January 7, 1985
The regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield was called
to order by the Mayor in the Council Chamber of the Village Hall on Monday, January
7, 1985 at 8:00 P.M. The Clerk called the roll and announced that the following were
Present: Bernard Forrest, Mayor
Stephen O. Jackson
James L. Marovitz
Cynthia J. Marty
Edwin B. Seidman
Vernon E. Swanson
J. Robert York
and that a quorum was present and in attendance. Also present were Village Manager
Robert D. Franz and Village Attorney James K. Stucko.
Trustee Seidman moved, seconded by Trustee York, to approve the minutes of the
previous meeting,with the following correction: Under BEAUTIFICATION AWARD, fifth
line, add "Savings and" before "Loan ". Motion carried unanimously.
PROCLAMATION Mayor Forrest read his Proclamation wherein
"CARING FOR OTHERS DAY" he designated February 14, 1985 as, "Caring
FEBRUARY 14, 1985 For Others Day" and urged 'all residents to
give up something of significance on that
day and forward. the monetary value of that sacrifice to a private social agency
which traditionally supports the poor and needy. Also that the Proclamation be
forwarded to neighboring communities with the suggestion they join in declaring
February 14, 1985 "Caring For Others Day ". Trustee Jackson moved, seconded by
Trustee Marty, to approve the Proclamation. Motion carried unanimously.
Mrs. Don Covey of Deerfield accepted the Proclamation and stated that the.White
House will be advised of the local program and perhaps declare February 14th as
national "Caring For Others Day."
Alvin Silvian Ch. Youth Council
Michael Lewitz - Bd. of 7oning Appeals
Anibal Merino - Human Relations Comm.
William Bishop - Cable Advisory Bd.
Joe DiCello - Sesquicentnnial Comm.
Mayor Forrest announced that he wished to
make the following appointments:
Robert Speckman - Ch. Board.of Zoning Appeals
Ted Galvani - Board of Building Appeals
Mrs, Lydia Scott - Human Relations Commission
George Marty - Sesquicentennial Committee
Pearl ScYessler - Sesquicentennial Committee
Trustee Seidman moved, seconded by Trustee York, to approve the'Mayor's appointments.
Motion carried unanimously.
INDUSTRAPLEX DEVELOPMENT Trustee Marty moved, seconded by Trustee
` SPEC. USE, RETAIL /ACCESSORY USES Seidman, to pass the ordinance permitting
ORDINANCE NO. 0 -85 -01 in an Industrial PUD,5% of the gross floor
area of a permitted principal use having a
maximum of 2,000 square feet of gross leasable area to be used for 'retail sales or
service uses accessory to the permitted principal uses. Motion carried on follow-
ing vote:
AYES: Jackson, Marovitz, Marty, Seidman, Swanson, York (6) NAYS: None (0)
RESOLUTION Mayor Forrest announced that the annexation
APPROVING ANNEXATION AGREEMENT agreement had only recently been received
LASALLE /BAXTER JOINT VENTURE and that information from'the Lake County
Highway Department had just been received
that day. Therefore, he did not anticipate adopting the Resolution that evening.
However, the meeting would be used for clearing up any problems or questions re-
garding the agreement, in preparation for passage on January 21st. Considerable
discussion followed with Staff, Board members, and petitioners' representatives
attempting to clarify provisions and language in the annexation agreement.
Manager Franz stated that Staff, which had seen several drafts of the annexation
agreement, felt these changes necessary:
1) 5th WHEREAS - health club should be restricted to tenants' use only.
2) 5. Approval of Plans: Section 12.6 -3 change to. 12.9 -3 and Section 12.6 -6 to 12.9 -6;
Article 8, Section 8.2- 4(1)(a) through (c) should be 8.2 -4,1,a through c.
3) 8. Proposed Roadway Improvements: The requests contained in the letter from the
Lake County Highway Department should be included in the second paragraph:
3) 8. Proposed Roadway Improvements.(continued):
a. Provision by the petitioners of a 10 -foot dedication on the east side of
Saunders Road for a half -width right -of -way of 50 feet.
b. Construction or contribution of funds by petitioner for construction of
two east lanes of the eventual 4 -lane improvement of Saunders Road
c. Agreement to interconnect all traffic signals with any already existing
in the area.
Also, the second paragraph should repeat requirements pertaining to building
occupancy.set forth in the first paragraph.
4)10. Sanitary Sewer Provision: Tap -on fees to be paid by developer if he requests,
sanitary, sewer service from Deerfield, but waived when using the Special Service
Area Sewage System No. 5.
5) 11. Storm Drainage Provision: Deletion of reference to decrease of the.release
rate and insertion of requirement of "20% more storage volume than required under
Section 16 -17 of the Village Municipal Code."
Mr. Don Lonchar, attorney for the petitioner, distributed a replacement of page 8
wherein parking within 100 feet of Saunders and Deerfield Road is prohibited. Also,
"frontages" is substituted for "perimeter" in outlining landscape screening require-
ments for parking along bordering roads. Mrs. Barbara Ruffino, Village Planner, did
not favor the substitution. She and Mr. Lonchar will confer to find a term that
better suits the needs-of both the developer and Planning Department.i.
Trustee Swanson was interested in knowing whether the center line of Saunders Road
is in the center of the present 80 -foot right -of -way, and what effect an additional.
10 -feet dedication would have on the center of the eventual widened road.
Trustee Seidman voiced concern about provisions in 13.Disconnection from,the Village
by a hotel if a Board did not adopt an ordinance permitting advertising signs as
recommended by the Plan Commission. Attorney Stucko pointed out that Signage 'is
generally worked out before the hotel is constructed.
Trustee Marovitz was concerned about disconnection provisions and liquor license
applications, particularly if the hotel is sold and the Village does not issue
-a license to the new owner because he will not meet standards of the Village's
liquor code. Disconnection risk would be minimized through terms of the water
agreement not yet reviewed by the Board.
Mayor Forrest asked whether water main break might be considered reason for dis-
connection from the Village. He was advised that this, too, was addressed.-In the
water agreement.
Mr. Marovitz asked whether future Boards could be bound to approve a petition for
the annexation of additional property contiguous: to the present proposed development.
Mr. Lonchar stated that the petitioners were submitting themselves by 2. Petition
for Annexation to'filing a petition for annexation of property compatible with
the existing property. Mayor Forrest pointed out that this same - section should
contain a reference to annexation to the Deerfield Park District.
Mayor Forrest asked about Hawthorne Lane. Mr. Lonchar replied that it would be
annexed and maintained' by the developer with non - exclusive easements given to the
Tollway for access and to Deerfield for maintenance of water facilities, etc.
Mr: Jack Train, representing the petitioner, stated that conversations with Staff
about a health club had indicated that the addition of "primarily for the use of
occupants" would be an acceptable restriction to both the Village and petitioner.
Referring to the Lake County Highway Department's letter, Mr. Train submitted they
were willing to dedicate an additional 10 feet on Saunders Road. As for access,
the right and turn lanes for Phase I are included in the annexation agreement and
will be continued for Phase II. Coordination of traffic signals presents no
problem. He noted that the.Lake County Highway Department suggested that the peti-
tioner be made responsible at Phase II for building one half (eas,t side) of the ul-
timate 4 -lane cross section on Saunders Road along the length of the property. He
submitted that the County is imposing a great burden by asking at Phase I for
approximately 1,000 feet of Saunders Road widening by left and right turn lanes,
and then proposing to tome back later and widen Saunders Road by an additional. lane,
ripping up what has already been done. He stated they were contributing approximately
$400,000 for road construction.
Manager Franz stated that he had assumed that Mr. Train had been in touch with the
County. Mayor Forrest stated that prior to the next Board meeting, Mr. Train and
and Staff should sit down with the Lake County Highway Department and work out a
long range plan, which includes Phase II, that can be incorporated into the annexa-
tion agreement.
Mayor Forrest advised Mr. Robert Pease of Baxter Travenol, who was present, that he
wished to meet with him and his representatives some time before the next Board
meeting, to discuss a possible land donation for a Tollway exit at Lake -Cook Road.
He added that he intended to meet with the Tollway Commission to try to expedite
that matter.
LASALLE /BAXTER PROPERTY First Reading of the Ordinance.
LASALLE /BAXTER PROPERTY First Reading of the Ordinance.
POLICE CHIEF RICHARD BRANDT Mayor Forrest read a letter from Richard G.
RECOGNIZED BY VICE PRES. GEO. BUSH McMullen, Coordinator of the Vice President's
National Narcotics Border Interdiction System:
"On September 26, 1984, your Chief of Police, Richard Brandt, participated in a meet-
ing of federal, state and municipal law enforcement officials. The meeting was
chaired by Vice President George Bush. As I am sure you are aware, Chief Brandt was
recognized by Vice President Bush for the close cooperative working relationship he
has fostered in his capacity as Chief of Police and his role in the North Shore Metro-
politan Enforcement Group. The recognition of Chief Brandt by the Vice President,
and'his direct and candid dialogue with others in attendance was not only a tribute
to Chief Brandt, but recognition for the Village of Deerfield."
Mayor Forrest congratulated Chief Brandt and presented him with a framed photograph
which had been sent showing Vice President Bush, the Director and Chief Brandt.
All present signalled their hearty appreciation.
Corporation until February 15, 1985.
Trustee Seidman moved, seconded by Trustee
Marovitz, to approve the extension of the
Ietter•of Credit for the Valenti Development
Motion passed on the following vote:
AYES: Jackson, Marovitz, Marty, Seidman, Swanson, York (6) NAYS: None (0)
PARK DIST. EASEMENT REQUEST Trustee Seidman moved, seconded by Trustee
COLONY PT. /DEER RUN SUBDIVISIONS Marty, to ask the Park District to supply a
survey and a draft of an easement for
Board consideration. Motion carried unanimously.
MORATORIWI - BUILDING & ZONING Mayor Forrest stated that inasmuch as plans
PORTION OF VILLAGE CENTER for Access Avenue will now proceed and will
RESOLUTION NO. 0 -85 -01 involve a number of properties in the Vil-
lage Center, he has recommended that a 90 -day
moratorium be declared on any building and zoning applications in the area out-
lined in the Resolution, in order to permit engineering design and land acquisition.
Trustee Marty moved, seconded by Trustee York, to adopt the Resolution declaring
a 90 -day moratorium on acceptance of petitions for map amendments and /or. zoning
variations, and applications for building permits in a certain portion of the
Village Center. Motion carried unanimously.
AUTHORIZE CONTRACT. FOR Village Engineer James Soyka stated that a
STORM DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS Request for Proposal to design and supervise
DESIGN AND SUPERVISION corrective storm drainage work, identified in
the Baxter and Woodman Report, was sent to
McClure Engineering, Baxter and Woodman, and Donohue Associates. He noted that while
the McClure proposal was a bit lower than the other two, he considered their proposed
man hours for inspection and administration insufficient for the job.
He stated that Baxter and Woodman have provided conservative estimates in the past,
and have stayed within those cost estimates. Moreover, they propose to assign a
resident construction engineer to_ the job who has worked with Deerfield's engineer -
ing-department on storm drainage problems ':in 1973/74 and the crosstown force main.
This engineer is'very familiar with the Village and its residents and their parti-
cular needs. Mr. Soyka recommended that Baxter and Woodman be retained.
Trustee Seidman moved, seconded by Trustee Marty, to retain Baxter and Woodman to
correct the local drainage problems for an amount not to exceed $25,500. Motion
carried on the following vote:
AYES: Jackson, Marovitz, Marty, Seidman, Swanson, York (6) NAYS: None (0)
mine the number of cars in each lot.
Manager Franz stated that at the request of
the Board, commuter parking lots were checked
on October 15th and December 19th.to deter -
In the 25 -cent daily lots, cars were checked
/ 0,
to determine their point of origin. The daily 25 -cent lots were completely full,
and the permit parking lots nearly full.
PERMIT PARKING ($30 /qtr.) The Village has issued 167 permits of which only 87 or
52% are Deerfield residents. Parking permits have been issued on a first come first
served basis, and there is a waiting list with 49 names, 19 of which are Deerfield
residents. Deerfield residents repeatedly ask why they can't be given preference
over non - residents. Since permit parking lots were acquired, constructed, and
maintained with solely local funds, Staff recommended that preference be given
to Villagers.
DAILY PARKING (25- cents) Of the 496 parking spaces available, only 138 or 28%
were occupied by Villagers on October 15 and only 140 or 30% on December 19.
Mr. Franz noted that there had been renewed interest in commuter parking, probably
due to reduced RTA rates.
lie went on to state that the Board had the option of looking at additional parking
on various lots that may become available. He pointed out that the area on the
.east side of Chestnut Street, between Greenwood and Hazel Avenues, which the
Village controls could be used,although it has been used by residents for off -
strec:t parking. Staff recommended serious consideration of this site, especially
since Permit Parking Lots Nos. 9 and 10 will be eliminated if Access Avenue
goes through.
A survey of parking fees in neighboring communities showed Deerfield's 25 -cent fee
to b(! the lowest and Staff recommended daily rates be increased to 50- cents. Also,
permit parking rates be increased to $45 per quarter. He stated that depreciation
costs shown in the 1984 Audit indicate such rate increases are justifiable.
Considerable discussion followed regarding the almost total occupancy in all lots.
Thereafter, Mayor Forrest suggested that: 1) The daily fee be raised to 50 -cents as
of Fubruary 1, 2) The quarterly parking fee be raised to $45 as of April 1, 3) Deer-
field residents be given priority on purchase of parking permits, and 4) Lot 8 as
well. as .Lot 7 be restricted to Deerfield residents.
Trustee Swanson favored following Mayor Forrest's suggestions and awaiting the out-
come. Trustee Marovitz did not favor a rate hike and asked for an explanation of
the depreciation figure. Mayor Forrest stated it represented replacement costs
of about $600,000 amortized over a period of years. Further discussion was had in
which it was decided not to charge a larger permit parking fee for non - residents
than Eor residents. Also, commuters will be notified of these upcoming changes.
Richcird Mason of Northwoods drive stated that it was virtually impossible do find
a parking space after 7:30 in the morning and there are many people driving around
after that time trying to find a place they can legally park. Trustee Swanson ad-
Vised him there were parking .spaces on the east side of Chestnut Street north of
Gree»wood, many of which are only two blocks from the station. Mr. Mason stated he
had not known about them. Mayor Forrest thanked Mr. Mason for attending the Board
meeting and assured him the situation would be watched closely.
BANNI,1I REQUEST Trustee Jackson moved, seconded by Trustee
DEER]'I.ELD YOUTH BASEBALL ASSN. York, to grant permission to the Deerfield
Youth Baseball Association for a banner over
Deerfield Road at the railroad viaduct from January 7 -21. Motion carried unanimously.
Mayor Forrest instructed Attorney Stucko to keep in close contact with Mr. James
Mitchell of the Union Drainage District and the District's attorney to ascertain
when the Village can expect repayment of their loan.
Thera being no further business to come before the Board, upon motion by Trustee
Seidman the meeting was adjourned at 10:20 P.M.
I"", .✓
Village Jerk