The regular meeting of
to order by the Mayor
20, 1984 at 8:03 P.M.
February 20;, 1984
the Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield was called
in the Council Chamber of the Village Hall on Monday, February
The Clerk called the roll and-reported that the following
Present.:. Bernard Forrest, May
Stephen 0. Jackson
James L. Marovitz,
Edwin B. Seidman
Vernon E. Swanson
J. Robert York
Absent: Cynthia J. Marty
and that a quorum was present and in attendance. Also present were Village Mana-
ger Robert D. Franz and Village Attorney James K. Stucko.
Trustee Seidman moved, seconded by Trustee Jackson, to approve the minutes of
February 6, 1984 as presented. Motion carrieds Trustee,Marovitz abstaining.
APPROVE WARRANT Trustee Seidman moved, seconded by Trustee
NO. W -84 -02 Jackson, to approve the bills.and payroll,
including transfers and reimbursements.
Motion carried on the following vote:
AYES: Jackson, Marovitz, Seidman, Swanson, York (5)
NAYS: None (0)
TREASURER'S REPORT Finance Director George Valentine reported
that sales.tax received in February for
sales during the month of November was 11% higher than receipts for the same
period last year. The year -to -date figure is a 9% increase. State income
tax continues as it should,given the increased tax rate. General fund revenues
are substantially over projection due largely to the increase in State income
tax.and the large increase in building permit fees ($60,000 over projections ;
to date, but not likely to be a yearly recurrence).
As for expenditures, Mr. Valentine stated that most departments are operating
within their budgets except the streetdepartment which is $20,000 over its
budget, due to the number of times snow had to be.plowed during January and
the cost of extensive repairs to snow removal equipment.
The Board thanked Mr. Valentine for his report.
Proposed Use of Federal Revenue Sharing Funds
Opening the hearing, Finance Director George J. Valentine explained that the
purpose of the Proposed Use Hearing.was to provide a forum in which members
of the public may communicate, orally or in writing, their views concerning
the expenditure of Revenue Sharing Funds. Basically,Revenue Sharing Funds
may be used for any purpose for which the Village can legally spend its own
money. He added that, in the past, the Board had directed these funds be
used to reduce debt, thereby keeping'the Debt Service Levy on an even level.
Manager Franz reported that a letter had been received from the Senior Men's
Club inquiring about procedures for participating in federal revenue sharing
money. He stated that he believed they were interested in getting into some
televising for Cable TV. -The administrative intern will be working with them
to determine exactly what they are looking for and report back to the Board.
Mayor Forrest stated that reduction'of debt had been the Board's only goal for the
past few years. There being no one wishing to be heard, Mayor Forrest declared
the hearing closed. /
by Trustee York, to approve the
Mayor Forrest read a proclamation in which
he declared the month of April, 1.984 Cancer.
Control Month. Trustee Seidman moved, seconded
proclamation. Motion carried unan:i.uiously.
NORTH AVENUE IMPROVEMENT Bannockburn President Remo Picchietti,
PROPOSAL PRESENTED accompanied by Village Clerk B. Biagi and
BANNOCKBURN PRES. R. PICCHIETTI Village Trustee Gary Neal, presented his
views regarding North Avenue, "a very, very
bad road." He submitted that,.A.n his opinion, there were four options: 1)leaving
the road as is, 2)patching it once in a while when citizens complain, 3) a FAUS
program costing $250 - $300,000, with 30% borne locally between the two communi-
ties, and 4) Bannockburn's proposal to consider upgrading the road at a cost
of $45;000. He felt the road could not be left as is,and that yearly patching would
not result in a condition much better than is presently found.
Pres. Picchietti acknowledged that.a FAUS program had merit, in that most of the
cost would borne by.the federal government, but he did not favor FAUS requirements
such as a 22' pavement, 4' gravel shoulders, which hei:felt would invite;:too :much
traffic. He noted that there would be some loss of trees and shrubs, mostly on.::'
the Deerfield side (along the 33' Deerfield dedication). He stated that he would
like to again.-suggest upgrading, not just patching, which would cost about $45,000,
with Deerfield paying half the cost in three years.
Considerable discussion ensued regarding drainage problems, topography, water
main leakage, height build -up of the road, etc._ Trustee Swanson asked about
the life expectancy of the road with a $45,000 program. Pres. Picchietti re-
plied that their engineer estimated the road would last for five years. Trustee
Seidman pointed out that $45,000 would not rebuild the road with a proper base.
Pres. Picchietti agreed.
Village Engineer Soyka, replying to Board questioning, stated that the proposed
gravelling, asphalting, etc. would hold up for three to five years, but that
deterioration would, be seen after the first year. He stated that there may be
a lot of top soil on North Avenue which doesn't hold asphalt very well. He
pointed out that on Wilmot road about 18 inches of material had to be dug out
and tecompacted with other material before asphalt was 'applied. As for neces-
sary drainage, he stated that ditching was the easiest and most inexpensive
way to proceed. Asked how much of a road $100,000 would provide; rather than a
FAUS plan, he.replied that he.could not say at that moment. However, for a FAUS,
properly engineered "'rural cross section with two 11' lanes, gravel shoulders
and adequate drainage, he had estimated $250 - $300,000. He stated that while
a road and shoulders.narrower than FAUS requires would naturally result in some
savings, a good job would cost in'the neighborhood of $175-$200.,000.-.He added
that an absolute minimum 10'.1ane width (total 20' road width) is necessary for.
safety and accords with Deerfield's minimum street requirements. He submitted
that to have a road that won't deteriorate,all topsoil must be dug out and re-
placed with some costly material before asphalt is applied. He noted that if
ditching is found unsuitable'.for. some areas., a storm sewer .system is requiredi:,-
He emphasized that in road work,. it is absolutely necessary to find out what to
do with the water before a pavement is put down. He reiterated that a 20-r25%.-.',
reduction of the estimated $250 - $300,00 FAUS cost might be achieved, but added,
"That's the best you are going to do'if the job is properly engineered."
Dr. Henry Sarton, 1165.Woodbine Ct., stated that over the years he had seen the
Deerfield'truck patching up the road. He added thAt he felt the road was on
the Deerfield right -of -way dedication (with occasional. exception) and that there
should be some dedicated footage for right- of- way''by, Bannockburn. He reiterated
past remarks that drainage was the big problem,'but did not favor use of federal
funds for a street only a few blocks long. He felt that without solving the
drainage problem, 'a $45,000 road won't last as long as five years.
Mr. Warren Fremling, 1155 North Avenue, stated the he questioned whether $45.,000
would solve any of the problems. He commented that while he lives on that por-
tion of North Avenue which ..has:a.3" concrete'.bed,.there'is . a:large hole in front
of his house. He submitted that the.suggested program is not "good fiscal
management for either Deerfield or Bannockburn" and felt that the 5 -year "band -
.aid" solution would cure none of the problems nor guarantee a low traffic flow.
Trustee York stated that he was not in favor of a FAUS program or the $45,000'
program. He favored directing the engineers to come up with .an alternate pro-
gram costing about $100,•000. Trustee Marovitz did not wish to set any dollar
figure, but wished to see an engineering.proposal for solving the drainage
problems and construction of a narrower road. Pres. Picchietti concurred and
stated that if nothing is done the problem will continue.
Trustee Swanson, addressing Pres. Picchietti, stated that tie had laved next to
North Avenue for about 30 years, and his general i Tip ression,froiii thC, few peop:Le
who actually live there, is that there's not much concern and that no one has
screamed about a "problem ". Ile added, "[de don't Have people com:i.nd to C11U
buard meet i.rng even once: ,a ye�rr aslc ixlg the Huard to so l.ve t he ' Drub t u:' . 1
just never happens. The question is,'Is there really a•problem ?'"
Pres. Picchietti replied to Trustee Swanson that a number of people with North
Avenue addresses live on corners with other accesses and don't use North Avenue.
Trustee Swanson agreed and added that for the few people whose driveways are
actually on North Avenue, $40,000 or $50,000,for each is a lot of money.
Trustee Neal of Bannockburn stated that southbound Bannockburn motorists.(in-
�,;=,cluding himself) leaving Meadow Lane do not turn onto North Avenue but drive
on Deerfield's Crabtree-Lane. He stated that he had observed utility problems
on North,Avenue which needed correction. Dr. Sarton'stated he'd seen no evi-
dence of utility leaks or breaks and asked for comment by Public Works Director
Edmund Klasinski. Mr. Klanski stated that•to the best of his recollection there
had been only-about four leaks or breaks during the past 15 years. He added
that an abandoned force main in the area has been capped and is in good shape.
Trustee Jackson moved, seconded by Trustee Marovitz, to urge both villages to.•
studv the matter.further for alternate solutions between Bannockburn's $45,000 .
'resurfacing proposal and a $250 - $300,000 FAUS program, with the cost to be borne
both communities.
Trustee Swanson suggested that soil samples should be taken to determine
conditions under the road. Engineer Soyka concurred and will have a study
of.alternate solutions for the March 20 Board meeting. j
Motion to study alternative solutions passed unanimously.
SIGN MODIFICATION The matter of a.sign modification for 570
570 LAKE =COOK ROAD Lake -Cook Road, tabled at the last Board
FLODSTROM CONSTRUCTION CO. meeting, was taken from the table for dis-
Mgr. Franz reported that, on a vote of 5 to 1, the BZA recommended that instead
of the 10'x20'. sign requested by the Flodstrom Construction Co. a sign no larger
that 81x12' be granted and: '1) the petitioner have the right to erect a double-
'faced or V- shaped sign with'a 45- degree angle; 2) the lighting described and-the
matt finish of the sign be adherred to,, 3).'.a'timer'.be installed on the.light-
ing to shut it off at 11 p.m. daily, and 4) the modification be granted for one year.
A letter from Mr. Flodstrom, received after the BZA hearing and recommendation,
had requested a 7'x14' sign in lieu of the 8'x12' sign in,order to accommodate
an, ,T ist's rendering of the building under construction.
Trustee Seidman stated that he wondered about restricting the size of the sign
since previous developers had been granted 10'x20' signs as Mr..Flodstrom had
originally requested. Trustee Marovitz expressed the opinion that the 10'x20'
sign on Lake -Cook Road "looks horrible ...a big, ugly sign just like a bill-
board which does nothing for Deerfield." He stated that since we.have a sign
ordinance, we ought to stick with it. Trustee York stated that he felt that.
the Village had a certain amount of interest and responsibility to see the
Brickyard property finished as quickly. as'possible.. He,commented that the signs
are not permanent.
',trustee York moved, seconded by Trustee Jackson, to reject the BZA recommenda-
tion of an 8'x12' sign and grant the orginally requested 10'x20.' sign with
the other recommended restrictions adherred to.
,Trustee Seidman stated that he had been been originally opposed to signs as
large as 10'x20' and had asked the matter be deferred until the present meet-
; ing.', He noted that Mt. Flodstrom's second request was only two square feet
larger than the 8'x12' size recommended by the BZA and felt the 7'x14' request
should be granted.
Mr. Richard Lorenz, Chairman of the BZA, was present and' stated that the BZA
would find no fault with a 7'.x14' sign. He stated, "We are going to be flooded
with large sign requests, and Mr. Flodstrom really-made an effort to keep down
the size for the sake of Village appearances." He commented that the large sign
referred to by Trustee Marovitz was actually a compromise... in lieu of three
or more signs that could have been ..erected• due to the size of the.owner's tract.
He stated he hoped that.the Village would see fit to keep signs small and en-
force the sign ordinance, especially in view of'the construction signs that will
probably be requested in the near future.
Thereafter,Trustee York stated that in view of Mr. Lorenz's statements, he would
move to amend his motion, seconded by Trustee Jacicson, and approve the 11ZA
recommendations, altering the sign size from 8'xl2' to 7'x14'and
other imposed conditions, and instruct the attorney to prepare the necessary
ordinance. Motion carried, Trustee Marovitz voting Nay.
The meeting was recessed at 9:05 p.m. in order to fete Trustee York on his
81st birthday with song and a birthday..cake,which was shared and enjoyed by
all present. The meeting was resumed at 9:20,.with all Trustees present and
in attendance._
TRAFFIC SIGNAL Manager Franz reported that Staff had met the
DEERFIELD /CASTLEWO.OD previous . week with LaSalle Partners /Vecchione
regarding their revised proposal on the Vecchione-9-acre tract north of Ten -
naqua. He reported that whether the revised or the original proposal is approved, ,
when the building permit is taken out, they agree to begin the eight to ten
month procedure for installation of a'traffic signal at Deerfield /Castlewood.
He stated that Staff does not recommend expedition of the project by the Vil-
lage or spending beyond what the developer has agreed to.
Trustee Marovitz recalled that the Plan Commission had heard a request for a
traffic light at Deerfield /Castlewood even before the LaSalle Partners /Vecchione
development proposal. He was of the opinion that for the short time involved
the children could walk to and.cross at Wilmot /Deerfield where there are sig-
nals as well as crossing guards. Mayor Forrest did not favor a suggestion
to move a crossing guard to Deerfield /Castlewood as he thought children should
be encourage to cross at Wilmot /Deerfield which was designed for that purpose.
Staff will report the Board's views to School District.#109,which had requested
research into the matter.
PUBLIC HEARING FEES Mayor Forrest reported that the Plan Commis -.,
PLAN COMM. REPORT /RECOMM. sion had.recommended that the Village should
consider raising the public hearing fees and
that Manager Franz had suggested that the fee increase be examined / in connection
with the 1984 -85 budget. Mayor Forrest added that he conc}rred:, After a short
discussion, it was decided to review the hearing fee structure at budget time.
RIGHT -OF -WAY CHANGE Mgr. Franz stated that Mr. T. Blus, 1510 Wil-
PRELIMINARY PLAN OF SUBDIVISION low had requested the Plan Commission to
WILLOW /GORDON TERR.-(BLUS) consider changing the design of the right -of-
'way dedication in connection with his proposed
2 -lot subdivision. A cul-de -sac right -of -way, shown on the preliminary plan
to serve two properties to the north of the Blus property, can easily be accomo -.
dated entirely on those north properties without requiring' greater right-of-way
dedications than would be required if they should request resubdivision. The
Plan Commission reported it had no objection to the proposed right -of -way design.
A brief discussion followed. wherein it was shown that the redesign would spare
Mr. Blus a few feet of dedication thereby permitting a later resubdivision of
one lot of his currently proposed 2 -lot subdivision (provided- he relocates the
house on the property).
Trustee Seidman moved, seconded by Trustee Swanson, to accept the Plan Commission's
recommendation. Motion carried unanimously.
Trustee Seidman moved, seconded by Trustee Marovitz, to approve the request of thc.�
Fine Arts Department of the High School to install a banner at the railroad over
.pass to advertise their forthcoming production of. "Cabaret ". Motion carried
Trustee Seidman noted that the combining of the Deerbrook-Jewel,Food and Osco ' •
Drug Stores, with common checkout counters, poses a problem if teen -age checkers
are to handle liquor sales. The Osco Drug, Inc. will be contacted about this
There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was
adjourned at 9:55 p.m.
Vill-age Clerk
G -1
4' i."f 8;
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