August 20, 1984
The regular meeting of.the Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield was called
to order by :the Mayor in the Council Chamber of the Village Hall on Monday, August;.,.
20, 1984 at 8:00 P.M. The Clerk called the roll and announced that the following''.
Present: Bernard Forrest, Mayor
James L. Marovitz ,
Cynthia J. Marty
Edwin B. Seidman
Vernon E. Swanson
J. Robert York
Absent: Stephen 0. Jackson
and that a quorum was present and in attendance. Also present were'Robert D.
Franz, Village Manager, and James K. Stucko, Village Attorney.
Trustee Seidman moved, seconded by Trustee Marty, to approve the minutes of the
previous Board meeting as presented. Mo *.ion carried unanimously.
APPROVE WARRANT Motion: Trustee Seidman moved, seconded by
NO. W -84 -08 Trustee Marty, to approve.the bills and payroll,
including transfers and reimbursements. Motion
carried on following vote:
AYES: Marovitz, Marty, Seidman; Swanson, York (5) NAYS: None (0)
TREASURER'S REPORT Finance Director George Valentine reported
that: 1) Sales Tax received in July and August
showed an increase of 16% and 5 %, respectively, over the same months last year,
2) The percentage of annual increase over the previous year is 12 %, 3) expendi-
tures of all departments are within their.budgets, and 4) perusal of records indi-
cate water purchases from Highland Park for the month of July to be the second
highest ever made, thereby making the year -to -date amount 8% over the average..
The Board thanked Mr. Valentine for his report.
PROCLAMATION Mayor Forrest read a proclamation designating
EMPLOYEE FITNESS DAY October 3,_ 1984 as Employee Fitness Day in
Motion: Trustee Seidman.moved, seconded by Trustee York, to approve the proclama-
tion. Motion carried unanimously.
DEPARTMENTAL OBJECTIVES Finance Director George Valentine reported that
FINANCE - GEORGE VALENTINE the following projects were completed:,.I) onsight
work of the Annual.Audit with a draft.copy being'
reviewed, 2) Property Tax Levy with ordinance :ready.for first reading, and'3) Annual
Treasurer's Re P ort for filin g P before Se tember 1
Mr. Valentine further.stated that investment objectives were being met, and most
routine monthly-activities have been completed on time. He added that an actuarial
study is being made of the Police Pension Fund and should be ready shortly..Also,
the Finance, Building,and Public Works Departments' are exploring the uses-of
microcomputerization. An IBM PC XT is :already in the Building Department and
when a satisfactory understanding of the microcomputer is achieved through working
with that department, budgeted PC'S will be ordered for the Finance and Public
Works Departments.:
Mayor Forrest asked Mr. Valentine to.elaborate on his. procedures for investments.
Mr. Valentine replied that the objective is to invest 97% of all funds under the
control of the treasurer. However, since the last department head report,,the
average investment versus assets has been approximately 103 %. He explained this
is achieved by careful movement of funds from interest bearing accounts to non -
interest bearing accounts and vice versa to coincide with actual bank clearings.
Mayor Forrest stated that investment of 97% of funds is higher than most munici-
palities accomplish, and 'that an investment of 103% of funds is a notably excell-
ent achievement on the part of a.treasurer. The Board thanked Mr.'Valentine for
his report..
SALAD DL -LITES RESTAURANT Manager Uranz stated thaL the Plan Comni:i.sslon
SPLC,I:AL USE REQULST had 11C-1d a puhli.c hearing on JU1y 26, 1.984 and
PI:,AN COMM. REl ?OR'L ^ /I�l C0Alr1. recouuuendLd, on a vote of 6 -0, Lhe icqucst
for.'a Special Use 'be granted to permit a Salad Delites.Restaurant in the Deerbrook
Shopping Mall.
Motion: Trustee Marovitz moved, seconded by Trustee Marty, that the Special Use be
granted and the Village attorney,, instructed. to prepare the appropriate ordinance.
Motion carried unanimously. ^' �•,�
MARRIOTT HOTEL - BRICKYARDS Manager Franz reported that the Plan Commission
FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN AND recommended the approval-of the Marriott Final
RESUB. PLAT APPROVED Development Plan and Final Plat of Resubdivision
and the direction of the Village attorney to
prepare the appropriate ordinances-rezoning-the Marriott property, adopting the
necessary text amendments for a hotel, and granting the Special Use for the-hotel.
Motion: Trustee Marty moved, seconded by Trustee Swanson', to accept the Plan
Commission recommendation and instruct the attorney to prepare the necessary ordi-
Trustee Seidman asked for clarification regarding relocation of 'a 60 -foot wide
easement along the western side of the Marriott property, accessing property.to
the north owned by George Fink. Mr. Allen 'Stefaniak attorney for•Mr. Sven
Flodstrom, stated that Mr. Fink had 'a 60 -foot temporary easement running all the
way north from Lake -Cook Road to the southern boundary of the Fink property. Mr..'.
Fink has agreed to vacate that temporary easement if the Village will'give him a
temporary easement running east and west along the north line of Lot 7 (owned by
the Village). As soon as permanent access to his property is provided, he will.
vacate the temporary easement. He added that the easement issue must be settled
before Marriott will proceed to develop.
Mrs. Harriet Rosenthal, Plan Commissioner, stated that-the petitioners. must.,:subtitit
a site plan indicating the location'of the off -site sign proposed for'Deer Lake
Road. Ms.. Ruth Wuorenma, representing the Marriott Hotel, will pr6vide a model_
of their 10 sq. foot directional sign and site location bef,6re the•next Board
meeting. I /
Motion to approve the Plan Commission's recommendation carried unanimously.
STEIN DEVELOPMENT —HOTEL PORTION, Manager Franz reported .that the Plan'Commission
SIGNAGE PLAN & TEXT AMENDMENT had held a public hearing on July 26, 1984 at
which they had considered the signage plan,and
text amendment for the hotel portion of the Stein /Volkswagen Development. The
Plan Commission recommended, on a vote of 5 to 1, that the.petitioners' requests
be approved subject to the following: 1) The temporary signs be permitted but
should be limited to a 2 -year time period, 2) Appropriate amendments be adopted
to allow neon to be used as proposed for a wall sign only if the sign is.not
visible from any residential area, 3) The off -site sign be reduced in size so
that its overall height will not be greater than teri (10)•feet above the nearest
curb level and the overall size should be reduced to 10 feet by 12 feet (120•sq.
ft. 'per face) .
Trustee Seidman expressed concern that too many,signs (6) had been requested and
some too large. Trustee York commented that only artist's renderings of proposed
signs rather than'photographs had been submitted for Board consideration.
Mr. Gregory L. Dose of Rudnick and Wolfe, representing the petitioner, introduced,
Mr. John M. Cara, Vice Pres. of the Management Group, the company who will manage.;
the hotel. Mr. Cara displayed sketches of six signs proposed, three ground and
three wall'signs. He discussed - materials,. sightlines, open channel neon.,pro
posed for one wall sign, and the fact that only one sign -(at.Deerfield /Huehl.Roads),_•
would be .visible from Deerfield.
Trustee Marovitz asked whether the neon sign would be`covered by a.maintenance
contract. Mr. Cara replied that it would be. Trustee'Marovitz went on to state
that he considered the hotel property to be "buried." and that-since five of the
six signs asked for (which the petitioner believes are beneficial to him) are.not
visible to the Village, he saw no reason to,object to the'number requested. It
was noted that the off -site sign will be moved to the east-side of Huehl Road.
Trustee Seidman moved'to accept the recommendation of.the Plan Commission but
with the off -site ground sign and the large wall sign limited to 120 sq. ft. each
and the off -site ground sign moved to the east side of Huehl Road. Motion failed
for lack of a second.
Motion: Trustee Marty moved, seconded by Trustee Marovitz, to accept the P.1an
Commission's recommendation and that the attorney be instructed to pi -epare tale
appropriate ordinances.
Trustee Swanson questioned the Plan Commission's second recommendation,that neon
signs be permitted only if not visible from a_ y residential area. Trustee'Maro-
vitz commented that the proposed neon - channel wall sign would face directly
south toward Northbrook's industrial area, where there are no houses. However,
the petitioner was asked to recheck the distance and area where the•sign would,
be visible.
Mrs. Harriet Rosenthal, P1an.Commissioner, stated that the Plan Commission had
had concerns.about six signs for just the hotel portion.of the development. The
rest of the development will be considered in September, and another six signs
could be requested. Mrs. Rosenthal went on to say that.the size and type of the
wall sign would tend to attract customers off.the Tollway. The Village's origi-
nal philosophy was to allow a hotel in Deerfield to accommodate business people
coming to Deerfield who would already have directions to that hotel. Mr. Dose
stated that people coming from O'Hare Airport at night, really need to see the
sign for the hotel - - -a hotel in the back lot. Mayor.Forrest stated that no one
coming from the South on the Tollway would see any other identification sign.
Trustee Marty pointed out that accommodations for business visitors was not the
sole consideration when approval for a hotel on the Stein development was given.
Motion to accept the Plan Commission's recommendations and preparation of neces-
sary ordinances passed on the following vote:
AYES: Marovitz, Marty, Swanson, York (4) NAYS: None (0)
The petitioner will advise the Board of sites where neon channel - lighting can
be viewed and submit photos of such signs.
Mr. Dose discussed with the Board the three temporary signs on the Stein property
which had been functioning until demolition.of the Volkswagen building began and
the electric lines servicing the signs were accidentally severed. He asked Board
approval for a permit to restore the electric lines which had been. originally
installed under a Cook County permit.
Motion: Trustee Marty moved, seconded by Trustee York, to instruct Staff.to
issue a permit for work on the accidentally severed electrical lines toy restore. •
lights for the temporary signs. Motion carried unanimously. !!
JUDY'S PIZZERIA Manager Franz reported that the Plan Commission
807 HOFFMAN LANE held a public hearing on April 12, 1984, con -
REPORTS.& RECOMMENDATIONS tinued to May 24, 1984,to consider the request
PLAN COMM. /VCDC /BZA of Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Schuetz for a Special
Use for a restaurant at 807.-Hoffman Lane. The
PLAN COMMISSION unanimously recommended that the petitioners' request be denied.
THE VILLAGE CENTER DEVELOPMENT discussed the petition at a regular meeting on
June 6, 1984 and on a vote of 6 to 0 recommended denial of the Special Use request.
THE BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS held a public hearing on July'31, 1984 and on
a vote of 4 to 0 recommended that the request for a variation be denied since no
hardship other than financial had been shown.
Mr. Sherwin Rosenfeld,.architect•and representative of-Mr. and.Mrs. Schuetz, stated
that the. owners had been-in the.present location j ive years and they have a good
business. However, they wish to.improve. but notmove,.from.their'•location. They are,
of the opinion that a move to another location,'.-except next door, would jeopardize
their business. He stated that the owners have a ten -year lease and will not move
from their present location. He submitted that in his opinion an expansion of. the
present business next door will provide needed parking, tax revenue for the
Village, pedestrian access to a downtown restaurant, and profits.for the owners.
Discussion followed regarding parking requirements, access to the restaurant, cir7.
culation of traffic, traffic hazards; criteria for Special.Uses, severe parking
limitations should carry out service be replaced by.full..sit: down service,in the
future, etc.
Motion: Trustee Marty moved, seconded by Trustee Seidman, to accept the Plan Com-
mission's recommendation. Motion carried unanimously.
Motion: Trustee Marty moved, seconded by Trustee Seidman, to accept the recommen-
dation of the Village Center Development Commission. Motion carried unanimously.
Motion: Trustee Marty moved, seconded by 'Trustee Seidman,' to accept the recommenda-
L'i.on of the Board of Zoning Appeals. Motion carried, Trustee Marovitz dissenL:ing.
The-Board recessed at 9:30 and reconvened at 9:40, all members being present and
in attendance.
TAX LEVY ORDINANCE Finance Director George Valentine explained that
FISCAL YEAR 1984%85. .the tax levying system followed in Deerfield was
tied to the amount set forth in the budget. The
levy calls for $2,737,646 with an abatement to follow, resulting.in a levy 2%
lower than 1983, if no other long term debt is incurred between now and December
31, 1984. He added.that the Truth in Taxation hearing was held on August 6, 1984
and the final reading of the�ordinance. will, be held on September 4,. 1984. The
ordinance stood at first reading.
Motion: Trustee Seidman moved,:seconded by Trus = "
tee Marty, to adopt a resolution (in conformity
to.the Illinois Police Pension Code) providing
for the Village to pick up contributions now ,
being paid by employees to the Police
Pension Fund. Motion carried unanimously.
Motion: Trustee Marty moved, seconded by Trus-
tee York, to pass the Ordinance vacating an alley
ORDINANCE NO. 0 -84 -33
off Journal Court. Motion carried as follows:
AYES: Marovitz, Marty, Seidman,
Swanson, York (5) NAYS: None (0)
Motion: Trustee Marty moved, seconded by Trus -'
tee Marovitz to waive the rules to permit pass -,
ORDINANCE NO. 0 -84 -34
age of the ordinance.on first reading. Motion ..'. '
carried unanimously. Trustee.Marty moved,
seconded by Trustee Marovitz, to
pass the ordinance amending the Zoning Map and
authorize a Special Use /PUD for
710 -30 Osterman Avenue.. Motion carried as follows:
AYES: Marovitz, Marty, Seidman,
Swanson., York (5) NAYS:' None (0)'
PARKING PROVISIONS Village attorney James Stucko explained that
MUN. CODE AMENDMENT __ the Ordinance before the Board for considera-
ORDINANCE NO. 0 -84 -35 tion was written to correct some inconsisten-
cies in the Municipal Code on parking provi-
sions for Deerfield and Wilmot Roads.
Motion: Trustee Marty moved, seconded by Trustee Swanson, to waive the rules
to'permit passage of the ordinance'on first.reading. Motion carried unanimously.
Trustee Marovitz,moved, seconded by Trustee Seidman, to pass the ordinance pro-
hibiting parking on both.sides of Deerfield and Wilmot Roads for•leir entire
lengths within the.Village.. Motion carried on following vgte:.
AYES: Marovitz, Marty, Seidman,'Swanson, York (5) NAYS: None (0),
ORDINANCE NO. 0 -84 -36
moved, seconded by Trust
a Firelane Agreement and
Corners. Motion carried
Motion: Trustee Marty moved, seconded by.'
Trustee Marovitz, to waive.the rules to permit
passage of the ordinance on first reading.
Motion carried unanimously. Trustee Marty
ee Marovitz., that the Mayor be authorized,to_ execute
to pass the ordinance designating firelanes at Cadwell's
on following vote:
AYES: Marovitz, Marty, Seidman, Swanson, ",York (5) NAYS: None (0)
There being no further business to come before the.Board, on motion by Trustee
Seidman and second by Trustee Marovitz, the meeting was,.adjourned at 9:50 P.M.
Village Clerk