06/17/1985June 17, 1985 ! The regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield was called to order by the Mayor in the Council Chamber of the Village Hall on Monday, June 17, 1985 at 8:04 P.M. The Clerk called the roll and announced the following were Present: Bernard Forrest, Mayor James L. Marovitz Cynthia J. Marty Harriet E. Rosenthal Edwin B. Seidman J. Robert York Absent: Vernon E. Swanson and that a quorum was present and in attendance. Also present were Village Mana- ger Robert D. Franz and Village Attorney James K. Stucko. Trustee Seidman moved, seconded by Trustee Marty, to approve the minutes of the previous meeting with the following correction: .under Cable TV Franchise, sixth- line, substitute the term "bond" for "cost ". Motion carried unanimously. APPROVE WARRANT NO. W -85 -06 Motion carried on the following vote: Trustee Seidman moved, seconded by Trustee Marty, to approve the bills and payroll, including transfers and reimbursements. AYES: MAROVITZ, MARTY,.ROSENTHAL, SE.IDMAN, YORK (5) NAYS: NONE �(0) DONALD E. GEHRIG MEMORIAL AWARD Mr. Arnie Silberman and Mr. Arthur Rollin of PRESENTED TO: RICHARD WEIL the Board of Police Commissioners were at the'Board meeting for the presentation of the Donald E. Gehrig Memorial Award for the Outstanding Police Officer for 1984. Mr. Silberman announced that Richard (Rick),J. Weil had been chosen for the award. Mr. Silberman stated that Donald E. Gehrig had been very, active and concerned about the youth in the Village, as are all Deerfield's police officers. But, Rick has worked in an area of illegal activities seriously affecting youth. Officer Weil joined the Deerfield Police Department.i_n 1980 after a period of two years as a cadet while attending college. He was assigned to the Metropolitan Enforcement Group (MEG) from April, 1982 until January, 198. During his assign- ment, he was credited with fifty arrests, seizures from which totaled an estimated $250,000 in illicit drugs. He received ten letters of commendation for his work, and in May, 1984 he received the Illinois MEG Director's Award. Mr. Silberman presented Mr. Weil with a plaque while all present expressed their' hearty approval. PROCLAMATION Mayor Forrest read his proclamation'honor- SHEPARD JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL ing,Shepard Junior High•School s1tudents who SCIENCE AWARDS swept top honors'and won first place for + their school_ at a statewide science fair sponsored by the Illinois Junior Academy of Science: Jamie Mosely and Kevin Morris, who were given monetary awards for Environmental Science and Outstanding Young Scientist, Kevin Adamick, Rick Hoffenberg, Matt Marcus, Joshua Winn, Kate Woodson, Sally Estal,.Bonn.ie Goldenberg, Diana Graham, Rachael Lewis, Ben and Josh MacDougall, Samantha Brick and Peggy Sobota, Jay Fultz and Jeremy Stein. He also commended Gene Schmidt, Jon Hollingshead, Nanci Wallach and Bonnie Meyers, who make up the science staff at Shepard Junior High School. Trustee Marty moved, seconded by Trustee Marovitz, to approve the Proclamation. Motion carried unanimously. PROCLAMATION Mayor Forrest's Proclamation was read where - SAFETY IN THE WORKPLACE WEEK in he designated June 16 -22 as Safety in the IN DEERFIELD, JUNE 16 -22 Workplace Week in Deerfield. Trustee Seidman moved, seconded by Trustee Marty, to approve the Proclamation. Motion carried unanimously. FLOOD IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS Mayor Forrest stated that at his request STAFF REPORT & RECOMENDATIONS Staff had developed a report and recommen- dation on storm water managemept to focus attention on the work completed to date as well as improvements.the Village must !ate undertake to resolve its flooding problems. He went on to say that,considering the several agencies dealt with and the time consuming studies that had been necessary, much has been accomplished. He added that he agreed with the, Flood Advisory Committee that the recommended improvements must be implemented now. Mayor Forrest stated that he was asking that evening for immediate funding (from the last bond issue) for the sanitary sewer rehabilitation program. He will pro - ..pose for Board consideration by early Fall a funding plan for the $6 million Phase II improvements. Projected increases in, assessed valuations due to new de-. velopments.- will lighten the tax burden on residents. Mayor,Forrest pointed out that more than any local flood project, the Bannockburn and Lake -Cook reservoirs are the improvements most needed to prevent flooding problems. On -going lobbying efforts by residents as well as by the Village are needed to keep the North Branch plan a high priority item with Federal legislators. Mayor Forrest stated, "I wish to acknowledge the work of the Flood Advisory Commit- , tee for their significant contributions'to date. Through their continued involve - ment, I am confident that the Village is moving in the right directrion in address- ing these flood related issues." Trustee Seidman moved, seconded by Trustee Marovitz, to accept the report-and recommendations of the Staff regarding.Flood Improvement Projects. Motion carried unanimously. APPEARANCE REVIEW COMMISSION Mayor Forrest stated that'while at various FOR VILLAGE CENTER times over the past twenty years the Board STAFF REPORT had decided against appointing an Appearance, Review Commission, it has just received a report and recommendation from the Village Center Development Commission (VCDC) that such a committe be appointed. Trustee Marty stated that it was time to consider a commission. Trustee Seidman stated he liked the idea of a community image, but did not want an imitation of some other community's image. Considerable discussion followed regarding the make up of such a committee, funding for professional help if necessary, the.possibility'of the architectural school at the University of Illinois taking a look at the Village Center, steps to be. taen befo -'e appointing'an Appearance Committee, etc. Thereafter, Trustee Marty moved, seconded by Trustee Mar,ovitz, to accept the Staff report and request the VCDC and the Planning Department to come up with . a plan as to what they would like to see and how they would like to see it im- plemented. They were asked to follow through on'the possibility of 'help from the University of Illinois. Motion carried unanimously. POLICE MATRONS REAPPOINTED Trustee Seidman moved,,seconded by Trustee Marty, to reappoint as police matrons: Patricia A. Jackson, Sherry R. Wood, Marian R. Kolesar - Finkenstadt, Sandra M. Bouland, and Christina M. Parr. Motion carried unanimously. PREVAILING WAGE RATES Trustee York stated that he was much RESOLUTION R -85 -14 opposed to the State law regulating wages of laborers, mechanics, and other workmen performing construction of public works,and the State's requirement that'the Village establish wage rates for such work in Deerfield. He felt thalt the wage rates were too high and that the State,,was being'tyrannized by unions, thereby driving up the cost of municipal improvements. Thereafter, Trustee Marty moved, seconded by Trustee Marovitz, to adopt the Resolution regarding Prevailing Wage Rates. Motion carried as follows: AYES: MAROVITZ, MARTY, ROSENTHAL, SEIDMAN (4) NAYS: YORK (1) 700 -702 OSTERMAN AVENUE (HAURI) Trustee Marty moved, seconded by Trustee REZONING FROM R -4 TO C -3 Seidman, to waive the rules to permit pass - ORDINANCE NO. 0 -85 -34 age of the ordinance on first reading. Motion carried unanimously. Trustee Marty, moved, seconded by Trustee Seidman, to approve the rezoning of 700 -702 Oster- man Avenue from R -4 to C -3. Motion carried on following vote: AYES: MAROVITZ, MARTY, ROSENTHAL, SEIDMAN (4) NAYS: NONE (0) ABSTAIN: YORK (1) J r I /� Z CAPITAL CABLE TV At their previous meeting, the Village Board PERFORMANCE BOND REDUCED had considered the request of Capital Cable TV for reduction of their performance bond from $200,000 to $50,000. Decision on the matter had been deferred as Trustee Marovitz felt someone from the Cable company ought to come in an explain why reception.is as bad as it is.in his area. Mr. David Savner of the Village's Cable Advisory Board (CAB) was present and stated that, in his opinion, conditions necessary for reduction of the performance bond had been met. Their meetings, however, are poorly attended, and they don't get much feedback from residents about reception problems. He stated that the CAB would welcome input from the Board on a regular basis. Trustee Marovitz stated he found no fault-with the CAB,but -since Cable TV's prime promotion tool is improved pictures, he wanted some explanantion as to'why he. experienced ghosting and electrical interference as before he subscribed to Cable. Mr. David Intrator, General Manager of Capital Cities TV, explained the reasons for the ghosting and electrical interference experienced by some residents, his Company's attempts to _import broadcast signals from another cable system to clear up reception, differences in picture quality throughout the Village, limitations on distance from which they can receive signals, "must carry" channels; etc. Trustee Seidman asked about the servicing responsibilities of the new owner fol- . lowing the upcoming sale of the cable company, and if the contract with Deer- field will be honored. Mr. Intrator replied that in his opinion the change of, ownership would not affect the day -to -day operation. Mr. Savner did -not entirely agree.. He felt there could be a difference in the spirit of the new owner in carrying out the ordinance and franchise agreement. Thereafter, Trustee Marty moved, seconded by Trustee York, to reduces the perform- ance bond of Capital _Cities TV from -$20,0,,00,0 to $50,000. Motion ..carried •unanimously. AMEND CABLE TV AGREEMENT Mr. David Savner of the Cable Advisory Board RE: HOME SECURITY SYSTEMS explained that the Home Security System as . provided for in the Franchise Agreement, is not commercially feasible, nor was he aware of any place it hadibeen utilized. He stated that the Franchisee had requested elimination of the ambiguity where there was a legal requirement to provide something that the Village was not-enforc- ing and was not commercially viable. Also, he had some reason to believe that the police department was not anxious to have the system implemented. He went on to say that the amended agreement deleted the provision which was subject to rein- statement under two "conditions: 1) if a home-security system is available to other communities served by the Cable company, and 2) if it becomes commercially feasible. Trustee York moved, seconded by Trustee Seidman, to delete from the Franchise Agreement with Captial Cities Cable Company the provision to provide a home security service to subscribers, and to, authorize the Mayor to execute the proposed amendment. Motion carried unanimously. PARKWAY NORTH CENTER Trustee Seidman moved to waive the rules to PHASE I: SPECIAL USE /PUD. permit passage of the ordinance on first � ORDINANCE reading. The motion failed for lack of a second. The ordinance, therefore, stood at first reading. Mr. Dean Lopez, representing the developers of Parkway North Center, requested permission to proceed at their own risk. The Board found no difficulty with the request. ILLEGAL DRAINAGE CONNECTIONS MUNICIPAL CODE AMENDMENT ORDINANCE NO. 0 -85 -35 Attorney Stucko explained that the Munici- pal Code amendment was to clarify and set forth in greater detail the enforcement language in Section 16 -6 concerning illegal drainage connections. , Trustee Marty moved, seconded by Trustee Marovitz, to waive the rules to pass the ordinance on first reading. Motion carried unanimously. Trustee Marty moved, seconded by Trustee Marovitz, to pass the ordinance amending the Municipal Code concerning illegal drainage connections. Motion carried on the following vote':. AYES: MAROVITZ, MARTY, ROSENTHAL, SEIDMAN, YORK (5) NAYS: NONE (0) MANHOLE REHABILITATION PROGRAM CONTRACT FOR ENGINEERING habilitation to Baxter and Woodman After a short discussion, the mots, AYES: MAROVITZ, MARTY, ROSENTHAL, Trustee Seidman moved, seconded by Trustee Rosenthal, to award the contract for engineer- ing services for sanitary sewer manhole re- for a fee not to e,kceed $24,000. :)n passed on the following vote: SEIDMAN, YORK (5) NAYS: NONE (0) Trustee Rosenthal noted that a different traffic pattern had been established at Deerbrook Shopping Center by re- curbing and re- striping, and, asked whether Vil- �" lage permission was needed for the change. Manager Franz stated that Staff had viewed the change only as it pertained to ,fire lanes, and that as long as park -' ing requirements are met (number and,dimensions), the pattern is Deerbrooks's choice and of concern to the Village only if safety is jeopardized. Discussion followed regarding and Lake -Cook Plaza shopping Shopping Center will be asked The Police Department,will be PERSONNEL RULES CHANGED RE: SEAT BELTS IN VEHICLES the long desired interconnect between Deerbrook :enters. Mr. Joseph Valenti of.the Deerbrook to come in and talk with the Board about this,matter. asked for a -list of occurences at Deerb�ook. '•' Manager Franz noted that the new seat belt law goes into effect on July 1st, and that all personnel driving Village vehicles should be required to comply. Trustee Seidman moved, seconded by Trustee Marty, that the Personnel Rules be amended to require employees driving Village equipment and front seat passengers to wear seat belts after July 1, 1985. Motion carried unanimously. There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 9:20 P.M. i APPROVED: MAYOR ATTEST: VILLAGE CLER