10/20/1997October 20, 1997
The regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield was
called to order by Mayor Forrest in the Council Chamber of the Village Hall on
Monday, October 20, 1997, at 8:00 P.M. The Clerk called the roll and announced
that the following were:
Present: Bernard Forrest, Mayor
Marvin W. Ehlers
John H. Heuberger
Edwin B. Seidman
Vernon E. Swanson
Michael Swartz
Absent: Harriet E. Rosenthal
and that a quorum was present and in atten,oance. Also present were Attorney
James Stucko and Village Manager Robert anz.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES Trus a Seidman made a motion, seconded by
Trustee Swartz, to approve the minutes of
the previous meeting. The motion passed unanimously.
BILLS AND PAYROLL Trustee Seidman made a motion, seconded by
Trustee Swartz, to approve the Bills and
Payroll. The motion passed by the following vote:
AYES: Ehlers, Heuberger, Seidman, Swanson, Swartz (5)
NAYS: None (0)
TREASURER'S REPORT George Valentine presented highlights of the
September Treasurer's Report. September
sales tax receipts are up by 1% from September of 1996. For the year, sales tax
receipts are down 6 %. Other revenues are as projected. As of September 30,
1997, 101% of cash was invested at an average interest rate of 5.81% which
compares with an average rate of 5.05% for the 90 -day Treasury Bill.
RECOGNITION OF PROMOTION The Board recognized the promotion of Rick
Weil to Commander. Mr. Weil has been a
member of the Deerfield Police Department since 1980.
PUBLIC HEARING ANNOUNCED Mayor Forrest announced that at the next
Board of Trustees meeting (November 3) a
public hearing will be held to consider the redevelopment plan for the downtown
TIF district. In connection with that public hearing, Mayor Forrest announced
that (1) The Village has no plans at this time for redeveloping the area north
of Deerfield Road. The meeting will concern itself with the area of the Village
Center south of Deerfield Road only. (2) Future plans for redevelopment of the
southeast quadrant of the Village Center will have to wait for the Village's
acquisition of the Knaak parcel at the southeast corner of Deerfield and
Waukegan. That redevelopment project will be expedited as much as is possible.
A condemnation suit has been filed for that purpose. (3) Despite suggestions
that the November 3rd meeting be moved to a larger facility, it will be held as
usual at Village Hall, as the Board Room and its cable TV features -offer the
best opportunity for the public to observe the proceedings. (4) Anyone wishing
to be heard at the November 3rd meeting will be given an opportunity to comment
on the redevelopment proposal; however, no action will be taken at the meeting.
(5) The Plan Commission's two public hearings on the redevelopment plan (October
23 and November 13) will be broadcast live on Cable Channel 3. Mayor Forrest
urged residents to reserve judgment on the redevelopment plan until all facts
are presented.
REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION OF PLAN The Plan Commission held a public hearing on
COMMISSION RE REQUEST FOR SPECIAL July 24, continued to August 28 and
USE TO PERMIT SKATEBOARD /ROLLER- September 25. It is their recommendation
BLADE PLAZA IN JEWETT PARK, AND that the park district's request for an
REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION OF VCDC amendment to a Special Use to permit a
RE SKATEBOARD /ROLLERBLADE PLAZA IN skateboard /rollerblade plaza in Jewett Park
JEWETT PARK, DEERFIELD PARK DIST. be approved subject to the approval of the
Village Engineer in regard to storm water
drainage. The motion passed 4 -2. At a meeting held on October 8, the Village
Center Development Commission also reviewed the park district's request. By a
vote of 7 -0 (1 recuse) , the VCDC voted to approve the park district's request.
Trustee Seidman made a motion to accept the
report and recommendation of the Plan Commission and the report and
recommendation of the VCDC and to direct the Village Attorney to prepare an
ordinance. Trustee Heuberger seconded the motion.
.Mr. Soyka reported that he has reviewed the
conceptual plan for the project. Although there are some potential problems
with regard to drainage, there is adequate storm sewer capacity available. He
will work with the park district to be sure that an acceptable drainage plan is
part of the overall permitting process.
Trustee Swanson commented that, in the event
the skate plaza is not successful, the park district should consider the
possibility of a new senior center on the site. He recommended that the park
district consider this fall back use when going through the skate park design
Park District supervisor Linda Gryziecki and
architect Gordon Leedy displayed drawings of the proposed skateboard /rollerblade
plaza and presented an overview of the plan. Ms. Gryziecki commented that the
plaza will give skaters and rollerbladers a place to go, and it will serve an
age group that the park district has had limited success with in the past. The
plaza will be able to accommodate 30 -60 users of varying abilities at a time,
with an area for other individuals to wait or watch. There will be a viewing
area outside the plaza as well. The plaza will be fenced and landscaped. It
will have one entrance where plaza regulations and the helmet ordinance will be
posted. The plaza will be unsupervised. Construction of the plaza is scheduled
to begin in the spring and should be ready for use in the summer of 1998. The
project will be paid for using available capital projects funds and possibly
some fundraising.
Trustee Heuberger commended the park
district for coming through for Deerfield's youth. After further discussion,
the motion passed unanimously.
Mr. Ken Wahlin, 819 Hazel Avenue, commented
that he is against the chosen location of the skate plaza, as it is less than
275' from his home. Mr. Wahlin suggested other possible locations which would
put the plaza 1000' or more from residential property. Mr. Wahlin is concerned
about noise, safety and other issues. Mayor Forrest noted that Mr. Wahlin made
a similar statement before the Plan Commission. That Commission and the VCDC
both voted in favor of the park district proposal, and now the Village Board has
approved it as well. Mr. Wahlin may comment again, if he wishes to, at the
November Std Board meeting. Mayor Forrest also asked that the park district
respond to Mr. Wahlin's concerns.
Students Brian Heuberger and Jordan
Bernstein thanked the Board for their efforts in approving the project.
REPORT ON TELECOMMUNICATIONS The Illinois General Assembly has recently
MUNICIPAL INFRASTRUCTURE passed Public Act 90 -154 which substantially
MAINTENANCE FEE ACT eliminates the ability of municipalities to
require telecommunications retailers to
enter into franchise or license agreements and to pay negotiated fees for the
use of public streets and rights -of -way. The act allows franchise fees to
remain in effect during any existing contract period, after which they are to be
replaced by a tax of up to 1% of gross charges. The Village currently has two
franchise fees that are covered under the statute - the telephone franchise fee
and the MFS franchise fee. The cable franchise fee is not affected by the
statute and may remain in effect. Mr. Valentine commented that, overall, the
Village should be financially ahead with the Infrastructure Maintenance Fee.
He, along with the Chairman of the Cable and Telecommunications Commission,
recommends that the Village adopt an ordinance replacing franchise fees with the
1% Municipal Telecommunications Infrastructure Maintenance Fee. If this is done
by November 12, the Illinois Municipal League will be responsible for
notification of telecommunications providers. Mr. Stucko noted that the model
ordinance will need to be modified and put into the Village format.
Trustee Swartz made a motion to adopt the
ordinance, with any necessary changes to the format. Trustee Heuberger seconded
the motion. The motion passed unanimously. This will be a First Reading.
ORDINANCE 0 -97 -45 AMENDING THE An ordinance amending portions of Article 5
ZONING ORDINANCE CONCERNING CERTAIN of the Zoning Ordinance to eliminate and /or
PERMITTED AND SPECIAL USES IN THE reclassify certain uses as Class B Special
C -1 VILLAGE CENTER DISTRICT Uses in the C -1 Village Center District.
Second Reading.
ORDINANCE 0 -97 -46 GRANTING SIDEYARD An ordinance granting a sideyard variation
VARIATION, JONES, 1107 FOREST AVE. to Steve and Marie Jones, 1107 Forest
Avenue. The variation allows an addition to
the rear of the principal structure which would extend the northwest wall in
line with the existing structure's northwest wall. First Reading.
ORDINANCE 0 -97 -47 AMENDING INTER - An ordinance amending the Agency Agreement.
GOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT WITH THE The amendment will reduce the number of
SOLID WASTE AGENCY. OF LAKE COUNTY members required to amend the agency by -laws
from three fourths (27 members) to two
thirds (24 members). Second Reading.
Trustee Seidman moved for a waiver of the
rules to permit the ordinance regarding 1107 Forest Avenue to be voted on at
First Reading. Trustee Swartz seconded the motion. The motion passed
Trustee Seidman moved for passage of the
Consent Agenda and adoption of all ordinances. Trustee Swartz seconded the
motion. The motion passed by the.following vote:
AYES: Ehlers, Heuberger, Seidman, Swanson, Swartz (5)
NAYS: None (0)
ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ZONING Mr. Franz reported that .the petitioner has
ORDINANCE TO PERMIT•BUILDING requested that these two agenda items be
SUPPLY STORES IN C -2 OUTLYING tabled.. Trustee Seidman-so moved. Trustee
COMMERCIAL DISTRICT; 2ND READING AND Heuberger seconded the motion. The motion
REQUEST FOR DRIVEWAY VARIATION, Glenn Koets, 1103 Williams Avenue, reported
KOETS, 1103 WILLIAMS that he has recently replaced his 24' wide
garage with a 30' wide garage and is
requesting the Board to grant an ordinance amending the Municipal Code so that
he can have a 30' paved driveway and curb cut rather than the 18' maximum
allowed by Village ordinance. Currently Mr. Koets' 30' wide driveway is all
concrete from the garage to what he assumes is the property line, and the
remainder is 18' of concrete and 12' of gravel.
Trustee Seidman commented that the
concrete /gravel combination looks bad. Some other trustees indicated that a 30'
concrete driveway would look even worse.
After discussion, Trustee Seidman made a
motion to direct the Village Attorney to prepare an ordinance amending the
Municipal Code to permit construction of a 30' wide driveway. Trustee Ehlers
seconded the motion. The motion failed, with only Trustee Seidman voting for
it. Trustees suggested that Mr. Koets double check the location of his property
line. He can add a concrete driveway to 1' of that line if he so desires.
ANALYSIS AND AWARD OF BID FOR Three bids were received for the 1997 -98
1997 -98 PARKWAY TREE TRIMMING Parkway Tree Trimming contract. It is.Mr.
Soyka's recommendation that the contract be
awarded to low bidder Robert W. Hendricksen Co. in an amount not to exceed the
budgeted amount of $35,000. This company had the contract last year and did a
good job. The quantity of tree trimming will be adjusted to stay within budget.
Trustee Seidman made a motion to award the
contract to Robert W. Hendricksen Co. in an amount not to exceed $35,000.
Trustee Swartz seconded the motion. The motion passed by the following vote:
AYES: Ehlers, Heuberger, Seidman, Swanson, Swartz (5)
NAYS: None (0)
RESOLUTION R-97-16-RE SERVICE Governor Edgar recently signed into law
CREDIT FOR IMRF MEMBERS WHO SERVED Senate Bill 665 which allows IMRF members to
IN THE ARMED FORCES purchase up to two years of IMRF credit for
military service prior to IMRF
participation. The Village may opt into the program at its discretion. The
employee is responsible for the payment of both the member and normal employer
contributions plus interest. IMRF will use the rates in effect when the
military service was rendered, and the .employee's first IMRF salary will be used
in the calculation. The legislation includes a six month window with a reduced
interest rate of 2 -1 /2b. After May 16, the interest rate increases to 7 -1/2%.
The employee will not pay all costs, however. Because of the formula and
because of the six month window, there will be actuarial deficiencies which will
be added to the Village's unfunded liability.
After discussion, Trustee Seidman moved for
approval of the resolution. Trustee Swartz seconded the motion. The motion
passed by the following vote:
AYES: Ehlers, Seidman, Swanson, Swartz (4)
NAYS: Heuberger (1)
AUTHORIZATION FOR MAYOR TO SIGN The Deerfield Police Department is
INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT TO USE requesting that Mayor Forrest be authorized
THE LAKE COUNTY SHERIFF'S SHOOTING to sign an intergovernmental agreement for
RANGE utilization of the Lake _County Sheriff's
shooting range. This is an ongoing contract
that needs to be renewed. The length of the agreement is three years. The cost
is $40 per day on a use basis.
Trustee Swartz made a motion to authorize
the Mayor's signature. Trustee Heuberger seconded the motion. The motion
passed unanimously.
DISCUSSION OF SOUND WALLS John Lyons of 310 Forsythia Drive reported
that there are deficiencies in the sound
walls adjacent to the tollway. These include (1) lack of caulking of the
vertical joints where the slabs fit into the "H" beams, (2) the horizontal gap
that was sloppily filled and which can still be seen through, and (3) the
inadequate length of the wall, allowing the "end around" migration of noise.
Mr. Lyons asked that the Village write to the Deputy Director of the EPA in
Illinois requesting that their sound engineer evaluate the effectiveness of the
sound wall. This evaluation would be without cost to the Village. Mayor
Forrest commented that staff has been working on this matter and will continue
to pursue an acceptable solution.
RESOLUTION R -97 -17 ESTABLISHING A Trustee Ehlers reported that due to the high
MORATORIUM ON ACCEPTANCE OF number of requests by telecommunications
APPLICATIONS FOR A SPECIAL USE TO providers for sites to install or construct
INSTALL OR CONSTRUCT TELECOM- their facilities within the Village, it
MUNICATIONS FACILITIES would be in the Village's best interest to
declare a 180 -day moratorium on the
acceptance of applications. During the moratorium the Plan Commission would be
asked to conduct a review of those portions of the Zoning Ordinance that deal
with the location, regulation and granting of a Special Use to allow the
installation or construction of telecommunications facilities within the Village
limits. Trustee Ehlers moved for a resolution establishing the moratorium.
Trustee Seidman seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
UPDATE ON CARSON'S DRIVEWAY Barbara Little reported that staff is
working with the developer to the south of
Carson's (Heritage) who is doing a detailed topographic survey of the area.
When that is complete, their civil engineer will look at the connection and will
provide drawings. fir. Franz added that when the plans are complete, the
..attorney will be asked to prepare an agreement which will be brought to the
Board for approval of a settlement. Trustee Swartz commented that he was
unhappy to learn that the signal at that intersection is not due to be put up
until next year. He asked staff to see if there is a way the time frame can be
mbved.up. Mr. Franz responded that the date given was an outside date that can
hopefully be improved upon.
TRAIN WHISTLES Mr. Franz commented that the Village has
received several calls from residents about
train whistles blowing at Lake Cook Road. Mr. Franz reported that the trains
are required by federal law to blow their whistles because of the road
construction and the construction of the train station.
OVERNIGHT PARKING AT LAKE COOK Trustee Heuberger commented that some spaces
ROAD TRAIN STATION should be set aside at the Lake Cook Road
station for overnight parking by commuters
who need to have use of a car during the day. Staff will look into the matter.
EXECUTIVE SESSION Mayor Forrest asked for a motion to go into
Executive Session to discuss land
acquisition. Trustee Swartz so moved. Trustee Heuberger seconded the motion.
The motion passed by the following vote:
AYES: Ehlers, Heuberger, Seidman, Swanson, Swartz (5)
NAYS: None (0)
ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to discuss,
Trustee Seidman made a motion to adjourn the
meeting. Trustee Swartz seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:27 P.M.
Village Manager