February 4, 1985
The regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield was called
to order by the Mayor.in the Council.-Chamber of the Village Hall'on Monday, Febru-
ary 4, 1985 at 8:00 P.M. The Clerk called the roll and announced the following
Present: Bernard Forrest, Mayor
Stephen 0. Jackson
Cynthia J. Marty
Edwin B. Seidman
Vernon E. Swanson
J. Robert York
Absent: James L. Marovitz i.
and that a quorum was present and in attendance. Also present were Village Mana-
ger Robert D. Franz and Village Attorney James K. Stucko.
Trustee Seidman moved, seconded by Trustee Marty, to approve the minutes of the
previous Board meeting. Motion carried unanimously.
PRESENTATION OF AWARD Mayor Forrest announced that Officer Rich -
OFFICER RICHARD WEIL and Weil was assigned to the Metropolitan
MEG SERVICE Endorsement Group (MEG), an illicit drug
investigating group, from 1982 -85. During
that time he was credited with making over fifty arrests and achieved a convic-
tion record of approximately 957. He has received the Illinois'MEG Director's
Award for his outstanding performance, as well as ten. Letters of Commendation.
Seizures resulting from his arrests totaled approximately $250,000 in illicit
drugs. Commenting that Officer Weil's performance was truly outstanding during
his MEG assignment, he presented him with a plaque honoring his contribution.
All present expressed their approval.
PROCLAMATION Mayor Forrest read a proclamation wherein he
CANCER CONTROL MONTH designated April 1985 as Cancer Control Month
APRIL 1985 in Deerfield. Trustee Swanson moved, seconded
by Trustee Marty, to approve the Mayor's pro-
clamation. Motion carried unanimously.
one of 12,000 communities with simil,
,the whole community is making such a
olescent alcohol and drug abuse that
country as a leader in this effort.
Mrs. Nancy Granat, President of the Deerfield
Citizens for Drug Awareness, addressed the
Board. She stated that although Deerfield is
ar programs, Deerfield is outstanding in that
strong and concerted effort to eradicate ad-
Deerfield-is recognized.throughout the whole
Because of this, Mrs. Nancy Reagan came to Deerfield in October to find out just
what.the Deerfield Citizens for Drug Awareness group was doing so that she could
make recommendations to other groups she planned to visit throughout the country.
While she was here, Mayor Forrest officially welcomed her. Mrs. Granat thanked
Mayor Forrest for his support and presented him with a large, framed color photo-
graph showing him greeting Mrs. Reagan. All present heartily expressed their
pleasure at the presentation.
DEPARTMENTAL OBJECTIVES 1984 -85 Village Erigineer James Soyka was present and
ENGINEERING DEPT. - JAS. SOYKA updated his previously submitted report on
his department's 1984 -85 objectives. He
reported that the EPA had accepted the Baxter Woodman design for the new sewage
treatment plaAt clarifier. He stated that in January a street inventory program
was successfully entered into the .computer. He explained its content of twelve
year's history and its merits as.an excellent planning tool providing many types
of information. He added that a program had been also entered for the 50/50 side-
walk and curb program.
Responding to questions by the Beard, Mr. Soyka stated that: 1) Northbrook does
not have the capacity to become an alternate water source for Deerfield, 2) the
1983 50/50 sidewalk /curb work which was rejected by the Village will probably be
redone this spring, 3) successful acquisition of an easement and /or right -of -way
on the retention reservoir site,jointly owned by the Village and the State of
Illinois,will allow the design .work to begin -for the Brickyard Interceptor Sewer,
and 4) underground seepage at the Deerfield Road underpass needs to'be located and
corrected... with this work scheduled for the 1985 season.
The Board thanked Mr. Soyka for his report.
ARBORLAKE TEMPORARY SIGNS Following a public hearing on January 10,
AMEND FINAL DEVLEOPMENT PLAN 1985 to consider the request of the Arbor-
lake Development to amend. their previously
approved PUD s•ignage plan, including temporary signs, the Plan Commission recom-
mended, on a vote of 5 -0, approval of the following:
tit 1. A double -faced sign fronting on Lake -Cook Road in approximately the same loca-
tion as the existing sign. The sign may be no greater than 10'x20' per face.
The bottom of the sign may be a maximum of 4' above grade if there are obstruc-
tions in the area which would require An additional. height, otherwise the bottom
shall be no more than 2' above grade. The maximum angle as measured at the
point of the V may be no more than 90- degrees. The sign may be lit with over-
•, head fluorescent lights.
2. A single -faced sign fronting on the Tollway in approximately the same location
at the existing sign no greater than 10'x20' in size. The bottom of said sign
may be 8' above grade and the sign may be lit with overhead fluorescent lights..
3. A two -faced sign fronting on the Tollway Spur in approximately the same loca-
tion as the existing sign. Said sign shall be no greater than 10'x20' per
face. The bottom of the sign may be lit with.overhead flourescent lights. The
maximum angle as measured at the point of the V may be not more than 90- degrees.
4. The temporary sign approval should be for two years.
Trustee Marty moved,, seconded by Trustee Seidman, to approve the recommendation
(as corrected) of the Plan Commission and instruct the attorney to prepare the
necessary ordinance. Motion carried unanimously.
Trustee Seidman expressed considerable concern about construction signs that had
been erected on the property. He feared a proliferation of such signs by sub-
contractors. Mr. Richard Wendy, attorney for the developer, stated he had not
been aware of the signs (erected without permit) until about a week ago. Mrs.
Barbara Ruffino stated that the Zoning Ordinance allows two signs on that parti-
cular property and only if a permit is taken out. Trustee,Swanson suggested to
Mr. Wendy that.he inspect the signs to see if they will "trash up" the property.
GANGER SUBDIVISION The Plan Commission held a public hearing
1329 WAUKEGAN ROAD on January 10, 1985 to consider a request
PLAN COMM. REP. /RECOMM. by the Deerfield State Bank as Trustee for
' subdivision of the Ganger property at 1329
Waukegan Road into three lots accessed by a private drive. The Plan Commission
recommended, on a vote of 5 -0, approval of the subdivision subject to three con-
ditions: f.
A. The engineering plan required for the proposed subdivision meet the approval
of the Village Engineer.
B. An emergency turn around be provided which is acceptable to the Fire Department.
C. The access road pavement be at least 15' in width and of a construction accep-
table to the Fire Department.
The Board asked Village Engineer James Soyka about the topographical features of
the property. Mr. Soyka replied that the Ganger site is the lowest in the area
and that properties to the north (Northwoods Drive) -have no storm sewers.
Mr. Arthur Wulf, attorney for the Gangers��, stated that properties to the north
were draining onto his client's property, and that a 24" pipe (illegally but pro-
fessionally installed without Village knowledge or record) is discharging water
on to the Ganger. site from a subdivision on the South. He submitted that the
property has become a storm water collector basin for all the surrounding homes
in the area.
Mr..Wulf went on to say that his client was simply interested in dividing the
property into three lots accessed by a private drive. However, when potential
buyers inquired about development, they lost interest when they found they.would
be "required to handle, transport and eliminte drain water collecting from all
the homes in the area." He added he had been told by a contractor that an en-
gineering study (required by the Plan Commission) would cost $5,000 to $10,000,
and that a lift station. which the Village might require, would cost around
$50,000...a total of •$60,000 before the usual utilities could be installed.
Trustee Swanson stated that only a small engineering study would be required
and would not cost $5,000. He pointed out that the solution might be a small
retention pond, rather than a lift station.
Thereafter Trustee Marty moved, seconded by Trustee York, to accept the Plan
Commission-recommendation to approve the 3 -lot subdivision subject to the
conditions outlined.
Trustee Seidman opposed approving the subdivision until an engineering study and
a Fire Department report and recommendation had been received. Asked by Trustee
Marty for his opinion, attorney Stucko stated that the`-.three conditions imposed
in the Plan Commission's recommendation protected the Village.
The motion to approve the subdivision-carried, Trustee Seidman dissenting.
HIGHLAND PARK BRANCH COURT Police Chief Richard Brandt reported that
PROPOSED RELOCATION there has been a movement to eliminate branch
RESOLUTION R -85 -02 courts and.establish one centralized court in
Waukegan. He stated that the branch court
in Highland Park has operated successfully and has been an asset to our area by
saving trips to Waukegan for both our Officer's- and residents. A centralized court
would be a great inconvenience, and he believed the Village Board should take a
position in favor of the branch court system. He added that other Police Chiefs
in the area are very much in favor of branch courts and have contacted their
County Board representatives as he plans to do.
Trustee Marty moved, seconded by Trustee Seidman, to pass a resolution favoring
retention of the branch court system to be sent to the Lake County Board members
representing Deerfield and also to neighboring communities. Motion carried
Mayor Forrest read a statement which is attached and made part of these minutes,,
regarding the annexation of property and water service west of the Tollway. He
urged the Board to approve several agreements which he felt were in the best inter -
ests of all parties involved.
INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT W/ Trustee Seidman moved, seconded by Trustee
ILLINOIS TOLL HWY. APPROVED Jackson, to adopt`the Resolution approving'an
RESOLUTION NO. R -85 -03 Intergovernmental Pre - annexation Agreement
between the Village of Deerfield and the
Illinois State Toll Highway Authority and authorize the Mayor to sign the agree -
.ment. Motion carried on the following vote:
LASALLE /BAXTER JOINT VENTURE' .Trustee Marty-moved, seconded by Trustee
WEST OF TOLLWAY Seidman., to adopt the Resolution approving
ANNEXATION AGREEMENT APPROVED the Annexation Agreement with LaSalle /Baxter
RESOLUTION R -85 -04 Joint Venture for property west of the Toll -
way and to authorize the Mayor to sign
the Annexation Agreement. The motion carried on the following vote:
�. ANNEX LASALLE /BAXTER PROPERTY Trustee Marty moved, seconded by Trustee
WEST OF TOLLWAY Swanson, to pass the ordinance annexing
ORDINANCE NO. 0 -85 -04 the LaSalle /Baxter property west of the Toll -
way. Motion carried as follows;
REZONE LASALLE /BAXTER PROPERTY Trustee Marty moved, seconded by Trustee
WEST OF TOLLWAY Seidman, to pass the ordinance rezoning the
ORDINANCE NO. 0 -85 -05 LaSalle /Baxter property, west of the Toll -
way to i-1 /Special Use - Industrial PUD.
Motion carried as follows:
6 -PARTY WATER AGREEMENT Trustee Seidman moved, seconded by Trustee
DEVELOPMENT WEST OF TOLLWAY Marty, to adopt the Resolution approving
RESOLUTION R -85 -05 a 6 -Party Wa.ter Agreement among the Vil-
lages of Deerfield and Riverwoods and the
Interested Parties and authorize the Mayor to sign the agreement subject to
reconsideration in the event that the Village of Riverwoods does not approve it.
Motion carried as follows:
APPROVE WATER AGREEMENT Trustee Seidman moved, seconded by Trustee
DEERFIELD /RIVERWOODS Marty, to adopt the Resolution approving
RESOLUTION R -85 -06 a Water Agreement with the Village of River-
woods and authorize the Mayor to sign the
the Agreement subject to reconsideration if the Village of Riverwoods does not
approve it. Motion carried as follows:
APPROVE BOUNDARY AGREEMENT ..Trustee Marty moved, seconded by Trustee
DEERFIELD /RIVERWOODS "Seidman, to adopt the Resolution approving
'1 RESOLUTION NO. R -85 -07 the Boundary Agreement with the Village of
Riverwoods and to authorize the Mayor to
sign the agreement subject to reconsideration if not approved by the Village of
Riverwoods. Motion carried on the following vote:
Mayor Forrest thanked the entire Board and Village Manager for a wonderful job
involving a tremendous amount of work. Mr. Don Lonchar, attorney for the
developer, thanked the Board and the entire Staff on behalf of his client for
the many hours of hard work necessary to arrive at the annexation and water
agreements. Mr. Jack Train, representing the developer, expressed'appreciation
and admiration for six months of hard work by the Staff. He stated that origin-
ally, everyone looking at the project believed nothing short of a miracle could
get everyone involved together.
Mr. Train stated that Equity Associates would consider a design on the property,
jointly owned with Mr. E. Schwartz, at the southwest corner of Lake -Cook Road and
the Tollway, and use their influence with their co -owner to keep ,buildings and
parking structures off the one -half acre portion of the property laid out for a
possible future interchange.
APPROVE RTA GRANT AGREEMENT Manager Franz stated that the Agreement
SUBSIDIZED CAB SERVICE merely extends the arrangement with RTA
for subsidizing the program. He added
that the allocation was sufficient to cover the subsidies for next year. Trus-
tee Seidman moved, seconded by Trustee Marty, to authorize the Mayor to sign the
Grant Agreement with RTA for Subsidized Cab Service. Motion carried as follows:
ALLOCATE $5,000 TO Mayor Forrest stated that the Sesquicenten-
SESQUICENTENNIAi, COMMITTEE nial Committee had been gearing up quickly
and were considering a number of good pro -
J ects; but they are without funds. He recommended that $5,000 be allocated to
get their programs started. The money will be repaid later. Discussion ensued
as to methods for handling the funds. It was suggested that perhaps the Commit-
tee's treasurer cooperating with the Steering Committee, could approve bills and
forward them to the Village for payment. Thereafter, Trustee Seidman moved,
seconded by Trustee Jackson, to allocate'$5,000 to the Sesquicentennial Committee.
Motion carried as follow:
LAND CONDEMNATION Trustee Swanson moved, seconded by Trustee
817 DEERFIELD RD. (ROTH SITE) Mh rty, to waive the rules to permit passage
ORDINANCE NO. 0 -85 -06 of ordinance on first reading. Motion car-
ried unanimously. Trustee Marty moved-, sec -
onded by- Trustee Seidman to pass the ordinance for the Condemnation of Land
described as: Lot 8 and the East half'of Lot 9 in Bleimehls Subdivision in Sec-
tions 32 and 33, Township 43 North,•Range 12, East of the Third Principal Meri-
dian,:according to the plat thereof, recorded October 7, 1909, as Document 124960,
in Book "H" of Plats, page 45, in Lake County, Illinois (commonly known as 817
Deerfield Road) for the establishment and maintenance of a public street and pub-
lic parking. Motion carried as follows:
AUTHORIZE ATTORNEY TO Trustee Marty moved, seconded by Trustee
DEFEND SUIT (BANCK) Seidman, to authorize the retention of the
Village Attorney to defend the Village, Village
Manager, and Director.o.f•Public Works against a suit by Ulrich Banck. Motion carried
as follows:
February 4, 1985.
Before us this evening are several documents, ready. for Board action,
regarding annexation of property and water service west of the Tollway.
As you know, the.Vi.11age has been in discussions about these properties since
School Districts #109 and #113 decided to sell them for development.. We have
maintained the position from the beginning that Deerfield was in the best position
to control the development and to provide these areas with municipal services.
On September 20, 1984, a joint public hearing was held regarding the annexation
issue.. Subsequent meetings by the Plan Commission.and Board of Zoning Appeals
resulted in favorable recommendations for this annexation.
Throughout this process; we have attempted to include Riverwoods in our planning
efforts, assuring their constituents of representation in this entire process..
The Agreements reflect compromises by all parties concerned. As a result of very
long and hard negotiations, the Joint.Venture group will become part of Deerfield
and receive the services enjoyed by all of our residents. The Village of Riverwoods
and their office developments along Lake -Cook Road will.receive the benefit of Lake
Michigan water.. J
Deerfield itself will expand its tax base and improve its water system.by as-
suming control of the additional water storage capacity and pumping facility west
of .the Tollway, constructed at'no expense to the tax payers.
Finalizing the annexation. proposal and related agreements has been a long and
arduous task. I commend all parties for their concerhted efforts which have resulted
in fair and equitable agreements, allowin" this project to .proceed -on schedule..
I urge the Board to approve these agreements. this evening because I am convinced
it is in the.best interest of all parties that, we do so.
Trustee York reiterated his ongoing interest in various types of housing in the
Village and housing needs in view of office developments. Trustee Swanson felt
any housing discussions should be part of the updating of the Comprehensive Plan
which the Plan Commission has undertaken. Mayor Forrest noted that the mechanism
of Plan Commission and then Board review already exists. Trustee York preferred
a Board workshop session. Mayor Forrest stated that such a procedure would place
the Board in the position of an advisory body which he felt causes problems. He
stated that the Plan Commission would be asked to review the housing section and
submit their recommendations to the Board as soon as possible. At that point, the
Board would schedule a workshop session on housing..
Two residents of Sunset Court expressed concern over teenage alcohol users who
hold noisy, late parties in their neighborhood. It was pointed that while a
noise ordinance can be enforced, parental cooperation in refusing minors to have
alcohol is necessary. They stated that.illegal overnight street parking is also
a problem. -The police will monitor the situation.
There being no further business to come before the Board, upon motion by Trustee
Jackson and second by Trustee Marty, the meeting was adjourned at 10:05 P.M.