August 19, 1985
The regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield was called
to order by the Mayor in the Council Chamber of the Village Hall on Monday, August
19, 1985 at 8:00 p.m. The Clerk called the roll and announced the following were
Present: Bernard Forrest, Mayor
Cynthia J. Marty
Harriet E. Rosenthal
Edwin B. Seidman
Vernon E. Swanson
J. Robert York
*Absent: James L. Marovitz
and that a quorum was present and in attendance. Also present were Village Manager
Robert D. Franz and Village Attorney James K. Stucko.
Trustee Seidman moved, seconded by Trustee Rosenthal, that the minutes of the pre-
vious meeting be approved with the following correction: last page, last item,
regarding a Tax Reform proposal, delete the term "nomenclature." Motion carried
WARRANT APPROVED Trustee Seidman moved, seconded by Trustee
NO. W -85 -08 Marty, to approve the Bills and Payroll.
Motion carried on the following vote:
*Trustee Marovitz entered the meeting at 8:05 p.m. and was present thereafter.
TREASURER'S REPORT Finance Director George Valentine reported
is 11% over
down turn.
ception of
that the July receipts for April Sale Tax
the collection for the same period last year, reversing a 3 -month
Other revenues are acting as projected. Expenditures, with the ex-
the street department, are within budget.
Mayor Forrest asked whether information was forthcoming from the State regarding
new businesses in the Village as a result of recent legislation. Mr. Valentine
replied that the State is starting to report new businesses with their "doing
business address and doing business name." He expects to receive within a week
a list, as complete as the State has, of all businesses in the Village with
their "doing business address and name." He stated that procedures will be estab-
lished for part time employees to check businesses door to door to make sure all
are listed.
DEPARTMENTAL OBJECTIVES Finance Director George Valentine spoke
FINANCE DEPARTMENTAL briefly about each project listed in his
Departmental Report submitted earlier to
the Board. He added that a municipal insurance program was being looked into,
which he would discuss in considerable detail later in the meeting.
Trustee Rosenthal asked why vehicle stickers were sold during the winter, when
the cold makes it difficult to replace old stickers with new ones. Attorney
Stucko stated that the sale of the stickers was coordinated with the sale of
dog licenses, etc. for easier collection of license fees. Some Board members
felt the present practice which permits stickers to be bought in November to
be acceptable. Trustee Rosenthal stated she saw no reason not to issue stickers
in warmer months for the convenience of Villagers, especially those who do not
garage their cars.
Mr. Valentine stated that the chief difficulty in changing the date was financial.
Are citizens to be given a "pass" for part of one year or charged for more than
one year? Mayor Forrest asked Mr. Valentine to prepare a report listing the
pros and cons and to check out the practices of other municipalities.
Tax Levy - Truth in Taxation
Finance Director George Valentine explained that Illinois statutes require a pub-
lic hearing prior to passage of a property tax levy when the levy is increased
more than 5% over the previous year.
The actual 1984 levy (after abatements) was 2,552,617. The 1985 tax levy (before
abatements) is $3,311,028, making it appear 29.7% higher than that for 1984.
However, the Village plans a significant abatement of about $390,000 which will
reduce the Village's levy, including the library, to $2,921,868, or an increase
of about 14.5% ...$1.48 per $1,000 equalized assessed evaluation. This increase
is due to: 1),debt service caused by a $4.1 bond issue for streets and sewers,
and 2) a 16% increase in the library levy for renovation of the roof, and other
structural maintenance.
Mayor Forrest stated that newspapers had been printing erroneous figures about
the impact on individual property taxes. He noted that a house with a market
value of $120,000 would have an increase of $60 per year, and a house with a mar-
ket value of $210,000 would get an increase of $105. He commented, "Considering
what it is being purchased for the money, I think it's money well spent."
A resident asked about taxes from the new developments south of Lake -Cook Road.
He was advised that with the exception of the Arbor Lake development, the others
are part of the Tax Increment Financing district to promote development in the
area, but they will eventually pay about 10% of their taxes to Deerfield.
There being no others wishing to be heard, Mayor Forrest adjourned the hearing.
APPEARANCE REVIEW Mayor Forrest stated that the Board had re-
COMMISSION AND CODE ceived a report and recommendation from the
VCDC REP. /RECOMM. Village Center Development Commission (VCDC)
to adopt an Appearance Review Commission
and Code. He added, "It represents a lot of work on the part of the VCDC, and
I think they've done a remarkable job. It's very well done. I feel that the
Board ought to review this and begin the process of forming a Commission as
suggested by the VCDC."
Trustee -Marty stated she felt the concept good, but would like to have the Staff
and attorney get the code in final form for adoption. Attorney Stucko agreed,
stating that after the Board makes general comments on the ideas or concepts pre-
sented, Staff could then look at the code to consider mechanics of implementa-
tion and come up with a definitive draft for Board consideration.
Discussion followed regarding certain items in the code: definitions, powers
and duties of the Commission, jurisdictions, interaction with VCDC and Plan
Commission, etc. Members of the VCDC were present and participated in the
Trustee Marty moved, seconded by Trustee Marovitz, to accept the Deerfield Appear-
ance Code and refer it to the attorney and Staff to put it into final form, and
instruct the attorney to prepare an appropriate ordinance. Motion carried unani-
Attorney Stucko stated that he would welcome further comments or suggestions
from the Board or VCDC. Mayor Forrest stated that Staff will keep the VCDC
informed of any comments the Board may make, thus providing for interaction
of ideas.
not received a written explanation
denial of his request. Manager Fr,
Mr. Carrier had been sent the Plan
Manager Franz stated that despite deferral of
the petition from the last Board meeting, Mr.
Carrier had asked by letter, for another
deferral until late October, indicating he had
as to why the Plan Commission had recommended
3nz stated that to the best of his knowledge,
Commission's report.
Mayor Forrest stated he did not consider Mr. Carier's request valid: Trustee
Seidman and Marty agreed. Mr. Oberman, property owner adjacent to Mr. Carrier
and Mr. Richard Katz, another neighbor, opposed another postponement. They
stated that though Mr. Carrier had already been given a two week deferral, he
was repeating his original request for an extension until the last of October.
They said they had come twice to the Board meeting and did not feel it fair
that they should have to come a third time. Mayor Forrest agreed, stating he
felt another postponement would be an imposition on these neighbors.
Trustee Marovitz stated that he did not feel another two -week continuance was
out of line, and that Mr. Carrier should be advised that the Board was pressed
to hear him, that the matter will be taken up at the next Board meeting, and
that it will not be continued until October.
Trustee Seidman moved, seconded by Trustee Marovitz,to table the Carrier petition
until the September 3rd meeting and to advise him at that time that there would
be no further extension. Motion carried, Trustee Swanson dissenting.
Additionally, that Plan No.6 be
PLAN COMMISSION: The report and recommenda-
tion for the Unger property at 510 Deerfield
Road was tabled pending a public hearing by
the Board of Zoning Appeals. They recommended
unanimously that if necessary variations are
granted, the proposed Plan No. 1 be approved.
approved as an alternative resubdivision.
BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS: A public hearing was held July 30th. On a vote of
6 -0, the BZA recommended that the variations requested be granted for Plan No. 1
with a property line location to follow the existing curb cut at the southwest
corner of Lot No. 14 because Plan No. 1 maintains a larger, more buildable Lot
No. 14.
Trustee Seidman moved, seconded by Trustee Marty, to approve both the Plan Com-
mission's and the BZA's recommendations for Plan No. 1, and to direct the attor-
ney to prepare the necessary ordinance. Motion carried unanimously.
FIRST NATIONAL BANK The Board of Zoning Appeals (BZA) held a
SIGN VARIATION REQUEST hearing July 30, 1985 to consider the peti-
BZA REPORT & RECOMMENDATION tion of the First National Bank of Deerfield
for a variation to allow a sign 25'9" in
height rather than the permitted 20' maximum height. On a vote of 6 -0, the BZA
recommended the variation be denied on the grounds that 1) an increase in height
would not be beneficial, and 2) there are other alternatives that will serve
the purpose better than the requested variation.
Trustee Swanson moved, seconded by Trustee Marovitz, to accept the BZA's recom-
mendation. .
Trustee Swanson stated that raising the height of a sign already too high, in
his opinion, would not be in accord with the proposed Appearance Code for the
Village Center. Trustee York was strongly in favor of granting whatever was
necessary to allow the sign, blocked by the recently installed traffic sign, to
be visible from the south. BZA chairman Robert Speckman stated that the Bank
had requested the sign height recommended by a sign company which felt that
with the size of the lettering and the raised height, the sign could be seen
from 300 feet south. However, a tree not on the Bank's property would still
block the sign from view.
It was noted that Mr. Speckman had advised the Bank's representative that the
BZA recommendation would be before the Mayor and Board of Trustees on August 19th.
However, no representative of the Bank was present.
Motion to deny the petition passed unanimously.
ORDINANCE NO. 0 -85 -37
formity with the Lake County
on the following vote:
First reading of ordinance.
Trustee Marty moved, seconded by Trustee
Swanson, to pass the ordinance amending
the Municipal Code to bring it into con -
Health Department requirements. Motion carried
AGREEMENT - CIORBA GROUP Manager Franz stated that at the time the
INSPECTION SERVICES Budget was being prepared, the need for in-
1985 STREET RESURFACING spection services in connection with the
1985 Street Resurfacing program was discussed.
It was felt that it would be wiser to contract for this service than hire addi-
tional Staff. Mayor Forrest stated that with all the programs underway in the
Village, there is not a sufficient number of hours of Village Engineer Soyka's
time for inspection of this program.
Manager Franz stated that Mr. Soyka had recommended, and he agreed, that the
Ciorba Group, which has a field- construction office in the Village at this
time, be given the contract at a cost not to exceed $15,000. However, it
is believed that the cost can be held to $10,000 with supplemental inspection
by the Village.
Trustee Marty moved, seconded by Trustee Seidman, to enter into an agreement
with Ciorba Group, Inc. for additional inspection services at a cost not to
exceed $15,000. The motion carried on the following vote: .
TAX LEVY ORDINANCE FOR 1986 First reading of Ordinance
VILLAGE INSURANCE Mayor Forrest stated that the insurance
problem of municipalities as well as small
businesses is widespread and often involves increases in premiums of three to
four hundred percent. In some instances no coverage is available, necessitating
self insurance or the joining of a pool as Deerfield is considering. Due to
the fact that the insurance industry has lost money in underwriting and are un-
able to earn as much in investments as in the past, they are raising their pre-
miums or no longer writing municipal insurance. Such is the case with Deer-
field. Though Deerfield has had excellent rates from Employers of Wausau,
they have notified the Village that they will be no longer in the Municipal
market. Therefore Finance Director Valentine and Staff have looked into other
Mr. Valentine stated that if Deerfield hadn't had decent rates and a decent ex-
perience over the years, Deerfield would not have been invited to join two
insurance pools: Municipal Insurance Cooperation (MICA) with eight units of
government and in operation roughly one year, as well as Intergovernmental
Risk Management Association (IRMA) with about thirty -eight members in operation
about five years.
While IRMA has higher coverages, higher limits, a broader base, and has been
in business longer, they will not accept the Village until January 1986. Since
Deerfield's coverage ends September 1, 1985, the Village would be uncovered
during the interim. Attempts to obtain interim coverage have not been success-
ful. Therefore MICA is the only real option.
Mayor Forrest asked about authorizing the joining of MICA!'but holding off for
two weeks to see if interim coverage might be obtained by September 1st.
Messrs. Thomas Gallagher and Dan O'Connell of Arthur J. Gallagher Co., insurance
brokers who work with both pools, felt such action would not be wise. They
discussed at considerable length the advantages and disadvantages of both IRMA
and MICA. They were of the opinion that MICA having reached its capacity could
call in its quotes at any moment, thereby closing the door to further partici-
pants in the pool. They warned that waiting two weeks was risky. Further
discussion continued regarding limits, coverage, loss funds, withdrawal period,
gaps in coverage, etc.
Thereafter, Trustee Marovitz moved, seconded by Trustee Marty, to instruct the
village attorney to prepare a resolution authorizing membership in the MICA
pool on the terms of the quotation that has been received by the Village Treas-
urer and including all the aspects of the discussion of the evening's meeting,
and that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign the resolution. Motion
carried on the following vote:
imbursable expenses to a low of
pletion time ranging from four
design of the sewer be awarded
Village Engineer Soyka stated that written
engineering proposals had been received from
three firms, ranging from $17,500 plus re-
$10,000 plus reimbursable expenses, with com-
to eighteen weeks. He recommended that the
to Charles W. Greengard Associates, Inc., low
Trustee Seidman moved, seconded by Trustee Marovitz, that the design of the
Brickyard's relief sewer be awarded to Charles W. Greengard in an amount not to.
exceed $10,000plus reimbursable expenses. Motion carried as follows:
and one week after the banner
ORDINANCE NO. 0 -85 -38
Trustee Marovitz moved, seconded by Trustee
Marty, to grant the request of School District
No. 113 for a Viaduct Banner one week before
erected for the Historical Society. Motion carried
Trustee Seidman moved, seconded by Trustee Rosen-
thal, to pass the ordinance amending the 1985-
86 Budget to allow expenditures of previously
authorized I- Search Grant. Motion carried as
There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned
by Mayor Forrest at 9:20 P.M.
Village Clerk