11/04/1991November 4, 1991 The regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield was called to order by the Mayor in the Council Chamber of the Village Hall on Monday, November 4, 1991 at 8,:00 P.M. The Clerk called the roll and announced that the following were Present: Bernard Forrest, Mayor Marvin Ehlers James L. Marovitz Harriet E. Rosenthal Edwin B. Seidman Vernon E. Swanson Michael Swartz and that a quorum was present and in attendance. Also present was Village Manager Robert Franz and Attorney James Stucko. Trustee Seidman moved, seconded by Trustee Ehlers, that the minutes of the previous meeting be approved. Motion carried unanimously. PROCLAMATION Mayor Forrest proclaimed November 17 -23, 1991 as American Education Week in Deerfield. Trustee Rosenthal moved, seconded by Trustee Swanson, that the Proclamation be accepted. Motion carried unanimously. SIDEYARD VARIATION The Board of Zoning Appeals recommended SODERMAN 1157 LINDEN granting aside yard variation to permit construction of an attached two car garage to within 5 feet of the east property line producing a combined total side yard of 11 feet in lieu of the minimum 14 feet. Trustee Seidman moved, seconded by Trustee Swartz, that the recom- mendation of the Board of Zoning Appeals to grant a side yard variation to Mr. and Mrs. Soderman, 1157 Linden, be accepted and the Attorney directed to prepare the necessary ordinance. Motion carried unanimously. SUBSTANTIAL CONFORMANCE Plan Commission reported petitioner's BULLS TRAINING FACILITY plan for an increase in the size of the satellite dish from 8 feet in diameter to 12 feet in diameter to be in substantial conformance to the previously approved Final Development Plan. Trustee Seidman moved, seconded by Trustee Marovitz, that the recommendation of the Plan Commission re increasing the size of the satellite dish from 8 feet in diameter to 12 feet in diameter at the Chicago Bulls training facility to be in substantial conformance to the previously approved Final Development Plan be accepted. Motion carried unanimously. PROPOSED AMENDMENTS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN/ SARA LEE PROPERTY Comprehensive Plan. Possible Develooment adding nel,T paragraph The Plan Commission recommended the Village of Deerfield consider the former Sara Lee Bakery Facility as a new Possible Development Are, -, ; '.h° PDA section of the It also revised the rreviously proposed Area Section of the Comprehensive Ilan by Jo. 4 "Other Considerations. Ken Shepro, attorney- representin` Sara Lee, requested the Board to remain flexible on the development of the subject property and not to take any action which would operate to the detriment of Sara Lee and the Village. Trustee Seidman moved, seconded by Trustee Swartz, that the Plan Commission conduct a Public nearing on the proposed "Possible LJ� Development Area" as recommended by the Plan Commission. Motion carried. Trustee Marovitz abstained from voting since his law firm, on occasion, represents Sara Lee. AMENDMENTS TO I -2 The Village Staff reviewed the I -2 Zoning PROVISIONS OF District regulations and performance ZONING ORDINANCE standards. Recommendations were submitted which would eliminate uses totally incompatible with the character of the Village and not in operation within the Village for a number of years. Trustee Rosenthal moved, seconded by Trustee Swartz, that amendments to the I -2 provisions of the Zoning Ordinance be referred to the Plan Commission for a Public Hearing. Motion carried unanimously. TEXT AMENDMENT RE The Plan Commission recommended retention FIRST FLOOR RETAIL of the one year time period in the C -1 TIME LIMITATIONS Village Center District during which a IN C -1 DISTRICT similar business use may assume operation under a previously granted Special Use. It also wished to determine whether the Board is interested in reconsidering the entire first floor retail ordinance. Marilyn Scholl, representing the Plan Commission, and Dr. May, of the Village Center Development Commission, discussed the recommendation. Trustee Swartz moved, seconded by Trustee Ehlers, that the Plan Commission recommendation to retain the one year time period in the C -1 Village Center during which a similar business may assume operation under a Special Use be accepted. Motion carried unanimously. Trustee Seidman suggested the Board review this recommendation again in six months. The Board voted not to reconsider the first floor retail ordinance. Trustee Swartz was in favor of reconsideration. 1991 COMPREHENSIVE ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT Trustee Seidman moved, seconded by Trustee Ehlers, that the 1991 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report be approved. Motion carried unanimously. PUBLIC PASSENGER Chief of Police Richard Brandt commented VEHICLE INSPECTION/ on deficiencies in the current procedures LICENSE GROUP for the licensing and inspection of taxis and livery services in the Village. He recommended participating in a Public Passenger Vehicle - Inspection /License Group. This group of northwest suburban communities conducts safety inspections of public passenger vehicles which can be licensed in the participating communities upon payment of the particular municipality's licensing fee. Trustee Rosenthal moved, seconded by Trustee Seidman, that the Village participate in the Public Passenger Vehicle Inspection /License Group and the Attorney directed to prepare the necessary ordinance. Motion carried unanimously. VILLAGE CENTER PARKING A request by merchants in the ncrthwlast quadrant of the Village Center for assist - ance in resolvin_; parkking problemis in their area led to a `.'illage Staff study of the parking matter. Parking surveys were conducted in each of the Village Center quadrants. Several specific areas were identified :where actual parking problems exist. Mayor Forrest advised that whatever action is taken regarding resolution of the parking problem it should be a joint venture between the Village, the Deerfield Chamber of Commerce and the i•ierchants Association. He recommended the Village Center -2- .1� Development Commission handle this project. Trustee Marovitz moved, seconded by Trustee Seidman, that the report and recommendations of the Staff be accepted and the VCDC assigned the task of resolving the parking problem in the Village Center. Motion carried unanimously. AMENDMENTS TO VILLAGE Trustee Seidman moved, seconded by PURCHASING POLICY Trustee Swartz, that the recommendations of the Finance Department regarding amendments to the Village's purchasing policy be approved and the Attorney directed to prepare the necessary ordinance. Motion carried unanimously. 0 -91 -47 ORDINANCE Trustee Seidman moved, seconded by Trustee AMENDMENT RE 911 Marovitz, that the Ordinance amending EMERGENCY TELEPHONE Ordinance 0 -88 -75 re 911 Emergency SYSTEM BOARD Telephone System Board be adopted. Motion carried by the following vote: AYES: Ehlers, Marovitz, Rosenthal, Seidman, Swanson, Swartz (6) NAYS: None (0) WAIVER OF COVENANT Trustee Seidman moved, seconded by EMALFARB /1545 GREENWOOD Trustee Swanson, to remove from table the request for waiver of covenant - Emalfarb, 1545 Greenwood. Motion failed. The Board agreed to take the item off the agenda. RESTAURANT PROPOSAL - Robert Kenny, attorney representing Red RED ROOF INN Roof Inn, discussed the What's Cooking restaurant parcel. He advised that the property owners will be going through the real estate tax division to develop the restaurant parcel. The staff reviewed the proposal and found it to be in compliance with the settlement agreement. Trustee Seidman moved, seconded by Trustee Marovitz, that a proposal for the What's Cooking restaurant parcel to go through the real estate tax division is in compliance with the Red Roof settlement agreement. Motion carried unanimously. EASEMENT AGREEMENT Proposed Easement Agreement with the DEERFIELD AUTO PARTS owner of property at 756 Hoffman Lane (Deerfield Auto Parts) provides for an easement needed to construct Phase II of the York Avenue improvement. Trustee Rosenthal moved, seconded by Trustee Swartz, that the Mayor be authorized to sign an Easement Agreement with Deerfield Auto Parts. Motion carried by the following vote: AYES: Ehlers, Marovitz, Rosenthal, Seidman, Swanson, Swartz (6) NAYS: None (0) CLASS E LIQUOR LICENSE have applied for a Class Trustee larovitz moved, :attorney prepare an ord Carson's Ribs will be opening their restaurant in the near future. They E l.iauor license. seconded by Trustee Ehlers, that the inance for a Class E liquor license. iloti on carried -.with Trustee Swartz casting a negative vote. Trustee Seidman moved, seconded by Trustee Swartz, that following adjournment the Board go into an executive session to discuss land acquisition. Motion carried unanimously. -3- There being no further business, upon motion of Trustee Marovitz, seconded by Trustee Swanson, the meeting adjourned at 9:20 P.M.' �it,�..L LVillage Clerk JW A PROVED: GSA 7- Mayor