.June 2, 1997
The regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield was
called to order by Mayor Forrest in the Council Chamber of the Village Hall on
Monday, June 2, 1997, at 8:00 P.M. The Clerk called the roll and announced that
the following were:
Present: Bernard Forrest, Mayor
Marvin W. Ehlers
John H. Heuberger-
Harriet E. Rosenthal
Edwin B. Seidman
Vernon E. Swanson
Michael Swartz
and that a quorum was present and in attendance. Also present were Village
Manager Robert Franz and Attorney James Stucko.
Trustee Seidman made a motion, seconded by
Trustee Ehlers, to approve the minutes of the May 19 meeting and the special May
27 meeting. The motion passed unanimously.
REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION OF BZA The Board of Zoning Appeals held a public
RE REQUEST FOR SIDEYARD VARIATION,. hearing on May 6 to consider the request of
ANTHONY AND CYDNI OTTO, 1356 ARBOR Anthony and Cydni Otto, 1356 Arbor Vitae, for
VITAE a variation to allow a minimum sideyard of
6.77 feet in lieu of the minimum 20 feet
required by Ordinance. Approval of the request would allow the construction of a
two car garage addition. The requested variation is the minimum adjustment
necessary to permit construction of the proposed addition and is necessary due to
the fact that the existing home, built in 1948, does not comply with the sideyard
requirement of the current Zoning Ordinance. The new addition will be no closer
to the side property line than the original structure. The Board of Zoning
Appeals unanimously recommended that the variation be granted as requested.
Trustee Seidman made a motion to accept the
Report and Recommendation of the BZA and to direct the Village Attorney to prepare
an Ordinance. Trustee Swartz seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION OF The Plan Commission held a public hearing on
PLAN COMMISSION AND REPORT AND May 8 to consider the request of Prudential
RECOMMENDATION OF VCDC RE REQUEST Preferred Properties, 734 Waukegan Road, for
FOR AMENDMENT TO CLASS A SPECIAL an amendment of a Special Use to permit the
USE TO PERMIT EXPANSION OF THE expansion of a Class A Special Use. The
PRUDENTIAL PREFERRED PROPERTIES petitioners are proposing to expand their
FACILITIES, 734 WAUKEGAN ROAD real estate office into the vacant tenant
space to the south. The proposed expansion
will add 2,880 square feet of office space to the current space of 3,550 square
feet. By a vote of 4 -0, the Plan Commission voted to approve the request. The
Village Center Development Commission also considered the request and, by a vote
of 4 -0 (1 recuse), voted to approve the expansion.
Mayor Forrest recused himself and turned the
gavel over to Trustee Rosenthal.
Trustee Seidman made a motion to accept the
Reports and Recommendations of the Plan Commission and the VCDC and to direct the
Village Attorney to prepare an Ordinance. Trustee Swartz seconded the motion.
Attorney Frank May, Office Manager Sandra Ross
and building owner James Healy were in attendance to respond to questions from the
Board. After discussion, the motion passed unanimously.
REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION OF PLAN The Plan Commission held a public hearing on
COMMISSION RE REQUEST FOR May 8 to consider the request of the Hyatt
SUBDIVISION OF THE PROPERTY Deerfield Campus for subdivision of the
COMMONLY KNOWN AS 100 -108 WILMOT property commonly known as 100 -108 Wilmot
ROAD, HYATT DEERFIELD CAMPUS Road. The petitioners are requesting a plat
resubdivision of lots 1 and 2 of the northern
portion of the property. -The resubdivision will divide the lots in a different
configuration. It is an internal subdivision only, and there will be no changes
in the PUD. By a vote of 4 -0 the Plan commission voted to approve the request.
They.also noted that the Wilmot Road right -of -way dedications should be reviewed.
Trustee Heuberger recused himself from the
Barbara Houpt noted that the petitioners have
already added language to the plat dedicating the right -of -way.
After further discussion Trustee Seidman made
a motion to approve the petitioner's request for a preliminary and final plat of
subdivision for the northern portion of the Hyatt Deerfield Office Campus.
Trustee Swartz seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION OF PLAN The Plan Commission held a public hearing on
COMMISSION RE REQUEST FOR AMENDMENT May 22 to consider the request of Christ
TO SPECIAL USE TO PERMIT United Methodist Church, 600 Deerfield Road,
CONSTRUCTION OF AN ADDITION AND for amendment of a Special Use to permit
DECK, CHRIST UNITED METHODIST construction of an addition and a deck. By a
CHURCH, 600 DEERFIELD ROAD vote of 5 -0, the Plan Commission voted to
approve the petitioner's request.
Trustee Seidman made a motion to accept the
Report and Recommendation of the Plan Commission and to direct the Village
Attorney to prepare an Ordinance. Trustee Heuberger seconded the motion. The
motion passed unanimously.
REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION OF The Safety Council met on May 13. They are
SAFETY COUNCIL RE STOP SIGNS AT recommending that a single stop sign be
KENMORE AND ROSEWOOD AVENUES installed controlling northbound Kenmore
traffic at Rosewood. They are also
recommending the relocation of the crosswalk, currently mid block between
Birchwood and Kenmore, to the Kenmore /Rosewood intersection. The Police
Department agrees with the Safety Council regarding the relocation of the
crosswalk, but recommends a three way stop for Kenmore /Rosewood. Chief Anderson
noted that the stop signs do not meet state warrant requirements, but the heavy
automobile and pedestrian traffic in the area suggests that the three way stop
would enhance safety.
Sheila Stanger, Chairperson of the Safety
Council, commented that the three -way sign would be acceptable to the Safety
Council. Their choice of a single stop was to avoid possible over signing. Mrs.
Stanger and Board members also discussed the importance of teaching bicycle safety
to school children.
After discussion, Trustee Rosenthal made a
motion to approve the Report and Recommendation of the Safety Council with the
addition of the two stop signs recommended by the Police Department and to direct
the Village Attorney to prepare an Ordinance. Trustee Swartz seconded the motion.
The motion passed unanimously.
REPORT OF POLICE DEPARTMENT RE Chief Anderson reported that, at the request
BICYCLE SAFETY HELMET REGULATIONS of Board members, the Police Department has
looked into the status of safety helmet
legislation. This legislation would apply not only to bicyclists but also to
skateboarders and rollerbladers. Chief Anderson reported that while 13 states have
passed legislation mandating the use of safety helmets, sponsors in the Illinois
legislature have been unable to bring the issue to a vote. Locally, the Village
of Barrington recently passed a comprehensive ordinance dealing with safety
Chief Anderson recommended that if the Board
chooses to enact a safety helmet ordinance, persons over the age of 16 should be
exempt. Chief Anderson further recommended that a warning ticket be issued for
the first instance of non - compliance. The warning ticket would require the
violator's parent to provide evidence within 10 days that a helmet has been
purchased. For a violator who owns but fails to wear a safety helmet, a meeting
with a police officer and assignment of public service would be required. Repeat
offenders would be subject to the issuance of a $50.00 compliance ticket.
Village resident Arlene Segal reported her
experience of witnessing an accident between an automobile and a bicyclist. Since
that incident Mrs. Segal has been a proponent of a bicycle helmet law. She
presented the Board with a petition signed by over 1200 residents who are in favor
of safety helmet legislation.
After discussion, Trustee Seidman made a motion
to accept the Police Department report and direct the Village Attorney to prepare
an Ordinance. Mr. Stucko suggested that the parental liability provision which is
included in the State legislation be omitted. Trustee Swartz seconded the motion.
The motion passed unanimously.
REPORT OF POLICE DEPARTMENT RE Chief Anderson reported that certified massage
LICENSING MASSAGE ESTABLISHMENTS therapists and masseurs are attracting a
significant number of clients who are
interested in the associated health benefits. The industry is not regulated by
State Statute, nor is there State certification for practitioners. In order to
ensure the legitimacy of massage services, the Police Department is recommending
that the Village establish local licensing requirements which will include a
criminal background investigation and fingerprint submission. The Department
recommends a cost of $250 for the business license, $100 for the initial
practitioner's license, and $50 for annual renewal fees.
Trustee Seidman commented that the Ordinance
needs to include language prohibiting sexual contact.
Trustee Swanson made a motion to accept the
Police Department Report and to direct the Village Attorney to prepare an
Ordinance. Trustee Ehlers seconded the motion. The motion passed, with all
voting in favor of it with the exception of Trustee Swartz.
ORDINANCE APPROVING FINAL Mr. Flodstrom is requesting permission to
DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR DEER PARK change the Final Development Plan for Deer
BUSINESS CENTER, FLODSTROM Park Business Center which was previously
presented to the Board. Mr. Flodstrom
proposes to change the building footprint of the two story westernmost building
(Lot A) by widening it 7' on each side, for a,total width of 84' instead of 701.
No other changes in the Plan are required due to the widening, but some
landscaping would be lost. The number of parking spaces is sufficient to meet the
required amount for a general office building of the proposed size.
Mr. Flodstrom was in attendance with an
artist's rendering of the building footprint. Trustees agreed to the change, but
requested that staff check to be sure that the requirements for parking and green
space are met by the revised plan. Mr. Flodstrom agreed to provide an updated
site plan drawing.
Trustee Swanson led a discussion regarding the
manner in which TIF fund amounts allocated to the Flodstrom project should be
computed. He feels the foundation estimate and the roadwork /utility estimates
should be kept separate. Also, Lot D estimates should be kept separate from the
estimate for lots A, B, and C. Other trustees and staff agreed.
Trustee Swartz commented that in his opinion
it is a mistake to commit TIF dollars to this project. Mayor Forrest responded
that the project has been studied in'great detail by staff. He is satisfied that
it will be a good expenditure of TIF funds and that the funds should return to the
Village in less than five years.
This will stand as a First Reading.
An Ordinance rezoning property from a
residential classification to a public lands
classification and amending a Special Use -
METRA /Deerfield Railroad Station at Deerfield
and Chestnut. Second Reading. (Tabled
Trustee Rosenthal made a motion, seconded by
Trustee Heuberger, to remove the agenda item from the table. The motion passed
Tom Jacobs of RUST and Clayton Weaver of METRA
were in attendance to discuss cost sharing and color selections for the train
station. Also in attendance todiscuss color choices was Tom Roth of the
Deerfield Historical Society.
Mr. Jacobs reminded the Board that they had
indicated an interest in using historical colors for the train station. He showed
an artist's rendering of the station with colors as historically accurate as could
be ascertained. The rendering showed the station in dark brown with lighter trim
in several colors and with a brown roof. Mr. Roth also had an artist's rendering
in similar colors. Mr. Jacobs commented that they had not been able to ascertain
the original roofing material of the station. Asphalt or cedar shakes could be
used in the remodelling.
Trustees were divided in their opinion of what
the roofing material should be and whether the historical dark brown should be
used for the siding. Mr. Weaver suggested painting several sample colors on the
train station so that trustees could get a better idea of how the station would
look. He also suggested doing a field comparison of asphalt shingles and
weathered cedar shake shingles. Since painting and roofing are the final elements
of the project, delaying a decision will not hold up progress.
Mr. Jacobs presented a summary of the bid
opening results for the enhancement alternatives which will be paid for by the
Village. These include brick pavers, decorative lights, and design fees and
resurfacing of the west lot. The contractor's bid for these items is $172,750.
Additional bids were requested for a cedar shake roof ($20,000 - $30,000) and for
relocation of the fare boxes from remote locations to underneath the loggia
Board members did not agree with the Police
Department recommendation regarding relocation of the fare boxes, which they felt
would be inconvenient for commuters, but they agreed to the idea of improved
With only the roofing material and the
building color left to decide, Trustee Ehlers made a motion, seconded by Trustee
Seidman, to pass the Ordinance. The motion passed by the following vote:
AYES: Ehlers, Heuberger, Rosenthal, Seidman, Swanson, Swartz (6)
NAYS: None (0)
Mr. Weaver gave a time estimate of one month
for an awarded contract, and substantial completion of the project by the end of
1997. The station will be closed part of the time, with a temporary trailer for
ticket agent services and a waiting area.
UPDATE ON KATES /WAUKEGAN/ Mr. Soyka reported that the State is now
OAKMONT IMPROVEMENTS requiring that the proposed traffic signals
on Waukegan Road interconnect between Kates
Road and Lake Cook Road. This has driven up the estimated cost of the project by
$140,000. The Village is seeking additional funding sources to meet the
SPECIAL CENSUS Mayor Forrest reported that preliminary
figures from the special census show a
population increase of 1503 and an increase of 688 in the number of housing units.
This would bring Deerfield's total population to 18,830 which will translate to an
additional $136,000 in annual State revenues.
ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to discuss,
Trustee Rosenthal made a motion, seconded by
Trustee Seidman, to adjourn the meeting. The motion passed unanimously. The
meeting was adjourned at 9:45 P.M.
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LA Village Clerk )