE Mayor Forrest presented a progress report on
the redevelopment of the Southwest Quadrant,
the Southeast Quadrant and South Commons.
MUDFEST Mayor Forrest congratulated Chief Anderson
and his staff on another successful Mudfest.
DEERFIELD SENIOR CENTER Trustee Seiden read a statement regarding
the proposed partnership between the Village
and the Park District on a new senior center. Trustee Seiden made the points
that: (1) the Village's intent is to provide matching funds up to the set amount
only for that portion of the facility which is dedicated to senior use, and (2)
It is Trustee Seiden's opinion that Village funds should not be used for double
deck parking, which is very expensive and would not often be needed for the
activities of the senior citizens. Other trustees were in agreement with Trustee
Seiden's points.
Mayor Forrest recommended that Village Board
members contact the Park Board as soon as possible to discuss these issues.
Trustees Seiden and Rosenthal volunteered to represent the Village Board.
REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION OF BZA This agenda item will be held over to the
RE REQUEST FOR FRONT YARD VARIATION next meeting as the petitioner could not
MARSHALL OKMIN, 1110 LAMPTON LANE be present at this meeting.
REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION OF PLAN Metra is seeking to revise their signage plan
COMMISSION RE REQUEST FOR AMENDMENT for the Lake Cook Road Commuter Train
TO SIGNAGE PLAN, LAKE COOK ROAD Station. They are requesting approval of a
METRA STATION newly designed sign for the east wall of the
train station, and the addition of this same
sign on the west wall of the train station. The proposed sign will read "Metra
Lake Cook-Road." Signage on the north and south walls of the train station has
been eliminated. It is the recommendation of the Plan Commission that the
petitioner's request be approved, subject to the word "Deerfield" being added
after "Lake Cook Road" on the proposed signage. The motion passed 4 -0.
Mrs. Houpt explained that originally the plan
called for the word "Deerfield" to be part of the sign. The petitioner is
requesting that "Deerfield" be dropped and "Metra" be made more prominent. The
Plan Commission wants "Deerfield" back on. Mrs. Houpt also noted that the signs
for the north and south walls will be eliminated.
Ed Pyter of the Olympic Sign Company
explained that the dimensions of the new signs will be different from the
original plan, but the overall square footage will be about the same.
Trustees felt that it isn't necessary to have
"Metra" so prominently displayed. They also felt that it might be confusing to
some commuters to see "Deerfield" on the eastern sign, as they might think they
have reached the downtown Deerfield station. After further discussion it was
agreed that "Lake Cook Road" should be the dominant words on the sign. "Metra"
should be on the sign, but smaller. "Deerfield" should also be on the sign, but
smaller and placed under "Lake Cook Road ". Mr. Pyter agreed to meet with Metra
to come back to the next meeting with several options for Board members to choose
REPORT'AND RECOMMENDATION OF Mayor Forrest made the following appointments
MANPOWER COMMISSION to the Boards and Commissions:
• Gene Becker - Youth Council
• Lisa Cummings - Appearance Review Commission
• Susie Wexler - Manpower Commission
• William Keefe - from Energy Commission to Safety Commission
Trustee Rosenthal made a motion to approve the
appointments. Trustee Heuberger seconded the motion. The motion passed
ORDINANCE 0 -99 -38 APPROVING An ordinance approving a variation for Ernest
NON CONFORMING STRUCTURE VARIATION, Ling, 1134 Chestnut. The variation will
ERNEST LING, 1134 CHESTNUT permit the removal of the existing garage and
replacement with a new garage identical in
size and location, limited to 15' in height. Second Reading,
Trustee Heuberger moved for passage of the
Consent Agenda and adoption of the ordinance. Trustee Swanson seconded the
motion. The motion passed by the following vote:
AYES: Harris, Heuberger, Ragona, Rosenthal, Seiden, Swanson (6)
NAYS: None (0)
DISCUSSION RE PUBLIC COMMENT AT Mayor Forrest proposed the following be
BOARD MEETINGS POLICY tried, with changes made if needed:
• A public comment section be added to the regular Village Board agenda prior to
the reports section.
• The period would last for approximately 15 minutes, but if it is an item that
would require extensive discussion, the residents would be asked to wait until
the end of the regular agenda.
• There would be no time restrictions placed on those speaking provided they
conduct themselves in an acceptable manner.
• Two sign -up sheets would be used: one for agenda items and one for non - agenda
issues. Those wishing to comment on agenda items will speak when that
particular item is considered.
After discussion it was decided to try the
proposal as stated above, with the exception that, in the third point, the words,
"provided they conduct themselves in an acceptable manner" will be eliminated, as
the issue of proper conduct is already addressed in the Municipal Code.
ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING A CLASS B An ordinance authorizing a Class B Special
SPECIAL USE AT 829 WAUKEGAN ROAD, Use at 829 Waukegan Road to permit the
CAFF establishment of a cafe by Terry and
Cindy Fine. First Reading.
ORDINANCE APPROVING A SPECIAL USE Peter Palanca, Regional Vice President and
TO PERMIT ESTABLISHMENT OF A Executive Director of Hazelden Chicago,
CLINICAL SERVICES OFFICE FOR THE reported that Hazelden representatives, along
HAZELDEN FOUNDATION, 1121 LAKE with Chief Anderson and Trustees Ragona and
COOK ROAD Rosenthal, had a successful meeting with
residents of Country Lane to explain the
Hazelden program. Mr. Palanca also reported that the background checks requested
by the Board have been completed by the Police Department. Finally, Mr. Palanca
asked the Board to reconsider its position to permit only ten adolescents to be
served at a time, as they cannot succeed financially, nor can they adequately .
serve the needs of the community, with only ten-patients. Though Hazelden has an
average group size of only ten, they do serve more than.one group concurrently.
Gil Antakol, 1137 Country Lane, reported that
the meeting with Hazelden representatives was very helpful. Country Lane
residents now support having a Hazelden clinical services office in Deerfield.
Mr. Antakol suggested, however, that the Board review its notification
requirements, pointing out that the letter provided by Hazelden to Country Lane
residents was quite different from the one provided to the Board.
Trustee Rosenthal suggested that Hazelden be
limited to having no more than two groups of ten on the premises at any one time,
though there may be more than two groups in the program at one time. Other
trustees agreed.
This will stand as a First Reading.
ORDINANCE APPROVING AMENDMENT OF Architect Allen Belli reported that he met
SPECIAL USE FOR THE DEERFIELD POST with Jim Hellen, President of the Board of
OFFICE Directors of One Deerfield Place, and they
have agreed on a landscaping plan. Mr. Franz
reported that there has also been a meeting between staff, representatives of the
James Development Corporation and the post office to discuss' landscaping. Steve
Spinell of James.Development Corporation reported that their landscape architect
is recommending a few revisions to the Belli & Belli plan, including the
inclusion of some entry piers of the same type that will be used in the South
Commons development. Mr. Belli agreed to work with the South Commons landscape
architect to come up with a plan that is mutually agreeable.
The issue of noise made by idling mail truck
motors was brought up. The matter be addressed at a later time if it becomes a
This will stand as a First Reading.
ORDINANCE APPROVING AMENDMENT OF An ordinance amending a special use for Renu
SPECIAL USE AT 617 CENTRAL AVENUE, Body Spa at 617 Central Avenue. The amend -
RENU BODY SPA ment will permit an expansion of their
parking lot. First Reading.
AUTHORIZATION FOR MAYOR TO SIGN Attorney Quinn requested that any action on
AGREEMENT WITH BANK OF AMERICA RE this matter be deferred until the next
DEERFIELD CENTRE REDEVELOPMENT meeting as there are still some open issues.
PROJECT The developers have indicated that waiting
presents no hardship for them.
REQUEST OF BRISTOL PLACE HOMEOWNERS The Bristol Place Homeowners Association is
ASSOCIATION FOR USE OF PUBLIC seeking a "V" shaped entrance sign for their
RIGHT OF WAY FOR ENTRANCE FEATURE subdivision. The sign would require use of
public property. Gwen Rich, President of the
Bristol Place Homeowners Association, showed Board members photos of the proposed
sign location and explained that the sign is needed because people unfamiliar
with the area are going into Bristol Estates or The Fountains.
Mrs. Houpt commented that not only is the
requested sign location on public property, but it is also a landfilled area, and
the cap cannot be broken. This would present special problems in erecting a
Trustee Heuberger brought up the possibility
of selling the property to the homeowners association.
Trustees had no problem with the.sign
locations but felt that there is too much information on the signs. The pictures
and logo may make the signs more attractive, but will not be able to be seen by
passing motorists. Mr. Spinell agreed to work with staff on the best layout for
the signs.
The Village attorney.will prepare an
agreement between the Village and the developer regarding liability, time limit
and maintenance for the signs, and other matters.
ANNOUNCEMENTS Trustee Ragona announced that there will be a
Hazardous Waste Collection Day at Deerfield
High School on Saturday, October 2. He also announced that on September 23rd
State Representative Gash will host a meeting at the Deerfield Public Library to
discuss the aging baby boomer work force.
Staff will study the matter in more
and.will contact the homeowners association
with recommendations.
Steve Spinell of James Development
the meeting to request approval for
a sales
trailer and for marketing signs for
the South
Commons Development. A 12' x 60'
trailer would be located off Central
just to the west of Renu Day Spa.
The signs would be: (1) a 12' x 12'
"V" shaped
sign on Osterman Avenue in front
of the proposed detention area and (2)
a two
sided sign, 5' to 7' above grade,
on the corner of Waukegan Road and Central
Avenue. Mr. Franz commented that
these are the best locations for the
given the limited number of options.
Trustees had no problem with the.sign
locations but felt that there is too much information on the signs. The pictures
and logo may make the signs more attractive, but will not be able to be seen by
passing motorists. Mr. Spinell agreed to work with staff on the best layout for
the signs.
The Village attorney.will prepare an
agreement between the Village and the developer regarding liability, time limit
and maintenance for the signs, and other matters.
ANNOUNCEMENTS Trustee Ragona announced that there will be a
Hazardous Waste Collection Day at Deerfield
High School on Saturday, October 2. He also announced that on September 23rd
State Representative Gash will host a meeting at the Deerfield Public Library to
discuss the aging baby boomer work force.
IMPLEMENTATION OF DEFIBRILLATORS Chief Anderson reported that defibrillator
liability legislation will not become law
until January lst, 2000. The police officers are already trained, however, and
legal counsel has indicated that the Village is covered by the Good Samaritan
Act. Chief Anderson would therefore like authorization to place the
defibrillators in police cars and begin using them if needed. Mayor Forrest
suggested that the authorization be given. Board members agreed.
PUBLIC COMMENT Melissa Bigg, 914 Appletree Lane, thanked
the Board for its decision to put public
comment near the beginning of the meetings.
Jerry Rayne asked about the status of the
South Commons soil remediation. He also inquired when the Deerfield Road
construction over the tollway is expected to be completed.
ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to discuss,
Trustee Rosenthal made a motion to adjourn
the meeting. Trustee Heuberger seconded the motion. The motion passed
unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 9:48 P.M.
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age -
Progress Report September 21, 1999
Southwest Quadrant (Deerfield Square):
➢ Phase I construction continues. Tenant build -out has begun on Walgreens and on the
Osterman Avenue retail building.
➢ Within the next ten days, the contractor will cut -in the curb on Deerfield Road for the
new boulevard which will run along the front of Walgreens, Whole Foods and the office
➢ CRM Properties has requested a public hearing with the Plan Commission in October for
adjustments to the site plan and to request special uses for restaurants.
Southeast Quadrant (Deerfield Centre):
➢ The closing on the transfer of properties is scheduled for later this week or early next
week. A ground- breaking ceremony will be held next Tuesday, September 28P at 5:00
➢ The developer was allowed to erect a security fence and to locate a construction trailer on
the site.
➢ The Illinois EPA has advised the Village that it is preparing a No Further Remediation
letter which confirms that the Village has met the State's environmental standards for
redeveloping the site.
➢ The Illinois Department of Transportation has approved the design plans for the right turn
lane at Deerfield and Waukegan Roads and the new intersection on Waukegan south of
First Midwest Bank.
South Commons:
➢ To date, over 50,000 tons of contaminated soil have been hauled to the landfill in
Grayslake. Weather permitting, that remediation project should be completed by early
➢ Anticipating a No Further Remediation letter from the Illinois EPA by late Fall, the
Village is planning to close on a portion of the 10 acre site in December. Utility and
street work on Central Avenue and site preparation work will begin as soon as possible so
that this construction season will not be lost.