04/02/1984April 2, 1984 The regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield was called to order by the Village Clerk, in.the absence of the Mayor, in the Council Chamber of the Village Hall on Monday April 2, 1984 at 8:00 P.M. Upon motion by Trustee Marty,\ second by Trustee Jackson, and unanimous Board'approval,.Trustee Swanson was appointed Mayor pro tem. The Clerk called the roll and announced the following were Present: Stephen 0. Jackson. James L. Marovitz Cynthia J. Marty Edwin B. Seidman Vernon E. Swanson J. Robert York Absent:' Bernard. Forrest, Mayor and that a quorum was present and in attendance., Also present were Village Mana-• ger Robert D. Franz and Village Attorney James K. Stucko. Trustee Seidman moved, seconded-by-Trustee York,-to approve the minutes with the following corrections: Under Marriott Hotel, tenth paragraph, line three, follow- ing the word "Marriott ", add "or other first class hotel operators "; under Ten- tative Annual Budget, first line, correct spelling of Trustee Seidman's name., Motion carried unanimously: PROCLAMATION Mayor pro tem Swanson read a Proclamation ED KLASINSKI WEEK wherein appreciation was expressed.for twenty APRIL 2 -7 five years of excellent supervision by Director Edmund Klasinski.'.of :.the Villages's. fine Pub- lic Works Department. April 2 -7 was designated Ed Klasinski week in Dee'rfield.'. Mr. Klasinski accepted the proclamation with all present heartily approving. DEPARTMENTAL OBJECTIVES Director. of Building and Zoning Charles J. BUILDING AND ZONING Smalley was present to further discuss his written report to the Board on the objectives of the building, zoning, and planning departments.' Mr. Smalley reported that a vast amount : of -unanticipated winter construction has taken place, is presently underway,and will continue'.' Building inspections alone have increased six fold over previous years,with almost 800 man hours devoted to on -site inspections during the last five months. Moreover, there has been extraordinarily heavy zoning and planning activity'with items yet•to- be heard by the Plan Commission scheduled well into August.. He stated that this heavy activity had placed excessive burdens on all the staff and that additional help, at least on a temporary basis, is needed. -The most active.: part of the construction season is just beginning. r Manager Franz. said that the.proposed budget,which will be'adopted April 16, includes clerical help for the summer,which might be.retained longer on a part -time basis if all works out well. Discussion ensued regarding extra help; hopefully beyond a-basic clerk, to: 1) free -up present personnel to assist in outside inspections, 2) help handle heavy paper -work load requiring weekend work by the general secretary, and 3) assist the Village Planner.in processing Plan Commission data., Trustee Swanson noted that such help might assist later on in word processing,•etc. when a,computer data base system is established, .a major goal for the coming year. The Board directed Staff to proceed at once to procure clerical help for the Building and Zoning Department. The Board,thanked Mr. Smalley for his report. 1983 784 AUDIT Trustee Marty moved, seconded by Trustee AUDITOR APPOINTED Seidman, that Karrison & Byrne be appointed auditors fo.r the fiscal year ending April 30, 1984, at.a cost not to exceed $8,400. A short discussion followed with Finance Director George Valentine giving.his perception of the practices of auditing firms'in establishing fees, which often fluctuate from year'-to-year. Manager Franz pointed out that there are plusses in continuing with a firm familiar with Village finances, but that the Village is always at liberty to send out, each year, requests for proposals. Requests had been sent to five firms, and'Karrison & Byrne who have been providing-audit services for the past four years submitted the'low proposal. �3 Motion to appoint Karrison & Byrne as auditors passed on-the following vote: AYES: Jackson, Marovitz, Marty, Seidman, Swanson, York (6) NAYS: None (0) - CONSENT AGENDA 900.Beverly P1. (Silberman) First reading of ordinance granting an 18" Front Yard Setback Variation encroachment into-the front yard setback. 1210 Gordon Terrace (Blus) Mayor authorized to sign Final Plat of- Final Plat of Development Planned,Residential Development. Trustee Seidman moved, seconded by Trustee Marty, to approve the Consent Agenda. Motion passed unanimously. DIPIETRO /BUCCOLA /SCM Attorney Stucko explained that in July 1983 LAKE.000K ROAD (NORTH SIDE) the Board had approved the :initial recommend- ation of the.Plan'Commission for rezoning, resubdivision, and preliminary plan for PUDs. The developers having provided, all detailed plans required by the final plan procedures, ordinances are required to order to effectuate the Plan Commission's recommendation. Trustee Seidman moved, seconded by Trustee Marovitz, to direct the attorney to prepare the ordinances necessary to effectuate the Plan Commission's recommenda- tion. Motion carried unanimously. GALVANI PROPERTY Trustee Marty moved, seconded by Trustee OSTERMAN AVE. E..OF R.R. York, -to instruct the Village Attorney to pre RE: FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN pare the ordinances necessary for approval of .the Final, Development Plan for a .PUD on the Galvani property on Osterman Avenue, east of the railroad tracks: Motion carried unanimously. VILLAGE ENTRANCE SIGNS Mgr. Franz stated that at the March 5th Board meeting replacement of the Village_.:entrance'... signs, originally installed by the Chamber of Commerce, was discussed at the request of representatives of the Newcomers Club and the'Garden Club. At that time, Staff was instructed to develop cost estimates for signs similar to those of Lincolnshire and Riverwoods (favored by the two clubs). Costs for signs of this type were found to range from $800 to $1200 each as they are hand carved. He added that the Park District, which has routing equipment for making signs,.;:: stated that they would cooperate, but'signs similar to-those of Riverwoods, etc. would still be very expensive. Considerable discussion ensued regarding the actual signs and the planters at their bases. Mrs. Joan Guasta of ,the Deerfield Garden Club stated they were not particularly opposed to the signs,.but were chiefly concerned with the disintegrating brick planters. She added that they would like the brick work removed so they could plant permanent ground shrubs at the base of the signs, ' adding annuals each season. Trustee York reminded the Board that the signs and , planters were the property of the Chamber of Commerce. Trustee Jackson suggested'... repointing the brickwork and simply planting around it. Trustee Seidman asked for Staff recommendation. Mgr. Franz replied that Staff favored fixing the bases as they are,and,permitting the Garden Club to plant around them with more permanent vegetation. Trustee York felt the Chamber of Commerce would have no objection to this.: Trustee Jackson asked'Mrs. Guasta whether the Garden Club,,:with; the help of.the•Village,could design some mound ing of earth around the.planters and direct the Village where to put in bushes, etc. to achieve something artistic and lovely.. Mrs.,Guasta //agreeW such cooper- ation was possible. Staff was directed to work with the.Garden Club, not alter- ing the signs, but attempting 'only improvement of'.the landscaping,to which the Chamber of Commerce would have no objection. There being no further business to come before the Board, upon motion by Trustee Seidman, and second by Trustee Marovitz, the meeting was adjourned at 8:45 P.M. APPROVED: A TEST: illage Cl rk Mayor