06/03/1985June �, 1985
The regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield was
called to order by the Mayor in the Council Chamber of the Village Hall on
Monday, June 3, 1985 at 8:07 P.M. The Clerk called the roll and announced
the following were
Present: Bernard Forrest, Mayor
James L. Marovitz
Cynthia J. Marty
Harriet E. Rosenthal
- Edwin B. Seidman
Vernon E. Swanson
J. Robert York
and that a quorum was present and in attendance. Also present were Village;
Manager Robert D. Franz and Village Attorney James K. Stucko.
Trustee Seidman moved, seconded by Trustee Marty, to approve the minutes of
the previous meeting. Motion carried unanimously.
DEPARTMENTAL OBJECTIVES`REPORT Director of Building and Zoning,Charles
BY: CHARLES J. SMALLEY J. Smalley stated that his previously
DIRECTOR OF BUILDING & ZONING submitted written report did not show
two major construction items which came
in too late to be included. His department -is presently reviewing permit
drawings for Matas Corporation's first two buildings, valued at,$14,000,000,
and the permit drawings for-the Chicago.Health Club in Deerbrook, valued at
$3,500,000. Permit fees for these two items will amount to about $70',000.
A report of a recent survey conducted by Naperville indicated that thirty-
two neighboring communities employed an average of 6.8 individuals 'in their
building and zoning departments. Deerfield's staff consists Hof 3.5 indi-
viduals. Responding to questioning by Mayor Forrest, Mr. Smalley stated he,
felt their staff was sufficient as they had just acquired part -time steno-
graphic help, and the computer was being put to good use.
Following a short discussion of his report, Trustee Marovitz and Trustee
Marty commended Mr. Smalley on it.
FLOOD IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS Mayor Forrest stated that the Board had
FLOOD ADVISORY CONTROU COMM. met recently with consultants Baxter and
REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION Woodman and the Deerfield Flood Advisory
Committee (DFAC) to review the final
phase of the Baxter and Woodman report outlining problems found inithe san-
itary sewer system and related water problems. The,DFAC.was to meet again
and report to the,Board on the matter and make some recommendations.
Messrs. Alan Schultz, Philip Maxey, and Richard Miller of the DFAC were'pre-
sent. Mr. Schultz stated they felt emphasis should be on action. Recommen-
dations already submitted should be acted upon now, and the DFAC would sup -
port whatever action the Board felt appropriate.
Mayor Forrest stated that the report was very well done and agreed that it
was important to get started early, perhaps with funds held out of the Access
' Avenue project. Manager Franz stated that Staff could review the report and
come up with some specific recommendations by the next Board meeting, as well
as indicate some time frame for the balance of recommendations.
The problem of downspouts improperly connected to the sanitary sewers was
discussed at some length. Mayor Forrest stated, "The potential amount of water
from just this source alone is twice what the sewage treatment plant can handle
in a day." The DFAC proposed mailing ,a letter to residents explaining the
seriousness of improperly connected downspouts in flooding, and eliciting
their compliance with the Village ordinance by prompt disconnections. The
letter would explain how'easily and inexpensively disconnections could be
Trustees Marovitz and Swanson felt that the seriousness of improper connec-
tions had never really been presented to the public. It was the consensus.
of the Board that when properly explained, there would be a high per
.of voluntary compliance. The Village can, however, enforce the ordinance if
Mr. Schultz pointed out that in addition to mailing the proposed letter, the
DFAC.would make available to the Village a full Flood Information Bulletin.
Question was raised about the retention ponds of Baxter - Travenol (west of
the Tollway). Village Engineer James Soyka� stated that Baxter - Travenol was
constructed.before there was a Lake County storm'water retention ordinance.
Their ponds have lower and upper outlets; but presently only the upper out-
lets are open, thereby rendering them decorative ponds only. Lake County
will contact Baxter - Travenol and ask them,to.operate the ponds 'for water
retention. I
Trustee Marovitz moved, seconded by Trustee Marty, to accept the DFAC's
report. Motion carried unanimously.
The Board expressed its appreciation for, the work of the Deerfield Flood
Advisory Committee.
700 =02 OSTERMAN (HAURI) Manager Franz stated that the Plan Commis -
REZONING FROM R -4 TO C-3 sion had held a public hearing.on May 9,
PLAN COMMISSION & VCDC 1985 to consider the petition of Ron and
REPORT & RECOMMENDATIONS Joanne Hauri for rezoning of the proper-
ty at 700 -02 Osterman Avenue from R -4
to C -3. They recommended, on a vote of 4 -0, that the request be approved.
Also, the Village Center Development Commission (VCDC) discussed the Hauri
petition on May 1, 1985. On a vote of 7 -0, they recommended that rezoning
to C -3 be granted, but noted that they are very concerned with the future
appearance of the site. The property consists of an old dilapidated frame
house and a 2- story, brick, 2- family dwelling. The petitioners stated that
they wished to tear down the frame house to make parking space for offices
and a.beauty shop in the converted brick building.
Trustees Marty and Marovitz echoed the VDCD's concern about the future appear-
ance of the property. Since the rezoned site can not be developed as a Plan-
ned Unit Development, the only landscaping that can be required is that for
screening of the parking area.
Trustee Swanson and Trustee Marovitz felt that it was time for the Board to con-
sider appointing an appearance- commission to promote.more'consistency in
what is appropriate for the downtown business area.' It was pointed out that
Highland Park, Glenview and Lake Forest have such codes. Trustee Marovitz
asked that the Village Attorney report and recommend what would be permissable
for Deerfield, a Home Rule village. Mayor Forrest asked.for a report from
Staff and copies of ordinances from other communities. Manager Franz reported
that the VCDC had'been gathering such information. This'matter will be on the
agenda at the next Board meeting.
Mr. Thomas Walker, attorney for the Hauris, addressed the appearance issue.
'He stated that the Hauris had owned the property for only a year and had not
been responsible for its run down appearance. He stated that the Hauris had
purchased the property for an office /beauty shop,,use,as permitted under C -3
zoning. He pointed out that Mrs. Hauri, a beautician for a number of years,
will be the owner occupant of the beauty shop and will naturally find it in
her best interest to have an attractive place of bus,iness.
Trustee Seidman moved, seconded by Trustee Marovitz, to accept the recommenda-
tions of the Plan Commission and VCDC and approve the rezoning of 700 -02
Osterman Avenue to C -3, and have the Village Attorney prepare the appropriate
ordinance. Motion carried unanimously.
DFLD. SAUNDERS JOINT VENTURE Deerfield Saunders Joint Venture are seek-
WEST OF THE TOLLWAY ing to subdivide their property so as to
SUBDIVISION REQUEST, reflect the first phase of the previously
PLAN COMM. REP. /RECOMM. approved development.' The Plan Commis
sion recommended, on a vote of 4 -0, that -
the request be approved.
Trustee Marty moved, seconded by Trustee Marovitz, to approve the preliminary
plat of subdivision.as requested., Motion carried unanimously. i
DFLD. SAUNDERS JOINT VENTURE Trustee Seidman moved, seconded by Trustee
WEST OF THE TOLI..WAY Marty, to accept the Plan Commission recom-
PHASE I,,FINAL DEVELOP. PLAN mendation to approve Phase I of the Final
PLAN COMM. REP. /RECOMM. Development Plan of the Deerfield Saunders
Joint Venture, west of the Tollway, and
to instruct the Village Attorney to prepare the necessary ordinance.
Mr. Jack Train, Vice President of Equity Associates; was present and described
the Phase I. development to date, including water improvements. Mr. Dean Lopez,
presented concept drawing of the proposed office building and displayed,marble
samples of various colors to be used in panelling the building. He,described,
as well, underground parking, the landscaped.atrium, and interesting details
of the building. i
Motion to approve the Final Plat carried unanimously.
BEAUTY /BARBERSHOPS Trustee Seidman moved, seconded by Trustee
TEXT AMENDMENT Marty, to approve the ordinance adding
ORDINANCE NO. 0 -85 -30 beauty /barbershops to the list of accessory
retail uses permitted in the I -1 District.
Motion carried on the following vote':
Village Attorney Stucko advised Mr. Ashe, attorney for Matas Corporation,
that passage of the ordinance constituted granting of the Special Use to
Matas Corporation and inclusion of beauty /barbershop uses.
TENNAQUA LANE Trustee Marovitz moved, seconded by-T-rustee
(FORMERLY LOUISA LANE) Marty, to waive the rules to permit passage
ORDINANCE NO. 0 -85 -31 of the ordinance at first reading. Motion
carried unanimously. Trustee Marovitz
moved, seconded by Trustee Marty, to pass the ordinance renaming Louisa Lane
to Tennaqua Lane. Motion carried on the following vote:
TEMPORARY EMERGENCY OCCUPANCY 'Trustee Marovitz moved, seconded by Trustee
MUNICIPAL CODE AMENDMENT Marty, to waive the rules to permit passage
ORDINANCE NO. 0 -85 -32 of the ordinance on first reading.. Motion
carried unanimously. Trustee Marovitz moved,'
seconded by Trustee Marty, to pass the ordinance amending 'the Municipal Code
to include a provision for a temporary dwelling unit in case of the destruction
of a permanent dwelling. Motion carried on the following vote:
1101 WILMOT ROAD (TRAMULTOLA) Trustee, Marty moved, 'secondpd,by,Trustee'
FRONT YARD VARIATION Seidman, to waive the rules to permit pass -
ORDINANCE NO. 0 -85 -33 age of the ordinance at first reading.
Motion carried, Trustee Swanson dissenting.
Trustee Marty moved, seconded by Trustee Seidman, to pass the ordinance grant=
ing a front yard variation for 1101 Wilmot Road. Motion carried'on the fol-
lowing vote:.
VILLAGE PERSONNEL RULES: Manager Franz stated that as part of the
HEALTH INSURANCE BENEFITS Budget discussions this year regarding fringe
RETIREES & DISABLED benefits, it was felt an amendment to the `
personnel rules should be considered to al-
low disabled employees and retirees, under certain conditions and at their own
expense, to participate in the. employee group health insurance plan at the group
rate. (At present, continuation in the group plan is at a much'higher rate.)
t '
After a short discussion, Trustee Seidman moved, seconded by Trustee Rosenthal,
to accept the proposed amendment. Motion carried on the following vote:
Trustee Seidman commented that the amendment was long overdue,i and that such a
health insurance provision is very common in industry.
CABLE TV FRANCHISE Manager Franz stated that the enabling
DISCUSS REDUCTION OF ordinance for Cable TV provided for a
PERFORMANCE BOND $200,000 performance bond during the con -
struction phase which has long been,com-
pleted. While there have been some problems, they have been corrected. The
Board is being asked to reduce the bond (in accord with the ordinance) to
$50,000 which will continue and remain in effect so long as it is in operation
in the community.
Trustee Marovitz stated that Cable TV is promoted to improve the picture as
well as expand the service. He stated that shadows, etc. which were present
on the screen before Cable TV are still present. -He added that there is also
i electrical interference which seems to have worsened since the Cable TV receiv-
ing station has been moved. He thought someone from the Cable company ought to
come in and explain why the picture is as bad as it is,before the Board reduces
the bond. Trustee Swanson agreed. Mayor Forrest deferred the matter until the
next Board meeting. Mr.,David Intrator of Capital TV will be asked to come to
the Board meeting.
APPLETREE WATER MAIN & Trustee Marty moved, seconded by Trustee
HAZEL AVENUE RESERVOIR PUMP Seidman, to'accept the proposal of Donald
ENGINEERING SERVICES Manhard Associates to design the Appletree
Watermain and Hazel Avenue Reservoir
Pump project at a cost not to exceed $7,500.
Discussion with Village Engineer Soyka was.had regarding three proposals sub -
mitted: McClure Engineering, SDI Consultants, and Donald Manhard Associates
(the low bidder). Mr. Soyka stated that Manhard Associates had designed
the Hawthorn Reservoir west of the Tollway. Much of the data gathered by
-them for that reservoir was pertinent to the Appletree Watermain and the Hazel
Avenue Reservoir Pump. Since. Manhard Associates were already in possession of
much necessary data for the proposed projects, they could submit a lower'•pro-
Motion to accept the proposal by Donald Manhard and Associates carried on the
following vote:
DEER RUN SUBDIVISION Manager Franz reported that 42 Deer Run
PETITION FOR STREET property owners had signed petitions re-
CONNECTION TO COLONY PT. questing a street connection between
Carlisle Avenue in Colony Point and east''
St. Andrews Lane. When Deer Run subdivision was approved, only emergency
access routes to both Colony Point and Br'iarwood Vista were planned. Also,
passed at that time were covenants requiring a public hearing on requests
regarding street improvements at the emergency access sites.
Trustee Rosenthal felt it would be premature to hold a public hearing until
Deer Run is substantially completed. Trustee York 'was of the opinion that the
Deer Run Homeowners Association should discuss the matter with the .Colony
Point and Briarwood Vista Associations.. It was the consensus of the Board
not to hold a public hearing as not enough home owners are represented, but
emergency access routes will be installed as,planned. Staff wild so notify
the petitioners. i
WATER MAIN EMERGENCY REPAIRS Manager Franz advised the Board that a
water main break, located under the
West Fork Creek about 500 feet north of Hazel Avenue, occurred last week which
required the Village to seek a bid on an emergency basis. DiPietro Plumbing
Company was authorized to do the work for $5,750. The job was completed for
$1,000 less, for an amount of $4,750, exceeding the four thousand dollar
amount,.requiring the taking of bids.,
There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was
+ adjourned at 9:20 P.M.