October 1, 1984
The- regular meeting `df' the'" Board tof,. Trustees of the Vill -age of Deerf field rwas hc'alled
to order by the Mayor in the Council Chamber of the Village hall on Monday, October
1, 1984 at 8:00 P.M. The Clerk called the roll and announced the following were
Present:..Bernard Forrest, Mayor
Stephen 0. Jackson
Cynthia J. Marty
Edwin B. Seidman
Vernon E. Swanson
J. Robert York
Absent: *James L. Marovitz
and that a quorum was present and in attendance. Also present were Village Mana-
ger Robert D. Franz and Village Attorney James K. Stucko.
Trustee Seidman moved, seconded by Trustee.Jackson, to approve the minutes of the
previous Board meeting. Motion carried unanimously.
PROCLAMATION Mayor Forrest read his Proclamation designating
KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS October 26 and 27. as Knights of Columbus - Help
HELP RETARDED CITIZENS DAYS Retarded Citizens Days. Trustee Swanson moved,
OCTOBER 26 -27, 1984 seconded by Trustee Marty, to approve the Pro-
clamation. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Wm.
Prindiville, Chairman of the drive, accepted the Proclamation.
*Trustee Marovitz entered the meeting at 8:05 P.M. and was present thereafter.
DRAPER & KRAMER SIGNAGE PLAN Mgr. Franz stated that the Plan Commissioh had
TEMPORARY*LEASING SIGNS held a .public hearing -on August 9, 1984, ex-
tended to September.6, 1984, to consider the
request of Draper'& Kramer, Inc. to amend their previously granted PUD /Signage Plan
to include temporary leasing signs for their Deerfield Business,Center on Lake -Cogk
The Plan Commission recommended on a vote of 5 -0 that the request be approved sub-
ject to.the following: 1) The sign facing the Tollway Spur be limited to 10 feet
feet, located in accordance with petitioner's Exhibit "A ", and 2) The Lake -Cook
Road signs should be limited to 91 square feet per face as depicted on petitioner's
Exhibit "A" and should be located in front of the berm, approximately 150 feet west
of the petitioner's eastern property line or in the vicinity of the area opposite
the.entrance between the the two northernmost buildings.
Motion: Trustee Marty moved, seconded by Trustee Jackson, to accept the Plan Com-
mission's recommendation and direct the preparation of the necessary ordinance.
The Motion carried unanimously.
SIDEYARD VARIATION (LEVIT) Mgr. Franz reported that the Board of Zoning
540 BRIERHILL ROAD Appeals held a public hearing September 18, on the
BZA REPORT & RECOMMENDATION petition of, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Levit for a 1'9"
side yard variation on the north side of their
house. The BZA recommended., on a vote of 5 -0, that the request be granted.
Motion: Trustee Seidman moved, seconded by Trustee Swanson, to accept.the BZA
recommendation and direct preparation of the necessary ordinance. Motion carried
E -Z GO PROPERTY Trustee Seidman moved, seconded by Trustee Swan -
671 WAUKEGAN ROAD son, to waive the rules to permit passage of the
C -1 SPECIAL USE /PUD GRANTED ordinance on first reading. Motion. carried
ORDINANCE NO. 0 -84 -43 unanimously.
Motion: Trustee Seidman moved, seconded by Trustee Marty, to pass the ordinance
granting a C -1 Special Use /Planned Unit Development on the property at 671 Wauke-
gan Road, the E -Z Go gas station property. Trustee Marovitz noted the CBS logo
of the petitioners' development corporation and inquired whether they were con-
nected with the CBS Broadcasting Co. for which he handled legal work. The Board
thought there was little likelihood of a connection, but Trustee Marovitz pre-
ferred not to vote on the matter. The motion carried on the following vote:
AYES: Jackson, Marty, Seidman, Swanson, York (5)
NAYS: None (0) ABSTENTIONS: Marovitz' (1)
Mr. Best stated that he had walked the site with Captain Wilson of the Fire De-
partment who felt that there was suitable access to the rear of the building from
Waukegan Road and sufficient space between the building and the property,line
on the south to accommodate fire vehicles. But, he felt that the ground would
not bear the weight of 'heavy vehicles without some hard surfacing. He stated
that while stabilized turf (used at 1 Deerfield.Place) was theoretically ade-
quate, he had not seen it in practice, and felt it might be necessary to im-
prove the area with a concrete walk which would double as a fire line. Mr. Best
stated that the developer would abide by Captain Wilson's ruling.
Mr. Bes.t went on to address the issue of density. He submitted that the`Board had
approved, in.the recent past, 16.4 dwelling units per acre on the Fran Carr pro-
perty and 10.4 units per acre for Barclay Lane. He was of the opinion that the
petitioner's request for 12.9 units was not out of line. Considerable discussion
ensued regarding bulk regulations and unit number /lot area ratios. It was also
pointed out that the Carr and Barclay Lane properties were PUDs which had met
setback requirements and that the Carr property with 16.4 units per acre was
bordered by two, major streets, a different type of, location than the Konsler
Mayor Forrest was of the opinion that the proposal had too great a density, and
Trustee York stated he was firmly opposed to a development of more than five units..
Trustee Marovitz asked how many units could be built on the site if no variations
were granted. Mrs. Ruffino, Village Planner, stated that much depended on the
size of the units, but that she would guess that two or three, perhaps four, might
be permitted. She stated that the number of units is controlled by setback require-
ments and size of the units.
Motion: Trustee Marty moved, seconded by Trustee York, to accept the Plan Commis-
sion recommendation to rezone the property to R -5 and direct the preparation of the
appropriate ordinance. Motion carried unanimously.
Discussion ensued regarding the BZA recommendationsto approve the petition. Mr.
Best submitted that residents of Barclay Lane had not objected to the number of
units and stated that they preferred the proposal to commercial development under
present zoning.
Motion: Trustee Jackson moved, seconded_by Trustee Marovitz, to accept the recom-
mendation of the BZA if satisfactory access conditions and fire .lanes are approved
by the Fire Department. Motion carried as follows:.
AYES: Jackson, Marovitz, Marty, Seidman, Swanson (5) NAYS: York (1)
REQUEST BANNER AT VIADUCT Trustee Seidman moved, seconded by Trustee Maro -,
DEERFIELD PARK'DISTRICT vitz, to approve the request by the Deerfield
Park District to erect.a banner on the viaduct
from October 1 to October 13, 1984 announcing the opening of the Flodstrom Fit-
" .ness Center. Motion carried unanimously.
MANPOWER COMMISSION Discussion was deferred until a later meeting.
First reading of ordinance.
Mayor Forrest noted that the leases were origi-
nally authorized in 1981 and the rental fees
increased in 1983. However, upon recommendation
of the Staff, the rental.fees have not been in-
creased this year.
Motion: Trustee Seidman moved,
seconded by trustee York, to authorize the mayor
to sign the leases of Journal Court property used for parking behind apartments
at 932 -48 Waukegan Road. Motion
carried as follows:
AYES: Jackson, Marovitz, Marty,
Seidman, Swanson, York (6)
NAYS: None (0)
Mr. Robert Best, attorney for the petitioner,
stated that the Board had not acted upon the
request in the past as they were concerned
about access for the Fire. Department and den-
sity of the project.
Mr. Best stated that he had walked the site with Captain Wilson of the Fire De-
partment who felt that there was suitable access to the rear of the building from
Waukegan Road and sufficient space between the building and the property,line
on the south to accommodate fire vehicles. But, he felt that the ground would
not bear the weight of 'heavy vehicles without some hard surfacing. He stated
that while stabilized turf (used at 1 Deerfield.Place) was theoretically ade-
quate, he had not seen it in practice, and felt it might be necessary to im-
prove the area with a concrete walk which would double as a fire line. Mr. Best
stated that the developer would abide by Captain Wilson's ruling.
Mr. Bes.t went on to address the issue of density. He submitted that the`Board had
approved, in.the recent past, 16.4 dwelling units per acre on the Fran Carr pro-
perty and 10.4 units per acre for Barclay Lane. He was of the opinion that the
petitioner's request for 12.9 units was not out of line. Considerable discussion
ensued regarding bulk regulations and unit number /lot area ratios. It was also
pointed out that the Carr and Barclay Lane properties were PUDs which had met
setback requirements and that the Carr property with 16.4 units per acre was
bordered by two, major streets, a different type of, location than the Konsler
Mayor Forrest was of the opinion that the proposal had too great a density, and
Trustee York stated he was firmly opposed to a development of more than five units..
Trustee Marovitz asked how many units could be built on the site if no variations
were granted. Mrs. Ruffino, Village Planner, stated that much depended on the
size of the units, but that she would guess that two or three, perhaps four, might
be permitted. She stated that the number of units is controlled by setback require-
ments and size of the units.
Motion: Trustee Marty moved, seconded by Trustee York, to accept the Plan Commis-
sion recommendation to rezone the property to R -5 and direct the preparation of the
appropriate ordinance. Motion carried unanimously.
Discussion ensued regarding the BZA recommendationsto approve the petition. Mr.
Best submitted that residents of Barclay Lane had not objected to the number of
units and stated that they preferred the proposal to commercial development under
present zoning.
Motion: Trustee Jackson moved, seconded_by Trustee Marovitz, to accept the recom-
mendation of the BZA if satisfactory access conditions and fire .lanes are approved
by the Fire Department. Motion carried as follows:.
AYES: Jackson, Marovitz, Marty, Seidman, Swanson (5) NAYS: York (1)
REQUEST BANNER AT VIADUCT Trustee Seidman moved, seconded by Trustee Maro -,
DEERFIELD PARK'DISTRICT vitz, to approve the request by the Deerfield
Park District to erect.a banner on the viaduct
from October 1 to October 13, 1984 announcing the opening of the Flodstrom Fit-
" .ness Center. Motion carried unanimously.
MANPOWER COMMISSION Discussion was deferred until a later meeting.
FENCE HEIGHT MODIFICATION Manager Franz reported that the Board of Zoning
5' FRONTYARD FENCE /1156 LAUREL Appeals held a public hearing on September. 18,
BZA REPORT & RECOMMENDATION 1984 to consider the request of Mr. and Mrs.
Howard Rosenfeld, 1156 Laurel Avenue, for a
modification to permit the erection of a 5' fence in the.frontyard of their pro-
perty in lieu of the permitted 3' fence. The BZA, on a vote of 5 -0, recommended
granting of the request for a.5' frontyard fence.
Motion: Trustee Marty moved, seconded by Trustee Jackson, to accept the BZA
recommendation, and direct the preparation,of an ordinance. Motion carried
ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR: Village Engineer James Soyka reported that the
FINAL WASTEWATER CLARIFIER & developer of the Lake -Cook Office Park has
SANITARY SEWER RELIEF LINE agreed to furnish $325,000 toward a relief sani-
SOUTHWEST QUADRANT tary sewer (costing $200,000) to prevent any
loading from the development reaching the Pine
Street interceptor. The remaining $125,000 will be applied toward construction
of the wastewater treatment plant final clarifier. An additional $300,000 needed
will come from the -Tax Increment Financing District established in the area.
Mayor Forrest inquired whether alternate.plans for routing the relief sewer had
been considered. Mr. Soyka replied that the route is not set and will be part
of the design construction criteria. Discussion ensued regarding aspects of the
engineering proposals for the final clarifier: Baxter.and Woodman ($38,550) and
Donohue ($44,200).
Motion: Trustee Marty moved, seconded by Trustee Marovitz, that Baxter and Wood-
man be retained to provide engineering services for the final clarifier in an.
amount not to exceed $38,550. Motion carried as follows:
AYES: Jackson, Marovitz, Marty, Seidman, Swanson, York (6)
NAYS: None (0)
Motion: Trustee Marty moved, seconded by Trustee Seidman, to retain Baxter and
Woodman to provide the engineering.services for.design and construction of the
relief sanitary sewer in an.amount not to exceed.$18,500.
Trustee Swanson asked why Donahue had not submitted a proposal for the relief
sanitary sewer. Mr. Soyka replied that only Baxter and Woodman had been asked
to submit a proposal since they had been studying the sewer system in the area
extensively and had formulatedpreliminary plans. Mgr. Franz stated that in
_ negotiating with Mr. Stein, the developer of the Lake -Cook Tri -State Office Park,
various options were considered and Baxter and Woodman had been consulted as to
the best approach. Along with their study of the Village's entire sewer system,
it seemed they were particularly suited-to offer a better price than another firm
which would have to do a lot of preliminary work before quoting.a price for the
job. Trustee Swanson stated that he would have been interested in seeing a bid
from Donohue.
The motion passed on the following vote:
AYES: Jackson, Marovitz, Marty, Seidman, Swanson,.York (6) NAYS: None (0)
There.being no further business to come before the Board, upon motion by Trustee
Seidman, the meeting was adjourned at 8:55 P.M.
Village Clerk