08/06/1990August 6, 1990
The regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village of
Deerfield was called to order by the Clerk in the Council Chamber
of the Village Hall on Monday, August 6, 1990, at 8:00 P.M. The
Clerk called the roll and announced that the following were
Present: Marvin Ehlers
James L..Marovitz
Edwin B. Seidman
J. Robert York
Absent: Bernard Forrest, Mayor
Harriet E. Rosenthal
Vernon E. Swanson
and that a quorum was present and in attendance. Also present was
Village Manager Robert Franz and Attorney Herb Linn.
Trustee Marovitz moved, seconded by Trustee Ehlers, that Trustee
Seidman be named Mayor Pro Tem. Motion carried unanimously.
Trustee Marovitz moved, seconded by Trustee Ehlers, that the
minutes of the previous meeting be approved. Motion carried
POLICE DEPARTMENT Police Chief Richard Brandt appeared
OBJECTIVES before the Board to answer any inquiries
on the progress report he submitted. It
was noted that the department's objective of responding to
emergency calls within three minutes has been met. The number of
traffic citations issued has increased 31 %. Police Chief Brandt
attributed this increase to the additional manpower in the
department and continued growth of traffic.
FINAL PLAT OF RESUB- The Plan Commission finds the Final Plat
DIVISION /1303 -1309 of Resubdivision to be in substantial
GREENWOOD conformance to the originally approved
plat and recommends approval.
Trustee Marovitz moved, seconded by Trustee York, that the
recommendation of the Plan Commission to approve the Final Plat of
Resubdivision, 1303 -1309 Greenwood (Skoglund /Kirsh) be accepted.
Motion carried unanimously.
SIGNAGE TEXT AMENDMENT/ The Plan Commission recommended approval
SPECIAL USE AMENDMENT of proposed text amendments pertaining to
DEERFIELD PUBLIC signage in the P -1 District and approval
LIBRARY of the proposed ground identification sign
with the stipulation that the sign
illumination be turned off when the interior library lights are
extinguished. Tom Parfitt, President of the Deerfield Public
Library, displayed a sketch of the proposed sign. (As amended 8/20/90)
Trustee Marovitz moved, seconded by Trustee Ehlers, that the Plan
Commission recommendation regarding request for text amendments
pertaining to signage in the P -1 District and amendment to Special
Use /Deerfield Public Library be accepted and the Attorney directed
to prepare the necessary ordinances. Motion carried unanimously.
TEXT AMENDMENTS - The Plan Commission recommended adoption
PUD AND SHOPPING of the proposed text amendments. Trustee
CENTER DEFINITIONS Marovitz suggested that the definition for
a Planned Unit Development should address
unified control as opposed to single entity. He also suggested
under the definition of Shopping Center the phrase "majority of
those uses" read "majority of the square footage ".
Trustee Marovitz moved, seconded by Trustee Ehlers, that the
Plan Commission recommendation regarding text amendments
pertaining to Shopping centers and Planned Unit Developments be
approved and the Attorney directed to prepare the necessary
ordinance with the modifications as noted. Motion carried
0 -90 -30 ORDINANCE Trustee Marovitz moved, seconded by
CONSTRUCTION SITE SIGN Trustee Ehlers, that the rules be waived
MODIFICATION - KOGEN, to permit passage of the ordinance on
DEERFIELD ESTATES first reading. Motion carried
Trustee Ehlers moved, seconded
Ordinance re construction site
Deerfield Estates be adopted.
by Trustee Marovitz, that the
sign modification - Kogen,
Motion carried by the following
AYES: Ehlers, Marovitz, Seidman, York (4)
NAYS: None (0)
next meeting. This will
renaming Cherry Court.
0 -90 -31 ORDINANCE
Gail Wahba. 1502 Hazel, discussed her
concerns of vandalism in renaming Cherry
Court to Illini Trail. Suggestions for
another name are to be submitted at the
stand as a first reading of an Ordinance
Ordinance increasing number of Class E
Liquor Licenses.
Trustee Marovitz moved, seconded by Trustee Ehlers, that the
Ordinance increasing the number of Class E Liquor Licenses be
adopted. Motion carried by the following vote:
AYES: Ehlers, Marovitz, Seidman, York (4)
NAYS: None (0)
INTERGOVERNMENTAL Ordinance authorizing execution of inter -
AGREEMENT -LAKE COUNTY governmental agreement re Solid Waste
COMPOSTING FACILITY Agency of Lake County (SWALCO). First
LAKE COOK ROAD AGREE- Trustee Ehlers moved, seconded by Trustee
MENT - PRE -PHASE I York, that the Mayor be authorized to
ARTERIAL STUDY, PHASE execute the revised Lake Cook Road Agree -
I ENGINEERING STUDY ment re Pre -Phase I Strategic Arterial
Study and Phase I Engineering Study.
Motion carried by the following vote:
AYES: Ehlers, Marovitz, Seidman, York (4)
NAYS: None (0)
required contribution is
This agreement allows the Village to use
Lake County's composting facility in the
Lakewood Forest Preserve. Deerfield's
Trustee Marovitz moved, seconded by Trustee Ehlers, that the Mayor
be authorized to sign an intergovernmental agreement re Lake
County Composting Facility. Motion carried by the following vote:
AYES: Ehlers, Marovitz, Seidman, York (4)
NAYS: None (0)
REVISED ANIMAL CONTROL Kent Street, Assistant to the Village
CONTRACT WITH LAKE Manager, discussed the minor changes
COUNTY in the revised animal control contract.
Staff requested passing on the $25 service charge of Lake County
to the pet owner.
Trustee Ehlers moved, seconded by Trustee York, that the Mayor be
authorized to sign the revised Animal Control Contract with Lake
County as amended and the Attorney directed to prepare the
necessary ordinance passing on the cost of the Lake County service
fee. Motion carried unanimously.
DISCUSSION: Fred Auch, a resident of The Fountains in
Deerfield, noted that 12 to 15 acres of
wooded land on the northwest corner of Lake Cook and Pfingsten
Roads had been cleared. He inquired who owned that parcel of land
and how many more trees would be cleared. He was concerned about
flooding. Mrs. Berkley, another resident of The Fountains,
reported an open sewer area immediately south of her property
line. She was advised that the Village would inspect that area
the following day.
In response to Mr. Auch's inquiry, Village Manager Robert Franz
stated that the parcel of land being cleared was owned by Trammel
Crow. Trees were removed to prepare the land for fill from the
retention basin site across Lake Cook Road. A meeting is
scheduled with Trammel Crow and Village Staff for the following
day regarding this land clearing project.
Davida- Terry, representing Ryerson Deer Foundation, spoke of her
efforts to contact Trammel Crow and the Army Corps of Engineers.
It was her understanding that there were five deer in the wooded
area. She had been contacted by residents who felt that removal
of the trees necessitated relocation of the deer. Ms. Terry urged
the Village to create some type of legislation to prevent
developers from destroying natural wild areas. Stephen Davis, of
Northbrook, also suggested the Village set aside a certain
percentage of its natural wooded areas from development.
Village Manager Robert Franz asked if the Board wanted to consider
a public hearing on banners in the Village Center. The proposed
text amendment on temporary signs eliminates any use of banners
except for churches. Trustee Marovitz moved, seconded by Trustee
Ehlers, that the Plan Commission be directed to hold a Public
Hearing on banners. Motion carried unanimously.
There being no further business, upon motion of Trustee Marovitz,
seconded by Trustee York, the meeting adjourned at 9:15 P.M.
Village Clerk
Mayor -e,o