01/05/1987January 5,..1987 The regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield was called to order by the Clerk, in the Council Chamber of the Village Hall on January the following.were.M• The Clerk called the roll and announced Present: Bernard Forrest, Mayor James L. Marovitz Cynthia J. Marty Edwin B. Seidman Vernon E. Swanson J. Robert York Absent: Harriet E. Rosenthal and Manager uRobertpFranztanddVillageeAt present Village age torney�JamesK. Stucko. Trustee Seidman moved, seconded by Trustee Marty, that the minutes of the previous meeting be approved. Motion carried unanimously. SPECIAL USE - MEDICAL OFFICES - 707 LAKE -COOK ROAD AMENDMENT MUNICIPAL CODE - OBSTRUCTION OF FIRE HYDRANTS CONSENT AGENDA Ordinance granting special use for medical offices, 707 Lake -Cook Road. First reading. Ordinance amending Municipal Code regarding obstruction of fire hydrants. First reading. The Board requested that a definition of obstruction be obtained from the Fire Department to determine whether charging a fee for maintaining an obstruction, which w.s in the original ordinance, is appropriate. Trustee Seidman moved, seconded by Trustee Marovitz, that the Consent Agenda be adopted. Motion carried unanimously. ORDINANCE 0 -87 -1 Trustee Seidman moved, seconded by Trustee York, AMENDMENT /ZONING MAP- that rules be waived for first reading of DEERFIELD STATE BANK ordinance amending the zoning map regarding Deerfield State Bank. Motion carried unanimously. Trustee Marty moved, seconded by Trustee Marovitz, that the ordinance amending the zoning map regarding Deerfield State Bank be adopted. Motion carried by the following vote: AYES: Marovitz, Marty, Seidman, Swanson, York (5) NAYS: None (0) ORDINANCE 0 -87 -2 Trustee Marty moved, seconded by Trustee Marovitz, SPECIAL USE - that rules be waived for first reading of the DEERFIELD STATE BANK ordinance granting special use regarding Deerfield State Bank. Motion carried unanimously. There was a discussion of'Deerfield State Bank developing their uparking o lot, as it relates to potential redevelopment quadrant Increment Financing. The Board agreed that review of the parking situa- tion should be held within a year. Trustee Seidman moved, seconded by Trustee Marty, that an ordinance i granting special use to permit expansion of the second floor of Deerfield State Bank be adopted. Motion carried by the following vote: AYES: Marovitz, Marty, Seidman, Swanson, York (5) NAYS: None (0) LA KE -COOK / PFINGSTEN Village Engineer James Soyka briefed the Board on � BRIDGE INTERSECTION the proposed Letter of Agreement between the Cook IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT County Highway Department and the Village of OZ.. 9 3. - Deerfield regarding the Lake - Cook /Pfingsten bridge intersection. The County will build a bridge extending Pfingsten Road north of Lake-Cook Road if the Village designs the structure and gives them the plans. Plans have been approved by IDOT Bridge and Water Divisions. The bridge will be paid for by the County and Deerfield shall design all improve- ments south of Lake Cook Road. The County will reimburse Deerfield for that portion of the project. Cost of traffic signal changes for the intersection will be split. Trustee Marty moved, seconded by Trustee Marovitz, that the Mayor be authorized to sign an agreement with the Cook County Highway Department regarding the Lake - Cook /Pfingsten bridge intersection improvement. Motion carried by the following vote:: AYES: Marovitz, Marty, Seidman, Swanson, York (5) NAYS: None (0) PLAT OF DEDICATION Trustee Seidman moved, seconded by Trustee Marty, CHADWICK SQUARE that the Mayor be authorized to sign plat of dedication (Somerset Avenue) in connection with the Chadwick Square Subdivision. Motion carried unanimously. SUPPLEMENTAL MFT Insufficient MFT money was appropriated in 1986 RESOLUTION based on projections contained in the 1985 budget. The 1986 budget indicates that $225,000 should have been appropriated rather than $205,000. Village Engineer James Soyka recommended passage of a supplement resolution. Trustee Seidman moved, seconded by Trustee Marty, that a 1986 Supplement Resolution in the amount of $20,000 be passed. Motion carried by the following vote: AYES: Marovitz, Marty, Seidman, Swanson, York (5) NAYS: None (0) DESIGN OF LAKE -COOK/ It was the recommendation of the Village Engineer PFINGSTEN ROAD that PRC Engineering be retained to design two CULVERTS - RIVER bridge structures to accommodate the relocated RELOCATION river at Lake -Cook and Pfingsten Roads. Trustee Marty moved, seconded by Trustee Marovitz, that PRC Engineering be awarded a contract to perform design engineering services in an amount not to exceed $81,189 plus reimbursable expenses. Motion carried by the following vote: AYES: Marovitz, Marty, Seidman, Swanson, York (5) NAYS: None (0) DESIGN OF CHICAGO Proposed project involves design of a new channel RIVER REALIGNMENT for the West Fork of the North Branch of the Chicago River in a north- .. ,8outli. direction, including design of a berm between the new channel and west property line. There was a discussion of the excavation work and excess material required for the berm. The Board directed that any excess fill material hauled in from offsite be tested for contaminants and pollutants prior to its use for.the berm. Trustee.Marty moved, seconded by Trustee Seidman, that the recommenda- tion of the Village Engineer that the Ciorba Group be authorized to undertake to design engineering services work for.the Chicago River realignment project, including all necessary permits, for a fee not to exceed $40,600 be accepted. Motion carried by the following vote: AYES: Marovitz, Marty, Seidman, Swanson, York (5) NAYS: None (0) 1987 STREET The following streets.have been tentatively REHABILITATION scheduled for rehabilitation in 1987: Hazel, PROGRAM Sheridan, Carlisle, Central, Hackberry.. Estimated cost of construction is $600,000. Based on previous experience, Village Engineer James Soyka recommended the Ciorba Group be commissioned to design and supervise the 1987 Street Rehabilitation Program. n_ k� Trustee Marty moved, seconded by Trustee Seidman, that the Ciorba Group be commissioned to design and supervise the 1987 Street Rehabilitation Program in an amount not to exceed $54,300 plus the cost of material testing. Motion carried by the following vote: AYES: Marovitz, Marty, Seidman, Swanson, York (5) NAYS: None (0) Trustee York expressed his opinion that the Village should oppose this project. He felt it would not be in the best interests of Deerfield or the area to permit this project to be built and encouraged support of Deerfield's neighbors in this matter.. Trustee Seidman moved, seconded by Trustee Swanson, that the Mayor be directed to write a letter to the Lake County Board of Zoning Appeals supporting Lake Forest and Bannockburn in their opposition to a shopping center on Beeson's property. Motion carried unanimously. . There being no further business, upon motion of Trustee Marovitz, seconded by Trustee Marty, the meeting adjourned at 9:05 P.M. ATTEST: Villacfe C1 J -3- I/ Mayor DISCUSSION ITEM: Mayor Forrest noted that a petition will be BEESON'S PROPERTY presented to the Lake County Board of Zoning Appeals regarding a proposed shopping center on Beeson's property on the northeast corner of Waukegan Road and Route _. 22. The neighboring commun e- i,es-of Lake- Forest and Bannockburn oppose. this project and seek Deerfield's support in their opposition. Trustee York expressed his opinion that the Village should oppose this project. He felt it would not be in the best interests of Deerfield or the area to permit this project to be built and encouraged support of Deerfield's neighbors in this matter.. Trustee Seidman moved, seconded by Trustee Swanson, that the Mayor be directed to write a letter to the Lake County Board of Zoning Appeals supporting Lake Forest and Bannockburn in their opposition to a shopping center on Beeson's property. Motion carried unanimously. . There being no further business, upon motion of Trustee Marovitz, seconded by Trustee Marty, the meeting adjourned at 9:05 P.M. ATTEST: Villacfe C1 J -3- I/ Mayor