06/18/1990�1 I June 18, 190/0 The regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield was called to order by the Mayor in the Council Chamber of the Village Hall on Plonday, June 18, 1990, at 8:00 P.M. The Clerk called the roll and announced that the following were Present: Bernard J. Forrest, Mayor James L. 'Marovitz Cynthia J. Marty Harriet B. Rosenthal Edwin B. Seidman Vernon E. Swanson J. Robert York and that a quorum was present and in attendance. Also present was Village Manager Robert Franz and Attorney James Stucko. Mayor Forrest requested the minutes of the previous meeting regarding Bannockburn Water Service note the ;�ayor commented that when a representative from Bannockburn appeared before the Board to discuss the Water Service matter, that he be prepared to discuss Bannnockburn's traffic plans on Wilmot Road. Trustee Seidman moved, seconded by Trustee Marty, that the minutes as amended, be approved. ;Motion carried unanimously. BILLS AND PAYROLL Trustee Seidman moved, seconded by Trustee I•:arovitz, that the Bills and Payroll be approved. lotion carried by the following vote: AYES: Marovitz, Harty, Rosenthal, Seidman, Swanson, York (6) NAYS: ;Lone ( 0 ) Mayor Forrest presented a Certificate of Appreciation Plague to Jack Cooper, Chairman of the Police Pension Board, for outstanding and dedicated service to the Village of Deerfield in his years of service on that Board from 1975 to 1A90. Mr. Cooper is moving from Deerfield. (as amended 7/2/90) TEXT A'IENDMENT, The Plan Commission recommended that a A1IENDMENT /SPECIAL USE Text Amendment be made to the Zoning 756 HOFFMAN LANE Ordinance to permit a dog grooming parlor as a Special Use in the I -2 District (Village Center only) and an amendment be granted to the petitioner's existing Special Use to permit a dog grooming parlor to operate in the western part of the building at 756 Hoffman Lane. The Village Center Development Commission recommended approval of a dog grooming parlor. Trustee Rosenthal moved, seconded by Trustee York, that the recommendations of the Plan Commission and the Village Center Development Commission be accepted and the Attorney directed to prepare the necessary ordinance. Motion carried unanimously. PROPOSED TEEXT AVIE4ID- Barbara Houpt, Director of Community I4E'_.TI S - LOTS IN DEPTiI Development, discussed the ;proposed text, LOTS) .` i- .- ,eni.'mien �s %,,,ith t_1e 3oarcl. it :as 2.�ree(� ',iat 'uideilnes IDE., est bllslied so that there lias consisten127 in h.a dlin- rlee;3 lot subdivision recuests. Trustee 'loved, seconded "by Trustee Rosenthal, that the Plan Co- mimission recoililendation re proposed text ar endments rec-ulatins lots in depth (flag lots) be approved and the Attorney directed to prepare the necessary ordinance. 'Motion failed. Mayor Forrest suggested this matter go back to the Plan Commission for a rehearing and that prohibition against this type of development be included. Trustee Seidman moved, seconded by Trustee Marovitz, that the proposed text amendments regulating lots in depth (flag lots) be sent back to the Plan Commission for a rehearing and prohibition against development of lots in depth. 11otion carried unanimously. FINAL PIAT OF SUB- The Plan Commission recommends approval DIVISIMT /DEERFIEID of the Final Plat of Subdivision for ESTATES - 10 AND 20 Deerfield Estates. Bob DiI.eonardi, LAKE COOK ROAD (KOGEN) attorney for petitioner, discussed the Traffic Signalization Agreement. Petitioner requests a cap of X60,000 maximum liability and a time limit of two years past the date of approval of the subdivision be incorporated in the Agreement. The Board agreed that a cap be included in the document and suggested a time limit of five years after approval of the subdivision. Trustee Marty moved, seconded by Trustee i'7arovitz, that the recommendation of the Plan Commission approving the Final Plat of Subdivision for Deerfield Estates be approved and the Mayor be authorized to sign the Traffic Signalization Agreement with a cap of $60,000 and a time limit of five years. Iiotion carried unanimously. i`ON- CONFORMING The Board of Zoning Appeals recommended STRUCTURE VARIATION granting a variation from the 849 CENTRAL: /TRANOGISKI Non- Conforming lot Provisions to permit an addition to an existing non - conforming structure and that the requested variation permit a minimum side yard of 2.83 feet in lieu of 5 feet and a combined total side yard of 13.39 feet in lieu of 14 feet. Trustee Seidman moved, seconded by Trustee i`arovitz, that the recommendation of the Board of Zoning Appeals be accepted and the Attorney directed to prepare the necessary ordinance. 1-lotion carried unanimously. SUBSTANTIAL CONFORi -1ANCE The Plan Commission finds the proposed LAKE COOK PIAZA - deck would be in substantial conformance MULTIPLEX to the originally approved plan for Lake Cook Plaza. Gale Landers, representing Multiplex, and Joe Boyer, representing the builder, responded to inquiries on the proposed deck. Trustee Marty moved, seconded by Trustee Rosenthal, that the recommendation of the Plan Commission for finding of substantial conformance - Lake Cook Plaza /'rlultiplex be accepted. ?-lotion carried unanimously. Consent Agenda 0 -90 -24 ORDINANCE Ordinance increasing number of Class C CIASS C LIQUOR LICENSE Liquor licenses. 0- 90� -25 ORDI:IA,IC% Ordinance amendi n; the ZOnlilj '.`ap and 36 I OT Su3D171SI0 ; a-o provin� a. lot s- bdivi sion - "o1 MCI FA:.;IIy MSPITAI / Fa-,ii' v ;Iospi tal /'= o =_-en Enter-)rises. V _1OuIi L i''i rrl�ISS 0 -90 -26 ORDI13A ?CF Orai nance amendi n Section 22 -1 67 of the FIRE LANES ('4ARRIOTT Ilunicipal Code re: Fire Lanes (Marriott SUITES) Suites). Trustee ;Tarty moved, seconded be waived to permit passage of first reading. Motion carried by Trustee 14arovitz, that the rules the Ordinance re fire lanes on unanimously. Trustee Tarty moved, seconded by Trustee Swanson, that the Consent Agenda be accepted and the Ordinances adopted. Motion carried by the following vote: AYES: 1arovitz, 1.1arty, Rosenthal, Seidman, Swanson, York (6) NAYS: done (0Y BANNOCKBURN WATER Trustee Rosenthal moved, seconded by SERVICE -1330 AND Trustee Marty, that the Bannockburn dater 1400 NORTH AVENUE Service - 1330 and 1400 North Avenue be removed from table. Notion carried unanimously. Donald jlhiting, a Trustee from the Village of Bannockburn, discussed the request regarding connection of Deerfield's water line to two Bannockburn residents. Trustee Marovitz - moved, seconded by Trustee Seidman, that Deerfield supply water service to 1330 and 1400 North Avenue. Bannockburn. Motion carried by the following vote: AYES: 1-11arovitz, Marty, Rosenthal, Seidman, Swanson, York (6) NAYS: None (0) Mayor Forrest commented that many Deerfield residents were concerned about access of Wilmot Road north of ` 4orth avenue. He asked 1"Ir. t,Thiting what were the future traffic plans of Bannockburn regarding that area. Trustee Swanson asked if "local traffic only" signs included Deerfield residents who lived in close proximity to Bannockburn. 'Mr. lvIhiting noted he was not prepared to make any commitments regarding local traffic going north on Wilmot Road but he promised to bring Deerfield's concerns before his Village Board and would give a full report on the questions raised. PRELIMI11ARY PIAT Trustee 'Marty moved, seconded by Trustee EXTENSION - 11II.I OW Swanson, that an additional six-month AND COUNTRY LANE extension of Preliminary Plat - Special (SANTI -DL LEONARDIS) Use Planned Residential Development/ Resubdivision, SW corner of 11illow and Country lane (Santi -De Leonardis) be approved. Motion carried unanimously. R -90 -5 RESOIUTION As a Horne Rule 1unicipality, Deerfield COMMUNITY RESIDENCE is required to submit a plan to the PLAN (GROUP HOMES) Illinois Planning Council on Developmental Disabilities by July 1, 1990 detailing those measures that the municipality has taken and will take to assure the adequate availability of sites for community residence within a municipality. Trustee Swanson expressed concern over a section of Exhibit A of the Resolution regarding licensing of facilities by the Village. He was advised that the Village would not be issuing licenses but registering the owners or operators for purpose of identity. sirus ee ose-, lal ;Ilove;i, 38C0_L_% '- bI _. 11 .._.rU v:lc_i the 'Oesolu' ion re C'ci ?: ili ??L Residence Plan (GrouU Homes) be i)ajsed. .:otion c2.rr i ed ilnanimousi", . 'iARD O1 ..ID - 1990 Trustee Seid Tan moved, seconC ed by Trustee STREET REHABII ITATION 1.iarovitz, that a contract for the 1990 PROGR iii Street R ehabili Cation Pro,ram be awarded to _•7onarc_}. As7)11alt Co. at a cost not to °:.ce`'-• ��, ��! ? , col l � 'Yw01 rJ IO - AYES: Marovitz, 1--Iarty, Rosenthal, Seidman, Swanson, York (6) NAYS: None (0) CHANGE ORDER - PUB1IC Failure of the paved area around the WORKS BUILDING PARKING Public Works Building cannot be corrected LOT and must be completely removed and redone. The Village has requested an enhanced pavement design to provide 10 to 15 years of relatively maintenance free service. The cost of the change order for replacement and upgrading of the parking lot is $155,000. Trustee Marty moved, seconded by Trustee Seidman, that approval be given for a change order re the Public 1,1orks Building parking lot in the amount of $155,000.00. Motion carried by the following vote: AYES: Marovitz, IIarty, Rosenthal, Seidman, Swanson, York (6) NAYS: None (0) DISCUSSION: Sheila Stanger, Chairman of the Safety Council, asked the Board to approve a "No Parking" sign on the west side of Pine Street by the Cadwell School and the Pine Street triangle during the summer baseball season. The Safety Council recommends a permanent sign. The Village has agreed to put up the sign immediately but will review the situation in the fall to determine whether it should be permanent or temporary. Bags for the yard waste program will be available on Tuesday. The Energy Council feels that each home in the Village should be given a bag to start the program. Staff considers this a wasteful effort. Laidlaw will distribute a door hanger leaflet describing the program and basic information on recycling. Everyone will get a leaflet and the newsletter will focus on the issue. Trustee Rosenthal suggested a supply of free bags be on hand at the Village Hall for residents as a gesture of community spirit. Village Manager Franz explained the water sprinkling ban. Residents with odd numbered addresses can sprinkle from 6 P.M. on odd numbered days until 12 noon the following day and residents with even numbered addresses can sprinkle on even numbered days from 6 P.114. until noon the following day. Village Manager Franz advised that landscape proposals for the train station, Streetscape areas and commuter parking lot were received. He requested authorization from the Board to negotiate further with Helke Landscaping, the lowest bidder. If a formal agreement is necessary, it will be brought before the Board at the next meeting. Trustee Seidman moved, seconded by Trustee Marovitz, that the Village Manager be authorized to negotiate a landscaping contract with Helke Landscaping. Motion carried unanimously. Trustee Marty read her formal letter of resignation as a Village Trustee. i4ayor Forrest named ', arvin Ehlers, Chairman of the Plan Commission, as a replacement for Trustee ?Marty. Trustee 1.1arovitz moved, seconded by Trustee 1'or_%i, t0 tdaive the notice reGui re -tints for consideration of a Trustee to fill a vacancy on the Boaard of Trustees. 1Iotion carried by the follc:•iine vote: AYES: "arovitz, Rosenthal, Seidman, Swanson, York (5) IIAYS: None (0) Trustee 111arovitz !coved, seconded by Trustee Seidman, that ',Iarvin Ehlers be a-,)'Jointed a Trustee to fill the unex Dired tern: of Cylltnia j. 'iart;r. ;lotion carries b ti-le, folio: _r} e. AYES: Marovitz, Rosenthal, Seidman, Swanson, York (5) NAYS: None (0) Mayor Forrest appointed I- iichael Swartz as Chairman of the Plan Commission and recommended Marilyn Scholl to fill the vacancy on the Plan Commission. Trustee Seidman moved, seconded by Trustee Rosenthal, to approve the recommendations. i- iotion carried unanimously. There being no further business, upon motion of Trustee Seidman, seconded by Trustee Marovitz, the meeting adjourned at 0:40 P.M. APP OVED: ,iayor ig,_ _